5,331 research outputs found

    Injection of Rock around Excavation

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    Purpose. Obtaining effective parameters of the macrokinetics of combustion of hydrocarbons in the deflagration and detonation regime for the numerical calculation of emergency explosions in mine workings. Methodology. Mathematical modeling, numerical experiment, kinetics analysis of explosive combustion reaction, analysis and synthesis. Findings. The paper analyzes the parameters of the kinetic equation against experimental data. Obtaining such data in a physical experiment for explosive chemical reactions meets serious difficulties. This is due to the size of the reaction zone not exceeding fractions of a millimeter, the lack of time resolution of experimental techniques and other factors leading to errors in direct measurements and the emergence of multiple solutions. This possibility contributes to obtaining a simultaneous numerical solution of the equations of gas dynamics and chemical kinetics. In the numerical experiment, a direct relationship between the macrokinetic characteristics of the chemical reaction and the parameters of the discontinuous flow of the reacting gas stream is established: velocity, pressure in the front and behind the front of the detonation and deflagration wave. Based on this, Arrhenius characteristics of the reaction – preexponential and effective activation energy for the hydrocarbons under consideration are obtained. Originality. Macrokinetic parameters are established for simulating one-stage ignition and burning of the most probable hydrocarbons of the mine atmosphere in the deflagration and detonation regime. Modeling of explosive combustion of premixed hydrocarbons in stoichiometric concentrations is performed. It is shown that the values of the effective activation energy in explosive combustion reactions are of less importance in contrast to steady-state combustion reactions because of the effect of the gas-dynamical effects of the shock wave on the reaction rate. The Arrhenius characteristics of the reaction – the pre-exponential and the effective activation energy – have been agreed upon, according to the gas dynamic and kinetic parameters of the course of the explosive combustion reaction. Practical value. The obtained parameters of the macrokinetics of the explosive combustion reaction make it possible to apply simple kinetic mechanisms in practical calculations of the processes of deflagration and detonation combustion, and to predict the parameters of emergency explosions in conditions of mine workings with sufficient accuracy. This also makes it possible to solve the problem of accounting for the presence of heavy hydrocarbons in themine atmosphere as products of coal pyrolysis in underground fires as factors of increasing the risk of emergency explosions

    Analysis of the Efficiency PETSc and PETIGA Libraries in Solving the Problem of Crystal Growth

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    We present an analysis of high performance computational method for solving the problem of crystal grows. The method uses PETSc and PETIGA C-language based libraries and supports parallel computing. The evolution of calculation process was studied in series of special computations are obtained on innovative mobile cluster platform, which provides exclusive system tuning abilities. The results of research confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm on multi-core computer systems and allow us to recommend the use of PETSc and PETIGA for solving high order differential equations

    Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf gene expression in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice

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    Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf were the genes whose mRNA levels in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain were measured in male mice that were victorious in 20 daily agonistic interactions and in a group of such victorious mice that had later not been allowed to fight for 14 days. This experiment demonstrated increased Th, Dat1 and Snca but not Bdnf mRNA levels in the former group as compared to the controls. In the latter group, the expression of the Th and Dat1 genes was still enhanced, while the level of Snca mRNA did not differ from that in the controls. These findings suggest that positive fighting experience enhances the expression of the genes concerned with dopaminergic systems and this enhanced expression is preserved for a long time afterwards. Significant positive correlations were found between the level of aggression and Th and Snca mRNA levels in the winners

    Співвіднесення кітчевого та високого у мистецтві плакату (The combination of kitsch and sublime in art of poster.)

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    В статті проаналізовано особливості поєднання кітчевого та високого у мистецтві радянського плакату. Досліджуючи це поняття можна дійти висновку, що плакат бере безпосередню участь у формуванні світогляду суспільства Радянського Союзу. Плакат тісно пов’язаний з людиною та навколишнім середовищем, тому що всі приклади зображення беруться із реальності. Мистецтво плакату цікаве тим, що у ньому поєднується кітчеве та високе, що допомагає втілити та донести до суспільства його ідею та ціль. (In the article was analysed the features a combination of kitsch and sublime in art of soviet poster. Investigating this concept it is possible to do the conclusion, that a poster take part in forming the world view of society the Soviet Union. Poster is close to the human and environment, because all examples of images taken from reality. Art of poster interesting combination kitsch and sublime, which to help implement and deliver to the society his idea and goal.

    Оцінка фінансової діяльності хлібобулочних підприємств Одеського регіону

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    Автором проведено аналітичне дослідження фінансової діяльності підприємств хлібобулочної промисловості Одеського регіону. Виявлено існуючі негативні тенденції розвитку. Надано пропозиції щодо поліпшення фінансово-господарської діяльності. Зроблено висновки щодо стану хліба та хлібобулочних виробів. The author carried out analytical research of financial activity of the enterprises of the bakery industry of the Odessa region. Existing negative tendencies of development are revealed. Suggesting for financial and economic activity’s improvement are presented. Conclusions concerning the status of bread and bakery products are made

    Decrease of vanillin sucrose intake by victorious and defeated mice: development of anhedonia?

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    Hedonic reactions to various rewards play a key role in various forms of motivated behavior. The influence of repeated experience of social victories or defeats in daily agonistic interactions between male mice on voluntary consumption of vanillin sucrose solution used as hedonic reinforcer was studied. Intake of vanillin sucrose solution was shown to decrease in the winners and losers exposed to social confrontations as compared with the controls. Three days of deprivation failed to restore the intake of vanillin sucrose solution to the control level in the losers and did so in the winners. The results obtained imply that similar reaction of animals to a hedonic non-drug reinforcer may have different motivational origin depending on positive or negative social experience

    Correlation between heavy flavour production and multiplicity in string fusion approach

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    The multiplicity dependence of heavy flavour production in pp-collisions at LHC energies is studied in the framework of string fusion approach. We applied a Monte Carlo model [1, 2], with the string configurations simulating event-by-event. We assumed that the heavy flavour yield is proportional to the number of initial strings, whereas a total charged particle multiplicity is influenced by the string fusion process and can be obtained according to the standard string fusion prescriptions. We show that under this assumption the faster-than-linear growth of the open charm production, observed in experiment [3], can be related to the reduction of the total multiplicity due to string overlapping and fusion. The influence of this effect on forward-backward correlations involving heavy flavours is also discussed

    Application of the Sensory Contact Model for Pharmacological Studies under Simulated Clinical Conditions

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    The sensory contact model allows forming different psycho-pathological states (anxious depression, catalepsy, social withdrawal, pathological aggression, cognition disturbances, anhedonia, addictive states etc.) produced by repeated agonistic interactions in male mice and investigating the therapeutic and preventive properties of any drug as well as its efficiency under simulated clinical conditions. This approach can be useful for a better understanding of the drugs’ action in different stages of disease development in individuals. It is suggested that this behavioral approach and pharmacological designs may be applied for the screening of novel psychotropic drugs. 