714 research outputs found

    Lattice knot theory and quantum gravity in the loop representation

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    We present an implementation of the loop representation of quantum gravity on a square lattice. Instead of starting from a classical lattice theory, quantizing and introducing loops, we proceed backwards, setting up constraints in the lattice loop representation and showing that they have appropriate (singular) continuum limits and algebras. The diffeomorphism constraint reproduces the classical algebra in the continuum and has as solutions lattice analogues of usual knot invariants. We discuss some of the invariants stemming from Chern--Simons theory in the lattice context, including the issue of framing. We also present a regularization of the Hamiltonian constraint. We show that two knot invariants from Chern--Simons theory are annihilated by the Hamiltonian constraint through the use of their skein relations, including intersections. We also discuss the issue of intersections with kinks. This paper is the first step towards setting up the loop representation in a rigorous, computable setting.Comment: 23 pages, RevTeX, 14 figures included with psfi

    Finite, diffeomorphism invariant observables in quantum gravity

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    Two sets of spatially diffeomorphism invariant operators are constructed in the loop representation formulation of quantum gravity. This is done by coupling general relativity to an anti- symmetric tensor gauge field and using that field to pick out sets of surfaces, with boundaries, in the spatial three manifold. The two sets of observables then measure the areas of these surfaces and the Wilson loops for the self-dual connection around their boundaries. The operators that represent these observables are finite and background independent when constructed through a proper regularization procedure. Furthermore, the spectra of the area operators are discrete so that the possible values that one can obtain by a measurement of the area of a physical surface in quantum gravity are valued in a discrete set that includes integral multiples of half the Planck area. These results make possible the construction of a correspondence between any three geometry whose curvature is small in Planck units and a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravitational and matter fields. This correspondence relies on the approximation of the classical geometry by a piecewise flat Regge manifold, which is then put in correspondence with a diffeomorphism invariant state of the gravity-matter system in which the matter fields specify the faces of the triangulation and the gravitational field is in an eigenstate of the operators that measure their areas.Comment: Latex, no figures, 30 pages, SU-GP-93/1-

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: II. Constraints, habitats and consistency of the constraint algebra

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    In a companion paper we introduced a kinematical arena for the discussion of the constraints of canonical quantum gravity in the spin network representation based on Vassiliev invariants. In this paper we introduce the Hamiltonian constraint, extend the space of states to non-diffeomorphism invariant ``habitats'' and check that the off-shell quantum constraint commutator algebra reproduces the classical Poisson algebra of constraints of general relativity without anomalies. One can therefore consider the resulting set of constraints and space of states as a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 20 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi

    The physical hamiltonian in nonperturbative quantum gravity

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    A quantum hamiltonian which evolves the gravitational field according to time as measured by constant surfaces of a scalar field is defined through a regularization procedure based on the loop representation, and is shown to be finite and diffeomorphism invariant. The problem of constructing this hamiltonian is reduced to a combinatorial and algebraic problem which involves the rearrangements of lines through the vertices of arbitrary graphs. This procedure also provides a construction of the hamiltonian constraint as a finite operator on the space of diffeomorphism invariant states as well as a construction of the operator corresponding to the spatial volume of the universe.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, no figures, CGPG/93/

    A Geometric Representation for the Proca Model

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    The Proca model is quantized in an open-path dependent representation that generalizes the Loop Representation of gauge theories. The starting point is a gauge invariant Lagrangian that reduces to the Proca Lagrangian when certain gauge is selected.Comment: 10 pages, Late

    Interacting Particles and Strings in Path and Surface Representations

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    Non-relativistic charged particles and strings coupled with abelian gauge fields are quantized in a geometric representation that generalizes the Loop Representation. We consider three models: the string in self-interaction through a Kalb-Ramond field in four dimensions, the topological interaction of two particles due to a BF term in 2+1 dimensions, and the string-particle interaction mediated by a BF term in 3+1 dimensions. In the first case one finds that a consistent "surface-representation" can be built provided that the coupling constant is quantized. The geometrical setting that arises corresponds to a generalized version of the Faraday's lines picture: quantum states are labeled by the shape of the string, from which emanate "Faraday`s surfaces". In the other models, the topological interaction can also be described by geometrical means. It is shown that the open-path (or open-surface) dependence carried by the wave functional in these models can be eliminated through an unitary transformation, except by a remaining dependence on the boundary of the path (or surface). These feature is closely related to the presence of anomalous statistics in the 2+1 model, and to a generalized "anyonic behavior" of the string in the other case.Comment: RevTeX 4, 28 page

    Kauffman Knot Invariant from SO(N) or Sp(N) Chern-Simons theory and the Potts Model

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    The expectation value of Wilson loop operators in three-dimensional SO(N) Chern-Simons gauge theory gives a known knot invariant: the Kauffman polynomial. Here this result is derived, at the first order, via a simple variational method. With the same procedure the skein relation for Sp(N) are also obtained. Jones polynomial arises as special cases: Sp(2), SO(-2) and SL(2,R). These results are confirmed and extended up to the second order, by means of perturbation theory, which moreover let us establish a duality relation between SO(+/-N) and Sp(-/+N) invariants. A correspondence between the firsts orders in perturbation theory of SO(-2), Sp(2) or SU(2) Chern-Simons quantum holonomies and the partition function of the Q=4 Potts Model is built.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication on Phys. Rev.

    Vacuum stability conditions of the economical 3-3-1 model from copositivity

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    By applying copositivity criterion to the scalar potential of the economical 3313-3-1 model, we derive necessary and sufficient bounded-from-below conditions at tree level. Although these are a large number of intricate inequalities for the dimensionless parameters of the scalar potential, we present general enlightening relations in this work. Additionally, we use constraints coming from the minimization of the scalar potential by means of the orbit space method, the positivity of the squared masses of the extra scalars, the Higgs boson mass, the ZZ' gauge boson mass and its mixing angle with the SM ZZ boson in order to further restrict the parameter space of this model.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, added text and references. Matches published versio

    The Extended Loop Group: An Infinite Dimensional Manifold Associated with the Loop Space

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    A set of coordinates in the non parametric loop-space is introduced. We show that these coordinates transform under infinite dimensional linear representations of the diffeomorphism group. An extension of the group of loops in terms of these objects is proposed. The enlarged group behaves locally as an infinite dimensional Lie group. Ordinary loops form a subgroup of this group. The algebraic properties of this new mathematical structure are analized in detail. Applications of the formalism to field theory, quantum gravity and knot theory are considered.Comment: The resubmited paper contains the title and abstract, that were omitted in the previous version. 42 pages, report IFFI/93.0

    Canonical quantum gravity in the Vassiliev invariants arena: I. Kinematical structure

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    We generalize the idea of Vassiliev invariants to the spin network context, with the aim of using these invariants as a kinematical arena for a canonical quantization of gravity. This paper presents a detailed construction of these invariants (both ambient and regular isotopic) requiring a significant elaboration based on the use of Chern-Simons perturbation theory which extends the work of Kauffman, Martin and Witten to four-valent networks. We show that this space of knot invariants has the crucial property -from the point of view of the quantization of gravity- of being loop differentiable in the sense of distributions. This allows the definition of diffeomorphism and Hamiltonian constraints. We show that the invariants are annihilated by the diffeomorphism constraint. In a companion paper we elaborate on the definition of a Hamiltonian constraint, discuss the constraint algebra, and show that the construction leads to a consistent theory of canonical quantum gravity.Comment: 21 Pages, RevTex, many figures included with psfi