88 research outputs found

    Small Band Gap Polymers Synthesized via a Modified Nitration of 4,7-Dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole

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    The nitration of 4,7-dibromo-2,1,3-benzothiadiazole was modified by using CF3SO3H and HNO3 as the nitrating agent, and the related yield was improved greatly. On the basis of this improvement, two new small band gap polymers, P1TPQ and P3TPQ, were developed. Bulk heterojunction solar cells based on P3TPO and [6,6]-phenyl-C-71-butyric acid methyl ester exhibit interesting results with a power conversion efficiency of 21% and photoresponse up to 1.1 mu

    Brucellosis in ruminants and pastoralists in Borena, Southern Ethiopia

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    Funder: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council; funder-id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000268; Grant(s): ref: BB/L018977/1Brucellosis is a bacterial zoonotic disease that has important veterinary and public health consequences as well as economic impact in sub Saharan Africa including Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was conducted in four selected districts of Borena Pastoral setting in Southern Ethiopia from October 2017 to February 2018 to estimate the prevalence of brucellosis and assess associated risk factors in cattle, sheep, goats and occupationally associated humans. A total of 750 cattle, 882 sheep and goats and 341 human subjects were screened for evidence of brucellosis using the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) with positive results confirmed by Competitive-ELISA(c-ELISA). Structured questionnaires were used for collection of metadata from individual animals, herders and animal attendants to test the association between explanatory and outcome variables. The overall animal level prevalence was 2.4% (95% confidence interval, CI: 1.4–3.7) in cattle, 3.2% (95% CI: 2.1–4.6) in sheep and goats, and 2.6% (95% CI: 1.2–5) in humans occupationally linked to livestock production systems. Herd size, parity, and history of abortion were risk factors associated with Brucella seropositivity (P<0.05) in cattle whereas in sheep and goats the results showed that district, age group, flock size, and history of abortion were significantly associated risk factors with Brucella seropositivity (P<0.05). Assisting calving and presence of seropositive animals in a household (P<0.05) were significantly associated with Brucella seropositivity in humans. Evidence of brucellosis in various animal species and the associated human population illustrates the need for a coordinated One Health approach to controlling brucellosis so as to improve public health and livestock productivity

    Influence of Nano-/Microfiller Addition on Mechanical and Morphological Performance of Kenaf/Glass Fibre-Reinforced Hybrid Composites

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    Natural-based composite’s progress as carriers has revealed many benefits in biomedicine, notably in the construction field, synthetic biology, and genetic engineering. Compared to analogous composites without nanoparticles, incorporating nanoparticles into polymeric materials improved architectural performance, physiological connections, and ecological features. The major goal of the current investigation is to determine the impact of nano-/micro-TiO2 on the mechanical characteristics of kenaf/glass/epoxy hybrids. The samples have been created using a hand layup method and a variety of filler loading and stacking sequences. The addition of nano-/microfiller significantly improved the mechanical performance of the epoxy/hybrid composite material. It was discovered that nanofiller-added composite materials fared better when composites were compared to and without microfilter-added composites. SEM was used to investigate the microstructure of the interfaces to ensure a good understanding of interfacial adherence between the reinforcement and their matrix. Compared to pure epoxy resin, the 15 wt% of microfiller additions of glass-kenaf-kenaf-glass type composites exhibit a 39.48% improvement in tensile and a 42.88% improvement in flexural. Similarly, 5 wt% nanofiller addition reveals a 44.214% improvement in tensile and a 50.50% improvement in flexural

    In situ, broadband measurement of the radio frequency attenuation length at Summit Station, Greenland

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    Over the last 25 years, radiowave detection of neutrino-generated signals, using cold polar ice as the neutrino target, has emerged as perhaps the most promising technique for detection of extragalactic ultra-high energy neutrinos (corresponding to neutrino energies in excess of 0.01 Joules, or 101710^{17} electron volts). During the summer of 2021 and in tandem with the initial deployment of the Radio Neutrino Observatory in Greenland (RNO-G), we conducted radioglaciological measurements at Summit Station, Greenland to refine our understanding of the ice target. We report the result of one such measurement, the radio-frequency electric field attenuation length LαL_\alpha. We find an approximately linear dependence of LαL_\alpha on frequency with the best fit of the average field attenuation for the upper 1500 m of ice: Lα=((1154±121)(0.81±0.14)(ν/\langle L_\alpha \rangle = \big( (1154 \pm 121) - (0.81 \pm 0.14) (\nu/MHz)))\big) m for frequencies ν[145350]\nu \in [145 - 350] MHz.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to Journal of Glaciolog

