199 research outputs found

    Direct observation of Levy flight of holes in bulk n-InP

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    We study the photoluminescence spectra excited at an edge side of n-InP slabs and observed from the broadside. In a moderately doped sample the intensity drops off as a power-law function of the distance from the excitation - up to several millimeters - with no change in the spectral shape.The hole distribution is described by a stationary Levy-flight process over more than two orders of magnitude in both the distance and hole concentration. For heavily-doped samples, the power law is truncated by free-carrier absorption. Our experiments are near-perfectly described by the Biberman-Holstein transport equation with parameters found from independent optical experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    To our mind, the population alcoholization is the one of the major medical-social problems in Irkutsk region. According to official statistics it is established that in recent years the average index of incidence with diagnosis of an alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis established for the first time as a whole was higher in Irkutsk region, than in the Russian Federation and Siberian Federal district -1,7 and 1,5 times respectively. Sociological polls of the population of Irkutsk showed that 10 % of adult population and less than 20 % of youth do not take alcoholic drinks only. Abuse of alcohol makes a particular contribution to increase in number of lethal cases from diseases of system of blood circulation and the external reasons (mechanical trauma, suicides). It is not possible to estimate these indexes according to statistical data. The purpose of the real research was studying of a share of deadly outcomes among the population of Irkutsk, associated with ethyl alcohol. The profound personified analysis of mortality of the population of Irkutsk from the external reasons and some diseases (according to the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision) was carried out according to archive of Irkutsk regional bureau of a forensic medical expertise during 2000-2012, in cases when ethyl alcohol was found in cadaver blood. It was established, that the share of acute poisonings with ethyl alcohol makes about 4 % in structure of common mortality of the population of Irkutsk. The share of persons of young age of the dead as a result of an acute alcoholic poisoning makes nearly 20 % in recentyears. The high level of suicide activity of the population of the city interfaced to alcohol intake was revealed. More than 50 % were in an alcohol intoxication of various degree, among the persons prematurely left life. The share of the lethal mechanical traumas, associated with alcohol intoxication, made about a half from all cases of a mechanical trauma. During the 13-year period the decrease of the share of death resulted from cardiovascular diseases, associated with ethyl alcohol, was observed (with 30 to 16 %). Thus among the persons of young age having diseases of cardiovascular system, more than 50 % were at the time of death approach in an alcohol intoxication. The conducted research shows that the actual"hidden" losses of the population interfaced to alcohol intake, are much higher. The alcoholization of the population influences not only formation of losses from acute alcoholic poisonings, but also from the external reasons and diseases against which there was an abuse of ethyl alcohol

    Validation of a questionnaire for young women to assess knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards cervical screening and vaccination against HPV in Italy

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    Background: Despite knowledge about HPV may be an important determinant for vaccine acceptance and uptake, only few studies have assessed HPV-related knowledge in young females. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of the questionnaire, in Italian women ≥18 years old, as a tool to examine knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards screening and vaccination against HPV and reliable source of information. Methods: The questionnaire was administered to 30 girls in anonymous, voluntary and self -administered form with close-ended type of questions, except for the socio-demographic characteristics. It was composed in 3 sections for a total of 69 items. Participation in the study was entirely voluntary and anonymous. Descriptive analyses were performed using frequencies, percentages, and frequency table for categorical variables. Reliability analysis was tested and content validity was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha to check internal consistency and avoid misinterpretation of the results. The study was conducted in 4 Italian cities: Ferrara, Rome, Cassino and Palermo, to represent the different Italian geographical areas and knowledge, attitudes and behaviors towards screening and vaccination against HPV and reliable source of information. Data were collected in October 2010. Statistical analysis was performed with the statistical software for Windows SPSS, version 19.0. Results: The highest value of Cronbach's alpha resulted on 24 items (alpha= 0,774); the addition of other items, one at a time, decreased the value. Cronbach's alpha on all the 3 sections together resulted in a value of 0, 059. Young women generally knew that HPV can cause cervical cancer (93.3%) and genital warts (16.7%) and 76.7% of them recognized Pap-test as a screening tool. The main sources of information about HPV vaccination are represented by magazines / books (33.3%), TV (26.7%), and gynecologists (23.3%). Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrated that a short version of the questionnaire has very good reliability properties in the study and this needs to be taken into account for future studies

    Антимикробная и антимикотическая фотодинамическая терапия (обзор литературы)

