733 research outputs found

    Peculiarities of Construction of Visual Range (Photo-Report) in Modern Electronic Media on the Example of Chelyabinsk Region

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    A huge flow of information hits the modern man. Electronic media should take into account the current situation. In addition, with the development of technologies, the type of thinking of a person has changed to the prevalence of cogency. To keep the reader on your page you need to fill the site with quality content. That is when the visualization of news comes to the fore. While creating a news line, each electronic media tries to illustrate the news with photo-images. The role of photo essays in modern electronic media has increased tremendously.Огромный поток информации обрушивается на современного человека. Электронные СМИ должны учитывать сложившуюся ситуацию. Кроме того, с развитием технологий изменился тип мышления человека. Преобладает клиповость мышления. Для удержания читателя на своей странице требуется наполнять сайт качественным контентом. Визуализация новостей выходит на передний план. При формировании ленты новостей каждое электронное СМИ старается иллюстрировать новость фотоизображениями. Роль фоторепортажа в современных электронных СМИ чрезвычайно повысилась

    On a nonlocal problem in function theory

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    We consider nonlocal boundary value problems for three harmonic functions each of which is defined in its own domain. A contact condition is posed on the common part of the boundaries of these domains, and the Dirichlet or Neumann data (or mixed boundary conditions) are given on the remaining parts of the boundary. We prove the unique solvability of these problemsyesBelgorod State Universit

    Giant phonon anomalies in the pseudo-gap phase of TiOCl

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    We report infrared and Raman spectroscopy results of the spin-1/2 quantum magnet TiOCl. Giant anomalies are found in the temperature dependence of the phonon spectrum, which hint to unusual coupling of the electronic degrees of freedom to the lattice. These anomalies develop over a broad temperature interval, suggesting the presence of an extended fluctuation regime. This defines a pseudo-gap phase, characterized by a local spin-gap. Below 100 K a dimensionality cross-over leads to a dimerized ground state with a global spin-gap of about 2Δspin\Delta_{spin}\approx~430 K.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, for further information see http://www.peter-lemmens.d

    Coordination of Cu(II) and Ni(II) in polymers imprinted so as to optimize amine chelate formation

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    Molecular imprinting has become an established technique. However, little was done on direct investigation of the sorbents produced. In the present work, en ESR method was used for the investigation of the complex formation processes within the sorbents imprinted with copper(II) and nickel(II). The sorbents were synthesized from a mixture of linear low molecular weight polyethyleneimine oligomers. The composition, structure and distribution of complexes in the resin phase were investigated. The effects of the synthesis conditions, loading degree and water content were examined. The presence of certain copper complexes was found to be a convenient characteristic of the imprinting efficiency. The optimum synthesis conditions for obtaining sorbents imprinted with copper(II) or nickel(II) were identified. The imprinting results in the improvement of the stability of the complexes and the selectivity and working capacity of the sorbents. The imprinted samples are also characterized by a more even distribution of chelating sites. The synthesis conditions and loading by ions allow for the regulation of the ratio between individual complexes and magnetic associates in the resin phase. This is a critical point on the future use of the metal containing imprinted sorbents as catalysts. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd

    Characterization of chitin and its complexes extracted from natural raw sources

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    It is known that the main source of chitin and chitosan are shells of shrimp and other sea crustaceans. Alternative row sources of chitin, chitosan and its complexes are the lowest plants - mushrooms and insects. Also industrial wastes, especially from brewing of beer and manufacture of wine and ethanol can be used for extracting chitosan-containing products. The present research is aimed to the extraction of chitin and its complexes from alternative row sources, such as insects (cockroaches Pariplaneta Americana linnaeus and bees Apis mellifera lineaus), mushrooms (Amanita phalloides and Lactarius subdulius), waste banana wine (Kovibar and Urwibutso Inc.) and beer products (Bralirwa Inc., traditional sorghum) characteristic for Rwanda and their characterization using FTIR spectroscopy and elementary analysis. In chitin and its complexes extraction from all used raw sources, conditions for deproteinization were: 8% NaOH at 95 °C for 1 h and demineralization involved treatment with 6.7 % HCl at room temperature. Chitin and its complexes in the extracted samples were identified by FTIR spectroscopy using reference sample of Aspegillus Niger mushrooms. The presence of chitin parts causes the absorption band at 1650, 1552 and 1376 cm-1, which correspond to vibrations of amide groups amide I amide II and amide III, respectively. Using elemental analysis, the ratios of chitin and glucan parts were estimated and the percentage of chitin composition of all species was determined. For most of raw sources a fraction of chitin part was greater than that of glucan part. The chitin content of the samples studied ranged between 0.7-0.8 % of DM (dried mass) for wine (beer) waste products and 38% of dried mass (DM) for cockroaches. © 2016 Author(s).2014/239, 4.1626.2014/KRussian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 14-03-00898Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationThis work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant 14-03-00898), the Program 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation No 02.A03.21.0006 and the State Tasks of the Ministry of Education (Russian Federation) No. 4.1626.2014/K and No. 2014/239 and the local Grant of University of Rwanda "Chitosancontaining materials of multifunctional application for needs of Rwanda". The authors are thankful to J.P. Intwali (Rwanda), E.V. Habumugisha (Rwanda), Ch. Ukundineza (Rwanda) and D. Niyoyita (Rwanda) for capturing insects and gathering mushrooms and their initial preparation for chitin extraction

    Oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel

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    Liquid-phase oxidative dehydrogenation of 2,3,5-trimethyl-1,4-hydroquinone in the presence of titanium dioxide hydrogel was studied by a kinetic method. Associative interactions between the substrate, oxidant, and gel were detected by voltammetry and ESR and IR spectroscopy.Russian Foundation for Basic Researc

    Charge ordering and magneto-polarons in Na0.82_{0.82}CoO2_2

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    Using spectral ellipsometry, we have measured the dielectric function of a Na0.82(2)_{0.82(2)}CoO2_2 crystal that exhibits bulk antiferromagnetism with TN_{N}=19.8 K. We identify two prominent transitions as a function of temperature. The first one at 280 K involves marked changes of the electronic and the lattice response that are indicative of charge ordering in the CoO2_{2} layers. The second transition coincides with TN_{N}=19.8 K and reveals a sizeable spin-charge coupling. The data are discussed in terms of charge ordering and formation of magneto-polarons due to a charge-induced spin-state transition of adjacent Co3+^{3+} ions