238 research outputs found

    Wellbeing and Marriage: Does Marriage Improve Mental Health?

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    With the decline in marriage rates and the rise in mental health issues, understanding the potential correlation between marital status and overall mental health is of economic importance. This research explores the potential effects of marital status on mental health in the U.S., using microdata from the 2016 Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System. The role of marital status is examined on three different dependent variables. My results suggest that marriage is associated with a decrease in number of days of poor mental health, a decrease in the likelihood of a depressive disorder diagnosis, and an increase in overall life satisfaction

    Efficacité de l'assainissement des eaux usées sur le bassin de la rivière Chaudière (Québec, Canada)

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    Le Québec a consacré des efforts techniques et financiers substantiels à l'assainissement des eaux usées municipales et à l'entreposage des déjections animales afin de satisfaire les demandes des citoyens en matière de restauration des usages des cours d'eau. L'assainissement de l'eau a, dans l'ensemble, par ses choix technologiques et administratifs, engendré des investissements publics dépassant 7,2 milliards de dollars et plus de 400 millions de dollars annuellement au chapitre de l'exploitation. Ces choix ont-ils permis d'atteindre un niveau de qualité de l'eau correspondant à un optimum social? À l'aide d'une étude de cas portant sur le bassin versant de la rivière Chaudière (Québec, Canada), cet article met en évidence les facteurs qui ont nuit à l'efficacité des politiques de contrôle de la pollution de l'eau au Québec. Sur ce bassin, 125 Monteˊteˊconsacreˊsentre1981et1992aˋleˊrectiondusinesdeˊpurationutilisantdiffeˊrentstypesdetraitement,8,6M ont été consacrés entre 1981 et 1992 à l'érection d'usines d'épuration utilisant différents types de traitement, 8,6 M ont été alloués pour la construction de structures d'entreposage de fumiers et le service de la dette pour l'assainissement des eaux usées municipales atteindrait près de 527 Mselonunehypotheˋsedefinancementde25ans.Laperformancedesusinesdeˊpurationapermisdereˊduiresignificativementlesapportsaucoursdeau,notammentenDBO5etenphosphore.Enfin,cetteperformanceetlecou^ttotaldelassainissementmunicipalsurlebassindelaRivieˋreChaudieˋrepermettentdeˊvaluer,surlabasedunerelationcou^tefficaciteˊ,quilyauraitunniveauoptimaldequaliteˊdeleaupouvantreˊsulteˊdeleˊtablissementdinfrastructuresdassainissementdeseauxuseˊesmunicipales.Ainsi,dansloptiquedunepriseenchargesocialeduprobleˋmecollectifdelapollutiondeleausurlabasedubassinversant,ilseraitapproprieˊquelesgestionnairesetlesusagerscontribuablesdelaressourceeau,prennentencompte,nonpasuniquementlesobjectifsderejets,maiseˊgalementlescou^tsetlesperformancesdelensembledesusinesdeˊpurationsurlebassinafinderetirerlemaximumdechargespolluanteslaˋouˋleseˊquipementssontlesplusperformants.ConsiderabletechnicalandfinancialefforthasbeeninvestedbyQueˊbecinthecleaningupofmunicipalwastewatersandstorageofanimalmanuretomeetdemandsbycitizenstorestoretheprovincesriverstotheirformerstate.Waterpollutioncontrolhasrequiredtechnologicalandmanagementchoicesthathaveresultedoverallinpublicinvestmentsinexcessof selon une hypothèse de financement de 25 ans. La performance des usines d'épuration a permis de réduire significativement les apports au cours d'eau, notamment en DBO5 et en phosphore. Enfin, cette performance et le coût total de l'assainissement municipal sur le bassin de la Rivière Chaudière permettent d'évaluer, sur la base d'une relation coût-efficacité, qu'il y aurait un niveau optimal de qualité de l'eau pouvant résulté de l'établissement d'infrastructures d'assainissement des eaux usées municipales. Ainsi, dans l'optique d'une prise en charge sociale du problème collectif de la pollution de l'eau sur la base du bassin versant, il serait approprié que les gestionnaires et les usagers-contribuables de la ressource-eau, prennent en compte, non pas uniquement les objectifs de rejets, mais également les coûts et les performances de l'ensemble des usines d'épuration sur le bassin afin de retirer le maximum