767 research outputs found

    Counselling immigrant adults at an educational institution

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    The principle of promoting free mobility of citizens has been written into European educational policies. Additionally, the philosophy of educational equality has been clearly included into the educational regulation of most European countries. Furthermore, at the beginning of the twenty-first century the ideas of lifelong learning have been defined to be the goals of improving practice within the educational systems. This means that teachers all over Europe are increasingly facing students with various ethnic backgrounds of all ages and having varied educational backgrounds, life situations and work-experiences and accordingly, being in the need of diverse educational support within educational settings. The growth in demands for equal educational rights for all inevitably strengthens the demands for the development of each teacher’s and counsellor's the skills of the teaching and counselling staff for meeting the individual needs of learners emerging from diverse reasons and counselling them accordingly. However, with this new concentration on the needs of diverse students emerging on issues like immigration, age, race, gender, special educational needs or the like, there seems to be some uncertainty with regards to what the development of these skills might mean for the practices of educational settings, their teachers and other staff and, accordingly, for teacher education training professionals for educational settings. In this article we will provide the reader with a couple of examples of how these challenges have been met within educational settings. Besides offering some examples of good practice of working with immigrant adults we also focus on the challenge of training professionals and in particular to of training teachers working with immigrant adults in educational provisions institutions. With In putting the focus on teachers we would like to underline the importance of every teacher to have having the counselling attitude and skills in his/her everyday practice with immigrant adult learners besides the work done by actual counselling professionals. However, we start our article with by addressing briefly the subject of to adult learners and some grounds of working with immigrant adult learners in educational settings. This starting point provides the conceptual framework for the practical examples to be presented. The first two of these examples are dealing deal with counselling immigrant adult students. They are followed with by examples of some learning tools used in training teachers to work with multicultural adult students

    Analysis of bearing wear, whole blood and synovial fluid metal ion concentrations and histopathological findings in patients with failed ASR hip resurfacings

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    Background Adverse Reaction to Metal Debris (ARMD) is still a major reason for revision surgeries in patients with metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacements. ARMD consists of a wide range of alterations in periprosthetic tissues, most important of which are metallosis, inflammation, pseudotumors and necrosis. Studies investigating histopathological findings and their association to implant wear or indirect measures of wear have yielded inconsistent results. Therefore, we aimed to investigate bearing surface wear volume, whole blood and synovial fluid metal ion concentrations, histopathological findings in periprosthetic tissues and their associations. Methods Seventy-eight patients with 85 hips revised for ARMD were included in the study. Prior to revision surgery, all patients had whole blood chromium and cobalt ion levels assessed. In revision surgery, a synovial fluid sample was taken and analyzed for chromium and cobalt. Periprosthetic tissue samples were taken and analyzed for histopathological findings. Explanted implants were analyzed for bearing wear volume of both acetabular cup and femoral head components. Results Volumetric wear of the failed components was highly variable. The total wear volume of the head and cup had a strong correlation with whole blood chromium and cobalt ion concentrations (Cr: ρ = 0.80, p < 0.001 and Co: ρ = 0.84, p < 0.001) and a bit weaker correlation with fluid chromium and cobalt ion concentrations (Cr: ρ = 0.50, p < 0.01 and Co: ρ = 0.41, p = 0.027). Most tissues displayed only low-to-moderate amounts of macrophages and lymphocytes. Total wear volume correlated with macrophage sheet thickness (ρ = 0.25, p = 0.020) and necrosis (ρ = 0.35, p < 0.01). Whole blood chromium and cobalt ion concentrations had similar correlations. Lymphocyte cuff thickness did not correlate with either total wear volume or whole blood metal ion concentrations, but correlated with the grade of necrosis. Conclusions Bearing wear volume correlated with blood metal ion levels and the degree of necrosis and macrophage infiltration in periprosthetic tissues suggesting a dose-response relationship. Whole blood metal ion levels are a useful tool for clinician to estimate bearing wear and subsequent tissue response

    Alteration of the late endocytic pathway in Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2B disease

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    The small GTPase RAB7A regulates late stages of the endocytic pathway and plays specific roles in neurons, controlling neurotrophins trafficking and signaling, neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration. Mutations in the RAB7A gene cause the autosomal dominant Charcot–Marie–Tooth type 2B (CMT2B) disease, an axonal peripheral neuropathy. As several neurodegenerative diseases are caused by alterations of endocytosis, we investigated whether CMT2B-causing mutations correlate with changes in this process. To this purpose, we studied the endocytic pathway in skin fibroblasts from healthy and CMT2B individuals. We found higher expression of late endocytic proteins in CMT2B cells compared to control cells, as well as higher activity of cathepsins and higher receptor degradation activity. Consistently, we observed an increased number of lysosomes, accompanied by higher lysosomal degradative activity in CMT2B cells. Furthermore, we found increased migration and increased RAC1 and MMP-2 activation in CMT2B compared to control cells. To validate these data, we obtained sensory neurons from patient and control iPS cells, to confirm increased lysosomal protein expression and lysosomal activity in CMT2B-derived neurons. Altogether, these results demonstrate that in CMT2B patient-derived cells, the endocytic degradative pathway is altered, suggesting that higher lysosomal activity contributes to neurodegeneration occurring in CMT2B

