9 research outputs found

    Hypomethylation and aberrant expression of the glioma pathogenesis-related 1 gene in Wilms tumors

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    Wilms tumors (WTs) have a complex etiology, displaying genetic and epigenetic changes, including loss of imprinting (LOI) and tumor suppressor gene silencing. To identify new regions of epigenetic perturbation in WTs, we screened kidney and tumor DNA using CpG island (CGI) tags associated with cancer-specific DNA methylation changes. One such tag corresponded to a paralog of the glioma pathogenesis-related 1/related to testis-specific, vespid, and pathogenesis proteins 1 (GLIPR1/RTVP-1) gene, previously reported to be a tumor-suppressor gene silenced by hypermethylation in prostate cancer. Here we report methylation analysis of the GLIPR1/RTVP-1 gene in WTs and normal fetal and pediatric kidneys. Hypomethylation of the GLIPR1/RTVP-1 5′-region in WTs relative to normal tissue is observed in 21/24 (87.5%) of WTs analyzed. Quantitative analysis of GLIPR1/RTVP-1 expression in 24 WTs showed elevated transcript levels in 16/24 WTs (67%), with 12 WTs displaying in excess of 20-fold overexpression relative to fetal kidney (FK) control samples. Immunohistochemical analysis of FK and WT corroborates the RNA expression data and reveals high GLIPR1/RTVP-1 in WT blastemal cells together with variable levels in stromal and epithelial components. Hypomethylation is also evident in the WT precursor lesions and nephrogenic rests (NRs), supporting a role for GLIPR1/RTVP-1 deregulation early in Wilms tumorigenesis. Our data show that, in addition to gene dosage changes arising from LOI and hypermethylation-induced gene silencing, gene activation resulting from hypomethylation is also prevalent in WTs. Copyright © 2007 Neoplasia Press, Inc. All rights reserved

    Frequent Long-Range Epigenetic Silencing of Protocadherin Gene Clusters on Chromosome 5q31 in Wilms' Tumor

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    Wilms' tumour (WT) is a pediatric tumor of the kidney that arises via failure of the fetal developmental program. The absence of identifiable mutations in the majority of WTs suggests the frequent involvement of epigenetic aberrations in WT. We therefore conducted a genome-wide analysis of promoter hypermethylation in WTs and identified hypermethylation at chromosome 5q31 spanning 800 kilobases (kb) and more than 50 genes. The methylated genes all belong to α-, β-, and γ-protocadherin (PCDH) gene clusters (Human Genome Organization nomenclature PCDHA@, PCDHB@, and PCDHG@, respectively). This demonstrates that long-range epigenetic silencing (LRES) occurs in developmental tumors as well as in adult tumors. Bisulfite polymerase chain reaction analysis showed that PCDH hypermethylation is a frequent event found in all Wilms' tumor subtypes. Hypermethylation is concordant with reduced PCDH expression in tumors. WT precursor lesions showed no PCDH hypermethylation, suggesting that de novo PCDH hypermethylation occurs during malignant progression. Discrete boundaries of the PCDH domain are delimited by abrupt changes in histone modifications; unmethylated genes flanking the LRES are associated with permissive marks which are absent from methylated genes within the domain. Silenced genes are marked with non-permissive histone 3 lysine 9 dimethylation. Expression analysis of embryonic murine kidney and differentiating rat metanephric mesenchymal cells demonstrates that Pcdh expression is developmentally regulated and that Pcdhg@ genes are expressed in blastemal cells. Importantly, we show that PCDHs negatively regulate canonical Wnt signalling, as short-interfering RNA–induced reduction of PCDHG@ encoded proteins leads to elevated β-catenin protein, increased β-catenin/T-cell factor (TCF) reporter activity, and induction of Wnt target genes. Conversely, over-expression of PCDHs suppresses β-catenin/TCF-reporter activity and also inhibits colony formation and growth of cancer cells in soft agar. Thus PCDHs are candidate tumor suppressors that modulate regulatory pathways critical in development and disease, such as canonical Wnt signaling

    Glioma pathogenesis-related 1-Like 1 is testis enriched, dynamically modified, and redistributed during male germ cell maturation and has a potential role in sperm-oocyte binding

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    The glioma pathogenesis-related 1 (GLIPR1) family consists of three genes [GLIPR1, GLIPR1-like 1(GLIPR1L1), and GLIPR1-like 2 (GLIPR1L2)] and forms a distinct subgroup within the cysteine-rich secretory protein (CRISP), antigen 5, and pathogenesis-related 1 (CAP) superfamily. CAP superfamily proteins are found in phyla ranging from plants to humans and, based largely on expression and limited functional studies, are hypothesized to have roles in carcinogenesis, immunity, cell adhesion, and male fertility. Specifically data from a number of systems suggests that sequences within the C-terminal CAP domain of CAP proteins have the ability to promote cell-cell adhesion. Herein we cloned mouse Glipr1l1 and have shown it has a testis-enriched expression profile. GLIPR1L1 is posttranslationally modified by N-linked glycosylation during spermatogenesis and ultimately becomes localized to the connecting piece of elongated spermatids and sperm. After sperm capacitation, however, GLIPR1L1 is also localized to the anterior regions of the sperm head. Zona pellucida binding assays indicate that GLIPR1L1 has a role in the binding of sperm to the zona pellucida surrounding the oocyte. These data suggest that, along with other members of the CAP superfamily and several other proteins, GLIPR1L1 is involved in the binding of sperm to the oocyte complex. Collectively these data further strengthen the role of CAP domain-containing proteins in cellular adhesion and propose a mechanism whereby CAP proteins show overlapping functional significance during fertilization