80 research outputs found

    Characterization of U-Mo Foils for AFIP-7

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    Twelve AFIP in-process foil samples, fabricated by either Y-12 or LANL, were shipped from LANL to PNNL for potential characterization using optical and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Of these twelve, nine different conditions were examined to one degree or another using both techniques. For this report a complete description of the results are provided for one archive foil from each source of material, and one unirradiated piece of a foil of each source that was irradiated in the Advanced Test Reactor. Additional data from two other LANL conditions are summarized in very brief form in an appendix. The characterization revealed that all four characterized conditions contained a cold worked microstructure to different degrees. The Y-12 foils exhibited a higher degree of cold working compared to the LANL foils, as evidenced by the highly elongated and obscure U-Mo grain structure present in each foil. The longitudinal orientations for both of the Y-12 foils possesses a highly laminar appearance with such a distorted grain structure that it was very difficult to even offer a range of grain sizes. The U-Mo grain structure of the LANL foils, by comparison, consisted of a more easily discernible grain structure with a mix of equiaxed and elongated grains. Both materials have an inhomogenous grain structure in that all of the characterized foils possess abnormally coarse grains

    Identifikasi dan Penetapan Kadar Rhodamin B dalam Kerupuk Berwarna Merah yang Beredar di Masyarakat

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    Kerupuk  merupakan  makanan  ringan  yang  dibuat  dari  adonan  tepung tapioka dicampur bahan perasa.Kerupuk tidak lepas dari masalah keamanan makanan jajanan. Adanya produsen yang menggunakan Rhodamin B pada produknya. Rhodamin B merupakan zat warna sintetis yang umumnya digunakan sebagai zat warna kertas, tekstil atau tinta.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan uji analisa kuantitatif terhadap Rhodamin B yang terdapat pada kerupuk merah  dengan  menggunakan  Spektrofotometri  Uv-Visibel.Penelitian  yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimental. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh kerupuk berwarna merah yang beredar di pasar tradisional dan pasar modern Kota Medan. Dengan mengambil 5 sampel dari masing-masing pasar tradisional dan pasar modern Kota Medan. Dari penelitian ini didapatkan 7 sampel kerupuk teridentifikasi mengandung Rhodamin  B  dan  3  sampel  kerupuk  lainnya  tidak  mengandung  Rhodamin  B. Dengan  sampel  kerupuk  dari  pasar  modern  tidak  terdapat  kadar  Rhodamin  B, hanya dua (2) sampel yaitu A3 dan A4 yang memiliki kadar Rhodamin B yang sangat sedikit yaitu 0,01. Dan sampel kerupuk dari pasar tradisional terdapat kadar Rhodamin B yang cukup beragam mulai dari 1,14 PPM (B1), 1,39 (B2), 1,63 PPM (B3), 2,06 PPM (B5), dan 2,53 PPM (B2).Rata-rata kandungan Rhodamin B pada sampel  kerupuk  dari  pasar  tradisional  adalah  1,75  PPM.  Sedangkan  rata -rata kandungan sampel kerupuk dari pasar modern adalah 0,004 PPM. Berdasarkan uji statistika dengan Mann-Whitney Test, didapati nilai P adalah 0,008 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan rata-rata kadar Rhodamin B antar sampel kerupuk dari pasar tradisional dan modern yang secara statistik bermakna. Perlu dilakukannya penelitian untuk menemukan inovasi dalam identifikasi Rhodamin B pada sampel kerupuk yang lebih praktis, cepat, dan murah sehingga lebih aplikatif bagi masyarakat

    Phase ordering and shape deformation of two-phase membranes

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    Within a coupled-field Ginzburg-Landau model we study analytically phase separation and accompanying shape deformation on a two-phase elastic membrane in simple geometries such as cylinders, spheres and tori. Using an exact periodic domain wall solution we solve for the shape and phase ordering field, and estimate the degree of deformation of the membrane. The results are pertinent to a preferential phase separation in regions of differing curvature on a variety of vesicles.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to PR

    Tourists as Mobile Gamers: Gamification for Tourism Marketing

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    Gaming as a cutting-edge concept has recently been used by some innovative tourism sectors as a marketing tool and as a method of deeper engagement with visitors. This research aims to explore the gamification trend and its potential for experience development and tourism marketing. Using a focus group, this paper discusses gaming and tourism, and explores what drives tourists to play games. The results suggest tourists’ game playing motivation is multidimensional. Players tend to start with purposive information seeking, then move on to an intrinsic stimulation. Socialization is also an important dimension. The research demonstrates several implications for tourism marketing

    Revisiting the Twentieth Century Through the Lens of Generation X and Digital Games: A Scoping Review

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    Video games have been around since the 1960s and have impacted upon society in a myriad of different ways. The purpose of this scoping review is to identify existing literature within the domain of video games which recruited participants from the Generation X (1965–1980) cohort. Six databases were searched (ACM, CINHAL Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) focusing on published journal papers between 1970 and 2000. Search results identified 3186 articles guided by the PRISMA Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR); 4 papers were irretrievable, 138 duplicated papers were removed, leaving 3048 were assessed for eligibility and 3026 were excluded. Articles (n = 22) were included into this review, with four papers primarily published in 1997 and in 1999. Thematic analysis identified five primary themes: purpose and objectives, respective authors’ reporting, technology, ethics and environment) and seven secondary themes: populations, type of participants (e.g. children, students), ethical approval, study design, reimbursement, language, type of assessments. This scoping review is distinctive because it primarily focuses on Generation X, who have experienced and grown-up with videogames, and contributes to several disciplines including: game studies, gerontology and health, and has wider implications from a societal, design and development perspective of video games