504 research outputs found

    An error estimate of Gaussian Recursive Filter in 3Dvar problem

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    Computational kernel of the three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3D-Var) problem is a linear system, generally solved by means of an iterative method. The most costly part of each iterative step is a matrix-vector product with a very large covariance matrix having Gaussian correlation structure. This operation may be interpreted as a Gaussian convolution, that is a very expensive numerical kernel. Recursive Filters (RFs) are a well known way to approximate the Gaussian convolution and are intensively applied in the meteorology, in the oceanography and in forecast models. In this paper, we deal with an oceanographic 3D-Var data assimilation scheme, named OceanVar, where the linear system is solved by using the Conjugate Gradient (GC) method by replacing, at each step, the Gaussian convolution with RFs. Here we give theoretical issues on the discrete convolution approximation with a first order (1st-RF) and a third order (3rd-RF) recursive filters. Numerical experiments confirm given error bounds and show the benefits, in terms of accuracy and performance, of the 3-rd RF.Comment: 9 page

    Image sequence inpainting: Towards numerical software for detection and removal of local missing data via motion estimation

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    AbstractFilm restoration aims to remove or reduce various types of film and video defects in order to provide visual enhancements of image sequences. The automatic treatment of these defects is a challenge. Restoration is still performed by hand even if by using numerical techniques for retouching. This is a very intensive activity and great improvements, both in quality and in speed, can be obtained by using automatic or semiautomatic software.This paper surveys the overall computational steps needed for the development of effective software tools to be actually used in a concrete application. In particular, here we focus on recovery and reconstruction of a particular local random defect of old black-and-white films, commonly referred to as “blotch”. We start from the characterization of the degradation model both for detecting and for restoring the defect and deal with such inverse and ill-posed problem through edge preserving regularization. We employ a spatio-temporal interpolation for blotch removal where the initial approximation is given by interpolating along the motion trajectory data belonging to adjacent frames. Finally, we describe the numerical algorithm and some experimental results


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    Sekarang ini perkembangan konstruksi di Kota Manado sangat berkembang ditandai oleh banyaknya proyek konstruksi pada umumnya hal posistif ini terlihat dengan adanya peningkatan pembagunan sarana infrastruktur, sehingga memberi peluang terciptanya lapangan kerja bagi masyarakat karena dari sektor inilah banyak tenaga kerja yang dapat diserap Keberhasilan proyek tidak hanya diukur dengan tercapainya target waktu dan kualitas proyek,tapi juga dengan tidak terjadinya kecelakaan (zero accident) dalam pelaksanaan proyek. Hasil analisa produktivitas tenaga kerja 1 Tukang dan 2 pekerja untuk pekerjaan plesteran dinding dengan tebal dinding 2,0 cm,  yang tidak memakai APD  6,2m dan memakai APD 6,5m Nilai Produktivitas acian yang tidak memakai APD 6,6m dan yang menggunakan APD 6,9m Dari hasil perhitungan diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa  dengan menggunakan APD nilai produktivitas tenaga kerja meningkat karena Para pekerja merasa  aman dalam mengerjakan pekerjaan. Kata kunci: Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, APD, Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja, Konstruks


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    Hipertensi termasuk dalam kategori Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM), hipertensi saat ini masih menjadi masalah di bidang kesehatan dan sering ditemukan pada tempat pelayanan kesehatan primer yaitu puskesmas. Dinas Kesehatan Kota Manado (2019) menjelaskan bahwa penyakit hipertensi termasuk dalam 10 penyakit  umum tertinggi di Sulawesi Utara, sedangkan dalam kategori PTM hipertensi berada di urutan teratas. Puskesmas Minanga tercatat merupakan salah satu Puskesmas dengan jumlah kasus kejadian hipertensi paling menonjol di Kota Manado. Ttujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Minanga. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Cross Sectional Study (Studi Potong Lintang). Teknik yang digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel yaitu purposive sampling dengan besaran jumlah sampel sebanyak 94 responden yang diambil dari masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Minanga. Dari hasil perhitungan uji analisis statistik dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara variabel umur, stres, dan obesitas terhadap penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Minanga setelah nilai signifikan ketiga variabel tersebut lebih rendah dari nilai α yaitu 0,05. Sedangkan untuk variabel jenis kelamin, kebiasaan merokok, konsumsi alkohol tidak ditemukan adanya hubungan dengan penyakit hipertensi pada masyarakat di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Minanga karena nilai signifikan variabel melebihi nilai α yaitu 0,05. Kata Kunci: Faktor-Faktor, Hipertensi ABSTRACTHypertension is included in the category of Non-Communicable Diseases, hypertension is currently a problem in the health sector and is often found in primary health care centers like Public Health Center. Manado City Health Office (2019) explained that hypertension was among the 10 highest common diseases in North Sulawesi, while hypertension was in the top rank of Non-Communicable Diseases. Minanga Public Health Center is recorded as one of the Public Health Center’s with the most prominent cases of hypertension in Manado. This study aims to determine the factors associated with hypertension in the community in the Minanga Community Health Center. The type of research used is the Cross Sectional Study. The technique used in sampling is purposive sampling with a sample reach 94 respondents taken from the community in the Minanga Community Health Center. From the results of the calculation of statistical analysis tests using linear regression tests showed a relationship between the variables of age, stress, and obesity to hypertension in the community in the Minanga Health Center working area after the significant values of the variables are lower than the α value of 0.05. As for the variable of gender, smoking habits, alcohol consumption, there was no association with hypertension in the community in the Minanga Health Center working area because the significant value of the variables exceeded the α value of 0.05. Keywords: Factors, Hypertensio

    Análise e caracterização do gene de osmotina em cupuaçuzeiro.

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    O cupuaçuzeiro, Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) Schum., pertence à família Malvaceae e é nativo da região Amazônica. A cultura do cupuaçuzeiro é afetada pela doença vassoura-de-bruxa, causada pelo fungo Moniliophthora perniciosa, provocando uma grande redução na produção de frutos. O conhecimento molecular da interação planta-patógeno é essencial para o desenvolvimento de ferramentas para o controle da doença, como por exemplo, a identificação de genótipos resistentes. Genes expressos em resposta ao ataque de patógenos são alvos de estudos desta interação. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar um deles, o gene de osmotina, em cupuaçuzeiro. Sequências anotadas do transcriptoma de frutos de cupuaçuzeiro foram avaliadas quanto à presença deste gene. Os genes identificados foram comparados ao de osmotina de cacau pelo programa BLAST. Além disso, a organização do gene foi analisada por Southern blot, utilizando DNA genômico de cupuaçu. Identificaram-se duas sequências tipo osmotina: uma de 381 pb e outra de 477 pb, que correspondem a aproximadamente 63% e 79%, respectivamente, da região codificadora da proteína madura de cacau (607 pb). A comparação destas duas sequências com o gene de osmotina de cacau revelou identidade de cerca de 70%. Quanto à organização genômica em cupuaçu, foi observado que o gene está presente em múltiplas cópias. Estudos posteriores são necessários para investigar o envolvimento deste gene com os fenótipos de resistência à vassoura-de-bruxa

    Antimicrobial and plant growth-promoting properties of the cacao endophyte Bacillus subtilis ALB629.

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