146 research outputs found

    The competences assessment in a dual training experience of teachers: differences and similarities between school and university tutors

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    La colaboración necesaria entre universidad y escuela en la formación inicial de maestros está en el centro de este estudio de caso. Ambos escenarios contribuyen a la construcción de la profesionalidad, la adquisición y desarrollo de las competencias docentes desde misiones institucionales distintas. Con el inicio de una experiencia de formación dual, en un dispositivo pedagógico de integración de aprendizajes, se constatan diferencias entre las evaluaciones de los tutores universitarios y los tutores escolares. Con el interés de explicar estas valoraciones se contrastan en su dimensión global y en relación a la competencia metodológica. Los resultados pueden explicarse principalmente por la diferencia de roles de los tutores: por un lado, desde la socialización profesional en la colaboración en la actividad propiamente escolar (tutores escolares) y, por otro, desde una actividad más propia del análisis, comprensión, relación con los marcos teóricos y reflexión demandados desde la universidad (tutores universitarios).The need for schools and universities to w ork together in the initial training of teachers lies at the centre of this case study. These two institutions help to build professionalism and to promote the acquisition and development of teaching skills through their respective missions. With the start of a dual training experience, within a pedagogic approach based on the integration of different learning styles, we have noted differences between the ways that university tutors and school tutors make evaluations. To explain these evaluations, we have compared and contrasted them at the global scale and with reference to methodological competences. The results obtained can mainly be explained by the different roles that tutors play in these two contexts. In the case of school tutors, this involves professional socialization in collaboration in school-centred activities. In the other case, the activity of university tutors is more closely related to analysis and understanding, theoretical frameworks and acts of reflection

    Patrones de aprendizaje, rasgos de personalidad y perfil motivacional de los estudiantes de la modalidad de aprendizaje dual

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    The aim of this research article is to identify the profile of students enrolled in dual learning model and standard learning model based on personality traits, learning patterns and motivational orientation. Participants included 212 freshmen enrolled dual learning model (N=97) and standard model (N=115) in the Primary Education Degree. The participants completed 3 questionnaires: (1) Learning Combination In-ventory (Johnston & Dainton, 1996), (2) Big-Five Personality Inventory (Bermúdez, 1995), and (3) Motivational Profile Inventory (Corral, Arribas & Fernández, 2010). The results showed that the students who enrolled in dual learning modality tend to be less open, more emotionally stable and take care of their relationships to a greater extent. The two later characteristics are essential for the typology of the learning modality because it is more complex to work and learn in two different environ-ments than one as standard learning. Despite these results, the groups of both learning modalities are similar and therefore possible future lines are considered. Future studies should be conducted with much larger samples and longitudinal de-sign that allows corroborating (or not) that the students who study in dual learning modality are different or can vary their motivational orientations or improve their learning patterns during the course of their training.El objetivo de este estudio es identificar cual es el perfil de los estudiantes que se matriculan en una modalidad de aprendizaje dual o tradicional teniendo en cuenta los rasgos de personalidad, patrones de aprendizaje y orientaciones motivacionales. Participaron 212 estudiantes de primer año matriculados en la modalidad de aprendizaje dual (N=97) y tradicional (N=115) del grado de Educación Primaria. Los participantes completaron 3 cuestionarios: (1) Learning Combination Inventory (Johnston & Dainton, 1996), (2) Big-Five Personality Inventory (Bermúdez, 1995) y (3) Motivational Profile Inventory (Corral, Arribas & Fernández, 2010). Los resultados mostraron que los estudiantes matriculados en la modalidad de aprendizaje dual tienden a ser menos abiertos, más estables emocionalmente y cuidan sus relaciones. Estas dos últimas características son esenciales para la tipología de modalidad de aprendizaje, ya que requiere más complejidad para trabajar y aprender en dos entornos a diferencia de un único entorno como el aprendizaje tradicional. A pesar de estos resultados, los grupos de ambas modalidades de aprendizaje son similares y por consiguiente se plantean posibles líneas de futuro. Estudios futuros deberían ampliar la muestra incluyendo diseños de tipo longitudinal que permitan corroborar (o no) que los estudiantes que estudian en modalidad de aprendizaje dual pueden son diferentes o pueden variar sus orientaciones motivacionales o mejorar sus patrones de aprendizaje durante el transcurso de su formación

