6,883 research outputs found

    Spectroscopy, Equation Of State And Monopole Percolation In Lattice QED With Two Flavors

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    Non-compact lattice QED with two flavors of light dynamical quarks is simulated on 16416^4 lattices, and the chiral condensate, monopole density and susceptibility and the meson masses are measured. Data from relatively high statistics runs at relatively small bare fermion masses of 0.005, 0.01, 0.02 and 0.03 (lattice units) are presented. Three independent methods of data analysis indicate that the critical point occurs at β=0.225(5)\beta =0.225(5) and that the monopole condensation and chiral symmetry breaking transitions are coincident. The monopole condensation data satisfies finite size scaling hypotheses with critical indices compatible with four dimensional percolation. The best chiral equation of state fit produces critical exponents (δ=2.31\delta=2.31, βmag=0.763\beta_{mag}=0.763) which deviate significantly from mean field expectations. Data for the ratio of the sigma to pion masses produces an estimate of the critical index δ\delta in good agreement with chiral condensate measurements. In the strong coupling phase the ratio of the meson masses are Mσ2/Mρ20.35M_\sigma^2/M_\rho^2\approx 0.35, MA12/Mρ21.4M_{A_1}^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.4 and Mπ2/Mρ20.0M_\pi^2/M_\rho^2\approx 0.0, while on the weak coupling side of the transition Mπ2/Mρ21.0M_\pi^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.0, MA12/Mρ21.0M_{A_1}^2/M_\rho^2\approx 1.0, indicating the restoration of chiral symmetry.\footnote{\,^{}}{August 1992}Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures (not included

    Neutron capture rates and r-process nucleosynthesis

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    Simulations of r-process nucleosynthesis require nuclear physics information for thousands of neutron-rich nuclear species from the line of stability to the neutron drip line. While arguably the most important pieces of nuclear data for the r-process are the masses and beta decay rates, individual neutron capture rates can also be of key importance in setting the final r-process abundance pattern. Here we consider the influence of neutron capture rates in forming the A~80 and rare earth peaks.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, appears in the Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topic

    Bringing Shared Visions to Life

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    This book is about encouraging people to share visions and helping them to progress from these visions to take appropriate actions that will help realise their vision. The choice of appropriate actions is a key aspect of this book, and we dwell on some ways to ensure that chosen actions are effective ways to make progress in realizing a vision

    Modelling Interactions amongst People and Forest Resources at the Landscape Scale

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    FLORES, the Forest Land Oriented Resource Envisioning System, is a framework to facilitate quantitative modelling of ecological, economic and social issues at the landscape scale. This piece describes the evolution of FLORES from a concept to a series of models calibrated for diverse locations, and documents the lessons learned

    The cessation in pregnancy incentives trial (CPIT): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Seventy percent of women in Scotland have at least one baby, making pregnancy an opportunity to help most young women quit smoking before their own health is irreparably compromised. By quitting during pregnancy their infants will be protected from miscarriage and still birth as well as low birth weight, asthma, attention deficit disorder and adult cardiovascular disease. In the UK, the NICE guidelines: 'How to stop smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth' (June 2010) highlighted that little evidence exists in the literature to confirm the efficacy of financial incentives to help pregnant smokers to quit. Its first research recommendation was to determine: Within a UK context, are incentives an acceptable, effective and cost-effective way to help pregnant women who smoke to quit? <p/>Design and Methods: This study is a phase II exploratory individually randomised controlled trial comparing standard care for pregnant smokers with standard care plus the additional offer of financial voucher incentives to engage with specialist cessation services and/or to quit smoking during pregnancy. Participants (n=600) will be pregnant smokers identified at maternity booking who when contacted by specialist cessation services agree to having their details passed to the NHS Smokefree Pregnancy Study Helpline to discuss the trial. The NHS Smokefree Pregnancy Study Helpline will be responsible for telephone consent and follow-up in late pregnancy. The primary outcome will be self reported smoking in late pregnancy verified by cotinine measurement. An economic evaluation will refine cost data collection and assess potential cost-effectiveness while qualitative research interviews with clients and health professionals will assess the level of acceptance of this form of incentive payment. Research questions What is the likely therapeutic efficacy? Are incentives potentially cost-effective? Is individual randomisation an efficient trial design without introducing outcome bias? Can incentives be introduced in a way that is feasible and acceptable? <p/>Discussion: This phase II trial will establish a workable design to reduce the risks associated with a future definitive phase III multicentre randomised controlled trial and establish a framework to assess the costs and benefits of financial incentives to help pregnant smokers to quit

