3,895 research outputs found

    Evolution of antiferromagnetic domains in the all-in-all-out ordered pyrochlore Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7

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    We report the observation of magnetic domains in the exotic, antiferromagnetically ordered all-in-all-out state of Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7, induced by spin canting. The all-in-all-out state can be realized by Ising-like spins on a pyrochlore lattice and is established in Nd2_2Zr2_2O7_7 below 0.31 K for external magnetic fields up to 0.14 T. Two different spin arrangements can fulfill this configuration which leads to the possibility of magnetic domains. The all-in-all-out domain structure can be controlled by an external magnetic field applied parallel to the [111] direction. This is a result of different spin canting mechanism for the two all-in-all-out configurations for such a direction of the magnetic field. The change of the domain structure is observed through a hysteresis in the magnetic susceptibility. No hysteresis occurs, however, in case the external magnetic field is applied along [100].Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. B, 6 pages, 6 figure

    Ászkarák (Crustacea, Isopoda) együttesek egyedszám változásai egy dániai urbanizációs grádiens mentén

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    Szárazföldi ászkarák együtteseket (Isopoda: Oniscidea) tanulmányoztunk egy urbanizációs grádiens mentén 2004-ben a dániai Sorø mellett, a Globenet-protokoll szerint. Jelen tanulmányunkban négy mintavételi periódust értékeltünk. Három hipotézist vizsgáltunk: (a) a fajdiverzitás a zavarás növekvő mértékével csökken; (b) a fajdiverzitás a közepesen zavart területen a legnagyobb; (c) a zavartabb területeken megjelennek kozmopolita és/vagy behurcolt fajok. A természetes – városszéli és városi élőhelyek fajösszetétele megegyezett: Porcellio scaber, Oniscus asellus, Philoscia muscorum, Armadillidium vulgare, Trachelipus rathkii, Ligidium hypnorum. Az urbanizáció hatása nem a fajok minőségi összetételében, hanem azok egyedszám eltéréseiben tükröződött. Az egyes fajok élőhelytípusonkénti gyakorisága – a P. muscorum kivételével – szignifikánsan különbözött egymástól

    Stability of Boundary Conditions for the Sadowsky Functional

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    It has been proved by the authors that the (extended) Sadowsky functional can be deduced as the Γ -limit of the Kirchhoff energy on a rectangular strip, as the width of the strip tends to 0. In this paper, we show that this Γ -convergence result is stable when affine boundary conditions are prescribed on the short sides of the strip. These boundary conditions include those corresponding to a Möbius band. This provides a rigorous justification of the original formal argument by Sadowsky about determining the equilibrium shape of a free-standing Möbius strip. We further write the equilibrium equations for the limit problem and show that, under some regularity assumptions, the centerline of a developable Möbius band at equilibrium cannot be a planar curve

    Evidence for a dynamical ground state in the frustrated pyrohafnate Tb2Hf2O7

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    We report the physical properties of Tb2Hf2O7 based on ac magnetic susceptibility \chi_ac(T), dc magnetic susceptibility \chi(T), isothermal magnetization M(H), and heat capacity C_p(T) measurements combined with muon spin relaxation (\muSR) and neutron powder diffraction measurements. No evidence for long-range magnetic order is found down to 0.1 K. However, \chi_ac(T) data present a frequency-dependent broad peak (near 0.9 K at 16 Hz) indicating slow spin dynamics. The slow spin dynamics is further evidenced from the \muSR data (characterized by a stretched exponential behavior) which show persistent spin fluctuations down to 0.3 K. The neutron powder diffraction data collected at 0.1 K show a broad peak of magnetic origin (diffuse scattering) but no magnetic Bragg peaks. The analysis of the diffuse scattering data reveals a dominant antiferromagnetic interaction in agreement with the negative Weiss temperature. The absence of long-range magnetic order and the presence of slow spin dynamics and persistent spin fluctuations together reflect a dynamical ground state in Tb2Hf2O7.Comment: 11 pages and 8 figure

    CRISPaint allows modular base-specific gene tagging using a ligase-4-dependent mechanism

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    The site-specific insertion of heterologous genetic material into genomes provides a powerful means to study gene function. Here we describe a modular system entitled CRISPaint (CRISPR-assisted insertion tagging) that allows precise and efficient integration of large heterologous DNA cassettes into eukaryotic genomes. CRISPaint makes use of the CRISPR-Cas9 system to introduce a double-strand break (DSB) at a user-defined genomic location. A universal donor DNA, optionally provided as minicircle DNA, is cleaved simultaneously to be integrated at the genomic DSB, while processing the donor plasmid at three possible positions allows flexible reading-frame selection. Applying this system allows to create C-terminal tag fusions of endogenously encoded proteins in human cells with high efficiencies. Knocking out known DSB repair components reveals that site-specific insertion is completely dependent on canonical NHEJ (DNA-PKcs, XLF and ligase-4). A large repertoire of modular donor vectors renders CRISPaint compatible with a wide array of applications

    The Optimal Control Landscape for the Generation of Unitary Transformations with Constrained Dynamics

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    The reliable and precise generation of quantum unitary transformations is essential to the realization of a number of fundamental objectives, such as quantum control and quantum information processing. Prior work has explored the optimal control problem of generating such unitary transformations as a surface optimization problem over the quantum control landscape, defined as a metric for realizing a desired unitary transformation as a function of the control variables. It was found that under the assumption of non-dissipative and controllable dynamics, the landscape topology is trap-free, implying that any reasonable optimization heuristic should be able to identify globally optimal solutions. The present work is a control landscape analysis incorporating specific constraints in the Hamiltonian corresponding to certain dynamical symmetries in the underlying physical system. It is found that the presence of such symmetries does not destroy the trap-free topology. These findings expand the class of quantum dynamical systems on which control problems are intrinsically amenable to solution by optimal control.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Physic

    On the unconstrained expansion of a spherical plasma cloud turning collisionless : case of a cloud generated by a nanometer dust grain impact on an uncharged target in space

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    Nano and micro meter sized dust particles travelling through the heliosphere at several hundreds of km/s have been repeatedly detected by interplanetary spacecraft. When such fast moving dust particles hit a solid target in space, an expanding plasma cloud is formed through the vaporisation and ionisation of the dust particles itself and part of the target material at and near the impact point. Immediately after the impact the small and dense cloud is dominated by collisions and the expansion can be described by fluid equations. However, once the cloud has reached micro-m dimensions, the plasma may turn collisionless and a kinetic description is required to describe the subsequent expansion. In this paper we explore the late and possibly collisionless spherically symmetric unconstrained expansion of a single ionized ion-electron plasma using N-body simulations. Given the strong uncertainties concerning the early hydrodynamic expansion, we assume that at the time of the transition to the collisionless regime the cloud density and temperature are spatially uniform. We do also neglect the role of the ambient plasma. This is a reasonable assumption as long as the cloud density is substantially higher than the ambient plasma density. In the case of clouds generated by fast interplanetary dust grains hitting a solid target some 10^7 electrons and ions are liberated and the in vacuum approximation is acceptable up to meter order cloud dimensions. ..