35 research outputs found

    A genetic algorithm

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    Castelli, M., Dondi, R., Manzoni, S., Mauri, G., & Zoppis, I. (2019). Top k 2-clubs in a network: A genetic algorithm. In J. J. Dongarra, J. M. F. Rodrigues, P. J. S. Cardoso, J. Monteiro, R. Lam, V. V. Krzhizhanovskaya, M. H. Lees, ... P. M. A. Sloot (Eds.), Computational Science. ICCS 2019: 19th International Conference, 2019, Proceedings (Vol. 5, pp. 656-663). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics); Vol. 11540 LNCS). Springer Verlag. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22750-0_63The identification of cohesive communities (dense sub-graphs) is a typical task applied to the analysis of social and biological networks. Different definitions of communities have been adopted for particular occurrences. One of these, the 2-club (dense subgraphs with diameter value at most of length 2) has been revealed of interest for applications and theoretical studies. Unfortunately, the identification of 2-clubs is a computationally intractable problem, and the search of approximate solutions (at a reasonable time) is therefore fundamental in many practical areas. In this article, we present a genetic algorithm based heuristic to compute a collection of Top k 2-clubs, i.e., a set composed by the largest k 2-clubs which cover an input graph. In particular, we discuss some preliminary results for synthetic data obtained by sampling Erdös-Rényi random graphs.authorsversionpublishe

    The proposal of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage (Cretaceous System): Part 1.

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    Here in the first part of this publication we discuss the possibilities for the selection of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage of the Cretaceous System, based on the established methods for correlation in the Tithonian/Berriasian interval. This will be followed, in the second part, by an account of the stratigraphic evidence that justifies the locality of Tré Maroua (Hautes-Alpes, SE France) as the proposed GSSP. Here we discuss the possibilities for correlation in the historical J/K boundary interval, and the evolution of thinking on the positioning of the boundary over recent generations, and in relation to research in the last ten years. The Tithonian/Berriasian boundary level is accepted as occurring within magnetosubzone M19n.2n. The detailed distribution of calpionellids has been recorded at numerous sites, tied to magnetostratigraphy, and the base of the calpionellid Alpina Zone is taken to define the base of the Berriasian Stage. This is at a level just below the distinctive reversed magnetic subzone M19n.1r (the so-called Brodno reversal). We discuss a wide range of magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from key localities globally, in the type Berriasian areas of France and wider regions (Le Chouet, Saint Bertrand, Puerto Escaño, Rio Argos, Bosso, Brodno, Kurovice, Theodosia etc.). The characteristic datums that typify the J/K boundary interval in Tethys and its extensions are detailed, and the correlative viability of various fossil groups is discussed. The boundary level is correlated to well-known J/K sections globally, and a series of secondary markers and proxies are indicated which assist wider correlation. Particularly significant are the primary basal Berriasian marker, the base of the Alpina Subzone (marked by dominance of small Calpionella alpina, Crassicollaria parvula and Tintinopsella carpathica) and secondary markers bracketing the base of the Calpionella Zone, notably the FOs of the calcareous nannofossil species Nannoconus wintereri (just below the boundary) and the FO of Nannoconus steinmannii minor (just above). Notable proxies for the boundary are: 1) the base of the Arctoteuthis tehamaensis Zone in boreal and subboreal regions, 2) the dated base of the Alpina Subzone at 140.22 ± 0.14 Ma, which also gives a precise age estimate for the system boundary; and 3) the base of radiolarian “unitary zone” 14, which is situated just above the base of the Alpina Subzone

    The proposal of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage (Cretaceous System): Part 2

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    In part 1 of this work we discussed the possibilities for the selection of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage of the Cretaceous System, based on prevailing practical methods for correlation in that J/K interval, traditional usage and the consensus over the best boundary markers that had developed in the last forty years. This consensus has developed further, based on the results of multidisciplinary studies on numerous sites over the last decade. Here in Part 2 we give an account of the application of those results by the Berriasian Working Group (ISCS), and present the stratigraphic evidence that justifies the selection of the locality of Tré Maroua (Hautes-Alpes, SE France) as the proposed GSSP. We describe a 45 m-thick section in the Calcaires Blancs vocontiens – that part of the formation covering the calpionellid Chitinoidella, Remanei. Intermedia, Colomi, Alpina, Ferasini, Elliptica and Simplex biozones. The stratigraphic data collected here has been compiled as part of a wider comparative study of complementary Vocontian Basin sites (with localities at Charens, St Bertrand, Belvedere and Le Chouet). Evidence from Tré Maroua thus sits in this substantial regional biostratigraphic and magnetostratigraphic context. For the purposes of the GSSP definition, here we particularly concentrate on the unbroken sequence and biotic markers in the interval immediately below the boundary, the Colomi Subzone (covering circa 675,000 years), and immediately above, the Alpina Subzone (covering circa 725,000 years). Particularly significant fossil datums identified in the Tré Maroua profile are the primary basal Berriasian marker, the base of the Alpina Subzone (a widespread event marked by dominance of small Calpionella alpina, with rare Crassicollaria parvula and Tintinopsella carpathica): the base of the Berriasian Stage is placed at the base of bed 14, which coincides with the base of the Alpina Subzone. Secondary markers bracketing the base of the Calpionella Zone are the FOs of the calcareous nannofossil species Nannoconus wintereri, close below the boundary, and the FO of Nannoconus steinmannii minor, close above. The Tithonian/Berriasian boundary level occurs within M19n.2n, in common with many documented sites, and is just below the distinctive reversed magnetic subzone M19n.1r (the so-called Brodno reversal). We present data which is congruent with magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from other key localities in France and in wider regions (Le Chouet, Saint Bertrand, Puerto Escaño, Rio Argos, Bosso, Brodno, Kurovice, Theodosia…), and thus the characteristics and datums identified at Tré Maroua are key for correlation and, in general, they typify the J/K boundary interval in Tethys and connected seas

    Noise levels and noise sources in acute care hospital wards

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