1,019 research outputs found

    Dating Nathan: The Oldest Stained Glass Window in England?

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    Relatively little is known about stained glass windows in England predating c. 1170; however, art-historical evaluation by Caviness (1987) argued that four figures from the “Ancestors series” of Canterbury Cathedral, usually dated to the late 12th and early 13th century, in fact date earlier (c. 1130–1160). This would place them amongst the earliest stained glass in England, and the world. Building on our previous work, we address Caviness’s hypothesis using a methodology based upon analysis of a few, well-measured heavy trace elements and a 3D-printed attachment for a pXRF spectrometer that facilitates in situ analysis. The results confirm two major periods of “recycling” or re-using medieval glass. The first is consistent with Caviness’s argument that figures predating the 1174 fire were reused in the early 13th century. The results suggest that in addition to figures, ornamental borders were reused, indicating the presence of more early glass than previously thought. In the second period of recycling (1790s), surviving figures from the Ancestors series were removed and adapted into rectangular panels for insertion into large Perpendicular-style windows elsewhere in the cathedral. The results show that the glasses used to adapt the panels to a rectangular shape were broadly contemporary with the glasses used to glaze the original Ancestors windows, again representing a more extensive presence of medieval glass in the windows

    The introduction of celadon production in North China: Technological characteristics and diversity of the earliest wares

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    Celadon, technically a stoneware with a lime-rich glaze, had been produced in South China for more than two millennia before it was first made in the North in the second half of the sixth century. It appears to have been an immediate precursor to white porcelain, which was first produced by northern kilns. The compositions and microstructures of early northern celadons from kilns, residential sites and tombs in Shandong, Hebei and Henan provinces, and dated 550s-618 CE, have been determined by SEM-EDS. The majority of the vessels were made using a low-iron kaolinitic clay, with high alumina (20–29%), as anticipated for northern clays. A small number of celadon vessels from a kiln at Caocun, which produced mainly lead-glazed wares, have lower alumina contents and appear to have originated in the South. It seems possible that these imported vessels were being used by the potters as models on which Caocun wares were based. Consistent differences in major element composition are observed between the products of kilns at Anyang, Xing, Luoyang and Zhaili. Unlike southern celadon glazes, which were prepared as two-component mixtures of vegetal ash and body clay, the northern celadon glazes are three-component, and typically contained an additional siliceous component, probably loess. An exception is the glazes of the Xing celadons, which present no evidence for loess but which are rich in Na2O. The source of the soda is unclear, common salt and albitic feldspar are discussed as possibilities. Based upon micromorphological characteristics such as the relative size and abundance of remnant quartz and the extent of observable mullite, as well as the position of the glazes in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 phase diagram, the Xing bodies are more mature and they appear to have been fired to higher temperatures than the products of other kilns. These results suggest that celadon technology was not directly transferred to the North from the South, but that the northern potters adopted their own strategies to make high-fired glazes. Furthermore, each kiln appears to have had its own preferred recipe, to suit the available raw materials. The products of Xing kiln were exceptional and it appears that here the trajectory towards white porcelain was already apparent, perhaps reflecting the creativity of the Xing potters who were among the first to make a successful white porcelain

    Late Byzantine Mineral Soda High Alumina Glasses from Asia Minor: A New Primary Glass Production Group

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    The chemical characterisation of archaeological glass allows the discrimination between different glass groups and the identification of raw materials and technological traditions of their production. Several lines of evidence point towards the large-scale production of first millennium CE glass in a limited number of glass making factories from a mixture of Egyptian mineral soda and a locally available silica source. Fundamental changes in the manufacturing processes occurred from the eight/ninth century CE onwards, when Egyptian mineral soda was gradually replaced by soda-rich plant ash in Egypt as well as the Islamic Middle East. In order to elucidate the supply and consumption of glass during this transitional period, 31 glass samples from the assemblage found at Pergamon (Turkey) that date to the fourth to fourteenth centuries CE were analysed by electron microprobe analysis (EPMA) and by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The statistical evaluation of the data revealed that the Byzantine glasses from Pergamon represent at least three different glass production technologies, one of which had not previously been recognised in the glass making traditions of the Mediterranean. While the chemical characteristics of the late antique and early medieval fragments confirm the current model of glass production and distribution at the time, the elemental make-up of the majority of the eighth- to fourteenth-century glasses from Pergamon indicate the existence of a late Byzantine glass type that is characterised by high alumina levels. Judging from the trace element patterns and elevated boron and lithium concentrations, these glasses were produced with a mineral soda different to the Egyptian natron from the Wadi Natrun, suggesting a possible regional Byzantine primary glass production in Asia Minor

    The Armed Forces market for agricultural products in Hawaii

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    Scavenger Receptors and Their Potential as Therapeutic Targets in the Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease

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    Scavenger receptors act as membrane-bound and soluble proteins that bind to macromolecular complexes and pathogens. This diverse supergroup of proteins mediates binding to modified lipoprotein particles which regulate the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic plaques. In vascular tissues, scavenger receptors are implicated in regulating intracellular signaling, lipid accumulation, foam cell development, and cellular apoptosis or necrosis linked to the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. One approach is using gene therapy to modulate scavenger receptor function in atherosclerosis. Ectopic expression of membrane-bound scavenger receptors using viral vectors can modify lipid profiles and reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis. Alternatively, expression of soluble scavenger receptors can also block plaque initiation and progression. Inhibition of scavenger receptor expression using a combined gene therapy and RNA interference strategy also holds promise for long-term therapy. Here we review our current understanding of the gene delivery by viral vectors to cells and tissues in gene therapy strategies and its application to the modulation of scavenger receptor function in atherosclerosis

    Дослідження «великого терору» у науково-документальній серії книг «Реабілітовані історією»

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    У статті автор аналізує результати дослідження «великого терору» 1937–1938 рр. у контексті реалізації Державної програми науково-документальної серії книг «Реабілітовані історією».В статье автор анализирует результаты исследования «большого террора» 1937–1938 гг. в контексте реализации Государственной программы научно-документальной серии книг «Реабилитированные историей».The author analyzes the results of a study of the «great terror» 1937–1938 in the context of implementing the State Program for Research, a documentary series of books «Rehabilitated history»