    Persistent Decadal-Scale Rainfall Variability in the Tropical South Pacific Convergence Zone Through the Past Six Centuries

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    Modern Pacific decadal variability (PDV) has global impacts; hence records of PDV from the pre-instrumental period are needed to better inform models that are used to project future climate variability. We focus here on reconstructing rainfall in the western tropical Pacific (Solomon Islands; similar to 9.5 degrees S, similar to 160 degrees E), a region directly influenced by PDV, using cave deposits (stalagmite). A relationship is developed between delta O-18 variations in the stalagmite and local rainfall amount to produce a 600 yr record of rainfall variability from the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ). We present evidence for large (similar to 1.5 m), abrupt, and periodic changes in total annual rainfall amount on decadal to multidecadal timescales since 1423 +/- 5 CE (Common Era) in the Solomon Islands. The timing of the decadal changes in rainfall inferred from the 20th-century portion of the stalagmite delta O-18 record coincides with previously identified decadal shifts in PDV-related Pacific ocean-atmosphere behavior (Clement et al., 2011; Deser et al., 2004). The Solomons record of PDV is not associated with variations in external forcings, but rather results from internal climate variability. The 600 yr Solomon Islands stalagmite delta O-18 record indicates that decadal oscillations in rainfall are a persistent characteristic of SPCZ-related climate variability.Taiwan ROC NSCNTU 101-2116-M-002-009, 102-2116-M-002-016, 101R7625Geological Science

    Effect of inorganic or organic copper fed without or with added sulfur and molybdenum on the performance, indicators of copper status, and hepatic mRNA in dairy cows

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    The effect of inorganic (INORG) or organic (ORG) Cu, fed without (−) or with (+) additional S and Mo on Cu status and performance was examined using 56 early lactation dairy cows in a 2 × 2 factorial study design. Supplementary Cu was added as either CuSO4 or BioplexCu (Alltech Inc., Nicholasville, KY) to provide an additional 10 mg of Cu/kg of dry matter (DM), with S added at 1.5 g/kg of DM and Mo at 6.8 mg/kg of DM to reduce Cu bioavailability. The basal ration was composed of corn and grass silages (2:1 respectively, DM basis) and straight feeds. Cows commenced the study at wk 7 of lactation and remained on treatment for 16 wk. An interaction existed between Cu source and added S and Mo on DM intake, with cows offered INORG− Cu having an increased intake compared with those offered INORG+ or ORG− Cu. Milk yield averaged 35.4 kg/d, and was 5% higher with milk fat content 6% lower in cows fed INORG compared with ORG Cu, but milk fat yield, energy-corrected milk yield, and milk protein content did not differ between treatments. A trend existed for cows to have a higher body weight gain when offered ORG compared with INORG Cu. Cows fed diets containing INORG Cu had a higher milk concentration of C17:0 and C18:3n-3 compared with those fed diets containing ORG Cu. Cows fed added S and Mo had a lower milk concentration of C17:0 and C18:0 compared with those that were not supplemented. No effect was observed of dietary treatment on plasma Cu concentration, which averaged 13.1 µmol/L, except during wk 12 when cows receiving added S and Mo had a lower concentration. No effect was observed of Cu source on mean plasma Mo concentrations, but during wk 16 cows offered INORG Cu had a higher concentration than those offered ORG Cu. Hepatic Cu levels decreased by approximately 0.9 mg/kg of DM per day when fed additional S and Mo, but no effect of Cu source was observed. A trend existed for hepatic ATPase, Cu++ transporting, beta polypeptide (ATP7B) to be upregulated in cows when fed S and Mo along with ORG but not INORG Cu. In conclusion, the inclusion of an ORG compared with an INORG source of Cu reduced milk yield but increased milk fat concentration and body weight gain, with no effect on energy-corrected milk yield. Little effect was observed of dietary Cu supply on plasma mineral concentration, liver mRNA abundance, or milk fatty acid profile, whereas the addition of S and Mo reduced hepatic Cu concentrations