96 research outputs found

    UHEED - an unequal clustering algorithm for wireless sensor networks

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    Prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks has always been a determining factor when designing and deploying such networks. Clustering is one technique that can be used to extend the lifetime of sensor networks by grouping sensors together. However, there exists the hot spot problem which causes an unbalanced energy consumption in equally formed clusters. In this paper, we propose UHEED, an unequal clustering algorithm which mitigates this problem and which leads to a more uniform residual energy in the network and improves the network lifetime. Furthermore, from the simulation results presented, we were able to deduce the most appropriate unequal cluster size to be used

    On the performance, availability and energy consumption modelling of clustered IoT systems

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) form a large part of the ecosystem of the Internet of Things (IoT), hence they have numerous application domains with varying performance and availability requirements. Limited resources that include processing capability, queue capacity, and available energy in addition to frequent node and link failures degrade the performance and availability of these networks. In an attempt to efficiently utilise the limited resources and to maintain the reliable network with efficient data transmission; it is common to select a clustering approach, where a cluster head is selected among the diverse IoT devices. This study presents the stochastic performance as well as the energy evaluation model for WSNs that have both node and link failures. The model developed considers an integrated performance and availability approach. Various duty cycling schemes within the medium-access control of the WSNs are also considered to incorporate the impact of sleeping/idle states that are presented using analytical modeling. The results presented using the proposed analytical models show the effects of factors such as failures, various queue capacities and system scalability. The analytical results presented are in very good agreement with simulation results and also present an important fact that the proposed models are very useful for identification of thresholds between WSN system characteristics

    Packet arrival analysis in wireless sensor networks

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    Distributed sensor networks have been discussed for more than 30 years, but the vision of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has been brought into reality only by the rapid advancements in the areas of sensor design, information technologies, and wireless networks that have paved the way for the proliferation of WSNs. The unique characteristics of sensor networks introduce new challenges, amongst which prolonging the sensor lifetime is the most important. WSNs have seen a tremendous growth in various application areas including health care, environmental monitoring, security, and military purposes despite prominent performance and availability challenges. Clustering plays an important role in enhancement of the life span and scalability of the network, in such applications. Although researchers continue to address these grand challenges, the type of distributions for arrivals at the cluster head and intermediary routing nodes is still an interesting area of investigation. Modelling the behaviour of the networks becomes essential for estimating the performance metrics and further lead to decisions for improving the network performance, hence highlighting the importance of identifying the type of inter-arrival distributions at the cluster head. In this paper, we present extensive discussions on the assumptions of exponential distributions in WSNs, and present numerical results based on Q-Q plots for estimating the arrival distributions. The work is further extended to understand the impact of end-to-end delay and its effect on inter-arrival time distributions, based on the type of medium access control used in WSNs. Future work is also presented on the grounds that such comparisons based on simple eye checks are insufficient. Since in many cases such plots may lead to incorrect conclusions, demanding the necessity for validating the types of distributions. Statistical analysis is necessary to estimate and validate the empirical distributions of the arrivals in WSNs

    Does the assumption of exponential arrival distributions in wireless sensor networks hold?

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    Wireless Sensor Networks have seen a tremendous growth in various application areas despite prominent performance and availability challenges. One of the common configurations to prolong the lifetime and deal with the path loss phenomena having a multi-hop set-up with clusters and cluster heads to relay the information. Although researchers continue to address these challenges, the type of distribution for arrivals at the cluster head and intermediary routing nodes is still an interesting area of investigation. The general practice in published works is to compare an empirical exponential arrival distribution of wireless sensor networks with a theoretical exponential distribution in a Q-Q plot diagram. In this paper, we show that such comparisons based on simple eye checks are not sufficient since, in many cases, incorrect conclusions may be drawn from such plots. After estimating the Maximum Likelihood parameters of empirical distributions, we generate theoretical distributions based on the estimated parameters. By conducting Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test Statistics for each generated inter-arrival time distributions, we find out, if it is possible to represent the traffic into the cluster head by using theoretical distribution. Empirical exponential arrival distribution assumption of wireless sensor networks holds only for a few cases. There are both theoretically known such as Gamma, Log-normal and Mixed Log-Normal of arrival distributions and theoretically unknown such as non-Exponential and Mixed cases of arrival in wireless sensor networks. The work is further extended to understand the effect of delay on inter-arrival time distributions based on the type of medium access control used in wireless sensor networks


