51 research outputs found

    Risk factors for symptomatic retears after arthroscopic repair of full-thickness rotator cuff tears

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    Background: Factors affecting a rotator cuff symptomatic retear after arthroscopic repair have yet to be clearly identified, since they usually influence the surgical decisions. Methods: Consecutive patients with full-thickness tear of the supraspinatus who underwent arthroscopic repair were retrospectively analyzed. Cases of symptomatic retear, defined as Sugaya type IV and V on magnetic resonance imaging, associated with intensive pain and/or functional impairment were identified at follow-up. The patients with no symptomatic retear were selected as the control group. Information from potential risk factors of symptomatic retear, including depression and subacromial corticosteroid injections, was extracted from the medical records. The statistical analysis included multivariant logistic regression. Results: The symptomatic retear rate was 9.5% in 158 patients. Patients in the symptomatic retear group were more likely to be smoking, to have massive tears, a short acromiohumeral distance, and moderate to severe fatty infiltration. They also had had more frequently subacromial corticosteroid injections and depression. However, following the multiple logistic regression analysis, only massive tears and moderate to severe fatty infiltration remained significantly associated. Similarly, in relation to the study hypothesis, both corticosteroid injections (odds ratio [OR] 6.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.49, 29.81; P =.013) and depression (OR 8.26, IC 1.04, 65.62; P =.046) were significantly associated with symptomatic retear risk. Conclusions: This study found support for the hypothesis that both depression and corticosteroid infiltration before surgery are independent risk factors for symptomatic retear after arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff

    Ecology and application of haloalkaliphilic anaerobic microbial communities

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    Haloalkaliphilic microorganisms that grow optimally at high-pH and high-salinity conditions can be found in natural environments such as soda lakes. These globally spread lakes harbour interesting anaerobic microorganisms that have the potential of being applied in existing technologies or create new opportunities. In this review, we discuss the potential application of haloalkaliphilic anaerobic microbial communities in the fermentation of lignocellulosic feedstocks material subjected to an alkaline pre-treatment, methane production and sulfur removal technology. Also, the general advantages of operation at haloalkaline conditions, such as low volatile fatty acid and sulfide toxicity, are addressed. Finally, an outlook into the main challenges like ammonia toxicity and lack of aggregation is provided.This work was performed in the TTIW- cooperation framework of Wetsus, European Centre of Excel- lence for Sustainable Water Technology (www.wetsus.nl). Wetsus is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, the European Union Regional Development Fund, the Province of Fryslân, the City of Leeuwarden and the EZ/Kompas program of the“ Samenwerkingsverband Noord-Nederland”. The authors would like to thank the participants of the research theme "Sulfur", namely Paqell, for fruitful discussions and financial suppor

    Stepwise Catalytic Mechanism via Short-Lived Intermediate Inferred from Combined QM/MM MERP and PES Calculations on Retaining Glycosyltransferase ppGalNAcT2

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    The glycosylation of cell surface proteins plays a crucial role in a multitude of biological processes, such as cell adhesion and recognition. To understand the process of protein glycosylation, the reaction mechanisms of the participating enzymes need to be known. However, the reaction mechanism of retaining glycosyltransferases has not yet been sufficiently explained. Here we investigated the catalytic mechanism of human isoform 2 of the retaining glycosyltransferase polypeptide UDP-GalNAc transferase by coupling two different QM/MM-based approaches, namely a potential energy surface scan in two distance difference dimensions and a minimum energy reaction path optimisation using the Nudged Elastic Band method. Potential energy scan studies often suffer from inadequate sampling of reactive processes due to a predefined scan coordinate system. At the same time, path optimisation methods enable the sampling of a virtually unlimited number of dimensions, but their results cannot be unambiguously interpreted without knowledge of the potential energy surface. By combining these methods, we have been able to eliminate the most significant sources of potential errors inherent to each of these approaches. The structural model is based on the crystal structure of human isoform 2. In the QM/MM method, the QM region consists of 275 atoms, the remaining 5776 atoms were in the MM region. We found that ppGalNAcT2 catalyzes a same-face nucleophilic substitution with internal return (SNi). The optimized transition state for the reaction is 13.8 kcal/mol higher in energy than the reactant while the energy of the product complex is 6.7 kcal/mol lower. During the process of nucleophilic attack, a proton is synchronously transferred to the leaving phosphate. The presence of a short-lived metastable oxocarbenium intermediate is likely, as indicated by the reaction energy profiles obtained using high-level density functionals

    Two distinct catalytic pathways for GH43 xylanolytic enzymes unveiled by X-ray and QM/MM simulations

