210 research outputs found

    Flight delays in Germany: a model for evaluation of future cost risk

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    Air traffic has been increasing in Germany over the last decades reaching in 2018 an all-time high with more than 3 million flights. This increase has led to a rise in delays, which generate different costs to airlines, passengers, and Air Navigation Service Providers. This paper focuses on understanding and predicting these costs. For this purpose, a stochastic modelling method is proposed to estimate future air traffic, delays and the cost of future delays. The model allows to better understand what the full distribution of the delay costs may look like. To that end, the paper analyses 1,826 daily items (from 1/1/2014 to 12/31/2018) with information of air traffic and delays for German airspace. Findings suggest that overall mean delay costs for 2019 may be up to 280 million €, while in the 5% worst cases this value could go up to an average of 319 million €. © 2022 Luis Mª Abadie, Ibon Galarraga, Itziar Ruiz-Gauna.This research is supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 program and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714

    Telemonitoring systems interoperability challenge: an updated review of the applicability of ISO/IEEE 11073 standards for Interoperability in telemonitoring

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    Proceeding of: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. EMBS 2007, Lyon, France, 22-26 August, 2007.Advances in Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, are bringing new opportunities and use cases in the field of systems and Personal Health Devices used for the telemonitoring of citizens in Home or Mobile scenarios. At a time of such challenges, this review arises from the need to identify robust technical telemonitoring solutions that are both open and interoperable. These systems demand standardized solutions to be cost effective and to take advantage of standardized operation and interoperability. Thus, the fundamental challenge is to design plug-&-play devices that, either as individual elements or as components, can be incorporated in a simple way into different Telecare systems, perhaps configuring a personal user network. Moreover, there is an increasing market pressure from companies not traditionally involved in medical markets, asking for a standard for Personal Health Devices, which foresee a vast demand for telemonitoring, wellness, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and ehealth applications. However, the newly emerging situations imply very strict requirements for the protocols involved in the communication. The ISO/IEEE 11073 family of standards is adapting and moving in order to face the challenge and might appear the best positioned international standards to reach this goal. This work presents an updated survey of these standards, trying to track the changes that are being fulfilled, and tries to serve as a starting-point for those who want to familiarize themselves with them.This research work has been partially supported by projects TSI2005-07068-C02-01 and TSI2004-04940-C02-01 from Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spanish Government), and a personal grant to M. Galarraga from Navarre Regional Government

    Insights on the economic estimates of the climate costs of the aviation sector due to air management in 2018-19

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    Air navigation service providers ensure that aircrafts keep safely apart by prescribing vertical and horizontal distances to each other. In the European Union and its associated members, regulation is carried out via a performance scheme which measures and sets targets for the different key performance areas. For the environmental area, targets in terms of CO2 and other pollutants were set by assuming that there would be continuous improvements for the Key performance Environment indicator based on actual trajectory. However, although a higher Horizontal Flight Efficiency (HFE) measurement usually means a more direct flight trajectory, this does not necessarily translate into a climate optimal trajectory. Thus, vertical flight efficiency also needs to be considered. There is also an interdependency between airspace and Air Traffic Management Capacity and Environment: when the offered capacity falls short of the demand for flights, ground delays, holdings and traffic shifts to adjacent areas occur. This entails detours and a deterioration of the HFE-indicator. Results show that total climate costs for 2018 and 2019 may be as high as 1 bn EUR, of which about 34% is due to CO2 emissions. In particular, the climate costs of CO2 emissions due to capacity constraints range from 54 to 301 million EUR, depending on whether CO2 costs are measured in terms of avoidance costs or under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). Following the first criterion and the short to medium run up to 2030, the estimated costs would amount to 112 million EUR. In the long run, from 2040 to 2060, these costs would amount to 301 Million EUR. With the estimates of the EU ETS, the cost by 2030 would be close to 54 million EUR and 153.5 million EUR for the long run. Volatility of carbon pricing may play a very significant role, but fortunately can be hedged. Therefore, a shortfall of capacity leads to delay costs and considerable environmental costs. As capacity is planned in the medium to long-term, traffic forecasts are a crucial element. This means that further research is warranted into the interdependency of traffic forecasts, capacity and environmental costs. © 2021 Publicaciones Dyna Sl. All rights reserved.This research is supported by the Basque Government through the BERC 2018-2021 programme and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) through BC3 María de Maeztu excellence accreditation MDM-2017-0714. Further support is provided by the project MINECO RTI 2018-093352-B-I00

    Point of care medical device communication standars (ISO11073/IEEE1073) in patient telemonitoring

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    Proceeding of: European Medical and Biological Engineering and IFMBE Conference (EMBEC 2005). November 20-25, 2005. Prague, Czech Republic.This paper reviews the use of ISO11073/ IEEE1073 international standard in patient telemonitoring. The purpose of this family of standards is to allow interoperability between medical instrumentation devices and medical information systems. Its application in the field of telemonitoring can encourage telemedicine services and e-care, preventing failures and problems that are making difficult its spread (use problems, high costs of reconfigurations and actualizations). An application guide for the system engineer that want to apply them is proposed, showing the steps to follow, the benefits and handicaps in the standard implementation for different telemonitoring scenarios. The study also includes the conformity levels that have to be fulfilled, the main application points of the standard.This work was supported by projects G03/117 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Spanish Government) and 41/2003 from Departamento de Salud (Navarra Regional Government), and a personal grant to Miguel Galarraga from Departamento de Salud (Navarra Regional Government).No publicad

    Implementación integrada de una plataforma telemática basada en estándares para monitorización de pacientes

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    Proceeding of: VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2007), Málaga, Spain, 17-19, SeptiembreThis paper presents a proof-of-concept design of an integrated solution of a telematic platform for home telemonitoring. It is end-to-end standards-based, using ISO/IEEE11073 in the client environment and EN13606 to send the information to an Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) server. This solution has been implemented to comply with the standards available versions and tested in a laboratory environment to demonstrate the feasibility of an end-to-end standards-based platform.Este trabajo ha recibido el apoyo de proyectos de la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) y de los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) TSI2004-04940-C02-01, del VI Programa Marco (Pulsers II IP) IST-27142, y del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (beca FPU AP-2004-3568).No publicad

    Twenty-five years of recombinant human growth factors rhPDGF-BB and rhBMP-2 in oral hard and soft tissue regeneration.

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    Contemporary oral tissue engineering strategies involve recombinant human growth factor approaches to stimulate diverse cellular processes including cell differentiation, migration, recruitment, and proliferation at grafted areas. Recombinant human growth factor applications in oral hard and soft tissue regeneration have been progressively researched over the last 25 years. Growth factor-mediated surgical approaches aim to accelerate healing, tissue reconstruction, and patient recovery. Thus, regenerative approaches involving growth factors such as recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB) and recombinant human bone morphogenetic proteins (rhBMPs) have shown certain advantages over invasive traditional surgical approaches in severe hard and soft tissue defects. Several clinical studies assessed the outcomes of rhBMP-2 in diverse clinical applications for implant site development and bone augmentation. Current evidence regarding the clinical benefits of rhBMP-2 compared to conventional therapies is inconclusive. Nevertheless, it seems that rhBMP-2 can promote faster wound healing processes and enhance de novo bone formation, which may be particularly favorable in patients with compromised bone healing capacity or limited donor sites. rhPDGF-BB has been extensively applied for periodontal regenerative procedures and for the treatment of gingival recessions, showing consistent and positive outcomes. Nevertheless, current evidence regarding its benefits at implant and edentulous sites is limited. The present review explores and depicts the current applications, outcomes, and evidence-based clinical recommendations of rhPDGF-BB and rhBMPs for oral tissue regeneration

    A multidimensional approach to the resilience in older adults despite COVID-19.