    Alterations of autophagy in the peripheral neuropathy Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B

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    Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 2B (CMT2B) disease is a dominant axonal peripheral neuropathy caused by 5 mutations in the RAB7A gene, a ubiquitously expressed GTPase controlling late endocytic trafficking. In neurons, RAB7A also controls neuronal-specific processes such as NTF (neurotrophin) trafficking and signaling, neurite outgrowth and neuronal migration. Given the involvement of macroautophagy/autophagy in several neurodegenerative diseases and considering that RAB7A is fundamental for autophagosome maturation, we investigated whether CMT2B-causing mutants affect the ability of this gene to regulate autophagy. In HeLa cells, we observed a reduced localization of all CMT2B-causing RAB7A mutants on autophagic compartments. Furthermore, compared to expression of RAB7AWT, expression of these mutants caused a reduced autophagic flux, similar to what happens in cells expressing the dominant negative RAB7AT22N mutant. Consistently, both basal and starvation-induced autophagy were strongly inhibited in skin fibroblasts from a CMT2B patient carrying the RAB7AV162M mutation, suggesting that alteration of the autophagic flux could be responsible for neurodegeneration.Peer reviewe

    Lack of evidence-the anti-stepwise introduction of metal-on-metal hip replacements: A systematic review and a comparative assessment of the literature and registry data

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    Background and purpose - Orthopedics and especially joint replacement surgery have had more than their fair share of unsuccessful innovations that have violated widely endorsed principles for the introduction of new surgical innovations. We aimed to investigate (1) the trends in the use of the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR), the ASR hip resurfacing (ASR HRA) and the ASR XL total hip replacement (ASR XL THR) system with very different market approval processes and (2) whether their use was corroborated by clinical trials published in the peer-reviewed literature.Methods - The literature was searched for any clinical studies that reported outcomes of the BHR, ASR HRA and ASR XL THRs. Data from 7 national hip arthroplasty registers were collected and the number of annually implanted devices was matched to those reported in the literature.Results - The cumulative number of implanted and published BHRs grew proportionally with a small lag. The growth of implanted BHRs started to decline at the same time as the ASR HR was introduced. With regard to ASR HRAs, the cumulative proportion of implanted hips and those included in the published studies grew disproportionately after the introduction of the ASR in 2003. For ASR XL THRs, the disproportionality is even higher.Interpretation - The adoption of ASR hip replacements did not follow the proposed stepwise introduction of orthopedic implants. The adoption and use of any new implant should follow a strict guideline and algorithm even if the theoretical basis or the results of preclinical studies are excellent

    DRAM-3 modulates autophagy and promotes cell survival in the absence of glucose

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    Macroautophagy is a membrane-trafficking process that delivers cytoplasmic constituents to lysosomes for degradation. The process operates under basal conditions as a mechanism to turnover damaged or misfolded proteins and organelles. As a result, it has a major role in preserving cellular integrity and viability. In addition to this basal function, macroautophagy can also be modulated in response to various forms of cellular stress, and the rate and cargoes of macroautophagy can be tailored to facilitate appropriate cellular responses in particular situations. The macroautophagy machinery is regulated by a group of evolutionarily conserved autophagy-related (ATG) proteins and by several other autophagy regulators, which either have tissue-restricted expression or operate in specific contexts. We report here the characterization of a novel autophagy regulator that we have termed DRAM-3 due to its significant homology to damage-regulated autophagy modulator (DRAM-1). DRAM-3 is expressed in a broad spectrum of normal tissues and tumor cells, but different from DRAM-1, DRAM-3 is not induced by p53 or DNA-damaging agents. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that DRAM-3 localizes to lysosomes/autolysosomes, endosomes and the plasma membrane, but not the endoplasmic reticulum, phagophores, autophagosomes or Golgi, indicating significant overlap with DRAM-1 localization and with organelles associated with macroautophagy. In this regard, we further proceed to show that DRAM-3 expression causes accumulation of autophagosomes under basal conditions and enhances autophagic flux. Reciprocally, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated disruption of DRAM-3 impairs autophagic flux confirming that DRAM-3 is a modulator of macroautophagy. As macroautophagy can be cytoprotective under starvation conditions, we also tested whether DRAM-3 could promote survival on nutrient deprivation. This revealed that DRAM-3 can repress cell death and promote long-term clonogenic survival of cells grown in the absence of glucose. Interestingly, however, this effect is macroautophagy-independent. In summary, these findings constitute the primary characterization of DRAM-3 as a modulator of both macroautophagy and cell survival under starvation conditions

