315 research outputs found

    7-Substituted 2-Nitro-5,6-dihydroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazines: Novel Antitubercular Agents Lead to a New Preclinical Candidate for Visceral Leishmaniasis.

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    Within a backup program for the clinical investigational agent pretomanid (PA-824), scaffold hopping from delamanid inspired the discovery of a novel class of potent antitubercular agents that unexpectedly possessed notable utility against the kinetoplastid disease visceral leishmaniasis (VL). Following the identification of delamanid analogue DNDI-VL-2098 as a VL preclinical candidate, this structurally related 7-substituted 2-nitro-5,6-dihydroimidazo[2,1-b][1,3]oxazine class was further explored, seeking efficacious backup compounds with improved solubility and safety. Commencing with a biphenyl lead, bioisosteres formed by replacing one phenyl by pyridine or pyrimidine showed improved solubility and potency, whereas more hydrophilic side chains reduced VL activity. In a Leishmania donovani mouse model, two racemic phenylpyridines (71 and 93) were superior, with the former providing >99% inhibition at 12.5 mg/kg (b.i.d., orally) in the Leishmania infantum hamster model. Overall, the 7R enantiomer of 71 (79) displayed more optimal efficacy, pharmacokinetics, and safety, leading to its selection as the preferred development candidate

    Photoelasticity of crystalline and amorphous silica from first principles

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    Based on density-functional perturbation theory we have computed from first principles the photoelastic tensor of few crystalline phases of silica at normal conditions and high pressure (quartz, α\alpha-cristobalite, β\beta-cristobalite) and of models of amorphous silica (containig up to 162 atoms), obtained by quenching from the melt in combined classical and Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics simulations. The computational framework has also been checked on the photoelastic tensor of crystalline silicon and MgO as prototypes of covalent and ionic systems. The agreement with available experimental data is good. A phenomenological model suitable to describe the photoelastic properties of different silica polymorphs is devised by fitting on the ab-initio data.Comment: ten figure

    No association between chronic musculoskeletal complaints and Val158Met polymorphism in the Catechol-O-methyltransferase gene. The HUNT study

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    BACKGROUND: The Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene contains a functional polymorphism, Val158Met, that has been found to influence human pain perception. In one study fibromyalgia was less likely among those with Val/Val genotype. METHODS: In the 1995–97 Nord-Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), the association between Val/Met polymorphism at the COMT gene and chronic musculoskeletal complaints (MSCs) was evaluated in a random sample of 3017 individuals. RESULTS: The distribution of the COMT Val158Met genotypes and alleles were similar between controls and the twelve different chronic MSCs groups. Even when the Met/Met and Val/Met genotypes were pooled, the distribution of the Val/Val genotype and other genotypes were similar between controls and the chronic MSCs groups. CONCLUSION: In this population-based study, no significant association was found between Val/Met polymorphism at the COMT gene and chronic MSCs

    The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study: Methods for an Environmental Exposure Study of Polychlorinated Dioxins, Furans, and Biphenyls

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    Background: The University of Michigan Dioxin Exposure Study (UMDES) was undertaken in response to concerns that the discharge of dioxin-like compounds from the Dow Chemical Company facilities in Midland, Michigan, resulted in contamination of soils in the Tittabawassee River floodplain and areas of the city of Midland, leading to an increase in residents’ body burdens of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans. Objectives: The UMDES is a hypothesis-driven study designed to answer important questions about human exposure to dioxins in the environment of Midland, where the Dow Chemical Company has operated for \u3e 100 years, and in neighboring Saginaw, Michigan. In addition, the UMDES includes a referent population from an area of Michigan in which there are no unusual sources of dioxin exposure and from which inferences regarding the general Michigan population can be derived. A central goal of the study is to determine which factors explain variation in serum dioxin levels and to quantify how much variation each factor explains. Conclusions: In this article we describe the study design and methods for a large population-based study of dioxin contamination and its relationship to blood dioxin levels. The study collected questionnaire, blood, dust, and soil samples on 731 people. This study provides a foundation for understanding the exposure pathways by which dioxins in soils, sediments, fish and game, and homegrown produce lead to increased body burdens of these compounds

    Economic Evaluations of Occupational Health Interventions from a Company’s Perspective: A Systematic Review of Methods to Estimate the Cost of Health-Related Productivity Loss

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    Objectives: To investigate the methods used to estimate the indirect costs of health-related productivity in economic evaluations from a company’s perspective. Methods: The primary literature search was conducted in Medline and Embase. Supplemental searches were conducted in the Cochrane NHS Economic Evaluation Database, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health database, the Ryerson International Labour, Occupational Safety and Health Index database, scans of reference lists and researcher’s own literature database. Article selection was conducted independently by two researchers based on title, keywords, and abstract, and if needed, full text. Differences were resolved by a consensus procedure. Articles were selected based on seven criteria addressing study population, type of intervention, comparative intervention, outcome, costs, language and perspective, respectively. Characteristics of the measurement and valuation of health-related productivity were extracted and analyzed descriptively. Results: A total of 34 studies were included. Costs of health-related productivity were estimated using (a combination of) data related to sick leave, compensated sick leave, light or modified duty or work presenteeism. Data were collected from different sources (e.g. administrative databases, worker self-report, supervisors) and by different methods (e.g. questionnaires, interviews). Valuation varied in terms of reported time units, composition and source of the corresponding price weights, and whether additional elements, such as replacement costs, were included. Conclusions: Methods for measuring and valuing health-related productivity vary widely, hindering comparability of results and decision-making. We provide suggestions for improvement

    Collagen I but not Matrigel matrices provide an MMP-dependent barrier to ovarian cancer cell penetration

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    Abstract Background The invasive potential of cancer cells is usually assessed in vitro using Matrigel as a surrogate basement membrane. Yet cancer cell interaction with collagen I matrices is critical, particularly for the peritoneal metastatic route undertaken by several cancer types including ovarian. Matrix metalloprotease (MMP) activity is important to enable cells to overcome the barrier constraints imposed by basement membranes and stromal matrices in vivo. Our objective was to compare matrices reconstituted from collagen I and Matrigel as representative barriers for ovarian cancer cell invasion. Methods The requirement of MMP activity for ovarian cancer cell penetration of Matrigel and collagen matrices was assessed in 2D transwell and 3D spheroid culture systems. Results The broad range MMP inhibitor GM6001 completely prevented cell perforation of polymerised collagen I-coated transwell membranes. In contrast, GM6001 decreased ES-2 cell penetration of Matrigel by only ~30% and had no effect on HEY cell Matrigel penetration. In 3D culture, ovarian cancer cells grown as spheroids also migrated into surrounding Matrigel matrices despite MMP blockade. In contrast, MMP activity was required for invasion into 3D matrices of collagen I reconstituted from acid-soluble rat-tail collagen I, but not from pepsin-extracted collagen I (Vitrogen/Purecol), which lacks telopeptide regions. Conclusion Matrigel does not form representative barriers to ovarian cancer cells in either 2D or 3D culture systems. Our findings support the use of collagen I rather than Matrigel as a matrix barrier for invasion studies to better approximate critical interactions and events associated with peritoneal metastasis