375 research outputs found

    Anti-laminin-1 antibodies in sera and follicular fluid of women with endometriosis undergoing in vitro fertilization.

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    There is increasing evidence that autoimmune phenomena, including auto-antibody production, may affect fertility in women with endometriosis. The aims of this study are to evaluate anti-laminin-1 antibody (aLN-1) presence in sera and in follicular fluids (FF) of women with endometriosis undergoing IVF and its impact on oocyte maturation and IVF outcome. aLN-1 were measured by a home-made enzyme linked immunosorbent assay in sera and FF obtained from 35 infertile women with endometriosis and in sera from 50 fertile controls and 27 infertile women without endometriosis (IWWE). aLN-1 serum levels were significantly higher in women with endometriosis in comparison with both fertile controls and IWWE (P<0.001 and P <0.05, respectively) and a positive correlation was found between serum-and FF- aLN-1 (r = 0.47, P = 0.004). According to the cut-off (mean+3 SD of fertile controls), 31% of women with endometriosis were aLN-1 positive. Metaphase II oocyte counts showed inverse correlation with FF-aLN-1 levels (r = −0.549, P = 0.0006). Ongoing pregnancy (i.e pregnancy progressing beyond the 12th week of gestation) occurred in 4/11 aLN-1 positive patients and in 7/24 aLN-1 negative with no significant difference (P= 0.7). In conclusion, our results highlight that aLN-1 are increased in women with endometriosis and their presence in FF may affect oocyte maturation leading to a reduced fertility. However, aLN-1 seem to have no effect on IVF outcome

    Organic vs. organic - soil arthropods as bioindicators of ecological sustainability in greenhouse system experiment under Mediterranean conditions

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    Organic greenhouse (OGH) production is characterized by different systems and agricultural practices with diverse environmental impact. Soil arthropods are widely used as bioindicators of ecological sustainability in open field studies, while there is a lack of research on organic production for protected systems. This study assessed the soil arthropod abundance and diversity over a 2-year crop rotation in three systems of OGH production in the Mediterranean. The systems under assessment differed in soil fertility management: SUBST - a simplified system of organic production, based on an input substitution approach (use of guano and organic liquid fertilizers), AGROCOM - soil fertility mainly based on compost application and agroecological services crops (ASC) cultivation (tailored use of cover crops) as part of crop rotation, and AGROMAN - animal manure and ASC cultivation as part of crop rotation. Monitoring of soil fauna was performed by using pitfall traps and seven taxa were considered: Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Araneae, Opiliones, Isopoda, Myriapoda, and Collembola. Results demonstrated high potential of ASC cultivation as a technique for beneficial soil arthropod conservation in OGH conditions. SUBST system was dominated by Collembola in all crops, while AGROMAN and AGROCOM had more balanced relative abundance of Isopoda, Staphylinidae, and Aranea. Opiliones and Myriapoda were more affected by season, while Carabidae were poorly represented in the whole monitoring period. Despite the fact that all three production systems are in accordance with the European Union regulation on organic farming, findings of this study displayed significant differences among them and confirmed the suitability of soil arthropods as bioindicators in protected systems of organic farming

    Influence of cover crop termination on ground dwelling arthropods in organic vegetable systems

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    open7noA key aspect in cover crop management is termination before the cash crop is planted. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of termination methods on ground-dwelling arthropods. The conventional mechanical termination method—i.e., green manuring by means of a disc harrow—was compared to flattening using a roller crimper. Two different crop systems were investigated for two growing seasons; cauliflower was grown in autumn after the termination of a mixture of cowpea, pearl millet, and radish, and tomato was cropped in spring and summer after the termination of a mixture of barley and vetch. Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), and spiders (Araneae) were sampled by means of standard pitfall traps throughout the growing season of both cash crops. The roller crimper increased the overall abundance of ground beetles in the first growing season of both cash crops, whereas in the second year, no significant effect could be detected. Rove beetles were more abundant in plots where the cover crops were terminated by the roller crimper. Finally, green manuring increased the abundance of spiders, especially on the first sampling date after cover crop termination. Albeit different taxa showed different responses, the termination of cover crops by a roller crimper generally increased the abundance of ground dwelling arthropods. Given that most of the sampled species were generalist predators, their increased abundance could possibly improve biological control.openDepalo L.; Burgio G.; Magagnoli S.; Sommaggio D.; Montemurro F.; Canali S.; Masetti A.Depalo L.; Burgio G.; Magagnoli S.; Sommaggio D.; Montemurro F.; Canali S.; Masetti A

