140 research outputs found

    Right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia worsened during pregnancy

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    We report the case of a 35 years old woman without underlying heart disease who was diagnosed with a right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia worsened during pregnancy. The diagnosis of ventricular tachycardia was made early in her pregnancy course but the patient had symptoms three months earlier. Her disease course was marked by rhythmic storms during the second trimester of pregnancy that led to three hospitalizations accounting for about two weeks in total. The combination of nadolol 80 mg and flecainide tablets 150 mg improved her rhythmic storms. Radiofrequency allowed a radical cure of this ventricular tachycardia. The patient is now asymptomatic 27 months after radiofrequency treatment

    Producing carrot seeds for organic agriculture

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    This tool is a data sheet that can be used by French farmers who produce or want to produce carrot seeds in organic conditions. It provides advice starting from the contract signing to the seed drying, going through the specificities of the crop, the sowing, irrigation, specific pests and their management, and the harvest

    Producing cabbage seeds for organic agriculture

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    This tool is a data sheet that can be used by French farmers who produce or want to produce cabbage seeds in organic conditions. It provides advice starting from the contract signing to the seed drying, going through the specificities of the crop, the sowing, irrigation, specific pests and their management, and the harvest

    Risk factors associated with HIV prevalence in pregnant women in Burkina Faso, from 2006 to 2014

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    Purpose of the study: To determine the socio-demographic factors influencing the dynamics of HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Burkina Faso.Material and methods: A total of 66,597 pregnant women from the 13 health regions of Burkina Faso were included in this study conducted between 2006 and 2014. Venous blood samples were collected and analyzed for the detection of HIV antibodies according to WHO / UNAIDS strategy II, using the mixed test Vironostika HIV Uniform II Plus O (Bio-MĂ©rieux) and the test discriminating ImmunoCombII HIV-1 & 2 BiSpot (Orgenics). Samples with discordant results between the two tests, as well as those positive to HIV-2 or HIV-1 + 2, were retested with HIV BLOT 2.2 (MP Diagnostics). Sociodemographic data collected from the participants were correlated with their HIV status to determine key risk factors influencing HIV infection prevalence in Burkina Faso.Results: Sociodemographic data showed that the study population consisted mainly of married women (91.2%) at their first pregnancy (27.1%) with a large majority of them being housewives (86.2%) who did not attend any form of schooling (69.4%). About 88.4% had stayed longer than a year in the health region where they initially participated in the study and 55.8% were between 20 and 29 years of age. Overall HIV prevalence significantly dropped from 2.7 % in 2006 to 1.3% in 2014. However HIV seroprevalence in this study has varied significantly according to socio-demographic characteristics including marital status, parity, occupation, education, age group and the length of stay in the women's health community (p <0.0001). Factors sustaining HIV transmission included the status of being unmarried (OR=1.67 [1.42-1.97]), primigest (OR=1.64 [1.41-1.89]), having other occupations except being student (OR = 1.68 [1.20-2.33]), aged between 20-49 years (OR=3.14 [2.51-3.93]) and the duration of stay less than a year in their locality (OR=5.33 [4.61-10.16]) and these factors were identified as main risk factors associated with HIV prevalence.Conclusion: Burkina Faso remains among the countries with concentrated epidemics despite a significant reduction in the prevalence observed in this study. The inclusion of identified risk factors in the national HIV program could improve the quality of the response to the epidemic.Keywords: HIV-Pregnant Women-Risk Factors-Burkina Fas

