113 research outputs found


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    International audienceB fEPSP/PFV ra>o 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 WT 5xFAD 5xFAD/SR-/-+ D-s e ri n e + D-s e ri n e + D-s e ri n e Key regulators of the structural and funcFonal brain plasFcity, the N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors (NMDARs) requires the binding of the co-agonist D-serine to be acFvated. In Alzheimer's disease (AD), soluble oligomers of the beta-amyloid pepFde (Aßo) affect NMDARs possibly through mechanisms involving changes in D-serine levels since Aßo sFmulate in vitro the producFon of the co-agonist. In this study, we asked whether D-serine contributes in vivo to morpho-funcFonal NMDAR-related deregulaFons mediated by Aßo. Behavioral analysis combined to electrophysiological recordings at CA1/CA3 hippocampal synapses have been thus conducted in the 5xFAD transgenic mice model of amyloïdogenesis displaying marked increase in Aßo rates and compared to 5xFAD animals in which the homozygous gene of the serine racemase (SR) that synthesizes D-serine, has been jointly invalidated. Our results therefore show that deleFon of serine racemase prevents memory-related behavioral deficits observed in mice with prominent features of amyloidogenesis as well as impairment of NMDAR-dependent funcFonal plasFcity, suggesFng a significant contribuFon of D-serine in NMDAR-dependent β-amyloid-related pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1) Behavioral analysis: 8-min spontaneous alternaFon test was performed in a Y maze apparatus to assess working memory performances in 10-12 months of aged mice. Successive entry of the three arms of the maze was considered as an alternaFon. The percentage of alternaFon was calculated as follows: number of alternaFons / (total number of arms visited-2) x 100. 2) Electrophysiology: Hippocampal slices (400 µm thickness) were cut from two groups of WT, 5xFAD/SR +/+ and 5xFAD/SR-/-mice aged 3-4 or 10-12 months. Field excitatory postsynapFc potenFals (fEPSPs) and presynapFc fiber volley (PFV) were extracellularly recorded in CA1 stratum radiatum aner electrical sFmulaFon of Schaffer collaterals. Input/output curves of the fEPSP/PFV raFo of isolated NMDAr-mediated fEPSPs were constructed in a low magnesium medium supplemented with the non-NMDAr antagonist NBQX (10µM) before and 15 min aner addiFon of D-serine (100 µM). High frequency (HFS)-induced long-term potenFaFon (LTP) was studied in control medium aner tetanic sFmulaFon consisFng in one train at 100 Hz delivered for 1 sec. TesFng sFmulaFon was then resumed for 60 min aner HFS. 3) Semi-quanFtaFve immunoblopng analysis: Hippocampal Fssue was homogenized in protein lysis buffer. The membranes were probed with anFbodiesaginst GluN1 (1:750

    Suicide inhibition of alpha-oxamine synthases:structures of the covalent adducts of 8-amino-7-oxononanoate synthase with trifluoroalanine

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    The suicide inhibition of the α-oxamine synthases by the substrate analog, L-trifluoroalanine was investigated. The inhibition resulted in the formation of a complex with loss of all three fluorine atoms. Decarboxylation and loss of fluoride occurred immediately after aldimine formation. The inherent flexibility could allow the difluorinated intermediate complex to adopt a suitable conformation. Decarboxylation in the normal mechanism occurs after formation of the ketoacid intermediate.link_to_subscribed_fulltex


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    International audienceD-serine, as a co-agonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors (NMDAR), is a key regulator of their activation and hence involves in functional brain plasticity and memory process. The homeostasis of these receptors is affected by soluble oligomers of the beta-amyloid peptide (Aß) in Alzheimer´s disease (AD). In the course of AD, early functional dysregulations of NMDAR are well known, even though contribution of D-serine remains so far to be determined. In 3-4 month-old transgenic mice model of amyloïdogenesis (5xFAD) showing marked increase in Aß rates and apparent unaffected D-serine levels, extracellular electrophysiological recordings reveal impaired NMDAR-dependent long-term potentiation at CA1/CA3 hippocampal synapses, without significant changes in basal synaptic transmission. This deficit persists at 12 month of age when amyloid deposits are present with concomitant disabilities in cognitive functions. Generating 5xFAD mice with depletion of D-serine (through invalidation of the synthesis enzyme: Serine Racemase), we observed that these functional alterations and the long-term behavioral impairment were prevented whereas Aßo rates remain significantly elevated and comparable to 5xAFD mice. Therefore, these results provide convincing evidence for a critical and transient involvement of D-serine in hippocampal network dysfunctions and related cognitive disabilities driven by increased amyloidogenesis

    Bacterial Colonization of Low‐Wettable Surfaces is Driven by Culture Conditions and Topography

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    Effect of surface low‐wettability on bacterial colonization has become a prominent subject for the development of antibacterial coatings. However, bacteria's fate on such surfaces immersed in liquid as well as causal factors is poorly understood. This question is addressed by using a range of coatings with increasing hydrophobicity, to superhydrophobic, obtained by an atmospheric plasma polymer method allowing series production. Chemistry, wettability, and topography are thoroughly described, as well as bacterial colonization by in situ live imaging up to 24 h culture time in different liquid media. In the extreme case of superhydrophobic coating, substrates are significantly less colonized in biomolecule‐poor liquids and for short‐term culture only. Complex statistical analysis demonstrates that bacterial colonization on these low‐wettable substrates is predominantly controlled by the culture conditions and only secondary by topographic coating's properties (variation in surface structuration with almost constant mean height). Wettability is less responsible for bacterial colonization reduction in these conditions, but allows the coatings to preserve colonization‐prevention properties in nutritive media when topography is masked by fouling. Even after long‐term culture in rich medium, many large places of the superhydrophobic coating are completely free of bacteria in relation to their capacity to preserve air trapping

    In Heart Failure Patients with Left Bundle Branch Block Single Lead MultiSpot Left Ventricular Pacing Does Not Improve Acute Hemodynamic Response To Conventional Biventricular Pacing. A Multicenter Prospective, Interventional, Non-Randomized Study.

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    Introduction Recent efforts to increase CRT response by multiSPOT pacing (MSP) from multiple bipols on the same left ventricular lead are still inconclusive. Aim The Left Ventricular (LV) MultiSPOTpacing for CRT (iSPOT) study compared the acute hemodynamic response of MSP pacing by using 3 electrodes on a quadripolar lead compared with conventional biventricular pacing (BiV). Methods Patients with left bundle branch block (LBBB) underwent an acute hemodynamic study to determine the %change in LV+dP/dtmax from baseline atrial pacing compared to the following configurations: BiV pacing with the LV lead in a one of lateral veins, while pacing from the distal, mid, or proximal electrode and all 3 electrodes together (i.e. MSP). All measurements were repeated 4 times at 5 different atrioventricular delays. We also measured QRS-width and individual Q-LV durations. Results Protocol was completed in 24 patients, all with LBBB (QRS width 171±20 ms) and 58% ischemic aetiology. The percentage change in LV+dP/dtmax for MSP pacing was 31.0±3.3% (Mean±SE), which was not significantly superior to any BiV pacing configuration: 28.9±3.2% (LV-distal), 28.3±2.7% (LV-mid), and 29.5±3.0% (LV-prox), respectively. Correlation between LV+dP/dtmax and either QRS-width or Q-LV ratio was poor. Conclusions In patients with LBBB MultiSPOT LV pacing demonstrated comparable improvement in contractility to best conventional BiV pacing. Optimization of atrioventricular delay is important for the best performance for both BiV and MultiSPOT pacing configurations. Trial Registration ClinicalTrials.gov NTC0188314

    Differential attraction and repulsion of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on molecularly smooth titanium films

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    Magnetron sputtering techniques were used to prepare molecularly smooth titanium thin films possessing an average roughness between 0.18 nm and 0.52 nm over 5 μm × 5 μm AFM scanning areas. Films with an average roughness of 0.52 nm or lower were found to restrict the extent of P. aeruginosa cell attachment, with less than 0.5% of all available cells being retained on the surface. The attachment of S. aureus cells was also limited on films with an average surface roughness of 0.52 nm, however they exhibited a remarkable propensity for attachment on the nano-smoother 0.18 nm average surface roughness films, with the attachment density being almost twice as great as that observed on the nano-rougher film. The difference in attachment behaviour can be attributed to the difference in morphology of the rod-shaped P. aeruginosa compared to the spherical S. aureus cells