    Precision measurement of the index of refraction of deep glacial ice at radio frequencies at Summit Station, Greenland

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    Glacial ice is used as a target material for the detection of ultra-high energy neutrinos, by measuring the radio signals that are emitted when those neutrinos interact in the ice. Thanks to the large attenuation length at radio frequencies, these signals can be detected over distances of several kilometers. One experiment taking advantage of this is the Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland (RNO-G), currently under construction at Summit Station, near the apex of the Greenland ice sheet. These experiments require a thorough understanding of the dielectric properties of ice at radio frequencies. Towards this goal, calibration campaigns have been undertaken at Summit, during which we recorded radio reflections off internal layers in the ice sheet. Using data from the nearby GISP2 and GRIP ice cores, we show that these reflectors can be associated with features in the ice conductivity profiles; we use this connection to determine the index of refraction of the bulk ice as n=1.778 +/- 0.006

    Search for low-mass dark matter via bremsstrahlung radiation and the Migdal effect in SuperCDMS

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    We present a new analysis of previously published SuperCDMS data using a profile likelihood framework to search for sub-GeV dark matter (DM) particles through two inelastic scattering channels: bremsstrahlung radiation and the Migdal effect. By considering these possible inelastic scattering channels, experimental sensitivity can be extended to DM masses that are undetectable through the DM-nucleon elastic scattering channel, given the energy threshold of current experiments. We exclude DM masses down to 220  MeV/c2 at 2.7×10−30  cm2 via the bremsstrahlung channel. The Migdal channel search provides overall considerably more stringent limits and excludes DM masses down to 30  MeV/c2 at 5.0×10−30  cm2

    Tracking the eye non-invasively: simultaneous comparison of the scleral search coil and optical tracking techniques in the macaque monkey

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    From human perception to primate neurophysiology, monitoring eye position is critical to the study of vision, attention, oculomotor control, and behavior. Two principal techniques for the precise measurement of eye position—the long-standing sclera-embedded search coil and more recent optical tracking techniques—are in use in various laboratories, but no published study compares the performance of the two methods simultaneously in the same primates. Here we compare two popular systems—a sclera-embedded search coil from C-N-C Engineering and the EyeLink 1000 optical system from SR Research—by recording simultaneously from the same eye in the macaque monkey while the animal performed a simple oculomotor task. We found broad agreement between the two systems, particularly in positional accuracy during fixation, measurement of saccade amplitude, detection of fixational saccades, and sensitivity to subtle changes in eye position from trial to trial. Nonetheless, certain discrepancies persist, particularly elevated saccade peak velocities, post-saccadic ringing, influence of luminance change on reported position, and greater sample-to-sample variation in the optical system. Our study shows that optical performance now rivals that of the search coil, rendering optical systems appropriate for many if not most applications. This finding is consequential, especially for animal subjects, because the optical systems do not require invasive surgery for implantation and repair of search coils around the eye. Our data also allow laboratories using the optical system in human subjects to assess the strengths and limitations of the technique for their own applications

    Development of Active CO2 Emission Control for Diesel Engine Exhaust Using Amine-Based Adsorption and Absorption Technique

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    Diesel-powered transportation is considered an efficient method of transportation; this sees the increase in the demand for the diesel engine. But diesel engines are considered to be one of the largest contributors to environmental pollution. The automobile sector accounts for the second-largest source for increasing CO2 emission globally. In this experiment, a suitable postcombustion treatment to control CO2 emission from IC engine exhaust is developed and tested. This work focuses to control CO2 emission by using the chemical adsorbent technique in diesel engine exhaust. An amine-based liquid is used to adsorb the CO2 molecules first and absorb over the amines from the diesel engine exhaust. Three types of amino solutions (L-alanine, L-aspartic acid, and L-arginine) were prepared for 0.3 mole concentrations, and the CO2 absorption investigation is performed in each solution by passing the diesel exhaust. A suitable CO2 adsorption trap is developed and tested for CO2 absorption. The experiments were performed in a single-cylinder diesel engine under variable load conditions. The eddy current dynamometer is used to apply appropriate loads on the engine based on the settings. The AVL DIGAS analyzer was used to measure the CO2, HC, and CO emissions. An uncertainty analysis is carried out on the experimental results to minimize the errors in the results. The effective CO2 reduction was achieved up to 85%, and simultaneous reduction of HC and CO was also observed