    Changes in the human peritoneal mesothelial cells during aging

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    The number of older patients admitted to peritoneal dialysis (PD) programmes is growing. At the same time, there is increasing data about the role of mesothelial cells in determining the functional alteration of the peritoneum during PD. However, little is known about the functional changes accompanying the ageing process in mesothelial cells. We aimed to evaluate whether the aging process is accompanied by changes in some functional characteristic of the human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMC), which could account for the poor prognosis observed in old patients with PD. HPMCs were isolated from patients undergoing a nonurgent, nonseptic abdominal surgical procedure, without renal, vascular or inflammatory disease. Cytokine levels (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)), nitrates+nitrites, and cyclooxygenase (COX) activity (by a chemiluminescence assay), cytokines, COX, nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and nuclear factor (NF)-κB1, two messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) gene expressions (by reverse transcriptase (RT)-Multiplex PCR), COX, and NOS promoter gene activities, and NF-κB-dependent transcription (by transient transfection assays) were determined. Our data show a significant increase in cytokines, COX, and NOS activities, and mRNA expression of cytokines, COX-2, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and precursors of NF-κB in HPMCs from old people. This was also the case for COX-2 and iNOS promoter gene activities and NF-κB-dependent transcription. There was a positive correlation between the age of the donor's cell and the proinflammatory profile of the HPMCs. Such age-dependent increase (around two–three times) is partially abolished by different antioxidant or free-radical scavengers. Thus, aging is accompanied by the presence of an inflammatory state in HPMCs, which involves the participation of different reactive oxygen species

    Importancia del consumo de agua en la salud y la prevención de la enfermedad: Situación actual

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    Aunque el agua es un nutriente esencial para la vida y el componente más abundante de nuestro cuerpo, recibe escasa atención en las recomendaciones dietéticas y las guías clínicas. Existen inconvenientes para determinar las cifras óptimas, tanto para la cantidad de agua que debe contener el cuerpo como para su ingesta. La ingesta y eliminación del agua dependen de factores no constantes y difíciles de medir, a su vez compensados por la capacidad del organismo para la homeostasis. Dada la falta de evidencia científica para el establecimiento de recomendaciones, se han estimado las “ingestas adecuadas” (para mantener un estado de hidratación adecuado) utilizando datos de ingestas de agua en grupos de personas sanas. La Autoridad Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria (EFSA) también considera la osmolaridad deseable en la orina para estimar la ingesta adecuada de agua en los adultos. Los estudios clínicos han mostrado en general beneficios con una hidratación adecuada y perjuicios con sus desequilibrios, ya sean cuantitativos (deshidratación y sobrehidratación) o cualitativos (agua extracelular e intracelular). Desafortunadamente, estos estudios son escasos y suelen tener diseños deficientes, ya sean transversales, de casos y controles o prospectivos, utilizando muestras pequeñas o métodos indirectos para evaluar el estado de hidratación. En este artículo se presenta información de actualización respecto a: 1) la adherencia a las recomendaciones de consumo de agua y sugerencias para mejorarla; 2) técnicas disponibles para medir el estado de hidratación y sus aplicaciones clínicas; 3) efectos de la hidratación/deshidratación en las actividades físicas o cognitivas y en las enfermedades crónicas; y 4) normativa española sobre calidad y salubridad del agua. Water is an essential nutrient for life and the most abundant component in the human body. However, its dietary recommendations or clinical management guidelines do not receive as much attention as they deserve. In addition, there are some obstacles to establishing optimal values, both for the amount of water the body must contain and for water ingestion. Water intake and elimination depend on unsteady factors that are difficult to measure and, at the same time, compensated by the body’s ability to regulate homeostasis. Since scientific evidence is lacking for establishing recommenda-tions, “adequate intakes” (to maintain an adequate hydration state) have been estimated using data on water intake from groups of healthy people. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also considers desirable the use of urine osmolarity to estimate the adequacy of water intake in adults. Clinical studies have generally shown the benefits of adequate hydration and the damage caused by water imbalance, whether quantitative (dehydration and overhydration) or qualitative (extracellular and intracellular water). Unfortunately, these studies are few and often have poor cross-sectional, case-control, or prospective designs, and use small samples or indirect methods to assess hydration status. This article presents up-to-date information on subjects such as: 1) compliance with water consumption recommendations and suggestions for improvement; 2) techniques available to measure hydration status and their clinical applications; 3) effects of hydration/dehydration on physical or cognitive activities and chronic diseases; and 4) existing Spanish regulations on the quality and salubrity of water

    Changes in health behaviors, mental and physical health among older adults under severe lockdown restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic in spain

