162 research outputs found

    Coating synthesis controlled by electron-beam heating

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    The methods of combined electron-beam treatment of parts made of steel with one- and two-layer coatings are studied experimentally. Ti-Ni, Ni-Al and Al-Ti systems were used as the examples in the experiments. The mathematical model is suggested for coating formation in the controlled regime of high temperature synthesis during high energy source motion along the preliminarily deposited layer of exothermic composition. The study takes into account the difference in thermophysical properties of the materials of coating and substrate, heat release from chemical reaction that leads to the coating properties formation and other factors. The realization of the synthesis depends on technological parameters. Various regimes of the treatment process are investigated numerically

    Mathematical modelling of thermal and kinetic phenomena in electron-beam technologies

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    The article presents a scheme for constructing models using kinetic laws for additional parameters. The work describes the example of the model of electro-beam treatment of a material with a coating. The study uses the simple kinetic law for powder layer evolution due to shrinkage. The model takes into account the melting of powder layer and substrate. The numerical solution gives the temperature field, evolution of the molten pool, the heat affected zone and the surface relief for different moments of time. The results depend on the treatment rate and electron beam energy

    Использование Урисана у больных подагрой

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    Objective: to evaluate the safety, tolerance, and efficacy of the herbal complex Urisan used in patients with gout within the Russian multicenter study. Subjects and methods. Thirty males aged 34 to 56 years with a valid diagnosis of gout after S.L. Wallace and a 1-7-year (mean 4,8 years) history of the disease were examined at the Rheumatology Unit of a Kursk regional hospital. Nineteen and 11 patients were stated to have tophaceous and nontophaceous gout, respectively. The total number of involved joints ranged from 3 to 10 (mean 4,6 joints). The study included patients with interictal gout. All the patients took Urisan in a full dose of 2 capsules (550 mg) twice daily for a month. Results. Prior to Urisan therapy, the mean serum level of uric acid (UA) was 569,5±102,4 ⎧mol/l; daily UA excretion averaged 4769,8 ⎧mol/l. Urisan therapy reduced UA levels by an average of 120 ⎧mol/l and increased daily urinary UA excretion by an average of 198,8 цmol/l. Conclusion. Urisan used against gout for 30 days causes an average 21% reduction in the serum levels of UA and a 4,1% increase in its urinary excretion. There were no exacerbations of gout during Urisan therapy.Цель исследования - оценка в рамках Российского многоцентрового исследования безопасности, переносимости и эффективности применения растительного комплекса Урисан у пациентов с подагрой. Материал и методы. В ревматологическом отделении областной больницы г. Курска обследованы 30 мужчин в возрасте от 34 до 56 лет с достоверным диагнозом подагры по S.L. Wallace и длительностью болезни от 1 года до 7 лет (в среднем - 4,8 года). У 19 пациентов констатирована тофусная подагра, у 11 - бестофусная. Общее количество пораженных суставов колебалось от 3 до 10 (среднем - 4,6 сустава). В исследование включали больных подагрой в межприступный период. Все пациенты принимали Урисан в полной дозе по 2 капсулы (по 550 мг) 2 раза в день в течение месяца. Результаты исследования. Средний уровень мочевой кислоты (МК) в сыворотке крови больных до терапии Урисаном составил 569,5±102,4 мкмоль/л, суточная экскреция МК - в среднем 4769,8 ммоль/л. На фоне терапии Урисаном у больных отмечены снижение уровня МК в среднем на 120 мкмоль/л, а также увеличение уровня экскреции МК с мочой в среднем на 198,8 ммоль/л в сутки. Выводы. Прием Урисана при подагре в течение 30 дней приводит к снижению сывороточного уровня МК в среднем на 21% и увеличению экскреции МК с мочой - на 4,1%. На фоне терапии Урисаном не наблюдалось обострений подагры

    Financial and credit mechanism for attraction of real investments in a system of money flows regulation

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    Optimization of funding sources of real investments is a key stage in development and successful functioning of enterprises' investment activity. Currently big attention is drawn to questions of state and private partnership during development of investment projects, as well as to possible prospects of development of state and private interaction forms in investment sphere, and concessions particularly. Improvement of forms of interaction between state and corporate sector of economy in the sphere of real investments and as a part of development of specific priority investment programs requiring considerable investments has a strategic federal and regional value. Thus, it is important to understand role and benefit of each participant of the investment market, to define clear statutory, legislative and contractual base, and to swiftly analyze financial efficiency of real investments at all stages of realization. In modern conditions, stable development of economy of any country depends on condition of investment process. Need to integrate finance capital and to promote investment activity is obvious in new management conditions of market relations development. The main condition of successful investment activity at each stage is a choice of effective and correct finance and credit mechanism as a tool of real investments financing. Prior to suggest modern tools of such financing, it is necessary to analyze theoretically proved program and targeted method of real investments financing within the state and private partnership, in order to improve previously examined methodology. © 2015, Mediterranean Center of Social and Educational Research. All rights reserved

