15,676 research outputs found

    Chaotic string-capture by black hole

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    We consider a macroscopic charge-current carrying (cosmic) string in the background of a Schwarzschild black hole. The string is taken to be circular and is allowed to oscillate and to propagate in the direction perpendicular to its plane (that is parallel to the equatorial plane of the black hole). Nurmerical investigations indicate that the system is non-integrable, but the interaction with the gravitational field of the black hole anyway gives rise to various qualitatively simple processes like "adiabatic capture" and "string transmutation".Comment: 13 pages Latex + 3 figures (not included), Nordita 93/55

    Dynamics of cosmic strings and springs; a covariant formulation

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    A general family of charge-current carrying cosmic string models is investigated. In the special case of circular configurations in arbitrary axially symmetric gravitational and electromagnetic backgrounds the dynamics is determined by simple point particle Hamiltonians. A certain "duality" transformation relates our results to previous ones, obtained by Carter et. al., for an infinitely long open stationary string in an arbitrary stationary background.Comment: 11 pages, Latex, Nordita preprint 93/28

    Young and intermediate-age massive star clusters

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    An overview of our current understanding of the formation and evolution of star clusters is given, with main emphasis on high-mass clusters. Clusters form deeply embedded within dense clouds of molecular gas. Left-over gas is cleared within a few million years and, depending on the efficiency of star formation, the clusters may disperse almost immediately or remain gravitationally bound. Current evidence suggests that a few percent of star formation occurs in clusters that remain bound, although it is not yet clear if this fraction is truly universal. Internal two-body relaxation and external shocks will lead to further, gradual dissolution on timescales of up to a few hundred million years for low-mass open clusters in the Milky Way, while the most massive clusters (> 10^5 Msun) have lifetimes comparable to or exceeding the age of the Universe. The low-mass end of the initial cluster mass function is well approximated by a power-law distribution, dN/dM ~ M^{-2}, but there is mounting evidence that quiescent spiral discs form relatively few clusters with masses M > 2 x 10^5 Msun. In starburst galaxies and old globular cluster systems, this limit appears to be higher, at least several x 10^6 Msun. The difference is likely related to the higher gas densities and pressures in starburst galaxies, which allow denser, more massive giant molecular clouds to form. Low-mass clusters may thus trace star formation quite universally, while the more long-lived, massive clusters appear to form preferentially in the context of violent star formation.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. To appear as invited review article in a special issue of the Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. A: Ch. 9 "Star clusters as tracers of galactic star-formation histories" (ed. R. de Grijs). Fully peer reviewed. PDFLaTeX, requires rspublic.cls style fil

    Stable and Unstable Circular Strings in Inflationary Universes

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    It was shown by Garriga and Vilenkin that the circular shape of nucleated cosmic strings, of zero loop-energy in de Sitter space, is stable in the sense that the ratio of the mean fluctuation amplitude to the loop radius is constant. This result can be generalized to all expanding strings (of non-zero loop-energy) in de Sitter space. In other curved spacetimes the situation, however, may be different. In this paper we develop a general formalism treating fluctuations around circular strings embedded in arbitrary spatially flat FRW spacetimes. As examples we consider Minkowski space, de Sitter space and power law expanding universes. In the special case of power law inflation we find that in certain cases the fluctuations grow much slower that the radius of the underlying unperturbed circular string. The inflation of the universe thus tends to wash out the fluctuations and to stabilize these strings.Comment: 15 pages Latex, NORDITA 94/14-

