4,416 research outputs found

    Electronic Transport Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes in a Magnetic Field

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    We report magnetic field spectroscopy measurements in carbon nanotube quantum dots exhibiting four-fold shell structure in the energy level spectrum. The magnetic field induces a large splitting between the two orbital states of each shell, demonstrating their opposite magnetic moment and determining transitions in the spin and orbital configuration of the quantum dot ground state. We use inelastic cotunneling spectroscopy to accurately resolve the spin and orbital contributions to the magnetic moment. A small coupling is found between orbitals with opposite magnetic moment leading to anticrossing behavior at zero field.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of SU(4) Transport Regimes in Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots

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    We study the evolution of conductance regimes in carbon nanotubes with doubly degenerate orbitals (``shells'') by controlling the contact transparency within the same sample. For sufficiently open contacts, Kondo behavior is observed for 1, 2, and 3 electrons in the topmost shell. As the contacts are opened more, the sample enters the ``mixed valence'' regime, where different charge states are strongly hybridized by electron tunneling. Here, the conductance as a function of gate voltage shows pronounced modulations with a period of four electrons, and all single-electron features are washed away at low temperature. We successfully describe this behavior by a simple formula with no fitting parameters. Finally, we find a surprisingly small energy scale that controls the temperature evolution of conductance and the tunneling density of states in the mixed valence regime.Comment: 4 pages + supplementary info. The second part of the original submission is now split off as a separate paper (0709.1288

    Electronic excitation spectrum of metallic carbon nanotubes

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    We have studied the discrete electronic spectrum of closed metallic nanotube quantum dots. At low temperatures, the stability diagrams show a very regular four-fold pattern that allows for the determination of the electron addition and excitation energies. The measured nanotube spectra are in excellent agreement with theoretical predictions based on the nanotube band structure. Our results permit the complete identification of the electron quantum states in nanotube quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Optical conductivity of wet DNA

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    Motivated by recent experiments we have studied the optical conductivity of DNA in its natural environment containing water molecules and counter ions. Our density functional theory calculations (using SIESTA) for four base pair B-DNA with order 250 surrounding water molecules suggest a thermally activated doping of the DNA by water states which generically leads to an electronic contribution to low-frequency absorption. The main contributions to the doping result from water near DNA ends, breaks, or nicks and are thus potentially associated with temporal or structural defects in the DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures included, final version, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    High-Field Electrical Transport in Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

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    Using low-resistance electrical contacts, we have measured the intrinsic high-field transport properties of metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes. Individual nanotubes appear to be able to carry currents with a density exceeding 10^9 A/cm^2. As the bias voltage is increased, the conductance drops dramatically due to scattering of electrons. We show that the current-voltage characteristics can be explained by considering optical or zone-boundary phonon emission as the dominant scattering mechanism at high field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Imaging Electron Wave Functions of Quantized Energy Levels in Carbon Nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes provide a unique system to study one-dimensional quantization phenomena. Scanning tunneling microscopy is used to observe the electronic wave functions that correspond to quantized energy levels in short metallic carbon nanotubes. Discrete electron waves are apparent from periodic oscillations in the differential conductance as a function of the position along the tube axis, with a period that differs from that of the atomic lattice. Wave functions can be observed for several electron states at adjacent discrete energies. The measured wavelengths are in good agreement with the calculated Fermi wavelength for armchair nanotubes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures in seperate PDF fil

    Form removal aspects on the waviness parameters for steel sheet in automotive applications : fourier filtering versus polynomial regression

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    Premium car makers attach great importance to the visual appearance of the painted car skin as an indication of product quality. The “orange peel” phenomenon constitutes a major problem here. It is not only depending on the paint’s chemical composition and application method, but also on possible waviness components in the sheet substrate. Therefore one is searching hard for a valuable waviness parameter to quantify the substrate’s fitness for purpose. A technically emerging problem is how to remove the form from the measured signal, which is indeed not significant to the orange peel phenomenon. This paper will compare two commonly used approaches: i.e. Fourier filtering versus polynomial regression and will reveal and quantify some common aspects in terms of wavelengths

    Velocity quantization approach of the one-dimensional dissipative harmonic oscillator

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    Given a constant of motion for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator with linear dissipation in the velocity, the problem to get the Hamiltonian for this system is pointed out, and the quantization up to second order in the perturbation approach is used to determine the modification on the eigenvalues when dissipation is taken into consideration. This quantization is realized using the constant of motion instead of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Multiwalled carbon nanotube: Luttinger liquid or not?

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    We have measured IV-curves of multiwalled carbon nanotubes using end contacts. At low voltages, the tunneling conductance obeys non-Ohmic power law, which is predicted both by the Luttinger liquid and the environment-quantum-fluctuation theories. However, at higher voltages we observe a crossover to Ohm's law with a Coulomb-blockade offset, which agrees with the environment-quantum-fluctuation theory, but cannot be explained by the Luttinger-liquid theory. From the high-voltage tunneling conductance we determine the transmission line parameters of the nanotubes.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 2 EPS-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Completely Positive Quantum Dissipation

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    A completely positive master equation describing quantum dissipation for a Brownian particle is derived starting from microphysical collisions, exploiting a recently introduced approach to subdynamics of a macrosystem. The obtained equation can be cast into Lindblad form with a single generator for each Cartesian direction. Temperature dependent friction and diffusion coefficients for both position and momentum are expressed in terms of the collision cross-section.Comment: 8 pages, revtex, no figure