199 research outputs found

    Fractionalization noise in edge channels of integer quantum Hall states

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    A theoretical calculation is presented of current noise which is due charge fractionalization, in two interacting edge channels in the integer quantum Hall state at filling factor ν=2\nu=2. Because of the capacitive coupling between the channels, a tunneling event, in which an electron is transferred from a biased source lead to one of the two channels, generates propagating plasma mode excitations which carry fractional charges on the other edge channel. When these excitations impinge on a quantum point contact, they induce low-frequency current fluctuations with no net average current. A perturbative treatment in the weak tunneling regime yields analytical integral expressions for the noise as a function of the bias on the source. Asymptotic expressions of the noise in the limits of high and low bias are found

    Penentuan Metode Terbaik Uji Fosfor Untuk Tanaman Tomat Pada Tanah Inceptisols

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    . Izhar, L, Susila, AD, Purwoko, BS, Sutandi, A, and Mangku, IW. 2012. Determination of the Best Method of Soil P Test for Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. L) on Inceptisols Soil. Phosphorus is one of important soil elements and application of the element in suitable concentration give high effect on tomato growth. A study on phosphorus analysis and its application for recommendation of soil fertilization of tomato cultivation on Inceptisols soil was conducted at the field and Greenhouse of Cikabayan, Bogor Agricultural University, from March to November 2010. The objective of this research was to obtain the best extraction method of soil-P test for determining phosphorus nutrient required for tomato cultivation on Inceptisol soil. Rate of phosphorus of 0X, ¼ X, ½ X, ¾ X, and 1X, where X was 368.5 kg/ha P2O5 with four replications, was applied in the study. The treatments were applied 6 months before planting date. The research was arranged in randomized complete block design. Analysis of correlation between soil-P and plant growth based on data collected from the plants grown in the greenhouse using incubation media in treated-soil was analyzed. Soil-P test was carried out by using five extraction methods i.e. Bray I (HCl 0,025 N + NH4F 0.03), Bray II (NH4F 0.03 N + HCl 0.10 N), Mehlich I (HCl 0.05 N + H2SO4 0.025 N), Morgan Wolf (NaC2H2H3O2.3H2O; pH 4.8), and Truogh [HCl 0.10 N + (NH4)2SO4; pH 3]. The results showed that there were significant differences among the treatments of P fertilizer on the variables of plant height, leaf number, and stem diameter of tomato. Biomass fresh and dry weight of tomato also showed significantly different between the treatments applied. The highest correlation was shown on Mehlich I extraction reagent between plant dry and fresh weight. It means that, this P-nutrient extraction method was the most appropriate in determining phosphorus nutrient for tomatoes on Inceptisols soil with a coefficient correlation of 0.88. Mehlich I can also be used to develop a comprehensive phosphorus fertilizer recommendation for tomato cultivation on Inceptisols soil (r value = 0.89)

    Penentuan Metode Terbaik Uji Kalium untuk Tanaman Tomat pada Tanah Inceptisols

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    Penelitian tentang studi analisis kalium tanah dan aplikasi pupuk kalium pada budidaya tomat pada tanah Inceptisols dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan dan Rumah Kaca di Cikabayan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, dari Bulan April hingga November 2011. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendapatkan metode ekstraksi kalium tanah yang terbaik guna menentukan dosis pupuk kalium pada budidaya tomat pada tanah Inceptisols. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan perlakuan pemberian pupuk kalium pada beberapa tingkat dosis, yaitu 0, ¼, ½, ¾, dan 1X, dimana nilai X ialah 608,6 kg K O kg/ha dengan empat ulangan. Perlakuan pemupukan kalium diterapkan pada 3 bulan sebelum penanaman tomat. Analisis korelasi dilakukan antara kandungan K tanah dan pertumbuhan tanaman di dalam rumah kaca menggunakan media inkubasi berasal dari tanah setelah diberi perlakuan. Uji kalium tanah menggunakan lima metode ekstraksi, yaitu metode HCl 25%, NH422) OAc 1 M pH 7, Mehlich I, Truog, dan Morgan Vanema. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara pengaruh perlakuan pupuk K terhadap parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan diameter batang tomat. Bobot segar biomassa dan bobot kering tomat juga menunjukkan perbedaan pengaruh yang nyata antarperlakuan. Nilai korelasi tertinggi ditunjukkan pada metode pengekstrak Truog melalui parameter bobot kering dan basah relatif tanaman (r = 0,7). Dengan demikian, uji K tanah menggunakan metode Truog dapat digunakan sebagai metode ekstraksi yang paling tepat untuk menganalisis unsur hara kalium dalam rangka penyediaan rekomendasi pemupukan K pada budidaya tomat pada tanah Inceptisols

