89 research outputs found

    II. Horticultural performance of ‘Honeycrisp’ grown on a genetically diverse set of rootstocks under Western New York climatic conditions

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    A field experiment with 31 rootstocks representing a genetically diverse group of rootstocks featuring ‘Honeycrisp’ as the scion was planted in 2010 at Geneva, NY USA. Rootstocks included three from the Malling series (UK), nine from the Budagovsky series (Russia), 16 from the Cornell Geneva series (USA) and three from the Pillnitz series (Germany). Over the first 8 years (2010–2017) we measured final tree size (trunk cross-sectional area: TCA) and cumulative yield. In the last 4 years we measured fruit soluble solids, bitter pit incidence, biennial bearing, and leaf zonal chlorosis. Tree size varied dramatically with the largest trees on B.70-20-20 and smallest trees on B.71-7-22. Setting the most vigorous rootstock at 100% we categorized rootstocks into 5 size categories: sub-dwarfing class (10–25%), dwarfing class (25–35%), semi-dwarfing class (35–50%), semi-vigorous category (50–70%) and vigorous class (70–100%). Cumulative yield varied 8 fold between the highest yielding rootstock (CG.3001) and the lowest yielding rootstock (B.71-7-22). We calculated theoretical yield per ha by multiplying cumulative yield per tree by a theoretical optimal tree density (trees/ha) based on tree size (TCA). The dwarfing rootstocks G.814, G.41TC, G.11 and B.10 had the highest yields per hectare while the most vigorous rootstocks B.70.20.20 and B.71-7-22 were the least productive. Theoretical cumulative yields varied from a high of 400 t/ha to a low of 50 t/ha, an 8-fold difference. Rootstock also influenced the incidence of bitter pit with the lowest levels of bitter pit with the rootstocks B.10, CG.2034, B.71-7-22, G.41N, CG.4003, G.202N, G.214, and Supporter 3. Considering bitter pit, yield, and optimum tree density, the theoretical yield of bitter pit free fruit varied from a high of 340 t/ha to a low of 35 t/ha, almost a 10-fold difference. The dwarfing rootstocks B.10, G.11, G.41TC, G.214 and G.814 had the highest yields per hectare of bitter pit free fruit. Rootstocks B.9 and M.26 had significantly lower cumulative bitter pit free yield/ha. These data indicate that rootstock not only has a large influence on mature tree cumulative yield but also bitter pit incidence which combine to create a large economic impact of rootstock choice on the long-term economic result of an orchard. This leads to the need for “designer rootstocks” which combine the rootstock characteristics needed to maximize the economic potential of each scion cultivar.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Modelling physiological and environmental factors regulating relative fruit set and final fruit numbers in apple trees

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    Chemical thinning of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) has been practised for 50 years but it remains an unpredictable part of apple production with large variations from year to year and within years. Carbohydrate availability to support young fruitlet growth may play a significant role in apple tree response to chemical thinners, especially when the carbohydrate supply is the limiting factor for fruit growth. To address the carbohydrate component, we have tested the MaluSim model that integrates many environmental and tree physiological factors as a tool to predict chemical thinner response. The model suggests that carbon supply-to-demand variations may explain some of the great variations in thinning spray response. Relative fruit set and final fruit number per tree were affected by the carbohydrate balance within 2 days before the spray and up to 5 days after. There was a period, 15–29 days after bloom that thinners showed higher action. The greater the carbohydrate supply relative to demand, the greater the relative set and the final fruit number. This suggested that carbohydrate supply-demand balance may be a baseline for thinner responses, and that integrative modelling of these balances can be useful in understanding variation in thinning responses. Apple relative fruit set and final fruit number per tree could be modelled relatively well with consideration of initial flower density, the carbohydrate balance model, and cumulative growing degree-days since bloom.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Natural fruitlet abscission as related to apple tree carbon balance estimated with the MaluSim model

