826 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Terhadap International Brand Image Serta Dampaknya Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi Pada Mahasiswa Pembeli Dan Pengguna Laptop Lenovo Di Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the Quality Product of the International Brand Image as well as the impact on the purchase decision. In this study the variables used are product quality while International Brand Image and Purchase Decision as an endogenous variable. This type of research is explanatory research with a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences UB Malang on the purchasers and users of Lenovo, involving respondents as many as 88 respondents where 35 male respondents and 53 female respondents. The sampling technique using the formula of Machin and Campbell (1987). Based on the analysis show that the variable Product Quality positive effect on the variable International Brand Image and Purchase Decisions

    Stabilization of carbon nanotubes by filling with inner tubes: An optical spectroscopy study on double-walled carbon nanotubes under hydrostatic pressure

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    The stabilization of carbon nanotubes via the filling with inner tubes is demonstrated by probing the optical transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles under hydrostatic pressure with optical spectroscopy. Double-walled carbon nanotube films were prepared from fullerene peapods and characterized by HRTEM and optical spectroscopy. In comparison to single-walled carbon nanotubes, the pressure-induced redshifts of the optical transitions in the outer tubes are significantly smaller below ∼\sim10 GPa, demonstrating the enhanced mechanical stability due to the inner tube already at low pressures. Anomalies at the critical pressure Pd_d≈\approx12 GPa signal the onset of the pressure-induced deformation of the tubular cross-sections. The value of Pd_d is in very good agreement with theoretical predictions of the pressure-induced structural transitions in double-walled carbon nanotube bundles with similar average diameters.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan terhadap Kinerja Lingkungan (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Memperoleh Proper)

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of ownership structure on the performance of the environment. Ownership structure used in this study is managerial ownership, institutional ownership, foreign ownership and public ownership. Environmental performance assessed using PROPER issued by the Ministry of Environment. The analytical method used is the ordinal regression using SPSS. The method of selecting samples using purposive sampling in companies that are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange and PROPER in 2010-2012. The structure of managerial ownership, institutional ownership and public ownership is measured from the percentage shareholding companies while foreign ownership is measured by a dummy variable. The results showed that foreign ownership variables significantly influence environmental performance. Variable managerial ownership, institutional ownership and public ownership does not have a significant influence on the performance of the environment

    Reception Messages of Hate Speech among the Teenagers in the Global World: An Attempt to Gain the Good Quality of Labor Demands

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    To gain the good labor demand, the government should care about the quality of its teenagers. The government must give the teenagers some labor/work to gain the maximum quality of moral ethics integrity and capability to work. In this case, some teenagers don’t care about the phenomena of hate speech. It becomes viral on YouTube when a Pakistani boy had been doing the hate speech to Indian girls. This research will elaborate the form of hate speech and the action of reception messages of hate speech among the teenagers from the global perspective. The result of this research was divided into two basics finding, they are: (1) the main form of hate speech, such as: the provocation for violence, the provocation for hatred, and the provocation for discrimination and (2) the reception messages of hate speech among the teenagers, such as: dominant, negotiable, and oppositional. When the teenagers still had a mutual understanding about the norms of Bhineka Tunggal Ika to avoid the hate speech, they will be the light future of nation to get the readiness of the best quality of labor demand in Indonesia.     Keywords: reception messages, teenagers, hate speech, labor demand, global worl


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    Tumbuhan hijauan pakan merupakan salah satu faktor esensial dalam pengembangan usaha peternakan khususnya ternak ruminansia. Dalam hal ini dibutuhkan jumlah dan kualitas hijauan pakan tersedia cukup dan berla njut. Salah satu jenis hijauan pakan yang potensial adalah rumput gajah dwarf (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott). Salah satu masalah yang dihadapi dalam memperoduksi hijauan pakan adalah keterbatasan lahan. Namun demikian masih juga tersedia lahan perkebunan kelapa yang dapat digunakan namun dibutuhkan jenis hijauan yang toleran terhadap naungan dan produktif. Rumput gajah dwarf termasuk jenis dengan jalur metabolism C4 yang secara umum sensitive terhadap daungan. Namun demikian pemberian unsure makro nitrogen diharapkan dapat berinteraksi baik untuk menunjang produktifitas jenis rumput ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji interaksi level naungan dan level pupuk nitrogen terhadap karakteristik fotosintetik rumput uji ini. Perlakuan yang diuji adalah factor A level naungan : a1 = 0% naungan; a2 = 70% naungan. Level pupuk nitrogen sebagai factor B: b1 = 0% N; b2 = 92 N/Ha; b3 = 184 N/ha; b4 = 368 N/ha. Perlakuan diatur berfaktor dalam pola petak terpisah (split plot design). Data diolah menggunakan analisis keragaman dengan dituntun Program Minitab. Perbedaan antara perlakuan dilakukan uji lanjut Tukey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlakuan naungan 70% berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua parameter yang diuji. Demikian juga level pemupukan nitrogen terutama berpengaruh nyata pada parameter kandungan klorofil b dan terhadap panjang daun, lebar daun, kandungan nitrogen dan protein. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa kendatipun dibawah pengaruh naungan tetapi karakter fotosintetik rumput gajah Dwarft (Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott) dapat diperbaiki dengan penambahan unsur hara makro nitrogen


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    ABSTRAK Schistosomiasis merupakan penyakit endemis di Indonesia, khususnya di Dataran tinggi Napu, Lindu dan Bada, Sulawesi Tengah. Keong perantara schistosomiasis, Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis tersebar luas di Dataran Tinggi Napu. Salah satu upaya pengendalian keong yang telah dilakukan oleh progam pengendalian schistosomiasis adalah penyemprotan moluskisida Bayluscide setiap 6 bulan sekali. Penggunaan moluskisida kimia memiliki kekurangan karena dapat menyebabkan polusi lingkungan. Perlu diteliti penggunaan tanaman sebagai moluskisida untuk alternatif pengendalian keong. Famili Euphorbiaceae diketahui memiliki aktivitas sebagai moluskisida. Tujuan penelitian menentukan efektivitas dari ekstrak dan fraksi biji jarak merah (Jatropha. gossypifolia), ekstrak biji jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas) dan ekstrak biji jarak kastor (Riccinus communis) terhadap keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Schistosomiasis Napu, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah pada bulan Maret – Oktober 2009. Keong diuji dengan larutan ekstrak biji jarak merah, jarak pagar dan jarak kastor di laboratorium selama 24 jam. Ekstraksi biji jarak dengan metode perkolasi Jumlah keong yang mati dihitung dan dianalisis probit untuk penentuan nilai LC 50 dan LC 95. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak methanol dari biji jarak merah, jarak pagar dan jarak kastor memiliki daya bunuh terhadap keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis. Ekstrak biji jarak merah memiliki daya bunuh yang paling tinggi dibanding ekstrak biji jarak pagar dan kastor, dengan nilai LC 50 10,41 ppm dan LC 95 sebesar 18,6 ppm. Fraksi metanol dari biji jarak merah paling efektif di antara fraksi etil asetat dan n-heksan dari biji jarak merah. Tanaman jarak merah dapat menjadi bahan alternatif dalam pengendalian keong Oncomelania hupensis lindoensis
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