    Pityriasis Rosé de Gibert révélant une Hépatite virale B

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    Le pityriasis rosĂ©, dĂ©crit par Gibert en 1860, est une dermatose frĂ©quente, bĂ©nigne, transitoire, et d’étiologie inconnue qui atteint surtout les adultes jeunes. On pense qu'il s'agit d'une affection virale, mais sans argument bien probant. Nous rapportons un cas de Pityriasis RosĂ© de Gibert (PRG) rĂ©vĂ©lant une hĂ©patite virale B. Observation : Il s’agissait d’un adulte de 47 ans originaire de Diago (Commune de Kati), sans antĂ©cĂ©dents mĂ©dicaux et chirurgicaux connus, qui consulte pour des macules rosĂ©es dissĂ©minĂ©es sur tout le tronc associĂ©es Ă  du prurit chez qui le diagnostic de PRG a Ă©tĂ© retenu. Il a bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de la vaseline Ă  l’urĂ©e 5% et de la Mequitazine 10mg comme traitement. Devant la persistance du prurit un bilan biologique Ă  la recherche d’une Ă©tiologie fut demandĂ© et cela a conduit au diagnostic d’une infection par le virus de l’hĂ©patite B. Conclusion : Cette observation devrait conduire les dermatologues Ă  proposer systĂ©matiquement la recherche d’une infection virale Ă  l’hĂ©patite B devant des PRG trĂšs prurigineux et rĂ©sistants aux traitements habituels

    Genetic complexity of Plasmodium falciparum in two ethnic groups of Burkina Faso with marked differences in susceptibility to malaria.

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    We have characterized Plasmodium falciparum genotypes among the Mossi and Fulani sympatric ethnic groups in villages in Burkina Faso during the rainy season. Differences in clinical malaria presentation and in immune responses to malaria occur between the two groups. Asexual parasite rate, density, and gametocyte rate were higher among the Mossi than the Fulani. There was no difference in frequencies of alleles of the P. falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (msp-1), msp-2, and glutamate-rich protein (glurp) genes among the parasites in each group. However, there were significant differences in the mean number of P. falciparum clones in the two populations, with there being more in the Mossi than in the Fulani. This effect was especially marked in older children. These differences can most probably be attributed to genetic differences in immune responsiveness to malaria between the two ethnic groups

    Influence of basement heterogeneity on the architecture of low subsidence rate Paleozoic intracratonic basins (Reggane, Ahnet, Mouydir and Illizi basins, Hoggar Massif)

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    The Paleozoic intracratonic North African Platform is characterized by an association of arches (ridges, domes, swells, or paleo-highs) and low subsidence rate syncline basins of different wavelengths (75–620&thinsp;km). The Reggane, Ahnet, Mouydir and Illizi basins are successively delimited from east to west by the Amguid El Biod, Arak-Foum Belrem, and Azzel Matti arches. Through the analysis of new unpublished geological data (i.e., satellite images, well logs, seismic lines), the deposits associated with these arches and syncline basins exhibit thickness variations and facies changes ranging from continental to marine environments. The arches are characterized by thin amalgamated deposits with condensed and erosional surfaces, whereas the syncline basins exhibit thicker and well-preserved successions. In addition, the vertical facies succession evolves from thin Silurian to Givetian deposits into thick Upper Devonian sediments. Synsedimentary structures and major unconformities are related to several tectonic events such as the Cambrian–Ordovician extension, the Ordovician–Silurian glacial rebound, the Silurian–Devonian Caledonian extension/compression, the late Devonian extension/compression, and the Hercynian compression. Locally, deformation is characterized by near-vertical planar normal faults responsible for horst and graben structuring associated with folding during the Cambrian–Ordovician–Silurian period. These structures may have been inverted or reactivated during the Devonian (i.e., Caledonian, Mid–Late Devonian) compression and the Carboniferous (i.e., pre-Hercynian to Hercynian). Additionally, basement characterization from geological and geophysics data (aeromagnetic and gravity maps), shows an interesting age-dependent zonation of the terranes which are bounded by mega-shear zones within the arches–basins framework. The old terranes are situated under arches while the young terranes are located under the basins depocenter. This structural framework results from the accretion of Archean and Proterozoic terranes inherited from former orogeny (e.g., Pan-African orogeny 900–520&thinsp;Ma). Therefore, the sedimentary infilling pattern and the nature of deformation result from the repeated slow Paleozoic reactivation of Precambrian terranes bounded by subvertical lithospheric fault systems. Alternating periods of tectonic quiescence and low-rate subsidence acceleration associated with extension and local inversion tectonics correspond to a succession of Paleozoic geodynamic events (i.e., far-field orogenic belt, glaciation).</p