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    Apple trees produce many more flower clusters than needed for a full crop, but natural early season flower and fruitlet abscission drastically reduce the final fruit number. Natural fruit abscission varies significantly year to year. There have been attempts to try to model apple fruit abscission in the past. However, due to the great complexity of a perennial crop system in a dynamic environment with significant plant manipulations, regulatory processes and controlling environmental variables have been difficult to elucidate. In 1995, a field trial was planted at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, New York with 3 apple cultivars (‘Delicious’, ‘Gala’, and ‘McIntosh’). Beginning in 2000 and for 18 years thereafter, we recorded the natural whole-season fruit abscission of untreated trees that received no chemical or hand thinning. We also estimated early season patterns of carbohydrate supply-to-demand each year with a carbon balance model. These data were used to correlate tree carbon balance status and other environmental variables with natural fruit abscission responses. In general terms, natural set, defined as final fruit/flower cluster, of ‘Gala’ averaged ˜1 fruit for each flower cluster (fruit set = 0.9), whereas fewer fruits were set on ‘Delicious’ and ‘McIntosh’ (fruit set = 0.7 and 0.6, respectively). Fruit set of ‘Gala’ was less variable than of ‘Delicious’ or ‘McIntosh’, and there was a clear pattern for decreasing fruit set when the number of initial flower clusters per tree increased. Fruit weight was less dependent on fruit number for ‘Delicious’ and ‘McIntosh’ than for ‘Gala’. Multiple regression models indicated that number of flower clusters per tree and average carbohydrate balance between 0–60 degree days (DD) after bloom and 300–360 DD after bloom were the main significant variables that explained 60–80% of the variability in natural fruit set or final fruit number. For ‘Delicious’, temperatures of the previous fall also explained a significant amount of variation in final fruit set and final fruit number. For ‘Gala’, carbon balance from bloom to shortly after petal fall and when fruits were about 18 mm were the two main periods, which were more sensible to carbohydrate deficiency triggering fruit abscission. A later susceptible period was also observed for ‘McIntosh’, suggesting a larger thinning window for this cultivar.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Metamitron replacing carbaryl in post bloom thinning of apple trees.

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    Carbaryl or the mixture of carbaryl with NAA (naphthalene acetic acid) or BA (benzyladenine) are the post-bloom chemical thinners most widely used in apple thinning in Brazil. The marketing restriction of carbaryl demands new options of apple post-bloom thinners, requiring the evaluation of others compounds for this purpose. Metamitron is one of the substances that may be used in chemical thinning of apples. Metamitron was evaluated at two concentrations, alone or in mixture with BA, in "MaxiGala", "Fuji Suprema" and "Fred Hough" apple cultivars. Applications of metamitron at 384 mg L-1 and at 768 mg L-1 in a mixture with BA, ranging from 40 mg L-1 to 80 mg L-1, sprayed on fruits with diameter ranging from 5 to 25 mm were compared ith the standard treatment and hand thinning. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4-6 repetitions of a single plant. The variables analyzed were: fruit set (%); percentage of floral clusters with 1, 2, 3, 4 or more fruits; fruit yield (kg); verage fruit fresh mass (g) and percentage of dropped fruit after thinning. Metamitron alone or in combination with BA reduced production per plant and significantly increased the fresh weight of fruits in all cultivars tested. Metamitron at 800 mg L-1 resulted in excessive fruit thinning, especially in ?MaxiGala? cultivar. Metamitron or metamitron + BA have potential to compose the program of chemical thinning of apple trees to replace carbaryl. Index terms: Plant growth regulators, concentration, fruit set, fruit production. O carbaryl ou a mistura de carbaryl com ANA (ĂĄcido naftaleno acĂ©tico) ou BA (Benziladenina) sĂŁo os produtos mais utilizados no raleio quĂ­mico da macieira no Brasil. Com o cancelamento do registro do carbaryl como raleante de pĂłs-floração, sĂŁo necessĂĄrias novas alternativas, sendo importante testar diferentes raleantes com esta finalidade. Dentre as substĂąncias passĂ­veis de utilização no raleio da macieira insere-se o metamitron. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a resposta da aplicação de metamitron no raleio das macieiras ?Fuji Suprema?, ?MaxiGala? e ?Fred Hough?. O uso de metamitron foi testado em duas concentraçÔes, sĂł ou em mistura de tanque com BA, e comparado com BA e BA + etefom, em trĂȘs cultivares de macieira: ?Maxigala?, ?Fuji Suprema? e ?Fred Hough?. AplicaçÔes de 384 mg L-1 e 768 mg L-1 de metamitron em mistura com BA de 40 mg L-1 e 80 mg L-1 aplicado em frutos de 5 a 25 mm de diĂąmetro foram comparadas com ?tratamento-padrĂŁo? e raleio manual. Foi usado o delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com cinco a seis repetiçÔes. As variĂĄveis analisadas foram: frutificação efetiva (%), percentagem de cachos florais com 1; 2; 3; 4 ou mais frutos por inflorescĂȘncia, produção por planta (kg), nĂșmero de frutos por planta, massa mĂ©dia dos frutos (g) e percentagem de queda de frutos apĂłs o raleio. O metamitron sĂł, ou em combinação com BA, reduziu a produção por planta e aumentou a massa mĂ©dia dos frutos em todas as cultivares estudadas. Metamitron a 768 mg L-1 resultou em excessivo raleio, especialmente na ?MaxiGala?. Metamitron ou metamitron + BA tem potencial para compor o programa de raleio quĂ­mico da macieira em substituição ao carbaryl. Termos para indexação: Regulador de crescimento, concentração, frutificação efetiva, produção

    Avanços na propagação de fruteiras no Brasil e no mundo - macieira.