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    This paper considers the existence of periodic solutions in space, in a particular case the system of differential equations describing the Chua circuit. Determine their equilibrium; linearize the system and thoroughly study the roots of the characteristic polynomial p( lambda) = lambda3 + ( alphac + 1) lambda2 + (alphac alpha + beta) lambda + alpha betac = 0, giving necessary conditions for each of the parameters alpha, beta and c. As in ordinary nonlinear determining global asymptotic stability in the equilibrium points differential systems is particularly important, build a Lyapunov function for the linear system under certain conditions, showing that the equilibrium point is asymptotically stable since the derivative of the Lyapunov function is less than zero.En este trabajo se considera la existencia de soluciones periódicas en el espacio, en un caso particular del sistema de ecuaciones diferenciales que describe el circuito de Chua. Determinaremos sus puntos de equilibrio; linealizamos el sistema y estudiaremos a fondo las raíces del polinomio característico. Dado que en los sistemas diferenciales ordinarios no lineales la determinación de la estabilidad global asintótica en los puntos de equilibrio tiene una importancia especial, construiremos una función de Lyapunov para el sistema lineal bajo ciertas condiciones, demostrando que el punto de equilibrio es asintóticamente estable ya que la derivada de la función de Lyapunov es menor que cero.

    Comportamiento de la humedad durante el secado solar del mineral laterítico

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    En las empresas cubanas del níquel que utilizan el proceso Caron, el contenido elevado de humedad en la material prima mineral incide en el aumento del consumo de combustible en los secadores durante el secado térmico. Se evaluó de forma experimental la humedad durante el secado solar del mineral laterítico a la intemperie. El método de análisis de la humedad utilizado fue el de diferencias de pesadas. Se empleó la regression lineal multiple para establecer los modelos matemáticos de las masas de trabajo. El estudio demostró que los parámetros climatológicos más influyentes en el secado solar del mineral laterítico son la temperatura del medio ambiente, las precipitaciones, la velocidad del viento y la temperatura del punto de rocío, así como que solamente el agua no estructural es la que puede ser eliminada. La humedad se redujo en un 13 %

    Metabolites produced by antagonistic microbes inhibit the principal avocado pathogens in vitro

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    The demand for Hass avocado in the global market exceeds the supply by over 50%. Colombia has a remarkable advantage as a producer in the region due to its high yields. However, the productivity of this crop can be seriously affected by diseases such as root rot, caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi,  postharvest body rot and stem end rot, caused by Colletotrichum sp. and Phomopsis sp., respectively. The potential of 76 bacterial isolates obtained from avocado rhizosphere to produce inhibitory metabolites against avocado´s pathogens was evaluated. The antagonistic effect of the rhizobacteria against P. cinnamomi, Colletotrichum sp. and Phomopsis sp. was tested through dual cultures. Thirty-six percent of the tested isolates presented inhibition halos against P. cinnamomi, 36% against Colletotrichum sp. and 67% against Phomopsis sp. Additionally, three isolates were selected for fermentation tests using different broth cultures. The extracts obtained from fermentations in the minimal medium of isolates ARP5.1 and AED06 showed inhibitory activity against the evaluated pathogens, but this effect was not observed with the AED26 extract. The media supplemented with copper chloride did not enhance activity of the extracts. These results suggest that using microbial metabolic extracts is a viable alternative for controlling avocado pathogens in vitro

    Protection of flunarizine on cerebral mitochondria injury induced by cortical spreading depression under hypoxic conditions

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    A rat cortical spreading depression (CSD) model was established to explore whether cerebral mitochondria injury was induced by CSD under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions and whether flunarizine had a protective effect on cerebral mitochondria. SD rats, which were divided into seven groups, received treatment as follows: no intervention (control Group I); 1 M NaCl injections (Group II); 1 M KCl injections (Group III); intraperitoneal flunarizine (3 mg/kg) 30 min before KCl injections (Group IV); 14% O2 inhalation before NaCl injections (Group V); 14% O2 inhalation followed by KCl injections (Group VI); 14% O2 inhalation and intraperitoneal flunarizine followed by KCl injections (Group VII). Following treatment, brains were removed for the analysis of mitochondria transmembrane potential (MMP) and oxidative respiratory function after recording the number, amplitude and duration of CSD. The duration of CSD was significantly longer in Group VI than that in Group III. The number and duration of CSD in Group VII was significantly lower than that in Group VI. MMP in Group VI was significantly lower than that in Group III, and MMP in Group VII was significantly higher than that in Group VI. State 4 respiration in Group VI was significantly higher than that in Group III, and state 3 respiration in Group VII was significantly higher than that in Group VI. Respiration control of rate in Group VII was also significantly higher than that in Group VI. Thus, we concluded that aggravated cerebral mitochondria injury might be attributed to CSD under hypoxic conditions. Flunarizine can alleviate such cerebral mitochondria injury under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions