507 research outputs found

    The co-occurrence of depression and anxiety with alcohol use disorders

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    Penninx, B.W.J.H. [Promotor]Brink, W. van den [Promotor]Beekman, A.T.F. [Promotor]Vogelzangs, N. [Copromotor

    Exciton enhanced dye sensitized solar cells

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    Date du colloque&nbsp;: 05/2009</p

    Photoelectrochemical properties of mesoporous NiOx deposited on technical FTO via nanopowder sintering in conventional and plasma atmospheres

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    Nanoporous nickel oxide (NiO x ) has been deposited with two different procedures of sintering (CS and RDS). Both samples display solid state oxidation at about 3.1 V vs Li+/Li. Upon sensitization of CS/RDS NiO x with erythrosine b (ERY), nickel oxide oxidation occurs at the same potential. Impedance spectroscopy revealed a higher charge transfer resistance for ERY-sensitized RDS NiO x with respect to sensitized CS NiO x . This was due to the chemisorption of a larger amount of ERY on RDS with respect to CS NiO x . Upon illumination the photoinduced charge transfer between ERY layer and NiO x could be observed only with oxidized CS. Photoelectrochemical effects of sensitized RDS NiO x were evidenced upon oxide reduction. With the addition of iodine RDS NiOx electrodes could give the reduction iodine → iodide in addition to the reduction of RDS NiO x . p-type dye sensitized solar cells were assembled with RDS NiO x photocathodes sensitized either by ERY or Fast Green. Resulting overall efficiencies ranged between 0.02 and 0.04 % upon irradiation with solar spectrum simulator (Iin : 0.1 W cm −2 )

    The Network Structure of Childhood Psychopathology in International Adoptees

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    International adoptees are at an increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems, especially those who are adopted at an older age. We took a new approach in our study of the network structure and predictability of emotional and behavioral problems in internationally adopted children in Finland. Our sample was from the on-going adoption study and comprised 778 internationally adopted children (387 boys and 391 girls, mean age 10.5 (SD 3.4) years). Networks were estimated using Gaussian graphical models and lasso regularization for all the children, and separately for those who were adopted at different ages. The results showed that anxiety/depressive symptoms, social problems, and aggressiveness were the most central symptom domains. Somatic symptoms were the least central and had the weakest effect on the other domains. Similarly, aggressiveness, social problems, and attention problems were high in terms of predictability (73-65%), whereas internalizing problems were relatively low (28-56%). There were clear but local age-group differences in network structure, symptom centrality, and predictability. According to our findings, network models provide important additional information about the centrality and predictability of specific symptom domains, and thus may facilitate targeted interventions among international adoptees.Peer reviewe

    NET-RMDs study: networks of fatigue and pain in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases – protocol for an international cross-sectional study

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    Introduction Fatigue and pain are the main symptoms of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs). Healthcare professionals have a primary role in helping patients to manage both these symptoms, which are part of a complex network of co-occurring factors including sleep problems, psychological distress, social support, body weight, diet, inactive lifestyle and disease activity. The patterns of relationships (networks) between these factors and these symptoms, fatigue and pain, are largely unknown. The current proposal aims to reveal them using network estimation techniques. We will also consider differences in networks for subgroups of people with (1) different RMDs and (2) different clusters (profiles) of biopsychosocial factors. Methods and analysis Adults with at least one RMD will be recruited to this online cross-sectional observational project. To provide a complete overview, a large sample size from different countries will be included. A brief online survey, using 0–10 numeric rating scales will measure, for the past month, levels of fatigue and pain as well as scores on seven biopsychosocial factors. These factors were derived from literature and identified by interviews with patients, health professionals and rheumatologists. Using this input, the steering committee of the project decided the factors to be measured giving priority to those that can be modified in self-management support in community health centres worldwide. Network estimation techniques are used to detect the complex patterns of relationships between these biopsychosocial factors, fatigue and pain; and how these differ for subgroups of people with different RMDs and profiles. Ethics and dissemination Ethical approval of national Institutional Review Boards was obtained. The online survey includes an information letter and informed consent form. The findings will be disseminated via conferences and publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, while public media channels will be used to inform people with RMDs and other interested parties

    Nanotechnology for catalysis and solar energy conversion

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    This roadmap on Nanotechnology for Catalysis and Solar Energy Conversion focuses on the application of nanotechnology in addressing the current challenges of energy conversion: 'high efficiency, stability, safety, and the potential for low-cost/scalable manufacturing' to quote from the contributed article by Nathan Lewis. This roadmap focuses on solar-to-fuel conversion, solar water splitting, solar photovoltaics and bio-catalysis. It includes dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs), perovskite solar cells, and organic photovoltaics. Smart engineering of colloidal quantum materials and nanostructured electrodes will improve solar-to-fuel conversion efficiency, as described in the articles by Waiskopf and Banin and Meyer. Semiconductor nanoparticles will also improve solar energy conversion efficiency, as discussed by Boschloo et al in their article on DSSCs. Perovskite solar cells have advanced rapidly in recent years, including new ideas on 2D and 3D hybrid halide perovskites, as described by Spanopoulos et al 'Next generation' solar cells using multiple exciton generation (MEG) from hot carriers, described in the article by Nozik and Beard, could lead to remarkable improvement in photovoltaic efficiency by using quantization effects in semiconductor nanostructures (quantum dots, wires or wells). These challenges will not be met without simultaneous improvement in nanoscale characterization methods. Terahertz spectroscopy, discussed in the article by Milot et al is one example of a method that is overcoming the difficulties associated with nanoscale materials characterization by avoiding electrical contacts to nanoparticles, allowing characterization during device operation, and enabling characterization of a single nanoparticle. Besides experimental advances, computational science is also meeting the challenges of nanomaterials synthesis. The article by Kohlstedt and Schatz discusses the computational frameworks being used to predict structure–property relationships in materials and devices, including machine learning methods, with an emphasis on organic photovoltaics. The contribution by Megarity and Armstrong presents the 'electrochemical leaf' for improvements in electrochemistry and beyond. In addition, biohybrid approaches can take advantage of efficient and specific enzyme catalysts. These articles present the nanoscience and technology at the forefront of renewable energy development that will have significant benefits to society
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