    Review of EEG and ERP studies of extraversion personality for baseline and cognitive tasks

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    According to psychological studies, the most fundamental personality is the extraversion personality. Most studies looking at differences between extroverts and introverts are pen and paper based studies. However, in a few studies, electrophysiological signals were involved. In this paper, we reviewed studies examining extraversion personality using electroencephalography (EEG) and event-related potentials (ERP). It was found that some of the EEG studies claimed that extroverts and introverts can be differentiated using baseline EEG, while some others claimed otherwise. Conflicting findings were also observed in the ERP studies; higher/lower P300 amplitude in extroverts compared to that of introverts in visual stimuli tasks. These various findings are probably due to differences in their experimental protocols, sample size, or age of subjects. Other possible reasons include no consideration given on the main feature of extraversion and the studies only focused on EEG power spectral analysis. We are thus suggesting for future investigations to involve the main feature such as sociability and/or to incorporate more EEG features in the analysis to produce more robust and reliable results. This review constitutes a guidance for research on brain-related conditions of extroverts and introverts and shall be useful in many areas

    Repair of gaps opposite lesions by homologous recombination in mammalian cells

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    Damages in the DNA template inhibit the progression of replication, which may cause single-stranded gaps. Such situations can be tolerated by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), or by homology-dependent repair (HDR), which is based on transfer or copying of the missing information from the replicated sister chromatid. Whereas it is well established that TLS plays an important role in DNA damage tolerance in mammalian cells, it is unknown whether HDR operates in this process. Using a newly developed plasmid-based assay that distinguishes between the three mechanisms of DNA damage tolerance, we found that mammalian cells can efficiently utilize HDR to repair DNA gaps opposite an abasic site or benzo[a]pyrene adduct. The majority of these events occurred by a physical strand transfer (homologous recombination repair; HRR), rather than a template switch mechanism. Furthermore, cells deficient in either the human RAD51 recombination protein or NBS1, but not Rad18, exhibited decreased gap repair through HDR, indicating a role for these proteins in DNA damage tolerance. To our knowledge, this is the first direct evidence of gap-lesion repair via HDR in mammalian cells, providing further molecular insight into the potential activity of HDR in overcoming replication obstacles and maintaining genome stability

    Single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiovascular pathologies: a new alternative surgical approach

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    BACKGROUND: Coarctation of the aorta in the adulthood is sometimes associated with additional cardiovascular pathologies that require intervention. Ideal approach in such patients is uncertain. Anatomic left-sided short aortic bypass from the arcus aorta to descending aorta via median sternotomy allows simultaneuos repair of both complex aortic coarctation and concomitant cardiac operation. MATERIALS: Four adult patients were underwent Anatomic left-sided short aortic bypass operation for complex aortic coarctation through median sternotomy using deep hypothermic circulatory arrest. Concomitant cardiac operations were Bentall procedure for annuloaortic ectasia in one patient, coronary artery bypass grafting for three vessel disease in two patient, and patch closure of ventricular septal defect in one patient. RESULTS: All patients survived the operation and were alive with patent bypass at a mean follow-up of 36 months. No graft-related complications occurred, and there were no instances of stroke or paraplegia. CONCLUSION: We conclude that single-stage repair of adult aortic coarctation with concomitant cardiovascular lesions can be performed safely using this newest technique

    Auto–transition in RADG based on chaotic system

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    The RADG (Reaction Automata Direct Graph) cryptosystem is the automata direct graph and reaction states combination. The classical RADG does not require key exchange (keyless), or agreement between users just the design of RADG, which is static. The RADG algorithm with keys has two agreements between users, one is on the keys, and other is a design of RADG. The RADG design depends on states and transitions between them, since transitions between states are static transitions, or dynamic transitions have agreement between users to determine the type of state (Jump state, Reaction state) of RADG algorithm with keys, and the transition between states must cover each states scenario of RADG design .This article presents algorithm called (Auto- Transition Function (ATF)), which merge properties of RADG algorithm with chaotic system to obtain on transitions between states are automatic. The parameters of ATF are chaotic initial value, parameter of chaotic function, and characteristics of RADG, then ATF is an auto creation of transitions among all states in RADG, and it satisfies each scenario of RADG design

    Towards the quantum internet: generalised quantum network coding for large-scale quantum communication networks

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    Large-scale quantum network coding (LQNC) is conceived for distributing entangled qubits over large-scale quantum communication networks supporting both teleportation and quantum key distribution. More specifically, the LQNC is characterized by detailing the encoding and decoding process for distributing entangled pairs of qubits to M pairs of source-and-target users connected via a backbone route of N hops. The LQNC-based system advocated is then compared with entanglement swapping-based systems for highlighting the benefits of the proposed LQNC

    Quantum turbo decoding for quantum channels exhibiting memory

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    Inspired by the success of classical turbo codes, quantum turbo codes (QTCs) have also been conceived for near-hashing-bound transmission of quantum information over memoryless quantum channels. However, in real physical situations, the memoryless channel assumption may not be well justified, since the channel often exhibits memory of previous error events. Here, we investigate the performance of QTCs over depolarizing channels exhibiting memory and we show that they suffer from a performance degradation at low depolarizing probability values. In order to circumvent the performance degradation issue, we conceive a new coding scheme termed quantum turbo coding scheme exploiting error-correlation (QTC-EEC) that is capable of utilizing the error-correlation while performing the iterative decoding at the receiver. The proposed QTC-EEC can achieve convergence threshold at a higher depolarizing probability for channels with a higher value of correlation parameter and achieve performance near to the capacity. Finally, we propose a joint decoding and estimation scheme for our QTC-EEC relying on the correlation estimation (QTC-EEC-E) designed for more realistic quantum systems with unknown correlation parameter. Simulation results reveal that the proposed QTC-EEC-E can achieve the same performance as that of the ideal system of known correlation parameter and hence demonstrate the accurate estimation of the proposed QTC-EEC-E

    Aquatic Bacterial Communities Associated With Land Use and Environmental Factors in Agricultural Landscapes Using a Metabarcoding Approach

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    This study applied a 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding approach to characterize bacterial community compositional and functional attributes for surface water samples collected within, primarily, agriculturally dominated watersheds in Ontario and Québec, Canada. Compositional heterogeneity was best explained by stream order, season, and watercourse discharge. Generally, community diversity was higher at agriculturally dominated lower order streams, compared to larger stream order systems such as small to large rivers. However, during times of lower relative water flow and cumulative 2-day rainfall, modestly higher relative diversity was found in the larger watercourses. Bacterial community assemblages were more sensitive to environmental/land use changes in the smaller watercourses, relative to small-to-large river systems, where the proximity of the sampled water column to bacteria reservoirs in the sediments and adjacent terrestrial environment was greater. Stream discharge was the environmental variable most significantly correlated (all positive) with bacterial functional groups, such as C/N cycling and plant pathogens. Comparison of the community structural similarity via network analyses helped to discriminate sources of bacteria in freshwater derived from, for example, wastewater treatment plant effluent and intensity and type of agricultural land uses (e.g., intensive swine production vs. dairy dominated cash/livestock cropping systems). When using metabarcoding approaches, bacterial community composition and coexisting pattern rather than individual taxonomic lineages, were better indicators of environmental/land use conditions (e.g., upstream land use) and bacterial sources in watershed settings. Overall, monitoring changes and differences in aquatic microbial communities at regional and local watershed scales has promise for enhancing environmental footprinting and for better understanding nutrient cycling and ecological function of aquatic systems impacted by a multitude of stressors and land uses