de charges polluantes là où les équipements sont les plus performants.Considerable technical and financial effort has been invested by Québec in the cleaning up of municipal wastewaters and storage of animal manure to meet demands by citizens to restore the province's rivers to their former state. Water pollution control has required technological and management choices that have resulted overall in public investments in excess of 7.2 billion, with over 400milliongoingtooperationcostsannually.HavethesechoicesenabledQueˊbectoattainawaterqualitylevelconsistentwithasocialoptimum?BasedonacasestudytakenfromtheChaudieˋreriverwatershed,Queˊbec,Canada,thisarticlepositstwoconditionsforachievingasocialoptimumandunderscoresthefactorsthathaveoffsettheefficiencyofwaterpollutioncontrolpoliciesinQueˊbec.Accordingtothedatacollectedonthiswatershed,between1981and1992,400 million going to operation costs annually. Have these choices enabled Québec to attain a water quality level consistent with a social optimum?Based on a case study taken from the Chaudière river watershed, Québec, Canada, this article posits two conditions for achieving a social optimum and underscores the factors that have offset the efficiency of water pollution control policies in Québec. According to the data collected on this watershed, between 1981 and 1992, 125 M was invested in the construction of sewage water treatment plants using various treatment methods, while 8.6Mwenttowardsmanurestoragefacilities.Onthewhole,8.6 M went towards manure storage facilities. On the whole, 527 M is expected to be spent over 25 years to service the debt for municipal wastewater treatment within the watershed.While inputs of pollutants, especially BOD5 and phosphorus, have dropped significantly with the construction of the wastewater treatment plants, levels of residual pollution in the watershed remain high. It is suspected that total residual loads of phosphorus from municipal and agricultural sources are still well above the loads eliminated through wastewater treatment. If they are to achieve an efficient watershed-based approach to water management, decision-makers are faced with two conditions: the first addresses intersectoral efficiency in controlling pollution in a watershed and the second involves minimizing intrasectoral costs of pollution control. The condition explains the administrative and technical choices made as well as the importance of the political market in allocating resources to water pollution control among the socioeconomic sectors responsible for water quality deterioration. The condition explains how to minimize the costs in a specific socioeconomic sector among the available water treatment solutions. Using performance data from wastewater treatment plants and the total cost of wastewater treatment in the Chaudière river watershed, it can be assumed, based on a cost efficiency ratio, that an optimal level of water quality should occur as a result of the establishment of municipal wastewater treatment infrastructures. However, it would appear from the results obtained that Québec's water treatment program has deviated from a social optimum, i.e., restoration costs have not been shared equitably among users/polluters within the watershed, and measures to ensure maximum removal of pollution at minimum cost have not been secured. The play of political forces is central to the allocation of resources among pollution sources. Without a proper hard core concept, a water pollution control policy will not be able to elaborate the best solutions oriented towards attaining a social optimum. In the context of the high residual pollution loads within the watershed, there remains the issue of what water quality level is desirable at what cost, particularly with respect to the community's contribution to date and the efficiency of the response strategies that have been implemented. Now that wastewater treatment infrastructures have been set up, and a watershed-based approach to water management becomes effective, water resource managers and users/taxpayers should turn their attention away from discharge objectives only to focus also on the costs and performance of the watershed's treatment plants as a whole, so that removal of pollutant loads at high-performance facilities may be maximized

