1,894 research outputs found

    Memory-induced anomalous dynamics: emergence of diffusion, subdiffusion, and superdiffusion from a single random walk model

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    We present a random walk model that exhibits asymptotic subdiffusive, diffusive, and superdiffusive behavior in different parameter regimes. This appears to be the first instance of a single random walk model leading to all three forms of behavior by simply changing parameter values. Furthermore, the model offers the great advantage of analytic tractability. Our model is non-Markovian in that the next jump of the walker is (probabilistically) determined by the history of past jumps. It also has elements of intermittency in that one possibility at each step is that the walker does not move at all. This rich encompassing scenario arising from a single model provides useful insights into the source of different types of asymptotic behavior

    Theoretical description of high-order harmonic generation in solids

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    We consider several aspects of high-order harmonic generation in solids: the effects of elastic and inelastic scattering; varying pulse characteristics; and inclusion of material-specific parameters through a realistic band structure. We reproduce many observed characteristics of high harmonic generation experiments in solids including the formation of only odd harmonics in inversion-symmetric materials, and the nonlinear formation of high harmonics with increasing field. We find that the harmonic spectra are fairly robust against elastic and inelastic scattering. Furthermore, we find that the pulse characteristics play an important role in determining the harmonic spectra.Comment: Accepted for publication in the New Journal of Physic

    Pulse propagation in decorated granular chains: An analytical approach

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    We study pulse propagation in one-dimensional chains of spherical granules decorated with small grains placed between large granules. The effect of the small granules can be captured by replacing the decorated chains by undecorated chains of large granules of appropriately renormalized mass and effective interaction between the large granules. This allows us to obtain simple analytic expressions for the pulse propagation properties using a generalization of the binary collision approximation introduced in our earlier work [Phys. Rev. E in print (2009); Phys. Rev. E {\bf 69}, 037601 (2004)]Comment: 10 pages and 12 figure

    Nonequilibrium Green's function method for thermal transport in junctions

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    We present a detailed treatment of the nonequilibrium Green's function method for thermal transport due to atomic vibrations in nanostructures. Some of the key equations, such as self-energy and conductance with nonlinear effect, are derived. A self-consistent mean-field theory is proposed. Computational procedures are discussed. The method is applied to a number of systems including one-dimensional chains, a benzene ring junction, and carbon nanotubes. Mean-field calculations of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam model are compared with classical molecular dynamics simulations. We find that nonlinearity suppresses thermal transport even at moderately high temperatures.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Observation of two-wave structure in strongly nonlinear dissipative granular chains

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    In a strongly nonlinear viscous granular chain under conditions of loading that exclude stationary waves (e.g., impact by a single grain) we observe a pulse that consists of two interconnected but distinct parts. One is a leading narrow "primary pulse" with properties similar to a solitary wave in a "sonic vacuum." It arises from strong nonlinearity and discreteness in the absence of dissipation, but now decays due to viscosity. The other is a broad, much more persistent shock-like "secondary pulse" trailing the primary pulse and caused by viscous dissipation. The medium behind the primary pulse is transformed from a "sonic vacuum" to a medium with finite sound speed. When the rapidly decaying primary pulse dies, the secondary pulse continues to propagate in the "sonic vacuum," with an oscillatory front if the viscosity is relatively small, until its eventual (but very slow) disintegration. Beyond a critical viscosity there is no separation of the two pulses, and the dissipation and nonlinearity dominate the shock-like attenuating pulse which now exhibits a nonoscillatory front

    Escape rate from a metastable state weakly interacting with a heat bath driven by an external noise

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    Based on a system-reservoir model, where the reservoir is driven by an external stationary, Gaussian noise with arbitrary decaying correlation function, we study the escape rate from a metastable state in the energy diffusion regime. For the open system we derive the Fokker-Planck equation in the energy space and subsequently calculate the generalized non-Markovian escape rate from a metastable well in the energy diffusion domain. By considering the dynamics in a model cubic potential we show that the results obtained from numerical simulation are in good agreement with the theoretical prediction. It has been also shown numerically that the well known turnover feature can be restored from our model.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Diffusion on a solid surface: Anomalous is normal

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    We present a numerical study of classical particles diffusing on a solid surface. The particles' motion is modeled by an underdamped Langevin equation with ordinary thermal noise. The particle-surface interaction is described by a periodic or a random two dimensional potential. The model leads to a rich variety of different transport regimes, some of which correspond to anomalous diffusion such as has recently been observed in experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. We show that this anomalous behavior is controlled by the friction coefficient, and stress that it emerges naturally in a system described by ordinary canonical Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics