40 research outputs found

    Changes in the contents of micro- and trace-elements in wine due to winemaking treatments

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    Forty-four mineral elements quantified by ICP-OES and ICP-MS were measured in wines, (a) after wine fining, at three pH levels with 10 different bentonites (1 g·l-1), (b) after addition of yeast hulls from 2 suppliers to wine (180 and 360 mg·1-1). Bentonite fining resulted in statistically significant increases of the large majority of elements, but in significant lower levels of Cu, K, Rb and Zn. The addition of yeast hulls caused a statistically significant depletion of the contents of Ce, Cu, Fe, La, Sb, U, V and Y.

    Cytotoxic targeting of F9 teratocarcinoma tumours with anti-ED-B fibronectin scFv antibody modified liposomes

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    We prepared small unilamellar liposomes derivatised with single chain antibody fragments specific for the ED-B domain of B-fibronectin. This extracellular matrix associated protein is expressed around newly forming blood vessels in the vicinity of many types of tumours. The single chain antibody fragments were functionalised by introduction of C-terminal cysteines and linked to liposomes via maleimide groups located at the terminal ends of poly(ethylene glycol) modified phospholipids. The properties of these anti-ED-B single chain antibody fragments-liposomes were analysed in vitro on ED-B fibronectin expressing Caco-2 cells and in vivo by studying their biodistribution and their therapeutic potential in mice bearing subcutanous F9 teratocarcinoma tumours. Radioactively labelled (114mIndium) single chain antibody fragments-liposomes accumulated in the tumours at 2–3-fold higher concentrations during the first 2 h after i.v. injection compared to unmodified liposomes. After 6–24 h both liposome types were found in similar amounts (8–10% injected dose g−1) in the tumours. Animals treated i.v. with single chain antibody fragments-liposomes containing the new cytotoxic agent 2′-deoxy-5-fluorouridylyl-N4-octadecyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (30 mg kg-1 per dose, five times every 24 h) showed a reduction of tumour growth by 62–90% determined on days 5 and 8, respectively, compared to animals receiving control liposomes. Histological analysis revealed a marked reduction of F9 tumour cells and excessive deposition of fibronectin in the extracellular matrix after treatment with single chain antibody fragments-2-dioxy-5-fluorouridylyl-N4-octadecyl-1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine-liposomes. Single chain antibody fragments-liposomes targeted to ED-B fibronectin positive tumours therefore represent a promising and versatile novel drug delivery system for the treatment of tumours

    Liposomes in Biology and Medicine

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    Drug delivery systems (DDS) have become important tools for the specific delivery of a large number of drug molecules. Since their discovery in the 1960s liposomes were recognized as models to study biological membranes and as versatile DDS of both hydrophilic and lipophilic molecules. Liposomes--nanosized unilamellar phospholipid bilayer vesicles--undoubtedly represent the most extensively studied and advanced drug delivery vehicles. After a long period of research and development efforts, liposome-formulated drugs have now entered the clinics to treat cancer and systemic or local fungal infections, mainly because they are biologically inert and biocompatible and practically do not cause unwanted toxic or antigenic reactions. A novel, up-coming and promising therapy approach for the treatment of solid tumors is the depletion of macrophages, particularly tumor associated macrophages with bisphosphonate-containing liposomes. In the advent of the use of genetic material as therapeutic molecules the development of delivery systems to target such novel drug molecules to cells or to target organs becomes increasingly important. Liposomes, in particular lipid-DNA complexes termed lipoplexes, compete successfully with viral gene transfection systems in this field of application. Future DDS will mostly be based on protein, peptide and DNA therapeutics and their next generation analogs and derivatives. Due to their versatility and vast body of known properties liposome-based formulations will continue to occupy a leading role among the large selection of emerging DDS

    Seelsorge in einer sich verändernden polnischen Gesellschaft

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    polska wersja artykułu opublikowanego po niemieckuProwadzone od wieków przez zakony, stowarzyszenia i fundacje chrześcijańskie szpitale, domy pomocy, ośrodki Caritasu i ochronki zostały znacjonalizowane w Polsce i Europie Wschodniej po 1945 roku. Jednocześnie z oddaleniem związków wyznaniowych od opieki medycznej i pomocy społecznej malał prestiż zawodów medycznych i pomocowych oraz marksistowska ideologizacja środowiska. Opór integrował w Polsce te środowiska e z Kościołem katolickim, przypominającymi o etyce chrześcijańskiej i deontologii opartej na chrześcijańskim personalizmie. Solidarność Służby Zdrowia i postulaty dotyczące powrotu do etyki zawodów medycznych oraz przywrócenia funkcji kapelanów szpitali i instytucji pomocy społecznej znalazły się w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Zdrowia z 1981 roku. Do 1989 roku w Polsce obszarem, w którym na styku ochrony zdrowia, pomocy społecznej, wolontariatu i związków wyznaniowych, rozwijała się opieka duchowo-religijna, były wolontaryjne zespoły domowej opieki hospicyjnej. Ich przykład pomógł w procesie odbudowy opieki duchowo-religijnej w ochronie zdrowia i pomocy społecznej, a także w nowych inicjatywach zespołowej opieki duszpasterskiej. Współczesne polskie społeczeństwo jest jednym z najbardziej religijnych w Europie, a dominującą religią jest katolicyzm. Wobec zmian społecznych i kulturowych ważna jest wrażliwość wobec zmieniających się potrzeb duchowo-religijnych i różny stopień przynależności pacjentów do wspólnot wiary. Świdomość różnorodności wyznaniowej i kulturowej, rozróżnienie potrzeb duchowych, uznawanych za jedną z powszechnych potrzeb każdej osoby, od potrzeb religijnych, związanych z przynależnością do danej wspólnoty wiary jest wyzwaniem w pastoralnej opiece w warunkach instytucjonalnych i domowych.Charitable institutions, carried out for centuries by religious orders, associations and foundations Christian hospitals, nursing homes, Caritas centers were nationalized in Poland and Eastern Europe after 1945. Simultaneously with the remoteness of religious associations of medical care and social assistance diminish the prestige of the medical profession and Marxist ideologisation of caring environment. Resistance integrated those careers in Poland with the Catholic Church, reminiscent of Christian ethics and professional conduct based on Christian personalism. Solidarity demanded return to ethics of the medical profession and to restore the chaplains of hospitals and social assistance institutions. It was included in the Regulation of the Minister of Health in 1981. Until 1989 in Poland, an area in which to contact the health, social welfare, voluntary and religious organizations, developed health spiritual-religious, volunteer teams were home hospice care. Their example helped in the reconstruction process of spiritual and religious care in health care and social assistance, as well as new initiatives in the pastoral care teams. The contemporary Polish society is one of the most religious in Europe, and the dominant religion is Catholicism. To change the social and cultural importance of sensitivity to the changing needs of the spiritual-religious and different degree of membership subjects to the faith communities. Awareness of diversity of religious and cultural distinction spiritual needs, recognized as one of the common needs of each person, from religious needs, relating to participation in the faith community is a challenge in pastoral care in institutional settings and home care