101 research outputs found

    Pedagogy of Art: Integrated Poly-Artistic Education – a Condition of Formation of Creative Thinking of Teachers

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    In this article, the author highlights the current position in the system of art education of children, which dictates modern society. First of all, it is an active information and communication environment and «knowledge economy». In these conditions, it is important to educate a person who knows, is able to think creatively, to apply the acquired knowledge in life, to actively participate in the process of creating and using new knowledge and technologies, to be able to find, isolate and competently use information from various fields of knowledge in solving their actual problems. This is what characterizes the integrated polyartistic approach in education.В данной статье автор выделяет актуальные позиции в системе художественного образования детей, которые диктует современное общество. В первую очередь это активная информационно-коммуникативная среда и «экономика знаний». В этих условиях важно воспитание человека познающего, способного творчески мыслить, применять полученные знания в жизни, активно участвовать в процессе создания и использования новых знаний и технологий, уметь находить, вычленять и грамотно использовать информацию из различных сфер знаний в решении своих актуальных проблем. Именно это характеризует интегрированный полихудожественный подход в образовании

    Identification and quantification of anthocyanins in honeysuckle under the conditions of Tomsk Province

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    Background. Honeysuckle is a promising berry crop for food and medical uses, which has recently become increasingly popular. Searching for sources with high content of bioactive substances to obtain new fruit cultivars with improved chemical composition continues to be relevant. Anthocyanin content and composition in honeysuckle cultivars depend on many factors, including plant reproduction conditions (temperature and humidity). Studying chemical composition of Siberian honeysuckle cultivars grown under the conditions of Western Siberia will make it possible to identify sources of high BAS content for various uses.Materials and methods. The target materials of the study were fruits of 21 honeysuckle cultivars grown in Western Siberia before and after freezing. The qualitative and quantitative composition of anthocyanins was assessed in ethanol extracts of honeysuckle fruits using HPLC technique.Results. The content of anthocyanins was higher in the fruits of honeysuckle grown in Western Siberia compared with the published data for the same cultivars reproduced in Belgorod Province (Central Black Earth Region). After freezing, the anthocyanin level in honeysuckle fruits remained the same and in some cases even increased.Conclusions. The obtained data helped to ascertain that honeysuckle fruits reproduced in Western Siberia are valuable sources of such bioactive compounds as anthocyanins


