281 research outputs found

    Distinct phenotype of neutrophil, monocyte, and eosinophil populations indicates altered myelopoiesis in a subset of patients with multiple myeloma

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    Hematologic malignancies, including multiple myeloma (MM), promote systemic immune dysregulation resulting in an alteration and increased plasticity of myeloid cell subsets. To determine the heterogeneity of the myeloid cell compartment in the peripheral blood of patients with MM, we performed a detailed investigation of the phenotype and function of myeloid subpopulations. We report that a subset of MM patients exhibits a specific myeloid cell phenotype indicative of altered myelopoiesis characterized by significant changes in the properties of circulating granulocytic, monocytic, and eosinophilic populations. The subset, referred to as MM2, is defined by a markedly elevated level of CD64 (FcγRI) on the surface of circulating neutrophils. Compared to healthy controls or MM1 patients displaying intermediate levels of CD64, neutrophils from MM2 patients exhibit a less differentiated phenotype, low levels of CD10 and CXC chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2), increased capacity for the production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, and an expansion of CD16neg immature neutrophil subset. Classical and patrolling monocytes from MM2 patients express elevated levels of CD64 and activation markers. MM2 eosinophils display lower levels of C-C Chemokine receptor 3 (CCR3), Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4, CD284), and tissue factor (TF, CD142). The MM2 (CD64high) phenotype is independent of age, race, sex, and treatment type. Characteristic features of the MM2 (CD64high) phenotype are associated with myeloma-defining events including elevated involved/uninvolved immunoglobulin free light chain (FLC) ratio at diagnosis. Detailed characterization of the altered myeloid phenotype in multiple myeloma will likely facilitate the identification of patients with an increased risk of disease progression and open new avenues for the rational design of novel therapeutic approaches

    Cooperative compliance programmes: who participates and why?

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    This study examines which organisations participate in cooperative compliance programmes(CCPs) and why by comparing large organisations in the Netherlands that do and do notparticipate in them. We use data from surveys conducted among representatives of largeorganisations and their Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration (NTCA) accountmanagers between 2014 and 2018 (n=394). The results show that there are few differences inorganisational characteristics between CCP participants and non-participants, but that largerorganisations are more likely to participate in CCPs. Furthermore, CCP participants have betterworking relationships with the NTCA, better Tax Control Frameworks (TCFs), and displaygreater transparency than non-participants. In addition, CCP participants report having agreater need for certainty and higher perceived certainty about their tax positions than nonparticipants.Within the group of CCP participants, we also assess whether there are differencesrelated to the intensity of contact with the NTCA and the duration of participation. We findthat the working relationship and the level of transparency are somewhat better, and thatcompliance costs for the organisation are reduced, when there is more frequent contact betweena large organisation and the NTCA. At the same time, we find a negative relationship betweenthe duration of CCP participation and the quality of the TCF. We conclude that largeorganisations may benefit from CCP participation in terms of gaining more certainty abouttheir tax position, whereas the tax authority may benefit because the organisation displaysgreater transparency. Both parties may benefit from the development of a better workingrelationship, but it appears that both parties need to continuously invest time and effort into theprogramme in order to actively maintain the cooperative relationship.Social decision makin

    Limited Transplantation of Antigen-Expressing Hematopoietic Stem Cells Induces Long-Lasting Cytotoxic T Cell Responses

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    Harnessing the ability of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) to recognize and eradicate tumor or pathogen-infected cells is a critical goal of modern immune-based therapies. Although multiple immunization strategies efficiently induce high levels of antigen-specific CTLs, the initial increase is typically followed by a rapid contraction phase resulting in a sharp decline in the frequency of functional CTLs. We describe a novel approach to immunotherapy based on a transplantation of low numbers of antigen-expressing hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) following nonmyeloablative or partially myeloablative conditioning. Continuous antigen presentation by a limited number of differentiated transgenic hematopoietic cells results in an induction and prolonged maintenance of fully functional effector T cell responses in a mouse model. Recipient animals display high levels of antigen-specific CTLs four months following transplantation in contrast to dendritic cell-immunized animals in which the response typically declines at 4–6 weeks post-immunization. Majority of HSC-induced antigen-specific CD8+ T cells display central memory phenotype, efficiently kill target cells in vivo, and protect recipients against tumor growth in a preventive setting. Furthermore, we confirm previously published observation that high level engraftment of antigen-expressing HSCs following myeloablative conditioning results in tolerance and an absence of specific cytotoxic activity in vivo. In conclusion, the data presented here supports potential application of immunization by limited transplantation of antigen-expressing HSCs for the prevention and treatment of cancer and therapeutic immunization of chronic infectious diseases such as HIV-1/AIDS

    Emergent dynamic chirality in a thermally driven artificial spin ratchet

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    Modern nanofabrication techniques have opened the possibility to create novel functional materials, whose properties transcend those of their constituent elements. In particular, tuning the magnetostatic interactions in geometrically frustrated arrangements of nanoelements called artificial spin ice1, 2 can lead to specific collective behaviour3, including emergent magnetic monopoles4, 5, charge screening6, 7 and transport8, 9, as well as magnonic response10, 11, 12. Here, we demonstrate a spin-ice-based active material in which energy is converted into unidirectional dynamics. Using X-ray photoemission electron microscopy we show that the collective rotation of the average magnetization proceeds in a unique sense during thermal relaxation. Our simulations demonstrate that this emergent chiral behaviour is driven by the topology of the magnetostatic field at the edges of the nanomagnet array, resulting in an asymmetric energy landscape. In addition, a bias field can be used to modify the sense of rotation of the average magnetization. This opens the possibility of implementing a magnetic Brownian ratchet13, 14, which may find applications in novel nanoscale devices, such as magnetic nanomotors, actuators, sensors or memory cells