    Differential Expression of mRNA Encoding Cytokines and Chemokines in the Reproductive Tract after Infection of Mice with \u3cem\u3eChlamydia trachomatis\u3c/em\u3e

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    Infection with Chlamydia trachomatis targets epithelial cells within the genital tract which respond by secreting chemokines and cytokines. Persistent inflammation can lead to fibrosis, tubal infertility and/or ectopic pregnancy; many infections are asymptomatic. Most studies have investigated the inflammatory response in the initial stages of infection, less is known about the later stages of infection, especially with a low, potentially asymptomatic, bacterial load. Our objective was to determine the inflammatory mediators involved in clearance of low-grade infection and the potential involvement in chronic inflammation. Six to eight week old C3H/HeJ mice were pretreated with 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate on day -10 and -3 before infection. Mice (n=3 for 28 d, n=3 for 35 d) were infected with 5 × 102 inclusion-forming units of C. trachomatis, serovar D; vaginal cultures were obtained weekly to monitor infection. Control mice (n=3 for 28 d, n=3 for 35 d) were sham infected. Mice were killed on day 28 (experiment 1) and day 35 (experiment 2) post-infection and vaginal tissue, uterine horns and oviducts collected for analysis of mRNAs encoding inflammatory cytokines and chemokines. Total RNA was isolated and a superarray analysis performed using mouse Cytokines and Chemokines PCR arrays (Qiagen, Valencia, CA). Statistical differences in gene expression were determined using a paired Students t-test. At 28 days after infection, the expression of mRNA encoding 6, 35 and 3 inflammatory genes differed from controls in vaginal, uterine and oviductal tissues, respectively (P \u3c 0.05). At 35 days after infection, the expression of mRNA encoding 16, 38 and 14 inflammatory genes differed from controls in vaginal, uterine and oviductal tissues, respectively (P \u3c 0.05). Understanding the mechanisms involved in the inflammatory response at later stages of infection should aid in the development of treatment options that minimize the development of asymptomatic, chronic inflammation-induced infertility

    Comprehensive identification of host modulators of HIV-1 replication using multiple orthologous RNAi reagents

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    RNAi screens have implicated hundreds of host proteins as HIV-1 dependency factors (HDFs). While informative, these early studies overlap poorly due to false positives and false negatives. To ameliorate these issues, we combined information from the existing HDF screens together with new screens performed with multiple orthologous RNAi reagents (MORR). In addition to being traditionally validated, the MORR screens and the historical HDF screens were quantitatively integrated by the adaptation of an established analysis program, RIGER, for the collective interpretation of each gene\u27s phenotypic significance. False positives were addressed by the removal of poorly expressed candidates through gene expression filtering, as well as with GESS, which identifies off-target effects. This workflow produced a quantitatively integrated network of genes that modulate HIV-1 replication. We further investigated the roles of GOLGI49, SEC13, and COG in HIV-1 replication. Collectively, the MORR-RIGER method minimized the caveats of RNAi screening and improved our understanding of HIV-1-host cell interactions

    Partial clinical remission in type 1 diabetes: a comparison of the accuracy of total daily dose of insulin of \u3c0.3 units/kg/day to the gold standard insulin-dose adjusted hemoglobin A1c of ≤9 for the detection of partial clinical remission

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    BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether the gold standard test for the detection of partial clinical remission (PCR) in new-onset type 1 diabetes (T1D), the insulin-dose adjusted Hemoglobin A1c (IDAA1c) of ≤9, is superior to a new tool, total daily dose of insulin (TDD) of METHODS: A retrospective analysis of 204 subjects of ages 2-14 years, mean age 7.9±3.2 years, (male 7.8±3.4 years, [n=98]; female 7.9±3.0 years, [n=106], p=0.816) with new-onset T1D. Anthropometric and biochemical data were collected for the first 36 months of disease. PCR was defined by both IDAA1c≤9 and TDD RESULTS: There were 86 (42.2%) (age 9.1±3.0 years; male 57%) remitters by IDAA1c≤9 criterion, and 82 (40.2%) remitters (age 7.3±2.8 years) by TDD of CONCLUSIONS: There were no significant differences in the number of remitters, duration of PCR, or the time of peak remission defined by IDAA1c of ≤9 or TDD o

    Cervical Cancer in Cameroon: A Three Pronged Approach to Increase Awareness, Vaccination, Screening and Treatment

