208 research outputs found

    Luokanopettaja oppilaan minÀkuvan tukijana

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    TiivistelmĂ€. MinĂ€kuva on kĂ€sitteenĂ€ tĂ€rkeĂ€, koska se vaikuttaa ihmisen elĂ€mÀÀn moniulotteisesti. Tutkielman viitekehys kĂ€sittelee lapsen minĂ€kuvaa, sen kehitystĂ€ ja tukemista. MinĂ€kuvaan liittyvĂ€ kĂ€sitteistö on hyvin laaja, eikĂ€ sitĂ€ voi rajata ainoastaan minĂ€kuvan kĂ€sitteeseen. ViitekehyksessĂ€ kĂ€sitellÀÀn myös kĂ€sitettĂ€ minĂ€, jota minĂ€kuva, identiteetti ja itsetunto siivittĂ€vĂ€t. Rajasimme minĂ€kuvan kehityksen ja erityisesti sen tukemisen ikĂ€luokkiin 0–12. Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheen valitsimme yhteisen kiinnostuksen pohjalta. Aihe on myös aina ajankohtainen. Yhdeksi perusopetuksen kasvatustavoitteeksi on Suomen perusopetuslain (628/1998, 4§) asetuksessa sÀÀdetty kehittÀÀ oppilaan myönteistĂ€ minĂ€kuvaa. Opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (Opetushallitus 2004) on mÀÀritelty perusopetuksen yhdeksi tavoitteeksi antaa oppilaalle mahdollisuus myönteisen minĂ€kuvan kehitykseen. Pro gradu -tutkimuksemme tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ, miten luokanopettajat mÀÀrittelevĂ€t minĂ€kuvan kĂ€sitteen ja millaisia haasteita ja mahdollisuuksia he kokevat olevan oppilaan minĂ€kuvan tukemisessa. TĂ€rkeimpĂ€nĂ€ tavoitteena oli selvittÀÀ millaisia keinoja kahdella kajaanilaisella luokanopettajalla on tukea oppilaan minĂ€kuvaa. Tutkimuksemme on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen tapaustutkimus ja tiedonhankinnan strategiana on kĂ€ytetty fenomenografiaa. Aineisto on hankittu puolistrukturoidun teemahaastattelun, videoinnin sekĂ€ havainnoinnin avulla. Aineisto kerĂ€ttiin tammikuun 2013 aikana ja tutkittavina oli kaksi kajaanilaista peruskoulun luokanopettajaa. Aineisto on analysoitu deduktiivista logiikkaa noudattaen. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ tutkittavat luokanopettajat ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t, mitĂ€ minĂ€kuvalla tarkoitetaan ja he pitĂ€vĂ€t sitĂ€ merkittĂ€vĂ€nĂ€ oppilaan oppimisen kannalta. Tutkimus osoittaa, ettĂ€ kohdehenkilöt kokevat minĂ€kuvan tukemisen olevan yksi oppimisen edellytyksistĂ€. TĂ€rkeimmĂ€ksi minĂ€kuvan tukemisen tekijĂ€ksi tĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa nousee positiivinen palaute ja sosiaalinen vuorovaikutus, jota ilman minĂ€kuva ei pÀÀse kehittymÀÀn. MinĂ€kuva kehittyy sosiaalisessa vuorovaikutuksessa muiden ihmisten kanssa ja vaatii kehittyĂ€kseen turvallisen ympĂ€ristön, joten opettajan rooli minĂ€kuvan tukemisessa on keskeinen. Tutkimustulosten perusteella minĂ€kuvan tukemisen haasteena ovat kasvaneet oppilasmÀÀrĂ€t ja ajanpuute. LisĂ€ksi luokanopettajat tiedostavat, etteivĂ€t voi yksinÀÀn vaikuttaa oppilaan minĂ€kuvaan, vaan siihen vaikuttavat yksilön sosiaalinen ympĂ€ristö ja vanhemmat. Luokanopettajat kuitenkin kokevat, ettĂ€ minĂ€kuvan tukemiselle on aikaa opettajan niin halutessaan. Luokanopettajat kertoivat kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€nsĂ€ minĂ€kuvan tukemisen yhtenĂ€ keinona oppilaan perusturvallisuuden lisÀÀmistĂ€, koska ilman sitĂ€ minĂ€kuva ei pÀÀse kehittymÀÀn. Ilman oppilaan perusturvallisuuden tunnetta minĂ€kuvan tukeminen on myös haasteellisempaa. Molemmat haastateltavat korostavat sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta ja palautteen merkitystĂ€ minĂ€kuvan tukemisessa, koska ilman sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta minĂ€kuvaa ei voida tukea. Tutkimuksemme on hyödyllinen, koska se lisÀÀ tietoa minĂ€kuvan merkittĂ€vyydestĂ€ ja sen tukemisen tĂ€rkeydestĂ€. On vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€töntĂ€, ettĂ€ opettajat tiedostavat miten oppilaiden minĂ€kuvaa tuetaan ja pyrkivĂ€t pĂ€ivittĂ€in toimimaan sen mukaisesti koulun arjessa. Tutkielmamme tarjoaa keinoja opettajille ja muille kasvattajille oppilaan minĂ€kuvan tukemiseen

