710 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prosedur pengarsipan dokumen pelatihan, serta untuk menganalisa permasalahan mengenai keterlambatan pengarsipan atau upload dokumen pelatihan yang berkenaan dengan Sistem Informasi Manajemen berbasis komputer yang ada pada PPSDM MIGAS Cepu. Teknik pembahasan yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Deskriptif yang jenis datanya dibagi menjadi dua yakni, Data Primer didapatkan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data wawancara dengan lima orang staf PPSDM MIGAS Cepu. Sementara Data Sekunder didapatkan dengan memeriksa data atau dokumen dari perusahaan berupa tabel rekapitulasi perkembangan upload dokumen pelatihan “Well Control IADC Well Capworkover Completion” yang dilaksanakan pada Januari 2017. Pengarsipan dan upload dokumen pelatihan kedalam Sistem Informasi Diklat (SID) pada PPSDM MIGAS Cepu telah diatur dan dilaksanakan sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) oleh para staf. Namun masih ada dokumen yang terlambat atau memakan waktu lama untuk diarsipkan kedalam SID. Komputer atau scanner yang rusak, menunggu pengesahan dari kepala sub bagian terkait hingga ada yang menyebutkan bahwa mereka tidak terlambat dan masih dalam batas waktu pengarsipan menjadi alasan dari para staf. Akan tetapi masalah utama dari terlambatnya pengarsipan adalah tidak adanya tenggang waktu dalam SOP untuk mengunggah dokumen pelatihan kedalam SID. Kurang tegasnya SOP mengenai batas waktu untuk mengunggah dokumen menjadi penyebab terlambatnya upload dokumen kedalam SID dan menjadi penyebab menimbulkan bermacam-macam alasan staf mengenai adanya dokumen yang memakan waktu lama untuk diunggah kedalam SID. Manajemen perlu mengevaluasi SOP pengarsipan dokumen pelatihan dan mempertegas batas waktunya agar para staf dapat lebih disiplin dan tidak ada lagi dokumen yang terlambat atau bahkan memakan waktu lama untuk diunggah kedalam Sistem Informasi Diklat. Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi Manajemen, Sistem Informasi Manajemen Berbasis Komputer, Standar Operasional Prosedur

    The Electrochemistry of Simple Inorganic Molecules in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    The electrochemistry of simple inorganic compounds in room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is reviewed and some new work in this area is presented. This paper focuses on the comparison between electrochemical behaviour in RTILs and in conventional aprotic solvents. Some compounds (iodides, O2, NO2, SO2, NH3) display similar reactions and mechanisms in RTILs as in aprotic solvents (as is observed for organic compounds). However other species (nitrates, PCl3, POCl3) show remarkably different behaviour to traditional solvents. This makes RTILs very promising media for the study of inorganic compounds, and highlights the need for more investigations in this exciting area

    Vertical Distribution of Hard Corals in Southern Siladen Island

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    This study was aimed at provide information on hard coral distribution in southern Siladen Island. The work was done using SCUBA gear Line Intercept Transect (LIT). Thirty m long-line transects were placed at the reef flat, 5 m depth, 10 m depth, 15 m depth, and 20 m depth. A total of 44 hard coral genera was recorded, and the highest number of genre was found at 5 m depth. Coral species diversity was also high enough at the reef flat (1.032) and 5 m depth (1.28). Coral reef condition at 10 m depth was good enough as well and categorized as productive due to much higher percent of the biotic component than the abiotic component. The dominant life forms consisted of tabulate Acropora and branching corals at the reef flat, encrusting corals, branching corals, and foliose corals at 5 m, encrusting corals at 10 and 20 m depth, and massive corals, encrusting corals, and branching corals at 15 m depth, respectively

    Distribution and Diversity of Ascidian in Manado Bay, North Sulawesi

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution and the diversity of ascidians in Manado Bay including species composition, density, diversity, and dominance. This study used the quadrat transect method. This study found differences in the number of ascidian species with water depth, 11 species of 5 families at 15 M depth, and 8 species of 3 families at 7 M depth. The diversity index ranged from 0.868 to 1.844 at 15 M depth and 0.965 to 1.864 at 7 M depth, the evenness index was 0.533 – 0.839 at 15 M depth and 0.600 – 0.897 at 7 M depth, the dominance index was 0.254 – 0.745 at 15 M depth and 0.254 – 0.708 at 7 M depth. Ascidian in Manado Bay had two distribution patterns, a uniform distribution pattern and a clustered distribution pattern. Environmental parameters had a water temperature of 27 oC – 31 oC, the salinity of 30 0/00 – 32 0/00, the brightness of 12 m – 14 m, and pH of 8 – 10.*Keywords: Ascidian; diversity; ecological index; distribution patternAbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui distribusi dan keanekaragaman jenis ascidia di perairan Teluk Manado meliputi: komposisi jenis, kepadatan individu, keanekaragaman, dan dominansi. Serta mengetahui pola distribusi ascidia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode transek kuadran. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan perbedaan jumlah spesies ascidia menurut kedalaman, 11 spesies dari 5 family pada 15 M dan 8 spesies dari 3 famili pada kedalaman 7 m. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman ascidia di kedalaman 15 m = 0.868 – 1.844 dan 7 m = 0.965 - 1.864, indeks keseragaman 15 m = 0.533 – 0.839 dan 7 m = 0.600 – 0.897, indeks Dominasi15 m = 0.254 – 0.745 dan 7 m = 0.254 – 0.708. Ascdia di perairan Teluk Manado memiliki dua pola distribusi yaitu pola distribusi seragam dan pola distribusi mengelopok. Parameter lingkungan memiliki suhu air 27 oC – 31 oC, salinitas 30 0/00 – 32 0/00, kecerahan 12 m – 14 m, dan pH 8 – 10.*Kata kunci : Ascidia; keanekaragaman; indeks ekologi; pola distribus

