547 research outputs found

    Phase Field Modeling of Fast Crack Propagation

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    We present a continuum theory which predicts the steady state propagation of cracks. The theory overcomes the usual problem of a finite time cusp singularity of the Grinfeld instability by the inclusion of elastodynamic effects which restore selection of the steady state tip radius and velocity. We developed a phase field model for elastically induced phase transitions; in the limit of small or vanishing elastic coefficients in the new phase, fracture can be studied. The simulations confirm analytical predictions for fast crack propagation.Comment: 5 pages, 11 figure

    Experimental And Theoretical Study Of The Sign Preference In The Nucleation Of Water Vapor

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    The nucleation of water vapor on ions in atmospheres of helium and argon was studied using an expansion type cloud chamber. Separation of the positive and negative ions was achieved so that the nucleation could be studied as a function of both the sign of the ionic charge and the supersaturation. A semiphenominological theory was developed as an extension of the classical liquid drop theory to include the effects of the ionic charge on the nucleation process. The theoretical model of the prenucleation embryo was assumed to possess an oriented dipole surface layer with the direction of orientation dependent on the sign of the ionic charge. The theory predicts not only the increase in the nucleation rate compared to that for homogeneous nucleation and a difference in rate between positive and negative ions, the negative ions having the higher nucleation rate, but also predicts a correction term to the classical theory of homogeneous nucleation for polar molecules which exhibit an electrical double layer at the liquid surface. Comparison of the theoretical and experimental results for nucleation on both positive and negative ions yields good agreement and indicates the prenucleation embryo is probably a tightly bonded highly structured cluster possessing an oriented dipole surface layer. © 1971

    Homogeneous Nucleation Rate for Water

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    Homogeneous nucleation rate data for water extending over an exceptionally large domain of rate (J), supersaturation ratio (S), and temperature (T) was recently published. Because it spans a large J-S-T surface, this data constitutes a good test of nucleation theory. Here classical nucleation theory is used to analyze this data. By adjusting only the sticking coefficient, we are able to obtain a good fit between theory and experiment. It was necessary to include an increase in the water molecular density associated with the finite water compressibility

    A Correction To Classical Homogeneous Nucleation Theory For Polar Molecules Exhibiting An Electric Double Layer At The Liquid Surface

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    An oriented dipole surface layer is added to the classical liquid drop model of nucleation to account for the surface behavior of substances having polar nonsymmetrical molecules. The preliminary treatment of the change in free energy as given by Abraham is modified to include Fletcher\u27s exponential decay of the degree of orientation. An additional correction for the excess binding energy due to the presence of a foreign molecule in the prenucleation cluster is included to account for the inflections observed in the experimental results of Allen and Kassner. The resulting free energy of formation is combined with the kinetic treatment of Frenkel to obtain a nucleation rate law. The theoretical results are compared to the experimental results of Allen and Kassner as a function of both supersaturation and temperature. The agreement is good once the heterogeneous component is taken into account. © 1972

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a canard-controlled missile at Mach numbers of 0.8, 1.3, and 1.75

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    A typical missile model with nose-mounted canards and cruciform tail surfaces was tested in the Ames 6- by 6-Foot Wind Tunnel to determine the contributions of the component aerodynamic surfaces to the static aerodynamic characteristics at Mach numbers of 0.8, 1.3, and 1.75 and Reynolds number of 625,000 based on body diameter. Data were obtained at angles of attack ranging from 0 deg to 24 deg for various stages of model build-up (i.e., with and without canard and/or tail surfaces). In addition, two different sets of canards and tail surfaces were investigated. For the canard and tail arrangements investigated, the model was trimmable at angles of attack up to about 7 deg with canard deflections of about 10 deg. Also, the tail arrangements studied provided ample pitch stability

    Effects of canard location on the aerodynamic characteristics of a blunt-nosed missile at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0

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    A blunt-nosed missile model with nose-mounted canards and cruciform tail surfaces was tested in the Ames 6 by 6-Foot Wind Tunnel to determine the contributions of the component aerodynamic surfaces to the static aerodynamic characteristics at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0 and Reynolds number of 1 million based on body diameter. Data were obtained at angles of attack ranging from -3 deg to 12 deg and canard-deflection angles from -3 deg to 15 deg for various stages of model build-up (i.e., with and without canard and/or tail surfaces). Results were obtained with the canards at two different nose locations. For the canard and tail arrangements investigated, the model was trimmable at angles of attack up to about 4 deg or 5 deg with canard deflections of 9 deg. For this blunt-nosed model, there was little effect of canard location on trim angle of attack. The tail arrangements studied provided ample pitch stability

    The University Of Missouri-rolla, Absolute Aitken Nucleus Counter

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    The authors discuss the expansion cloud chamber system known as the University of Missouri-Rolla-absolute Aitken nucleus counter. A review of the properties of an expansion chamber and how it creates a supersaturation are given and a critical examination is made of the assumptions in its operation, e.g. adiabaticity of the expansion. The design of the chamber is described in detail and an analysis of the propagation of errors is given for quantities measured and calculated. A short review of the performance of the chamber and some general comments relative to comparisons with other Aitken nucleus counting instruments are given. The chamber is capable of making measurements on aerosols of number concentration up to 106 nuclei/cm3 to an accuracy of about 10-15% at any desired supersaturation ratio up to the ion limit. Finally mention is made of other expansion chambers developed in this laboratory for measurements of homogeneous nucleation rates. © 1982

    Aerodynamic characteristics of a canard-controlled missile at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0.

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    A typical missile model with nose mounted canards and cruciform tail surfaces was tested in the Ames 6- by 6-Foot Wind Tunnel to determine the contributions of the component aerodynamic surfaces to the static aerodynamic characteristics at Mach numbers of 1.5 and 2.0 and Reynolds number of 1 million based on body diameter. Data were obtained at angles of attack ranging from -3 deg to 12 deg for various stages of model build-up (i.e., with and without canard and/or tail surfaces). Results were obtained both with the model unrolled and rolled 45 deg. For the canard and tail arrangements investigated, the model was trimmable at angles of attack up to about 10 deg with canard deflections of 9 deg. Also, the tail arrangements studied provided ample pitch stability. there were no appreciable effects of model roll orientation

    Effect of gaseous and solid simulated jet plumes on an 040A space shuttle launch configuration at m=1.6 to 2.2

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    The effect of plume-induced flow separation and aspiration effects due to operation of both orbiter and the solid rocket motors on a 0.019-scale model of the launch configuration of the Space Shuttle Vehicle is determined. Longitudinal and lateral-directional stability data were obtained at Mach numbers of 1.6, 2.0, and 2.2 with and without the engines operating. The plumes exiting from the engines were simulated by a cold-gas jet supplied by an auxiliary 200-atm air supply system and solid-body plume simulators. The aerodynamic effects produced by these two simulation procedures are compared. The parameters most significantly affected by the jet plumes are pitching moment, elevon control effectiveness, axial force, and orbiter wing loads. The solid rocket motor (SRM) plumes have the largest effect on the aerodynamic characteristics. The effect of the orbiter plumes in combination with the SRM plumes is also significant. Variations in the nozzle design parameters and configuration changes can reduce the jet plume-induced aerodynamic effects
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