    A systematic review of prognostic factors predicting survival in patients with spinal bone metastases

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    Purpose: For the selection of treatment in patients with spinal bone metastases (SBM), survival estimation plays a crucial role to avoid over- and under-treatment. To aid clinicians in this difficult task, several prediction models have been developed, consisting of many different risk factors. The aim of this systematic review was to identify prognostic factors that are associated with survival in patients with SBM to support development of predictive models. Methods: A systematic review was performed with focus on prognostic factors associated with survival in patients with SBM. Two reviewers independently selected studies for inclusion and assessed the risk of bias. A level of evidence synthesis was performed for each prognostic factor. Inter-observer agreement for the risk of bias assessment was determined by the kappa-statistic. Results: After screening, 142 full-text articles were obtained, of which 22 met the eligibility criteria. A total of 43 different prognostic factors were investigated in the included studies, of which 17 were relevant to pre-treatment survival estimation. The prognostic factors most frequently associated with survival were the primary tumor and the performance status. The prognostic factors most frequently not associated with survival were age, gender, number and location of the SBM and the presence of a pathologic fracture. Conclusions: Prognostication for patients with SBM should be based on an accurate primary tumor classification, combined with a performance score. The benefit of adding other prognostic factors is doubtful

    Immune control of HIV-1 infection after therapy interruption: immediate versus deferred antiretroviral therapy

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    Abstract Background The optimal stage for initiating antiretroviral therapies in HIV-1 bearing patients is still a matter of debate. Methods We present computer simulations of HIV-1 infection aimed at identifying the pro et contra of immediate as compared to deferred Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). Results Our simulations highlight that a prompt specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes response is detected when therapy is delayed. Compared to very early initiation of HAART, in deferred treated patients CD8+ T cells manage to mediate the decline of viremia in a shorter time and, at interruption of therapy, the virus experiences a stronger immune pressure. We also observe, however, that the immunological effects of the therapy fade with time in both therapeutic regimens. Thus, within one year from discontinuation, viral burden recovers to the value at which it would level off in the absence of therapy. In summary, simulations show that immediate therapy does not prolong the disease-free period and does not confer a survival benefit when compared to treatment started during the chronic infection phase. Conclusion Our conclusion is that, since there is no therapy to date that guarantees life-long protection, deferral of therapy should be preferred in order to minimize the risk of adverse effects, the occurrence of drug resistances and the costs of treatment.</p

    Tobacco smoking, body mass index, hypertension, and kidney cancer risk in central and eastern Europe

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    In a case–control study of kidney cancer in four central European countries, with 1097 incident cases and 1476 controls, we found an increased risk for self-reported hypertension and for obesity. Additional unknown risk factors are likely to be responsible for the high rates of kidney cancer in this region

    Improved Innate and Adaptive Immunostimulation by Genetically Modified HIV-1 Protein Expressing NYVAC Vectors.

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    Attenuated poxviruses are safe and capable of expressing foreign antigens. Poxviruses are applied in veterinary vaccination and explored as candidate vaccines for humans. However, poxviruses express multiple genes encoding proteins that interfere with components of the innate and adaptive immune response. This manuscript describes two strategies aimed to improve the immunogenicity of the highly attenuated, host-range restricted poxvirus NYVAC: deletion of the viral gene encoding type-I interferon-binding protein and development of attenuated replication-competent NYVAC. We evaluated these newly generated NYVAC mutants, encoding HIV-1 env, gag, pol and nef, for their ability to stimulate HIV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in vitro from blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected subjects. The new vectors were evaluated and compared to the parental NYVAC vector in dendritic cells (DCs), RNA expression arrays, HIV gag expression and cross-presentation assays in vitro. Deletion of type-I interferon-binding protein enhanced expression of interferon and interferon-induced genes in DCs, and increased maturation of infected DCs. Restoration of replication competence induced activation of pathways involving antigen processing and presentation. Also, replication-competent NYVAC showed increased Gag expression in infected cells, permitting enhanced cross-presentation to HIV-specific CD8 T cells and proliferation of HIV-specific memory CD8 T-cells in vitro. The recombinant NYVAC combining both modifications induced interferon-induced genes and genes involved in antigen processing and presentation, as well as increased Gag expression. This combined replication-competent NYVAC is a promising candidate for the next generation of HIV vaccines

    Local replication of simian immunodeficiency virus in the breast milk compartment of chronically-infected, lactating rhesus monkeys

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    Breast milk transmission remains a major mode of infant HIV acquisition, yet anatomic and immunologic forces shaping virus quasispecies in milk are not well characterized. In this study, phylogenic analysis of envelope sequences of milk SIV variants revealed groups of nearly identical viruses, indicating local virus production. However, comparison of the patterns and rates of CTL escape of blood and milk virus demonstrated only subtle differences between the compartments. These findings suggest that a substantial fraction of milk viruses are produced by locally-infected cells, but are shaped by cellular immune pressures similar to that in the blood