    A possible role of fzd10 delivering exosomes derived from colon cancers cell lines in inducing activation of epithelial–mesenchymal transition in normal colon epithelial cell line

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    Exosomes belong to the family of extracellular vesicles released by every type of cell both in normal and pathological conditions. Growing interest in studies indicates that extracellular vesicles, in particular, the fraction named exosomes containing lipids, proteins and nucleic acid, represent an efficient way to transfer functional cargoes between cells, thus combining all the other cell–cell interaction mechanisms known so far. Only a few decades ago, the involvement of exosomes in the carcinogenesis in different tissues was discovered, and very recently it was also observed how they carry and modulate the presence of Wnt pathway proteins, involved in the carcinogenesis of gastrointestinal tissues, such as Frizzled 10 protein (FZD10), a membrane receptor for Wnt. Here, we report the in vitro study on the capability of tumor-derived exosomes to induce neoplastic features in normal cells. Exosomes derived from two different colon cancer cell lines, namely the non-metastatic CaCo-2 and the metastatic SW620, were found to deliver, in both cases, FZD10, thus demonstrating the ability to reprogram normal colonic epithelial cell line (HCEC-1CT). Indeed, the acquisition of specific mesenchymal characteristics, such as migration capability and expression of FZD10 and markers of mesenchymal cells, was observed. The exosomes derived from the metastatic cell line, characterized by a level of FZD10 higher than the exosomes extracted from the non-metastatic cells, were also more efficient in stimulating EMT activation. The overall results suggest that FZD10, delivered by circulating tumor-derived exosomes, can play a relevant role in promoting the CRC carcinogenesis and propagation

    Influence of magnetic micelles on assembly and deposition of porphyrin J‐aggregates

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    Clusters of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) have been incorporated into the hydrophobic core of polyethylene glycol (PEG)‐modified phospholipid micelles. Two different PEG‐phospholipids have been selected to guarantee water solubility and provide an external corona, bearing neutral (SPIONs@PEG‐micelles) or positively charged amino groups (SPIONs@NH2‐PEG‐micelles). Under acidic conditions and with specific mixing protocols (porphyrin first, PF, or porphyrin last, PL), the water‐soluble 5,10,15,20‐tetrakis‐(4‐ sulfonatophenyl)‐porphyrin (TPPS) forms chiral J‐aggregates, and in the presence of the two different types of magnetic micelles, an increase of the aggregation rates has been generally observed. In the case of the neutral SPIONs@PEG‐micelles, PL protocol affords a stable nanosystem, whereas PF protocol is effective with the charged SPIONs@NH2‐PEG‐micelles. In both cases, chiral J‐aggregates embedded into the magnetic micelles (TPPS@SPIONs@micelles) have been characterized in solution through UV/vis absorption and circular/linear dichroism. An external magnetic field allows depositing films of the TPPS@SPIONs@micelles that retain their chiroptical properties and exhibit a high degree of alignment, which is also confirmed by atomic force microscopy

    Encapsulation of dual emitting giant quantum dots in silica nanoparticles for optical ratiometric temperature nanosensors