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    Researchers have mainly focused on aging risk factors and COVID-19 consequences. However, older adults have proved their ability to overcome adversities along their life. Resilience is a protective variable that dampens the impact of stress. Based on MacLeod’s et al. (2016) approach, we aimed to analyze the relationship between older adults’ resilience and COVID-19 related-stressors as well as their physical, mental, and social characteristics. Eight hundred eighty-nine people aged 60 and over participated in this study. Older participants, women, having better perceived health and not losing a loved one because of the virus were associated with more resilience. Moreover, higher levels of gratitude, personal growth, life purpose and lower levels of depression were associated with greater scores in resilience. This study offers a change of perspective in which aging is perceived from a positive viewpoint by focusing on easily accessible resources that may help older adults to cope with adverse situations.post-print913 K

    Respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization in children in northern Spain

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    Objectives: Understanding respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) morbidity may help to plan health care and future vaccine recommendations. We aim to describe the characteristics and temporal distribution of children diagnosed with RSV admitted in a Spanish hospital. Methods: Descriptive study for which the hospital discharges of children < 5 years of age with RSV infection were analyzed. The information was extracted from the hospital discharge database of a reference pediatric hospital in northern Spain for the 2010-2011 to 2014-2015 RSV seasons. Results: Six hundred and forty-seven hospitalizations of children with RSV infection were analyzed, 94% of which occurred between the second week of November and the last week of March. Most children (72%) were under one year of age and 95% were previously healthy infants. Infants born from October to December had the highest risk of hospitalization in the first year of life. The median length of hospital stay of children with and without comorbidities was six and three days, respectively. 6.5% of the hospitalized cases were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit; this percentage was higher among children < 2 months (adjusted odds ratio 4.15; 95% confidence interval: 1.37-12.61) or with comorbidities (adjusted odds ratio 4.15; 95% confidence interval: 1.53-11.28). The case lethality was 0.3%. Conclusions: The risk of hospitalizations for RSV is high during the first year of life and increases among infants born in the fall. Being under two months of age and presenting comorbidities are the main risk factors associated to pediatric intensive care unit admission

    Sea-level rise in the Basque coast, A probabilistic approach

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    Itsas mailaren gorakada aldaketa klimatikoaren mehatxu garrantzitsuenetarikoa da euskal kostaldearentzat. Artikulu honetan itsas-mailaren bataz besteko igoeraren esperotako balioa zenbatetsi dugu hamaika herritan, hiru isurpen-egoeratan. Probabilitate txikiko baina magnitude handiko gertaerak deskribatzen dituzten bi arrisku neurketa ere zenbatesten dira. 2050. urterako gure emaitzek 21-29cm arteko bataz besteko igoerak iradokitzen dituzte, eta muturreko balio askoz handiagoak, 35-45cm 95 pertzentilerako eta 40-52cm kasu okerrenen %5aren bataz bestekoarentzako. Informazio hori oso esanguratsua izan daiteke klima aldaketaren egokitzapenerako politiken garapenean. Izan ere, arriskuaren kudeaketa egokiago bat ahalbidetzen du eta lerrokaturik baitago finantza ekonomikoan erabilitako hurbilpenekin. © 2018, Ekonomiaz, Basque Economics Journal.Due to climate change, sea-level rise poses a major threat to the Basque coast. In this study we assess the average sea-level rise under three emission scenarios in eleven municipalities of the Basque coast. We also estimate two risk measures that describe low-probability, highdamage events. Our results by 2050 show average sea-level increases in 21-29 cm and significantly larger extreme values, ranging between 35 and 45 cm at the 95th percentile and 40-52 cm at the average of 5% worst cases. This information could be very relevant to inform climate change adaptation policies and measures, as it allows managing risk more effectively, in line with the approaches used in financial economics. © 2018, Ekonomiaz, Basque Economics Journal.El aumento del nivel del mar representa una de las principales amenazas del cambio climático para la costa vasca. En este artículo estimamos el valor medio esperado de aumento del nivel del mar en once localidades bajo tres escenarios de emisión, junto con dos medidas de riesgo que describen aquellos eventos de baja probabilidad pero de gran magnitud. Nuestros resultados para el año 2050 sugieren aumentos medios de entre 21-29 cm y valores extremos significativamente mayores, de 35-45 cm para el percentil 95 y de 40-52 cm para la media del 5% de los peores casos. Esta información puede ser muy relevante para el desarrollo de políticas de adaptación al cambio climático ya que permite una gestión del riesgo más adecuada, en línea con las aproximaciones empleadas desde la economía financiera. © 2018, Ekonomiaz, Basque Economics Journal
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