    Electrochemical Oxidation and Sensing of Methylamine Gas in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids

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    The electrochemical behaviour of methylamine gas in several room temperature ionic liquids (RTILs), [C2mim][NTf2], [C4mim][NTf2], [C6mim][FAP], [C4mpyrr][NTf2], [C4mim][BF4], and [C4mim][PF6] has been investigated on a Pt microelectrode using cyclic voltammetry. A broad oxidation wave at approximately 3 V, two reduction peaks and another oxidation peak was observed. A complicated mechanism is predicted based on the voltammetry obtained, with ammonia gas as a likely by-product. The currents obtained suggest that methylamine has a high solubility in RTILs, which is important for gas sensing applications. The analytical utility of methylamine was then studied in [C4mpyrr][NTf2] and [C2mim][NTf2]. A linear calibration graph with an R2 value of 0.99 and limits of detection of 33 and 34 ppm were obtained respectively, suggesting that RTILs are favourable non-volatile solvents for the electrochemical detection of highly toxic methylamine gas

    Community Structure of Ascidian in Mike’s Point Bunaken Waters, Manado City, North Sulawesi Province

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    Ascidians are marine invertebrates that have been classified with the subphylum Urochordata (Tunicata). These organisms are very important because they contribute a lot to the stability of the marine ecosystem. This study aims to determine the species composition, density, ecological index (diversity, uniformity, dominance), distribution patterns, and substrate occupied by Ascidian. Data were collected at Mike’s Point Bunaken waters at two depths 7 m and 14 m. The method used a direct observation along the 50 m and 2 m width belt transect. In this study, the transect was applied parallel to the coastline at each depth, where 3 replications were performed. The results show  26 species consisting of 13 species at a depth of 7 m and 22 species at a depth of 14 m were identified. The average density of each species was  0.05 ind/m2 at both depths. Diversity Index of 1.76 at 7 m depth and 2.24 at 14 m depth was determined. Uniformity Index was 0.68 at 7 m depth and 0.73 at 14 m depth. Dominant Index of 0.67 at 7 m depth and 0.88 at 14 m depth was also determined. The distribution pattern of species was dominated by uniform distribution, and the substrate most commonly occupied by Ascidianns was dead coral overgrown with algae.Keywords: Ascidian, composition and density, ecological index, distribution pattern, substrate  AbstrakAscidian adalah Avertebrata laut yang termasuk dalam subfilum Urochordata (Tunicata). Organisme ini sangat penting karena mereka banyak berkontribusi pada stabilitas ekosistem laut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi spesies, kepadatan, indeks ekologi (keanekaragaman, keseragaman, dominasi), pola distribusi, dan substrat yang ditempati oleh Ascidian. Data dikumpulkan di Perairan Mike's Point Bunaken pada dua kedalaman 7 m dan 14 m. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengamatan langsung sepanjang transek sabuk 50 m dan lebar 2 m. Transek dipasang sejajar dengan garis pantai dan pada setiap kedalaman.  Pengambilan data  dilakukan 3 ulangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah  ditemukan  26 spesies yang terdiri dari 13 spesies pada kedalaman 7 m dan 22 spesies pada kedalaman 14 m. Kepadatan total Ascidian pada kedalaman 7 m (0,67 ind/m2) dan pada kedalaman 14 m (1.11 ind/m2). Indeks Keanekaragaman adalah 1,76 pada kedalaman 7 m dan 2,24 pada kedalaman 14 m. Indeks Keseragaman adalah 0,68 pada kedalaman 7 m dan 0,73 pada kedalaman 14 m. Indeks Dominansi 0,67 pada kedalaman 7 m dan 0,88 pada kedalaman 14 m. Pola distribusi spesies didominasi oleh pola distribusi yang seragam, dan substrat yang paling umum ditempati oleh Ascidian adalah karang mati yang ditumbuhi alga.Kata Kunci: Ascidian, komposisi dan kepadatan, indeks ekologi, pola sebaran, substra

    Electrochemical Behavior of Chlorine on Platinum Microdisk and Screen-Printed Electrodes in a Room Temperature Ionic Liquid

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    As a result of the toxic and corrosive nature of chlorine gas, simple methods for its detection are required for monitoring and control purposes. In this paper, the electrochemical behavior of chlorine on platinum working electrodes in the room temperature ionic liquid (RTIL) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C2mim][NTf2]) is reported, as a basis for simple sensor devices. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronoamperometry (CA) on a Pt microelectrode revealed the two-electron reduction of Cl2 to chloride ions. On the CV reverse sweep, an oxidation peak due to the oxidation of chloride was observed. The reduction process was diffusion controlled at the concentrations studied (≤4.5% in the gas phase), in contrast to a previous report (J. Phys. Chem. C2008, 112, 19477), which examined only 100% chlorine. The diffusion-controlled currents were linear with gas-phase concentration. Fitting of the CA transients to the Shoup and Szabo expression gave a diffusion coefficient for chlorine in the RTIL of ca. 2.6 × 10–10 m2 s–1. Furthermore, determination of the equilibrium concentration of Cl2 in the RTIL phase as a function of gas-phase concentration enabled a value of 35 to be determined for the Henry’s law dimensionless volatility constant. The electrochemical behavior of chlorine on a Pt screen-printed electrode was also investigated, suggesting that these devices may be useful for chlorine detection in conjunction with suitable RTILs