4,138 research outputs found

    Quantum computing based on space states without charge transfer

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    An implementation of a quantum computer based on space states in double quantum dots is discussed. There is no charge transfer in qubits during calculation, therefore, uncontrollable entan-glement between them due to long-range Coulomb interaction is suppressed. Other plausible sources of decoherence caused by interaction with phonons and gates could be substantially suppressed in the structure too. We also demonstrate how all necessary quantum logic operations, initialization, writing, and read-out could be carried out in the computer.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX forma

    Thin films flowing down inverted substrates: Three dimensional flow

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    We study contact line induced instabilities for a thin film of fluid under destabilizing gravitational force in three dimensional setting. In the previous work (Phys. Fluids, {\bf 22}, 052105 (2010)), we considered two dimensional flow, finding formation of surface waves whose properties within the implemented long wave model depend on a single parameter, D=(3Ca)1/3cotαD=(3Ca)^{1/3}\cot\alpha, where CaCa is the capillary number and α\alpha is the inclination angle. In the present work we consider fully 3D setting and discuss the influence of the additional dimension on stability properties of the flow. In particular, we concentrate on the coupling between the surface instability and the transverse (fingering) instabilities of the film front. We furthermore consider these instabilities in the setting where fluid viscosity varies in the transverse direction. It is found that the flow pattern strongly depends on the inclination angle and the viscosity gradient

    Relationship between membrane phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and receptor-mediated inhibition of native neuronal M channels

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    The relationship between receptor-induced membrane phosphatidylinositol-4'5'-bisphosphate (PIP2) hydrolysis and M-current inhibition was assessed in single-dissociated rat sympathetic neurons by simultaneous or parallel recording of membrane current and membrane-to-cytosol translocation of the fluorescent PIP2/inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-binding peptide green fluorescent protein-tagged pleckstrin homology domain of phospholipase C (GFP-PLC delta-PH). The muscarinic receptor agonist oxotremorine-M produced parallel time- and concentration-dependent M-current inhibition and GFP-PLC delta-PH translocation; bradykinin also produced parallel time- dependent inhibition and translocation. Phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase (PI5-K) overexpression reduced both M-current inhibition and GFP-PLC delta-PH translocation by both oxotremorine-M and bradykinin. These effects were partly reversed by wortmannin, which inhibits phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase (PI4-K). PI5-K overexpression also reduced the inhibitory action of oxotremorine-M on PIP2-gated G-protein-gated inward rectifier (Kir3.1/3.2) channels; bradykinin did not inhibit these channels. Overexpression of neuronal calcium sensor-1 protein (NCS-1), which increases PI4-K activity, did not affect responses to oxotremorine-M but reduced both fluorescence translocation and M-current inhibition by bradykinin. Using an intracellular IP3 membrane fluorescence-displacement assay, initial mean concentrations of membrane [PIP2] were estimated at 261 mu M (95% confidence limit; 192-381 mu M), rising to 693 mu M (417-1153 mu M) in neurons overexpressing PI5-K. Changes in membrane [PIP2] during application of oxotremorine-M were calculated from fluorescence data. The results, taken in conjunction with previous data for KCNQ2/3 (Kv7.2/Kv7.3) channel gating by PIP2 (Zhang et al., 2003), accorded with the hypothesis that the inhibitory action of oxotremorine-M on M current resulted from depletion of PIP2. The effects of bradykinin require additional components of action, which might involve IP3-induced Ca2+ release and consequent M-channel inhibition (as proposed previously) and stimulation of PIP2 synthesis by Ca2+-dependent activation of NCS-1

    Infrared radiation of Venusian clouds

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    The thermal infrared emission of Venus measured by Venera-9 and Venera-10 is analyzed. The emission of the night side corresponds to a brightness temperature of 244 K. The brightest temperature of the day side is 233-234 K. The extent of the upper layer of clouds, in which the thermal emission is formed, is 4-6 km. The altitude of the emitting layer above the surface of the planet (64-67 km) is determined from the brightness temperature and the existing models of the atmosphere of Venus. In some cases, correlation is noted between the inhomogeneity and the details of the ultraviolet image. The day side temperatures strangely coincide with the freezing point of sulfuric acid at a concentration of 66-77%