    Unusual Crystallite Growth and Modification of Ferromagnetism Due to Aging in Pure and Doped Zno Nanoparticles

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    We report the unusual growth of pure and Fe-doped ZnO nanoparticles prepared by forced hydrolysis and the weakening of ferromagnetism due to aging in ambient conditions. More than four dozen nanoparticle samples in the size range of 4–20 nm were studied over 1 to 4 years. The as-prepared samples had significant changes in their crystallite sizes and magnetization as they aged in ambient conditions. Detailed studies using x ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) demonstrated that the crystallite size increased by as much as 1.4 times. Lattice parameters and strain also showed interesting changes. Magnetometry studies of Zn1−xFexO with x = 0–0.2 showed ferromagnetism at room temperature; however, keeping the samples in ambient conditions for one year resulted in modifications in the crystallite size and magnetization. For the Zn0.95Fe0.05O sample, the size changed from 7.9 nm to 9.0 nm, while the magnetization decreased from 1×10–3emu/g (memu/g) to 0.2 memu/g. Both magnetic and structural changes due to aging varied with the environment in which they were stored, indicating that these changes are related to the aging conditions

    Magnetism of ZnO Nanoparticles: Dependence on Crystallite Size and Surfactant Coating

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    Many recent reports on magnetism in otherwise nonmagnetic oxides have demonstrated that nanoparticle size, surfactant coating, or doping with magnetic ions produces room-temperature ferromagnetism. Specifically, ZnO has been argued to be a room-temperature ferromagnet through all three of these methods in various experimental studies. For this reason, we have prepared a series of 1% Fe doped ZnO nanoparticle samples using a single forced hydrolysis co-precipitation synthesis method from the same precursors, while varying size (6 – 15 nm) and surface coating concentration to study the combined effects of these two parameters. Size was controlled by modifying the water concentration. Surfactant coating was adjusted by varying the concentration of poly acrylic acid (PAA) in solution. Samples were characterized by x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, optical absorptance spectroscopy, and magnetometry. No clear systematic effect on magnetization was observed as a function of surfactant coating, while evidence for a direct dependence of magnetization on the crystallite size is apparent

    Acute and overuse injuries among sports club members and non-members: the Finnish Health Promoting Sports Club (FHPSC) study

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    BackgroundPhysical activity in adolescence is promoted for its multi-dimensional health benefits. However, too intensive sports participation is associated with an increased injury risk. Our aim was to compare the occurrence of acute and overuse injuries in Finnish sports club members and non-members and to report training and competing habits associated with a higher injury risk in sports club members.MethodsIn this cross-sectional survey targeted at 14-16-year-old adolescents, a structured questionnaire was completed by 1077 sports club members and 812 non-members. The main outcome measures were self-reported acute and overuse injuries, their location and type.ResultsAt least one acute injury in the past year was reported by 44.0% of sports club members and 19.8% of non-members (P<0.001). The sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR) for acute injury in sports club members compared to non-members was 3.13 (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.54-3.87). Thirty-five percent of sports club members and 17.4% of non-members (P<0.001) reported at least one overuse injury during the past year. The overuse injury OR for sports club members was 2.61 (95% CI 2.09-3.26). Sports club members who trained 7-14h per week during training (OR 1.61, 95% CI 1.21-2.12, P=0.001) or competition season (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.18-2.06, P=0.002) were more likely to report an injury compared to members who trained 3-6h per week. Those sports club members who participated in forty competitions or more compared to 7-19 competitions per year were more likely to report an acute injury (OR 1.55, 95% CI 1.05-2.08, P=0.028) or for an overuse injury (OR 1.53, 95% CI 1.02-2.30, P=0.038).ConclusionsBoth acute and overuse injuries are common among youth sports club members, and the number increases along with increasing amounts of training and competitions. More effective injury prevention is needed both for adolescents engaging in sports club activities and for other adolescents

