1,039 research outputs found

    Концепт «колір» в англомовній фразеологічній картині світу як прояв національної специфіки (The concept «colour» in the English phrazeological worldview as a manifestation of national specific)

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    Статтю присвячено розгляду особливостей вербалізації кольорових концептів, які мають національну специфіку у фразеологічній картині світу англійської мови. Проводиться аналіз на базі кольоронімів «синій / блакитний», «білий», «чорний», «червоний». (The article considers the process of verbalization of colour concepts as the national specific of the English phraseological worldview. Also, colouronyms «blue», «white», «black» and «red» have been analysed. The comparison of colour in different languages made it possible to identify the specific of the national outlook. It is established that the concept of colour is one of the principles of culture that reflects the ways of formation and development. Our investigation showed that in English colour concepts such as «blue «, «white», «black» and «red» are the most widespread, and colouronym «blue « occupies a leading position.

    An algorithm of boundaries detection in low-contrast radar images of the Earth

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    One of the problems of radar images analysis of the Earth is the detection of boarders between areas with different normalized effective radar cross-sections. In this paper, we propose a computationally effective quasi-optimal algorithm capable for building approximation of such boarders with straight line segments for low-contrast radar images and arbitrary line for high-contrast radar images. To achieve computational efficiency we apply image segmentation and later approximation. Efficiency of the proposed algorithm was examined on a number of computer generated radar image fragments including low-contrast radar images. Proposed algorithm can be effectively implemented using modern parallel computation systems. © 2016 Academic Publications, Ltd

    Free amino acids of the blood and some organs in hypokinesia

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    The metabolic fund of amino acids of the blood and tissues of rats under hypokinesia was investigated. The content of free amino acids was determined for the liver, kidney, brain, and the skeletal and cardiac muscles after established periods of hypokinesia. It was found that the total content of free amino acids in the experimental animals was, on the average 19 percent lower than in the controls. The results of the quantity of individual compounds indicate that the level of some were reduced while others were increased. It was also found that there was an unequal content of individual amino acids in the different tissues

    Audit of human resources as a business process

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    Auditing is a practice of vital social and economic importance for every company. It is an instrument that organizations have at their disposal in order to generate information that let managers make appropriate decisions based on real facts; therefore, auditing is an improvement mechanism or tool capable of generating information. The importance of this tool relies on the relevance that a company gives to the human capital, knowing that the staff is the most valuable capital and therefore organizations need to really know their people, how is their performance, how they are continuously changing and what practices are helping to their improvement, or on the contrary, making it more difficult. To get to know that, the Human Resources audit is a valid instrument that must be strategically developed as a method of analysis that shows significant results, both failures and successes in all Human Resources processes in order to determine, in a near future, proposals to improve procedures. Currently, this practice is not often applied, not with the frequency that is required. The human resources department should always be aware that it role within a company is vital, since it manages personnel and is always seen as the model department of the company, with the best practices and processes. This area should also realize that the audit process could have a strong educational impact, since it allows relating the quality of human resources management and the various efficiency indicators of the company. This process also helps to show indicators such as the quality of leadership, motivation at work, deficiency of supervision, continuous growth and employee development