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    Xylanolytic enzymes from glycoside hydrolase family 43 (GH43) are involved in the breakdown of hemicellulose, the second most abundant carbohydrate in plants. Here, we kinetically and mechanistically describe the non-reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase activity and report the crystal structure of a native GH43 Michaelis complex with its substrate prior to hydrolysis. Two distinct calcium-stabilized conformations of the active site xylosyl unit are found, suggesting two alternative catalytic routes. These results are confirmed by QM/MM simulations that unveil the complete hydrolysis mechanism and identify two possible reaction pathways, involving different transition state conformations for the cleavage of xylooligosaccharides. Such catalytic conformational promiscuity in glycosidases is related to the open architecture of the active site and thus might be extended to other exo-acting enzymes. These findings expand the current general model of catalytic mechanism of glycosidases, a main reaction in nature, and impact on our understanding about their interaction with substrates and inhibitors

    A New Crocodylian from the Late Maastrichtian of Spain: Implications for the Initial Radiation of Crocodyloids

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    The earliest crocodylians are known primarily from the Late Cretaceous of North America and Europe. The representatives of Gavialoidea and Alligatoroidea are known in the Late Cretaceous of both continents, yet the biogeographic origins of Crocodyloidea are poorly understood. Up to now, only one representative of this clade has been known from the Late Cretaceous, the basal crocodyloid Prodiplocynodon from the Maastrichtian of North America.The fossil studied is a skull collected from sandstones in the lower part of the Tremp Formation, in Chron C30n, dated at -67.6 to 65.5 Ma (late Maastrichtian), in Arén (Huesca, Spain). It is located in a continuous section that contains the K/P boundary, in which the dinosaur faunas closest to the K/P boundary in Europe have been described, including Arenysaurus ardevoli and Blasisaurus canudoi. Phylogenetic analysis places the new taxon, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum, at the base of Crocodyloidea.The new taxon is the oldest crocodyloid representative in Eurasia. Crocodyloidea had previously only been known from the Palaeogene onwards in this part of Laurasia. Phylogenetically, Arenysuchus gascabadiolorum is situated at the base of the first radiation of crocodyloids that occurred in the late Maastrichtian, shedding light on this part of the cladogram. The presence of basal crocodyloids at the end of the Cretaceous both in North America and Europe provides new evidence of the faunal exchange via the Thulean Land Bridge during the Maastrichtian

    Methodological strategies to understand smartphone practices for social connectedness in later life

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    Digital practices in later life are not yet well understood. Therefore, this paper discusses the framework for a research design project that aims at tracing differences and similarities in how older adults use their smartphones in circumstances in and outside their homes in Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Canada. The research questions of this international research project focus on the extent to which digital mobile practices relate to perceived social connectedness among older adults aged 55–79 years old. While studies have shown that the subjective experience of ‘being connected’ supports continued wellbeing in later life, there remains an insufficient understanding of the processes through which digital mediated social interaction is effective for social connectedness. The analytical framework of the project prioritizes the co-constituency of (digital) technology and ageing, and takes digital practices in everyday life as its entry point. The main data collection tool will be the tracking of smartphone activity of 600 older adults (150 per country) during four weeks. An online survey and qualitative interviews will gather data about the meanings of the quantified digital practices, and how they shape (if they do) the participants’ connection to the world. This approach will allow us not only to get insight into what older adults say how they used their smartphone but also to gain insight into their real-life daily use. The assessment of the challenges, strengths, and weaknesses of the methods contributes towards an accurate and appropriate interpretation of empirical results and their implications

    Microbial diversity and biogeochemical cycling in soda lakes

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    Soda lakes contain high concentrations of sodium carbonates resulting in a stable elevated pH, which provide a unique habitat to a rich diversity of haloalkaliphilic bacteria and archaea. Both cultivation-dependent and -independent methods have aided the identification of key processes and genes in the microbially mediated carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur biogeochemical cycles in soda lakes. In order to survive in this extreme environment, haloalkaliphiles have developed various bioenergetic and structural adaptations to maintain pH homeostasis and intracellular osmotic pressure. The cultivation of a handful of strains has led to the isolation of a number of extremozymes, which allow the cell to perform enzymatic reactions at these extreme conditions. These enzymes potentially contribute to biotechnological applications. In addition, microbial species active in the sulfur cycle can be used for sulfur remediation purposes. Future research should combine both innovative culture methods and state-of-the-art ‘meta-omic’ techniques to gain a comprehensive understanding of the microbes that flourish in these extreme environments and the processes they mediate. Coupling the biogeochemical C, N, and S cycles and identifying where each process takes place on a spatial and temporal scale could unravel the interspecies relationships and thereby reveal more about the ecosystem dynamics of these enigmatic extreme environments