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    Two versions of modified Burridge-Knopoff model including state dependent friction, elastic force and thermal conductivity are derived. The friction model describes a velocity weakening of friction and elasticity between moving blocks and an increase of both static friction and rigidity during stick periods as well their weakening during motion. It provides a simplified but qualitatively correct behavior including the transition from smooth sliding to stick-slip behavior, which is often observed in various tribological and tectonic systems. Attractor properties of the model dynamics is studied also. The alternative versions of the model are proposed which apply a simulation of the motion of interacting elastically connected mesh elements and motion of relatively large solid blocks, utilizing technique of the movable cellular automata. First version of the model was already basically studied before. Its advanced version here involves all components of the real system: state-depending friction and changeable rigidity, as well as heat production and thermal conductivity. Model based on the movable automata also involves the components included into traditional lattice model. It has its own ad-vantages and disadvantages which are also discussed in the paper

    Interaction of Radiation and a Relativistic Electron in Motion in a Constant Magnetic Field

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    The work examines the effect of multiple photon emission on the quantum mechanical state of an electron emitting synchrotron radiation and on the intensity of that radiation. Calculations are done with the variant of perturbation theory based on the use of extended coherent states. A general formula is derived for the number of emitted photons, which allows for taking into account their mutual interaction. A model problem is used to demonstrate the absence of the infrared catastrophe in the modified perturbation theory. Finally, the electron density matrix is calculated, and the analysis of this matrix makes it possible to conclude that the degree of the elecron's spatial localization increases with the passage of time if the electron is being accelerated.Comment: 29 pages, no figure

    Nucleon-nucleon interaction in the JJ-matrix inverse scattering approach and few-nucleon systems

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    The nucleon-nucleon interaction is constructed by means of the JJ-matrix version of inverse scattering theory. Ambiguities of the interaction are eliminated by postulating tridiagonal and quasi-tridiagonal forms of the potential matrix in the oscillator basis in uncoupled and coupled waves, respectively. The obtained interaction is very accurate in reproducing the NNNN scattering data and deuteron properties. The interaction is used in the no-core shell model calculations of 3^3H and 4^4He nuclei. The resulting binding energies of 3^3H and 4^4He are very close to experimental values.Comment: Text is revised, new figures and references adde

    Analysis and interpretation of a fast limb CME with eruptive prominence, C-flare and EUV dimming

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    Coronal Mass ejections or CMEs are large dynamical solar-corona events. The mass balance and kinematics of a fast limb CME, including its prominence progenitor and the associated flare, will be compared with computed magnetic structures to look for their origin and effect. Multi-wavelength ground-based and space-borne observations are used to study a fast W-limb CME event of December 2, 2003, taking into account both on and off disk observations. Its erupting prominence is measured at high cadence with the Pic du Midi full H-alpha line-flux imaging coronagraph. EUV images from space instruments are processed including difference imaging. SOHO/LASCO images are used to study the mass excess and motions. A fast bright expanding coronal loop is identified in the region recorded slightly later by GOES as a C7.2 flare, followed by a brightening and an acceleration phase of the erupting material with both cool and hot components. The total coronal radiative flux dropped by 5 percent in the EUV channels, revealing a large dimming effect at and above the limb. The typical 3-part structure observed 1 hour later shows a core shaped similarly to the eruptive filament/prominence. The total measured mass of the escaping CME (1.5x10to16 g from C2 LASCO observations) definitely exceeds the estimated mass of the escaping cool prominence material although assumptions made to analyse the Ha erupting prominence, as well as the corresponding EUV darkening of the filament observed several days before, made this evaluation uncertain by a factor of 2. From the current free extrapolation we discuss the shape of the magnetic neutral surface and a possible scenario leading to an instability, including the small scale dynamics inside and around the filament.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    On Paragrassmann Differential Calculus

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    Explicit general constructions of paragrassmann calculus with one and many variables are given. Relations of the paragrassmann calculus to quantum groups are outlined and possible physics applications are briefly discussed. This paper is the same as the original 9210075 except added Appendix and minor changes in Acknowledgements and References. IMPORTANT NOTE: This paper bears the same title as the Dubna preprint E5-92-392 but is NOT identical to it, containing new results, extended discussions, and references.Comment: 19p