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    We used data from 3041 participants in four cohorts of community-dwelling individuals aged =65 years in Spain collected through a pre-pandemic face-to-face interview and a telephone interview conducted between weeks 7 to 15 after the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown. On average, the confinement was not associated with a deterioration in lifestyle risk factors (smoking, alcohol intake, diet, or weight), except for a decreased physical activity and increased sedentary time, which reversed with the end of confinement. However, chronic pain worsened, and moderate declines in mental health, that did not seem to reverse after restrictions were lifted, were observed. Males, older adults with greater social isolation or greater feelings of loneliness, those with poorer housing conditions, as well as those with a higher prevalence of chronic morbidities were at increased risk of developing unhealthier lifestyles or mental health declines with confinement. On the other hand, previously having a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and doing more physical activity protected older adults from developing unhealthier lifestyles with confinement. If an-other lockdown were imposed during this or future pandemics, public health programs should spe-cially address the needs of older individuals with male sex, greater social isolation, sub-optimal housing conditions, and chronic morbidities because of their greater vulnerability to the enacted movement restrictions. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Isoreticular two-dimensional magnetic coordination polymers prepared through pre-synthetic ligand functionalization

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    Chemical functionalization is a powerful approach to tailor the physical and chemical properties of two-dimensional materials, increase their processability and stability, tune their functionalities and, even, create new 2D materials. This is typically achieved through post-synthetic functionalization by anchoring molecules on the surface of an exfoliated 2D crystal, but it inevitably alters the long-range structural order of the material. Here we present a pre-synthetic approach that allows the isolation of crystalline, robust, and magnetic functionalized monolayers of coordination polymers. A series of five isoreticular layered magnetic coordination polymers based on Fe(II) centres and different benzimidazole derivatives (bearing a Cl, H, CH3, Br or NH2 side group) were first prepared. On mechanical exfoliation, 2D materials are obtained that retain their long-range structural order and exhibit good mechanical and magnetic properties. This combination, together with the possibility to functionalize their surface at will, makes them good candidates to explore magnetism in the 2D limit and to fabricate mechanical resonators for selective gas sensing

    Physical Frailty: ICFSR International Clinical Practice Guidelines for Identification and Management

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    Objective: The task force of the International Conference of Frailty and Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) developed these clinical practice guidelines to overview the current evidence-base and to provide recommendations for the identification and management of frailty in older adults. Methods: These recommendations were formed using the GRADE approach, which ranked the strength and certainty (quality) of the supporting evidence behind each recommendation. Where the evidence-base was limited or of low quality, Consensus Based Recommendations (CBRs) were formulated. The recommendations focus on the clinical and practical aspects of care for older people with frailty, and promote person-centred care. Recommendations for Screening and Assessment: The task force recommends that health practitioners case identify/screen all older adults for frailty using a validated instrument suitable for the specific setting or context (strong recommendation). Ideally, the screening instrument should exclude disability as part of the screening process. For individuals screened as positive for frailty, a more comprehensive clinical assessment should be performed to identify signs and underlying mechanisms of frailty (strong recommendation). Recommendations for Management: A comprehensive care plan for frailty should address polypharmacy (whether rational or nonrational), the management of sarcopenia, the treatable causes of weight loss, and the causes of exhaustion (depression, anaemia, hypotension, hypothyroidism, and B12 deficiency) (strong recommendation). All persons with frailty should receive social support as needed to address unmet needs and encourage adherence to a comprehensive care plan (strong recommendation). First-line therapy for the management of frailty should include a multicomponent physical activity programme with a resistance-based training component (strong recommendation). Protein/caloric supplementation is recommended when weight loss or undernutrition are present (conditional recommendation). No recommendation was given for systematic additional therapies such as cognitive therapy, problem-solving therapy, vitamin D supplementation, and hormone-based treatment. Pharmacological treatment as presently available is not recommended therapy for the treatment of frailty.E. Dent ... J. Beilby ... John E. Morley ... et al

    Search for coherent charged pion production in neutrino-carbon interactions

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    We report the result from a search for charged-current coherent pion production induced by muon neutrinos with a mean energy of 1.3 GeV. The data are collected with a fully active scintillator detector in the K2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment. No evidence for coherent pion production is observed and an upper limit of 0.60×1020.60 \times 10^{-2} is set on the cross section ratio of coherent pion production to the total charged-current interaction at 90% confidence level. This is the first experimental limit for coherent charged pion production in the energy region of a few GeV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure