376 research outputs found
Graph Transformation for Domain-Specific Discrete Event Time Simulation
Proceedings of: Fifth International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2010). Enschede, The Netherlands, September 27–October 2, 2010.Graph transformation is being increasingly used to express the semantics of domain specific visual languages since its graphical nature makes rules intuitive. However, many application domains require an explicit handling of time in order to represent accurately the behaviour of the real system and to obtain useful simulation metrics. Inspired by the vast knowledge and experience accumulated by the discrete event simulation community, we propose a novel way of adding explicit time to graph transformation rules. In particular, we take the event scheduling discrete simulation world view and incorporate to the rules the ability of scheduling the occurrence of other rules in the future. Hence, our work combines standard, efficient techniques for discrete event simulation (based on the handling of a future event set) and the intuitive, visual nature of graph transformation. Moreover, we show how our formalism can be used to give semantics to other timed approaches.Work partially sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, under project “METEORIC” (TIN2008-02081) and mobility grants JC2009-00015 and PR2009-0019, as well as by the R&D programme of the Community of Madrid, project “e-Madrid” (S2009/TIC-1650).Publicad
Diferencias del autoconcepto físico en practicantes y no practicantes de actividad física en estudiantes universitarios
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivos identificar las diferenciasdel autoconcepto físico en practicantes regulares y no practicantesde actividad física en estudiantes universitarios. Participaron 208 estudiantesuniversitarios entre 18 y 31 años de los cuales el 49% realizan actividadfísica regular y el 51% no practican de forma regular o no realizan ningunaactividad física y se les aplicó el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF)de Moreno y Cervelló (2005). En todas las dimensiones del autoconceptofísico, así como en las escalas generales de autoconcepto físico y autoconceptogeneral, se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas alobtener p-valores debajo de α=.05, esto indica que las autopercepciones físicasy las autopercepciones generales están medidas por la actividad física,por lo que se sustenta la importancia que tiene la actividad física en losuniversitarios
Feminist Pedagogy in the STEM Research Laboratory: an Intersectional Approach
The research laboratory is a crucial and indispensable classroom for STEM education. It is where we practice science as a craft and test the ideas that awaken our curiosity, allowing us to create knowledge. It is also a space where challenges await and struggles are imminent. Thus, supporting mentees through their traineeship in a research lab requires an intersectional approach and lens to provide equitable mentorship and guidance. The concept of intersectionality, initially devised by Black feminist professor Kimberlé W. Crenshaw, can be employed to generate practices and frameworks that democratize laboratory culture and provide trainees with a space in which they shape the laboratory culture while helping them recognize their positionality. This critical commentary provides insights and experiences when incorporating feminist frameworks to sustain equitable working environments in the research lab setting, specifically in leading a research group composed predominantly of Puerto Rican women
Lightweight Testing of Communication Networks with e-Motions
This paper illustrates the use of high-level domain specific
models to specify and test some performance properties of complex systems,
in particular Communication Networks, using a light-weight approach.
By following a Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) approach, we
show the benefits of constructing very abstract models of the systems
under test, which can then be easily prototyped and analysed to explore
their properties. For this purpose we use e-Motions, a language and its
supporting toolkit that allows end-user modelling of real-time systems
and their analysis in a graphical manner.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-03184Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2008-0310
Vanadium Inhalation in a Mouse Model for the Understanding of Air-Suspended Particle Systemic Repercussion
There is an increased concern about the health effects that air-suspended particles have on human health which have been dissected in animal models. Using CD-1 mouse, we explore the effects that vanadium inhalation produce in different tissues and organs. Our findings support the systemic effects of air pollution. In this paper, we describe our findings in different organs in our conditions and contrast our results with the literature
Impacto del estrés por calor en la producción de ovinos de pelo. Revisión
Frente al problema del calentamiento global y cambio climático, los pequeños rumiantes serán clave para mantener la producción de proteína de origen animal, ya que tienen superioridad en la tolerancia al calor en comparación con otros animales domésticos. Los ovinos de pelo han demostrado ampliamente su habilidad para crecer y reproducirse en escenarios naturales de altas temperaturas y baja disponibilidad de nutrientes. La adaptación que presentan estos ovinos al estrés calórico está dada por una compleja interacción entre los mecanismos de termorregulación y la presencia de factores genéticos, lo cual les confiere una plasticidad fisiológica para tolerar climas calientes sin afectar drásticamente la productividad. Bajo condiciones de México, los ovinos de pelo se encuentran distribuidos en los diferentes climas debido a que no presentan una estacionalidad reproductiva, y esta característica permite a la industria ovina mantener una producción de carne constante a través del año; sin embargo, poca atención se ha puesto sobre su habilidad para producir en condiciones de estrés calórico. En este sentido, la presente revisión tiene como objetivo hacer una descripción de los efectos del estrés calórico sobre el comportamiento reproductivo, el crecimiento de corderos y la termorregulación de ovinos de pelo.
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