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    This review highlights the possibilities of photodynamic therapy (PDT) using drugs based on chlorin e6, aluminum phthalocyanine, methylene blue as photosensitizers for bacterial and fungal pathologies. This method was developed initially to treat tumor diseases, where it had shown its high efficiency and safety. Now photodynamic therapy is actively used in the treatment of cancers of the skin, bronchi, stomach, cervix, larynx, or other regions. However, numerous studies have been carried out for the entire existence of the method, demonstrating new possibilities of its application. This review highlights a number of studies in which the efficacy and safety of antimicrobial and antimycotic PDT were studied in vivo and in vitro. It has been proven to have a positive effect on the reparative processes in the wound. An experimental study was carried out to study the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of peritonitis in mice. Demonstrated anti-inflammatory potential in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.В обзоре литературы освещены возможности фотодинамической терапии (ФДТ) с использованием в качестве фотосенсибилизатора (ФС) ряда препаратов, в том числе на основе хлорина е6, фталоцианина алюминия, метиленового синего, при бактериальных и грибковых патологиях. Метод ФДТ изначально был разработан для лечения опухолевых заболеваний, в борьбе с которыми показал свою высокую эффективность и безопасность. В настоящее время ФДТ активно применяется при лечении пациентов с раком кожи, бронхов, желудка, шейки матки, гортани и других локализаций. Однако за все время существования метода были проведены многочисленные исследования, демонстрирующие новые возможности его применения. В настоящем обзоре освещен ряд научно-исследовательских работ, в которых была изучена эффективность и безопасность антимикробной и антимикотической ФДТ в экспериментах in vivo и in vitro. Выполнен обзор публикаций, посвященных изучению механизмов антимикробного действия ФДТ, а также изучающих влияние ФДТ на репаративные процессы в ране. В исследованиях, включенных в настоящий обзор, доказана высокая эффективность антимикробной и антимикотической ФДТ. Продемонстрирован противовоспалительный потенциал метода при лечении аутоиммунных заболеваний у людей

    A comparative study on the health and well-being of adolescent immigrants in Spain and Portugal

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    The terms on which the integration of new generations of immigrants into Portuguese and Spanish societies happens will have a decisive influence in the future of both countries. Therefore, promoting their health, well-being, and psychosocial adaptation is a matter of strategic interest. This paper analyses psychosocial factors associated with well-being and psychological adjustment on a sample of 108 adolescents (55 males and 53 females), children of immigrants from Huelva (Spain) and Algarve (Portugal), aged between 10 and 17 years. Adolescents were assessed for demographic characteristics and perceived well-being. We used the "KIDSCREEN-5", a self-report questionnaire that yields detailed profile information for children aged 8 to 18 years for the following ten dimensions: Physical well-being, Psychological well-being, Moods and emotions, Self-perception, Autonomy, Parental relationships and home life, Financial resources, Social support and peers, School environment, and Social acceptance (Bullying). Overall, significant differences were found between the Spanish and Portuguese samples on physical well-being, psychological well-being, mood, financial resources and social acceptance (bullying). Boys perceived themselves as having a better physical well-being than girls. Mothers' educational level was associated with psychological well-being and mood. Also, results suggested that residence location and other socio-demographical variables were not associated with the adolescents' well-being and psychological adjustment

    Impact of milk protein type on the viability and storage stability of microencapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus using spray drying

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    Three different milk proteins — skim milk powder (SMP), sodium caseinate (SC) and whey protein concentrate (WPC) — were tested for their ability to stabilize microencapsulated L. acidophilus produced using spray drying. Maltodextrin (MD) was used as the primary wall material in all samples, milk protein as the secondary wall material (7:3 MD/milk protein ratio) and the simple sugars, d-glucose and trehalose were used as tertiary wall materials (8:2:2 MD/protein/sugar ratio) combinations of all wall materials were tested for their ability to enhance the microbial and techno-functional stability of microencapsulated powders. Of the optional secondary wall materials, WPC improved L. acidophilus viability, up to 70 % during drying; SMP enhanced stability by up to 59 % and SC up to 6 %. Lactose and whey protein content enhanced thermoprotection; this is possibly due to their ability to depress the glass transition and melting temperatures and to release antioxidants. The resultant L. acidophilus powders were stored for 90 days at 4 °C, 25 °C and 35 °C and the loss of viability calculated. The highest survival rates were obtained at 4 °C, inactivation rates for storage were dependent on the carrier wall material and the SMP/d-glucose powders had the lowest inactivation rates (0.013 day−1) whilst the highest was observed for the control containing only MD (0.041 day−1) and the SC-based system (0.030 day−1). Further increase in storage temperature (25 °C and 35 °C) was accompanied by increase of the inactivation rates of L. acidophilus that followed Arrhenius kinetics. In general, SMP-based formulations exhibited the highest temperature dependency whilst WPC the lowest. d-Glucose addition improved the storage stability of the probiotic powders although it was accompanied by an increase of the residual moisture, water activity and hygroscopicity, and a reduction of the glass transition temperature in the tested systems

    GPCR Genes Are Preferentially Retained after Whole Genome Duplication

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    One of the most interesting questions in biology is whether certain pathways have been favored during evolution, and if so, what properties could cause such a preference. Due to the lack of experimental evidence, whether select gene families have been preferentially retained over time after duplication in metazoan organisms remains unclear. Here, by syntenic mapping of nonchemosensory G protein-coupled receptor genes (nGPCRs which represent half the receptome for transmembrane signaling) in the vertebrate genomes, we found that, as opposed to the 8–15% retention rate for whole genome duplication (WGD)-derived gene duplicates in the entire genome of pufferfish, greater than 27.8% of WGD-derived nGPCRs which interact with a nonpeptide ligand were retained after WGD in pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis. In addition, we show that concurrent duplication of cognate ligand genes by WGD could impose selection of nGPCRs that interact with a polypeptide ligand. Against less than 2.25% probability for parallel retention of a pair of WGD-derived ligands and a pair of cognate receptor duplicates, we found a more than 8.9% retention of WGD-derived ligand-nGPCR pairs–threefold greater than one would surmise. These results demonstrate that gene retention is not uniform after WGD in vertebrates, and suggest a Darwinian selection of GPCR-mediated intercellular communication in metazoan organisms