    Risk factors for prosthetic joint infections following total hip arthroplasty based on 33,337 hips in the Finnish Arthroplasty Register from 2014 to 2018

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    Background and purpose - Periprosthetic joint infection (PJI) is a devastating complication and more information on risk factors for PJI is required to find measures to prevent infections. Therefore, we assessed risk factors for PJI after primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) in a large patient cohort. Patients and methods - We analyzed 33,337 primary THAs performed between May 2014 and January 2018 based on the Finnish Arthroplasty Register (FAR). Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for first PJI revision operation using 25 potential patient- and surgical-related risk factors as covariates. Results - 350 primary THAs were revised for the first time due to PJI during the study period. The hazard ratios for PJI revision in multivariable analysis were 2.0 (CI 1.3-3.2) for ASA class II and 3.2 (2.0-5.1) for ASA class III-IV compared with ASA class I, 1.4 (1.1-1.7) for bleeding > 500 mL compared with 120 minutes compared with 45-59 minutes, and 2.6 (1.4-4.9) for simultaneous bilateral operation. In the univariable analysis, hazard ratios for PJI revision were 2.3 (1.7-3.3) for BMI of 31-35 and 5.0 (3.5-7.1) for BMI of > 35 compared with patients with BMI of 21-25. Interpretation - We found several modifiable risk factors associated with increased PJI revision risk after THA to which special attention should be paid preoperatively. In particular, high BMI may be an even more prominent risk factor for PJI than previously assessed.Peer reviewe

    Host-specific factors affect the pathogenesis of adverse reaction to metal debris

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse Reaction to Metal Debris (ARMD) is a major reason for revision surgeries in patients with metal-on-metal (MoM) hip replacements. Most failures are related to excessively wearing implant producing harmful metal debris (extrinsic factor). As ARMD may also occur in patients with low-wearing implants, it has been suggested that there are differences in host-specific intrinsic factors contributing to the development of ARMD. However, there are no studies that have directly assessed whether the development of ARMD is actually affected by these intrinsic factors. METHODS: We included all 29 patients (out of 33 patients) with sufficient data who had undergone bilateral revision of ASR MoM hips (58 hips) at our institution. Samples of the inflamed synovia and/or pseudotumour were obtained perioperatively and sent to histopathological analysis. Total wear volumes of the implants were assessed. Patients underwent MARS-MRI imaging of the hips preoperatively. Histological findings, imaging findings and total wear volumes between the hips of each patient were compared. RESULTS: The difference in wear volume between the hips was clinically and statistically significant (median difference 15.35 mm^{3}, range 1 to 39 mm^{3}, IQR 6 to 23 mm^{3}) (p  0.05 for all comparisons). These features included macrophage sheet thickness, perivascular lymphocyte cuff thickness, presence of plasma cells, presence of diffuse lymphocytic infiltration and presence of germinal centers. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the significantly differing amounts of wear (extrinsic factor) seen between the sides, majority of the histological findings were similar in both hips and the presence of pseudotumour was symmetrical in most hips. As a direct consequence, it follows that there must be intrinsic factors which contribute to the symmetry of the findings, ie. the pathogenesis of ARMD, on individual level. This has been hypothesized in the literature but no studies have been conducted to confirm the hypothesis. Further, as the threshold of metal debris needed to develop ARMD appears to be largely variable based on the previous literature, it is likely that there are between-patient differences in these intrinsic factors, ie. the host response to metal debris is individual

    Population-Based Rates of Revision of Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review

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    Background: Most research on failure leading to revision total hip arthroplasty (THA) is reported from single centers. We searched PubMed between January 2000 and August 2010 to identify population- or community-based studies evaluating ten-year revision risks. We report ten-year revision risk using the Kaplan-Meier method, stratifying by age and fixation technique. Results: Thirteen papers met the inclusion criteria. Cemented prostheses had Kaplan-Meier estimates of revision-free implant survival of ten years ranging from 88 % to 95%; uncemented prostheses had Kaplan-Meier estimates from 80 % to 85%. Estimates ranged from 72 % to 86 % in patients less than 60 years old and from 90 to 96 % in older patients. Conclusion: Data reported from national registries suggest revision risks of 5 to 20 % ten years following primary THA. Revision risks are lower in older THA recipients. Uncemented implants may have higher ten-year rates of revision, regardless of age