    Coaches' Health Promotion Activity and Substance Use in Youth Sports

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    There is an increasing amount of evidence suggesting youth sports clubs are an important setting for health promotion. Adolescents in sport club settings can benefit from exposures of positive and negative consequences to health. To better understand the sport club context and coaches' health promotion activity in substance use prevention, this study compares sport club members with non-members aged between 14-16 years old on their experience and use of alcohol, smoking and snuff and coaches' health promotion activity on substances. Methods: Adolescents (n = 671) from sports clubs and from matched schools (n = 1442) were recruited in this study. Multiple binary logistic regressions were performed on substance use. Results: Higher prevalence of substance use was associated with discussions of substances, often held by coaches. Significantly fewer girls who are sport club members had experiences in alcohol, smoking or snuff than their non-member counter-parts, the differences among boys varied by substance. Fewer sport club members experienced smoking than non-members. More boys used snuff than girls. Conclusions: The most salient points for health promotion were that girls who were sport club members used fewer substances and for boys the picture was more complicated. Coaches could be using reactive strategies through informal learning to address substance use in clubs, although more effective training on substance use for coaches is needed

    Introduction and assessment of orthognathic information clinic

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    Background/Objectives: Orthognathic treatment is routine practice to rehabilitate severe malocclusions and dentofacial deformities. Because orthognathic treatment is elective, patient’s involvement in deciding whether to proceed with treatment is vital. Interaction and communication between patient and treating team plays a key role in achieving post-treatment satisfaction. To achieve satisfaction, an orthognathic ‘information clinic’ for prospective orthognathic patients was established at Oral and Maxillofacial Unit, Tampere University Hospital, Finland. ‘Information clinic’ includes short talks with power-point presentation given by orthodontist, oral hygienist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, psychologist, and previous patient. Aim of the study was to set up an ‘information clinic’ and, more specifically, 1. to assess patients’ opinions on the ‘clinic’ during pilot phase (2013–14) and 2. to analyse general statistics during the first 3 years (2013–16). / Methods: During the pilot phase, patient opinions, based on voluntary questionnaire, were obtained from 85 people. General data were collected for the clinics run in 2013–16. / Results: Seventy-two per cent of respondents reported the information provided to help in their decision-making to proceed/not proceed with treatment. Majority considered the information about the surgical aspects and meeting patient who had undergone orthognathic treatment to be the most important part of the clinic. Between March 2013 and 2016, 290 prospective orthognathic patients were invited to 29 ‘information clinics’. One hundred and ninety-four patients attended, of whom 137 were female and 57 male (age range 15–67 years). / Conclusions: The questionnaire and verbal feedback from the patients was positive; hence, the ‘information clinic’ is now offered as a routine process to all prospective orthognathic patients in our clinic

    A Millennium Scale Sunspot Number Reconstruction: Evidence For an Unusually Active Sun Since the 1940's

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    The extension of the sunspot number series backward in time is of considerable interest for dynamo theory, solar, stellar, and climate research. We have used records of the Be-10 concentration in polar ice to reconstruct the average sunspot activity level for the period between the year 850 to the pr esent. Our method uses physical models for processes connecting the Be-10 concentration with the sunspot number. The reconstruction shows reliably that the period of high solar activity during the last 60 years is unique throughout the past 1150 years. This nearly triples the time interval for which such a statement could be made previouslyComment: 4 pages, LaTeX, revtex4 macros; Phys. Rev. Let., in pres