    Подготовка специалистов в области электронного маркетинга: кадры для цифровой экономики Республики Беларусь

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    The tendencies of development of marketing in conditions of digital transformation of economy are considered in the article. The concept of electronic marketing is presented. The condition of training of specialists in the field of electronic marketing in the Republic of Belarus is described. The necessity of training of specialists in the field of e-marketing on the second stage of higher education is substantiated. The special features of this field of study are distinguished in comparison with the baccalaureate and in comparison with related directions of the master's programm. В статье рассматриваются тенденции развития маркетинга в условиях цифровой транс- формации экономики. Представлено понятие электронного маркетинга, дана характеристика состояния подготовки специалистов в области электронного маркетинга в Республике Беларусь. Обоснована необхо- димость открытия специальности «Электронный маркетинг» на II ступени высшего образования, выделены особен- ности данной специальности по сравнению с I ступенью и по сравнению со смежными направлениями подготовки магистров.

    Symmetries and modelling functions for diffusion processes

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    A constructive approach to theory of diffusion processes is proposed, which is based on application of both the symmetry analysis and method of modelling functions. An algorithm for construction of the modelling functions is suggested. This algorithm is based on the error functions expansion (ERFEX) of experimental concentration profiles. The high-accuracy analytical description of the profiles provided by ERFEX approximation allows a convenient extraction of the concentration dependence of diffusivity from experimental data and prediction of the diffusion process. Our analysis is exemplified by its employment to experimental results obtained for surface diffusion of lithium on the molybdenum (112) surface pre-covered with dysprosium. The ERFEX approximation can be directly extended to many other diffusion systems.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Modern Conception of the Control over the Abundance of Carriers and Vectors of Plague in the Territory of the Russian Federation

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    Disinfestation and deratization remain the main ways of non-specific disease prophylaxis in natural plague foci. Modern strategies, tactics, methods and means of control over carriers and vectors of plague and associated infectious diseases are selected with due consideration to epidemiological potential of territories, epizootic activity of a foci, peculiarities of population ecology of animals that are of a medical significance, preservation of biodiversity in natural ecosystems, and the requirements for human and natural environments protection from pollutants

    Studies of Biofilm Formation in Non-Pigmented and Plasmid-Deprived Mutants of <I>Yersinia pestis</I> on Biotic Surfaces, <I>in vivo</I> and <I>in vitro</I> Conditions

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    In non-pigmented and plasmid-deprived mutants – isogenic variants of highly virulent Yersinia pestis 231 strain – studied is the mechanism of biofilm formation on biotic surfaces, both in vitro (on the laboratory model of nematode Caenorhabdiitis elegans) and in vivo (inside the alimentary tract of Nosopsyllus laeviceps flea). It is determined that spontaneous loss of ability to form biofilms and generate pigmented colonies in the mutants is probably caused not only by the deletion of the whole chromosome pigmentation fragment, but also by a point(single base) mutation in structural hms operon. It is demonstrated that the absence of pCad, pFra or pPst plasmids does not have an impact on the ability of plasmid-deprived mutants to form biofilm on the cuticle of nematode C. elegans


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    Introduction. Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer among women. The main screening method for cervical cancer is cytological examination of the cervical epithelium. This method allows to evaluate the level of cervical dysplasia (malignant potential) but it has several limitations and flaws. Development and implementation of new methods of molecular and genetic analysis in clinical practice can increase informational value of the traditional cytological examination and therefore objectivity in choosing treatment options.Objective is to develop and verify a new method of differential diagnosis of severe intraepithelial dysplasia and invasive cervical cancer.Materials and methods. The method is based on analysis of small non-coding RNA molecules (miRNAs) extracted from the material of traditional Pap smears. Based on literature search, 18 “marker” microRNA molecules were chosen and their expression levels were estimated in 166 samples of Pap smears from cervical canals with different cytological diagnoses. The analysis was performed using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.Results. Estimation of ratios between expression levels of miRNA pairs: 126/375; 20а/375; 126/145 allows to differentiate with high confidence borderline states of severe intraepithelial dysplasia and invasive cervical carcinoma (coefficients of quantitative interpretation of the error curve were 0.8, 0.75, 0.72, respectively).Conclusions. Analysis of miRNAs in Pap smear samples is a promising additional method of cervical cancer diagnosis. The method is objective and can be proposed as a supporting technique in cases when cytological examination doesn’t allow to differentiate between borderline pathological states of the cervical epithelium. Implementation of the method in clinical practice requires methodological optimization and additional validation using more clinical material