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    RESUMO ? A produção de maçãs Ă© uma atividade de grande importĂąncia econĂŽmica em nĂ­vel mundial. A ampla disseminação e cultivo da macieira em vĂĄrias regiĂ”es do mundo deve-se ao desenvolvimento de tĂ©cnicas propagativas desde sua domesticação atĂ© Ă  atualidade. A macieira pode ser propagada por sementes, com restrita a utilização em programas de melhoramento genĂ©tico, e multiplicada por vĂĄrios mĂ©todos de propagação vegetativa, tanto para porta-enxertos como para cultivares-copa. Levando-se em consideração o elevado nĂ­vel tecnolĂłgico atualmente empregado na cultura da macieira, a propagação de plantas tem papel de grande relevĂąncia, no sentido de viabilizar a produção de mudas de elevado padrĂŁo morfofisiolĂłgico e fitossanitĂĄrio, demandando novos avanços e aprimoramentos Ă  medida que novas cultivares-copa e porta-enxertos sĂŁo desenvolvidos.Termos para indexação: Malus domestica, produção de mudas, enxertia.I SIMPROFRUTI (I SimpĂłsio Internacional sobre “Avanços na propagação de fruteiras”). Evento on line de 25-29.09.17 (http://www.simprofruti.com.br/)

    Functionally compromised CHD7 alleles in patients with isolated GnRH deficiency

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    Inactivating mutations in chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 7 (CHD7) cause CHARGE syndrome, a severe multiorgan system disorder of which Isolated gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) deficiency (IGD) is a minor feature. Recent reports have described predominantly missense CHD7 alleles in IGD patients, but it is unclear if these alleles are relevant to causality or overall genetic burden of Kallmann syndrome (KS) and normosmic form of IGD. To address this question, we sequenced CHD7 in 783 well-phenotyped IGD patients lacking full CHARGE features; we identified nonsynonymous rare sequence variants in 5.2% of the IGD cohort (73% missense and 27% splice variants). Functional analyses in zebrafish using a surrogate otolith assay of a representative set of these CHD7 alleles showed that rare sequence variants observed in controls showed no altered function. In contrast, 75% of the IGD-associated alleles were deleterious and resulted in both KS and normosmic IGD. In two families, pathogenic mutations in CHD7 coexisted with mutations in other known IGD genes. Taken together, our data suggest that rare deleterious CHD7 alleles contribute to the mutational burden of patients with both KS and normosmic forms of IGD in the absence of full CHARGE syndrome. These findings (i) implicate a unique role or preferential sensitivity for CHD7 in the ontogeny of GnRH neurons, (ii) reiterate the emerging genetic complexity of this family of IGD disorders, and (iii) demonstrate how the coordinated use of well-phenotyped cohorts, families, and functional studies can inform genetic architecture and provide insights into the developmental biology of cellular systems

    Mutations in RAD21 disrupt regulation of apob in patients with chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction

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    Background Aims Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is characterized by severe intestinal dysmotility that mimics a mechanical subocclusion with no evidence of gut obstruction. We searched for genetic variants associated with CIPO to increase our understanding of its pathogenesis and to identify potential biomarkers. Methods We performed whole-exome sequencing of genomic DNA from patients with familial CIPO syndrome. Blood and lymphoblastoid cells were collected from patients and controls (individuals without CIPO); levels of messenger RNA (mRNA) and proteins were analyzed by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, immunoblot, and mobility shift assays. Complementary DNAs were transfected into HEK293 cells. Expression of rad21 was suppressed in zebrafish embryos using a splice-blocking morpholino (rad21a). Gut tissues were collected and analyzed. Results We identified a homozygous mutation (p.622, encodes Ala>Thr) in RAD21 in patients from a consanguineous family with CIPO. Expression of RUNX1, a target of RAD21, was reduced in cells from patients with CIPO compared with controls. In zebrafish, suppression of rad21a reduced expression of runx1; this phenotype was corrected by injection of human RAD21 mRNA, but not with the mRNA from the mutated p.622 allele. rad21a Morpholino zebrafish had delayed intestinal transit and greatly reduced numbers of enteric neurons, similar to patients with CIPO. This defect was greater in zebrafish with suppressed expression of ret and rad21, indicating their interaction in the regulation of gut neurogenesis. The promoter region of APOB bound RAD21 but not RAD21 p.622 Ala>Thr; expression of wild-type RAD21 in HEK293 cells repressed expression of APOB, compared with control vector. The gut-specific isoform of APOB (APOB48) is overexpressed in sera from patients with CIPO who carry the RAD21 mutation. APOB48 also is overexpressed in sporadic CIPO in sera and gut biopsy specimens. Conclusions Some patients with CIPO carry mutations in RAD21 that disrupt the ability of its product to regulate genes such as RUNX1 and APOB. Reduced expression of rad21 in zebrafish, and dysregulation of these target genes, disrupts intestinal transit and the development of enteric neurons. © 2015 by the AGA Institute
