10,515 research outputs found

    B2 and G2 Toda systems on compact surfaces: a variational approach

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    We consider the B2 and G2 Toda systems on compact surfaces. We attack the problem using variational techniques. We get existence and multiplicity of solutions under a topological assumption on the surface and some generic conditions on the parameters. We also extend some of the results to the case of general systems.Comment: 28 pages, accepted on Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Numerical simulations of chromospheric hard X-ray source sizes in solar flares

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    X-ray observations are a powerful diagnostic tool for transport, acceleration, and heating of electrons in solar flares. Height and size measurements of X-ray footpoints sources can be used to determine the chromospheric density and constrain the parameters of magnetic field convergence and electron pitch-angle evolution. We investigate the influence of the chromospheric density, magnetic mirroring and collisional pitch-angle scattering on the size of X-ray sources. The time-independent Fokker-Planck equation for electron transport is solved numerically and analytically to find the electron distribution as a function of height above the photosphere. From this distribution, the expected X-ray flux as a function of height, its peak height and full width at half maximum are calculated and compared with RHESSI observations. A purely instrumental explanation for the observed source size was ruled out by using simulated RHESSI images. We find that magnetic mirroring and collisional pitch-angle scattering tend to change the electron flux such that electrons are stopped higher in the atmosphere compared with the simple case with collisional energy loss only. However, the resulting X-ray flux is dominated by the density structure in the chromosphere and only marginal increases in source width are found. Very high loop densities (>10^{11} cm^{-3}) could explain the observed sizes at higher energies, but are unrealistic and would result in no footpoint emission below about 40 keV, contrary to observations. We conclude that within a monolithic density model the vertical sizes are given mostly by the density scale-height and are predicted smaller than the RHESSI results show.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Keeping watch over Colombia’s slumbering volcanoes

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    The Volcanological and Seismological Observatories of Manizales, Pasto and Popayan (Colombian Geological Survey) monitor and study the active volcanoes of Colombia using seismological, geodetic, geochemical and other techniques. Since 2009, permanent GNSS stations have been installed to complement classical geodetic measurements (e.g., tilt, EDM). At the moment, there are a total of 20 GNSS stations installed at Nevado del Ruiz, Cerro Machín, Puracé and Galeras volcanoes. Nevado del Ruiz has remained the most dynamic of the active Colombian volcanoes since its tragic eruption of 13 November 1985. The most significant deformation occurred between 2007 and 2012, when inflation, associated with magma migration and several small to moderate explosive eruptions in 2012 (VEI less or equal to 3), was observed. Galeras has experienced more than 25 moderate Vulcanian eruptions (VEI less or equal to 3) since 1989. In particular, the deformation network detected significant signals associated with magma migration and the extrusion of lava domes in 1991, 2005, 2008 and 2012. Puracé volcano has been the site of more than 10 minor eruptive episodes (VEI=2) in the past century, most recently in 1977. Monitoring of this volcano started in 1994. Unrest at Puracé since that time has been characterized by significant increases in seismic activity but with little or no deformation. We employ GAMIT/GLOBK to process GPS data from the monitoring network with support from the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (U.S. Geological Survey). Additionally, differential processing is carried out using the commercial package Trimble 4D Control. Preliminary results for 2012 show no significant deformation at Puracé and Galeras volcanoes. On the other hand, the time series from Nevado del Ruiz shows a minor inflation (2-4 cm/yr) associated with the eruptive activity of 2012

    Exciting dark matter in the galactic center

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    We reconsider the proposal of excited dark matter (DM) as an explanation for excess 511 keV gamma rays from positrons in the galactic center. We quantitatively compute the cross section for DM annihilation to nearby excited states, mediated by exchange of a new light gauge boson with off-diagonal couplings to the DM states. In models where both excited states must be heavy enough to decay into e^+ e^- and the ground state, the predicted rate of positron production is never large enough to agree with observations, unless one makes extreme assumptions about the local circular velocity in the Milky Way, or alternatively if there exists a metastable population of DM states which can be excited through a mass gap of less than 650 keV, before decaying into electrons and positrons.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Lev Kofman; 16 pages, 9 figures; v3 added refs, minor changes, accepted to PR

    Segregation, fertility, and son preference: the case of the Roma in Serbia

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    We study the link between residential segregation and fertility for the socially excluded and marginalized Roma ethnic minority. Using original survey data we collected in Serbia, we investigate whether fertility differs between ethnically homogeneous and mixed neighborhoods. Our results show that Roma in less segregated areas tend to have significantly fewer children (around 0.8). Most of the difference arises from Roma in less segregated areas waiting substantially more after having a boy than their counterparts in more segregated areas. We exploit variation in the share of Serbian sounding first names to provide evidence that a mechanism at play is a shift in preferences towards lower fertility and sons rather than daughters induced by a higher exposure to the Serbian majority culture

    Identifying the contributions of Universal Extra Dimensions in the Higgs sector at linear e+ e- colliders

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    We study the dilepton-dijet signal in the dominant Higgs production channel at a linear e+ e- collider. We estimate the effects of Universal Extra Dimension (UED) by a simple analysis of the cross-sections. The heavy Kaluza-Klein excitations of the Standard Model fields in UED can significantly alter the decay properties of the Higgs boson to loop-driven final states. We show that by taking a simple ratio between cross-sections of two different final states this difference can be very easily highlighted.Comment: Some parts of the text modified. 1 figure added. Version to appear in IJMP

    Numerical simulation of sloshing in liquid storing tanks by an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian strategy

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    La agitación de fluidos contenidos en tanques de almacenamiento con superficie libre es numéricamente simulada mediante una formulación lagrangiana-euleriana arbitraria. El fluido es considerado viscoso y de comportamiento newtoniano, mientras que el flujo se asume laminar e incompresible. Se emplea un código computacional particionado y distribuido, que resuelve tres instancias en cada paso de tiempo: (i) la determinación del estado en el fluido, representado por las ecuaciones de Navier–Stokes; (ii) el desplazamiento de la superficie libre; y (iii) la actualización de la posición de los nodos interiores de la malla de elementos finitos, que es deformada como consecuencia del desplazamiento de la superficie libre. El propósito del trabajo es verificar la aplicabilidad del método en problemas de agitación de solución conocida, así como también resolver algunos ejemplos prácticos. Los ejemplos numéricos incluyen la validación con soluciones analíticas, en las cuales el período de la onda y la tasa de amortiguamiento viscoso son bien capturadas, comparaciones con soluciones de referencia tomadas de otros autores y un caso de agitación inducida por acción sísmica.Sloshing of fluids with a free surface contained in liquid storage tanks is numerically simulated by an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation. The fluid is considered viscous and Newtonian, while the flow is assumed laminar and incompressible. A partitioned and distributed computational code is employed, which solves three instances each time step: (i) the determination of the fluid state, given by the Navier–Stokes equations; (ii) the displacement of the free surface; and (iii) the update of the position of the internal nodes of the mesh, that is deformed as a consequence of the free surface displacement. The purpose of the work is verifying the applicability of the method to sloshing problems with known solutions, as well as the resolution of some practical examples. Numerical examples include validations against analytical solutions, where the wave period and damping rate are well captured, comparisons with reference results from other authors and a sample of sloshing induced by seismic actions.Peer Reviewe
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