    Second Order Perturbations of a Macroscopic String; Covariant Approach

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    Using a world-sheet covariant formalism, we derive the equations of motion for second order perturbations of a generic macroscopic string, thus generalizing previous results for first order perturbations. We give the explicit results for the first and second order perturbations of a contracting near-circular string; these results are relevant for the understanding of the possible outcome when a cosmic string contracts under its own tension, as discussed in a series of papers by Vilenkin and Garriga. In particular, second order perturbations are necessaary for a consistent computation of the energy. We also quantize the perturbations and derive the mass-formula up to second order in perturbations for an observer using world-sheet time τ\tau . The high frequency modes give the standard Minkowski result while, interestingly enough, the Hamiltonian turns out to be non-diagonal in oscillators for low-frequency modes. Using an alternative definition of the vacuum, it is possible to diagonalize the Hamiltonian, and the standard string mass-spectrum appears for all frequencies. We finally discuss how our results are also relevant for the problems concerning string-spreading near a black hole horizon, as originally discussed by Susskind.Comment: New discussion about the quantum mass-spectrum in chapter

    Structural Refinement for the Modal nu-Calculus

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    We introduce a new notion of structural refinement, a sound abstraction of logical implication, for the modal nu-calculus. Using new translations between the modal nu-calculus and disjunctive modal transition systems, we show that these two specification formalisms are structurally equivalent. Using our translations, we also transfer the structural operations of composition and quotient from disjunctive modal transition systems to the modal nu-calculus. This shows that the modal nu-calculus supports composition and decomposition of specifications.Comment: Accepted at ICTAC 201

    From the WZWN Model to the Liouville Equation: Exact String Dynamics in Conformally Invariant AdS Background

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    It has been known for some time that the SL(2,R) WZWN model reduces to Liouville theory. Here we give a direct and physical derivation of this result based on the classical string equations of motion and the proper string size. This allows us to extract precisely the physical effects of the metric and antisymmetric tensor, respectively, on the {\it exact} string dynamics in the SL(2,R) background. The general solution to the proper string size is also found. We show that the antisymmetric tensor (corresponding to conformal invariance) generally gives rise to repulsion, and it precisely cancels the dominant attractive term arising from the metric. Both the sinh-Gordon and the cosh-Gordon sectors of the string dynamics in non-conformally invariant AdS spacetime reduce here to the Liouville equation (with different signs of the potential), while the original Liouville sector reduces to the free wave equation. Only the very large classical string size is affected by the torsion. Medium and small size string behaviours are unchanged. We also find illustrative classes of string solutions in the SL(2,R) background: dynamical closed as well as stationary open spiralling strings, for which the effect of torsion is somewhat like the effect of rotation in the metric. Similarly, the string solutions in the 2+1 BH-AdS background with torsion and angular momentum are fully analyzed.Comment: 24 pages including 4 postscript figures. Enlarged version including a section on string solutions in 2+1 black hole background. To be published in Phys. Rev. D., December 199

    Circular String-Instabilities in Curved Spacetime

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    We investigate the connection between curved spacetime and the emergence of string-instabilities, following the approach developed by Loust\'{o} and S\'{a}nchez for de Sitter and black hole spacetimes. We analyse the linearised equations determining the comoving physical (transverse) perturbations on circular strings embedded in Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m and de Sitter backgrounds. In all 3 cases we find that the "radial" perturbations grow infinitely for r→0r\rightarrow 0 (ring-collapse), while the "angular" perturbations are bounded in this limit. For r→∞r\rightarrow\infty we find that the perturbations in both physical directions (perpendicular to the string world-sheet in 4 dimensions) blow up in the case of de Sitter space. This confirms results recently obtained by Loust\'{o} and S\'{a}nchez who considered perturbations around the string center of mass.Comment: 24 pages Latex + 2 figures (not included). Observatoire de Paris, Meudon No. 9305

    Deformations of extended objects with edges

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    We present a manifestly gauge covariant description of fluctuations of a relativistic extended object described by the Dirac-Nambu-Goto action with Dirac-Nambu-Goto loaded edges about a given classical solution. Whereas physical fluctuations of the bulk lie normal to its worldsheet, those on the edge possess an additional component directed into the bulk. These fluctuations couple in a non-trivial way involving the underlying geometrical structures associated with the worldsheet of the object and of its edge. We illustrate the formalism using as an example a string with massive point particles attached to its ends.Comment: 17 pages, revtex, to appear in Phys. Rev. D5