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    Problem: Cameroon has a disproportionately high burden of cervical cancer due to low awareness that the disease is preventable with prophylactic vaccines, lack of screening and treatment of pre-cancerous lesions, and high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Between 2007-2013, the Cameroon Baptist Convention Health Services (CBCHS) devised three programs to: (1) increase awareness about cervical cancer; (2) immunize girls aged 9-13 years against human papilloma virus (HPV); and (3) conduct cervical cancer screening and treatment. Approaches: In collaboration with clinicians and researchers at University of Massachusetts and Northeastern University, CBCHS conducted education programs about HPV vaccine and cervical cancer for parents, adolescents, health care workers, and community members. The HPV vaccination demonstration project was implemented in three settings: schools, healthcare facilities, and in communities. CBCHS conducted cervical cancer screening in six sites using a “see and treat approach”. Findings: Following approval by the Ministry of Health, CBCHS nurses educated girls, parents, and communities about HPV, cervical cancer, and HPV vaccine through multimedia coverage. A total of 6,851, 6,517 and 5,876 girls were immunized with first, second and third doses, respectively. Achieving an 84.6% 3-dose completion rate. Since 2007, 30,617 women have been screened with visual inspection with acetic acid and digital cervicography. Women with precancerous lesions were treated with cryotherapy or loop electrical excision procedure. Lesions suspicious for cancer were biopsied for histology. Of those screened, 3,015 (10%) self reported HIV-positivity, 19,837 (64%) were HIV-negative, and the HIV status of the remaining women was unreported (25%). The percentage of HIV infected women diagnosed with cancer was consistently higher than the percentage of HIV uninfected women diagnosed with cancer. Lessons Learned: The project demonstrated that, with adequate education of stakeholders, HPV vaccination and cervical cancer screening programs are acceptable and feasible methods to improve cervical cancer outcomes in Cameroon


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    ABSTRAKMinimnya informasi pemanfaatan bahan lokal sebagai dasar pembuatan pupuk padat di Kelompok Wanita Tani Suka Maju, Kelurahan Malumbi, Kabupaten Sumba Timur merupakan alasan utama yang mendasari kegiatan pengabdian ini. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pembuatan pupuk organik padat dari bahan arang sekam dan kotoran sapi. Oleh karena itu, ketergantungan terhadap penggunaan pupuk anorganik, serta biaya produksi tanaman hortikultura dapat dikurangi. Metode pelatihan yang digunakan yaitu ceramah, diskusi, dan demontrasi, sedangkan metode evaluasi pelaksanaan pelatihan yaitu observasi. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa petani sangat antusias selama kegiatan berlangsung, dan mampu mempraktikkan pembuatan pupuk organik secara mandiri. Pelatihan ini memberikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru bagi Kelompok Wanita Tani Suka Maju dalam memanfaatkan bahan lokal yang ada dilingkunganya untuk dijadikan pupuk serta mampu meningkatkan produksi tanaman hortikultura yang diusahakan. Kata kunci: kelompok tani; pelatihan; pupuk organik; arang sekam padi; kotoran sapi ABSTRACTThe lack of information on the use of local materials as the basis for making solid fertilizer in the Suka Maju Women Farmers Group, Malumbi District, East Sumba Regency is the main reason for conducting service activity. The purpose of community service is to increase knowledge and skills in making solid organic fertilizer from husk charcoal and cow dung. Therefore, the dependence on the use of inorganic fertilizers, as well as the cost of producing horticultural crops can be reduced.  The training methods used are lectures, discussions, and demonstrations, while the evaluation method for the implementation of the training is observation. The results showed that farmers were very enthusiastic during the activity, and they were able to practice making organic fertilizer independently. This training provides new knowledge and skills for the Suka Maju Women Farmers Group in utilizing local materials in their environment to be used as fertilizers and has increased the production of cultivated horticultural crops. Keywords: farmer group; training; organic fertilizer; rice husk charcoal; cow dung

    QuPath Digital Immunohistochemical Analysis of Placental Tissue

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    Background: QuPath is an open‑source digital image analyzer notable for its user‑friendly design, cross‑platform compatibility, and customizable functionality. Since it was first released in 2016, at least 624 publications have reported its use, and it has been applied in a wide spectrum of settings. However, there are currently limited reports of its use in placental tissue. Here, we present the use of QuPath to quantify staining of G‑protein coupled receptor 18 (GPR18), the receptor for the pro‑resolving lipid mediator Resolvin D2, in placental tissue. Methods: Whole slide images of vascular smooth muscle (VSM) and extravillous trophoblast (EVT) cells stained for GPR18 were annotated for areas of interest. Visual scoring was performed on these images by trained and in‑training pathologists, while QuPath scoring was performed with the methodology described herein. Results: Bland–Altman analyses showed that, for the VSM category, the two methods were comparable across all staining levels. For EVT cells, the high‑intensity staining level was comparable across methods, but the medium and low staining levels were not comparable. Conclusions: Digital image analysis programs offer great potential to revolutionize pathology practice and research by increasing accuracy and decreasing the time and cost of analysis. Careful study is needed to optimize this methodology further