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    Accurate temperature measurements with a high spatial resolution for application in the biomedical fields demand novel nanosized thermometers with new advanced properties. Here, a water dispersible ratiometric temperature sensor is fabricated by encapsulating in silica nanoparticles, organic capped PbS@CdS@CdS "giant" quantum dots (GQDs), characterized by dual emission in the visible and near infrared spectral range, already assessed as efficient fluorescent nanothermometers. The chemical stability, easy surface functionalization, limited toxicity and transparency of the silica coating represent advantageous features for the realization of a nanoscale heterostructure suitable for temperature sensing. However, the strong dependence of the optical properties on the morphology of the final core-shell nanoparticle requires an accurate control of the encapsulation process. We carried out a systematic investigation of the synthetic conditions to achieve, by the microemulsion method, uniform and single core silica coated GQD (GQD@SiO2) nanoparticles and subsequently recorded temperature-dependent fluorescent spectra in the 281-313 K temperature range, suited for biological systems. The ratiometric response-the ratio between the two integrated PbS and CdS emission bands-is found to monotonically decrease with the temperature, showing a sensitivity comparable to bare GQDs, and thus confirming the effectiveness of the functionalization strategy and the potential of GQD@SiO2 in future biomedical applications

    Polydopamine-Coated Magnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: From Design to Applications

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    Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles have been extensively investigated due to their applications in various fields such as biomedicine, sensing, and environmental remediation. However, they need to be coated with a suitable material in order to make them biocompatible and to add new functionalities on their surface. This review is intended to give a comprehensive overview of recent advantages and applications of iron oxide nanoparticles coated by polydopamine film. The synthesis method of magnetic nanoparticles, their functionalization with bioinspired materials and (in particular) with polydopamine are discussed. Finally, some interesting applications of polydopamine-coated magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles will be pointed out

    Lipid content in higher plants under osmotic stress

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    Abstract In this work, we performed investigations on the lipid content of higher plants (spinach) under hyperosmotic stress, by means of thin layer chromatography (TLC) and mass spectrometry. In particular, the experiments have been performed at different plant organization levels: whole leaves, freshly prepared protoplast suspension and mesophyll cells obtained by reformation of the cell wall from protoplast suspension. The results obtained showed that hyperosmotic stress induces changes in the phospholipid content depending on the different plant organization levels studied. All phospholipids showed an increment of their content in stressed whole leaves. In particular, phosphatidylglycerol (PG) redoubles its content by 1 h of osmotic shock. Different responses to hyperosmotic stress were reported for the other systems. In the case of protoplasts, an increment of PG, phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) together with biphosphatidylglycerol (BPG) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) content decreasing were observed in stressed sample. For PG, identified as PG (34:4) by elecrospray ionization mass spectrometry, the increment was of about 30%. In the case of cells, conversely, a decrease of PG content under osmotic stress was recorded. The results suggest an important role of phospholipids, in particular of PG, in the osmotic stress response

    Current LISA Spacecraft Design

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. a space based gravitational wave detector. uses laser metrology to measure distance fluctuations between proof masses aboard three spacecraft. LISA is unique from a mission design perspective in that the three spacecraft and their associated operations form one distributed science instrument. unlike more conventional missions where an instrument is a component of an individual spacecraft. The design of the LISA spacecraft is also tightly coupled to the design and requirements of the scientific payload; for this reason it is often referred to as a "sciencecraft." Here we describe some of the unique features of the LISA spacecraft design that help create the quiet environment necessary for gravitational wave observations


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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cover crops on pest/beneficial dynamics and to test the potential of living mulch on enhancing biological control against insect pests. The research, carried out in the frame of the InterVeg (Core Organic II) project, involved four European countries: Germany, Slovenia, Denmark and Italy. Three crops were tested: cauliflower, leek and artichoke. The preliminary results obtained in Italy on cauliflower, indicated that the living mulch did not affect the infestation of the cabbage butterfly, Pieris brassicae, showing no detrimental effect of this technique on pest dynamics. A very high level of parasitization against cabbage butterfly was detected either in the living mulch crop (88%) and in the sole one (63%). Living mulch showed to increase the spider and rove beetle activity density, while the carabid activity density was slightly higher in the sole crop