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    The aim of the study was to summarize data on the role of tumor-associated dendritic cells (DC) in the formation of squamous cell carcinoma microenvironment, their participation in the development of immune inflammatory responses in the tumor stroma and relation to tumor progression.Material and Methods. We analyzed 79 publications available from Pubmed, Google Scholar, Elibrary databases from January 2000 to December 2017.Results. The characteristics of different types of DC, including Langerhans cells (CR), were presented. The different methods of DC identification were described. The information on the presence of DC in squamous cell carcinomas was analyzed. The influence of the tumor on DCs, as well as the relationship between the number and functional characteristics of DCs and invasive/metastatic tumor potentialities was described. The prognostic value of DCs and their effect on disease-free, metastasis-free and overall survival rates were analyzed. The data on the association between DCs and the response to chemoradiotherapy were presented. The analysis of the relationship between the DC characteristics and the development of immuno-inflammatory responses in the tumor microenvironment was carried out.Conclusion. The methodological approaches to the detection of DCs are variable, but the sensitivity of each method, as well as the comparison of different methods for estimating the number and functional characteristics of DCs, have been little studied. There is no data on the relationship between the length of DC dendrites and the parameters of invasive/metastatic tumor potentialities, disease-free, metastasis-free and overall survival rates. Numerous studies indicate the association between the number of DCs and the tumor progression, however these data are contradictory. There is no data about the relationship between the number of DCs and hematogenous metastasis of squamous cell carcinomas. The association of tumor-associated DC with the types of immunoinflammatory responses in the tumor microenvironment has been insufficiently studied. Цель исследования – обобщить данные о роли опухоль-ассоциированных дендритных клеток (ДК) в формировании микроокружения плоскоклеточных карцином, их участии в развитии иммуновоспалительных реакций в строме опухоли и связи с различными формами прогрессирования опухолевой болезни.Материал и методы. Поиск соответствующих источников производился в международных системах Pubmed, Google Scholar, Elibrary с января 2000 г. по декабрь 2017 г. В обзор включены 79 публикаций по исследуемой теме.Результаты. В обзоре дана основная характеристика разных типов ДК, включая клетки Лангерганса (КЛ). Описаны различные современные методы идентификации данных клеток. Проанализирована информация о ДК в плоскоклеточных карциномах различных локализаций, о влиянии опухоли на функции ДК, о связи количества ДК и их функциональных характеристик с инвазивными и метастатическими потенциями опухоли, безрецидивной, безметастатической и общей выживаемостью. Проанализирована информация о связи ДК в плоскоклеточных карциномах различных локализаций с эффективностью химиотерапии, лучевой терапии и химиолучевой терапии. Проанализирована связь между количественными и качественными характеристиками ДК и особенностями развития иммуновоспалительных реакций в микроокружении опухоли.Заключение. Методики выявления ДК разнообразны, однако чувствительность каждой из них, как и сопоставление разных методов оценки количества и функциональных характеристик ДК, плохо изучены. Практически отсутствуют данные о связи длины отростков ДК с параметрами инвазивности и метастатической потенции опухоли, безрецидивной, безметастатической и общей выживаемости. Представлены результаты, свидетельствующие об имеющейся связи количества ДК с проявлениями опухолевого прогрессирования, однако эти данные противоречивы. Данных относительно связи функционального состояния и количества ДК с гематогенным метастазированием плоскоклеточных карцином в исследованной литературе практически нет. Недостаточно изучена и связь опухоль-ассоциированных ДК с типами иммуновоспалительных реакций в строме опухолей.


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    In the article presents a review of literature on Leishmaniasis. The disease is not endemic inMoscowregion, nevertheless doctors of all specializations should be alert to the development of the disease, especially in autumn due to extensive migration of population. The authors described basic forms of leishmaniasis, its clinical symptoms, problems of diagnosis and modern methods of treatment. The work also presents a clinical case, confirmed by serological tests and other methods.В статье представлены литературные данные по лейшманиозу — заболеванию, не являющемуся эндемичным в Московском регионе, тем не менее врачам всех специальностей следует иметь определенную настороженность в отношении развития данного заболевания, особенно в осенний период времени в связи с широкой миграцией населения. Описаны основные формы лейшманиоза, его клинические симптомы, отражены сложности диагностики, даны современные методы лечения. Также представлен клинический случай, подтвержденный серологическими исследованиями и другими методами


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    The article presents a case of severe encephalitis in a child of 11 years old with lesion of CNS (meningoencephalitis), and the outcome in epilepsy. В статье представлен случай тяжелого течения клещевого энцефалита у ребенка 11 лет с поражением ЦНС (менингоэнцефалитом) и исходом в эпилепсию.

    Transesterification of PHA to Oligomers Covalently Bonded with (Bio)Active Compounds Containing Either Carboxyl or Hydroxyl Functionalities

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    © 2015 The Authors. Published by Public Library of Science. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0120149This manuscript presents the synthesis and structural characterisation of novel biodegradable polymeric controlled-release systems of pesticides with potentially higher resistance to weather conditions in comparison to conventional forms of pesticides. Two methods for the preparation of pesticide-oligomer conjugates using the transesterification reaction were developed. The first method of obtaining conjugates, which consist of bioactive compounds with the carboxyl group and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) oligomers, is "one-pot" transesterification. In the second method, conjugates of bioactive compounds with hydroxyl group and polyhydroxyalkanoates oligomers were obtained in two-step method, through cyclic poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) oligomers. The obtained pesticide-PHA conjugates were comprehensively characterised using GPC, 1H NMR and mass spectrometry techniques. The structural characterisation of the obtained products at the molecular level with the aid of mass spectrometry confirmed that both of the synthetic strategies employed led to the formation of conjugates in which selected pesticides were covalently bonded to PHA oligomers via a hydrolysable ester bond