12 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Earth Observation (EO) remote sensing missions are producing an increasing volume of data due to higher spatial and spectral resolutions, and higher frequency of acquisitions. Thus, in order to prepare the future of image processing pipelines, CNES has carried out Research & Development studies related to the use of Big Data and Cloud technologies for image processing chains made. Since mid-2019, CNES in partnership with Airbus Defense & Space, has started a new High Resolution Optical EO mission dedicated to very high resolution 3D observation called CO3D (“Constellation Optique 3D”). To achieve those objectives, a new image processing pipeline prototype is being developed taking in consideration the lessons learned from the previous studies. The paper will introduce this new image processing pipeline, the processing paradigms used to take advantage of big data technologies and the results of production benchmarks at a large scale. The on-going works to optimize the processing pipeline and Cloud cluster will be also discussed. Document type: Articl


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    Abstract. This paper presents a new Multiview Stereo Pipeline (MVS), called CARS, dedicated to satellite imagery. This pipeline is intended for massive Digital Surface Model (DSM) production and has therefore been designed to maximize scalability robustness and performance. Those two properties have driven the design of the workflow as well as the choice of algorithms and parameter trends, making our pipeline unique with respect to existing solutions in literature. This paper intends to serve as a reference paper for the pipeline implementation, and therefore provides a detailed description of algorithms and workflow. It also demonstrates the pipeline robustness and stability in several use cases, and compares its accuracy with the state-of-the-art pipelines on a reference dataset. Document type: Articl

    NanoSIMS single cell analyses reveal the contrasting nitrogen sources for small phytoplankton

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    Nitrogen (N) is a limiting nutrient in vast regions of the world’s oceans, yet the sources of N available to various phytoplankton groups remain poorly understood. In this study, we investigated inorganic carbon (C) fixation rates and nitrate (NO3−), ammonium (NH4+) and urea uptake rates at the single cell level in photosynthetic pico-eukaryotes (PPE) and the cyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus. To that end, we used dual 15N and 13C-labeled incubation assays coupled to flow cytometry cell sorting and nanoSIMS analysis on samples collected in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG) and in the California Current System (CCS). Based on these analyses, we found that photosynthetic growth rates (based on C fixation) of PPE were higher in the CCS than in the NSPG, while the opposite was observed for Prochlorococcus. Reduced forms of N (NH4+ and urea) accounted for the majority of N acquisition for all the groups studied. NO3− represented a reduced fraction of total N uptake in all groups but was higher in PPE (17.4 ± 11.2% on average) than in Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus (4.5 ± 6.5 and 2.9 ± 2.1% on average, respectively). This may in part explain the contrasting biogeography of these picoplankton groups. Moreover, single cell analyses reveal that cell-to-cell heterogeneity within picoplankton groups was significantly greater for NO3− uptake than for C fixation and NH4+ uptake. We hypothesize that cellular heterogeneity in NO3− uptake within groups facilitates adaptation to the fluctuating availability of NO3− in the environment

    Seasonal Synechococcus and Thaumarchaeal population dynamics examined with high resolution with remote in situ instrumentation

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    Monterey Bay, CA is an Eastern boundary upwelling system that is nitrogen limited much of the year. In order to resolve population dynamics of microorganisms important for nutrient cycling in this region, we deployed the Environmental Sample Processor with quantitative PCR assays targeting both ribosomal RNA genes and functional genes for subclades of cyanobacteria (Synechococcus) and ammonia-oxidizing Archaea (Thaumarchaeota) populations. Results showed a strong correlation between Thaumarchaea abundances and nitrate during the spring upwelling but not the fall sampling period. In relatively stratified fall waters, the Thaumarchaeota community reached higher numbers than in the spring, and an unexpected positive correlation with chlorophyll concentration was observed. Further, we detected drops in Synechococcus abundance that occurred on short (that is, daily) time scales. Upwelling intensity and blooms of eukaryotic phytoplankton strongly influenced Synechococcus distributions in the spring and fall, revealing what appear to be the environmental limitations of Synechococcus populations in this region. Each of these findings has implications for Monterey Bay biogeochemistry. High-resolution sampling provides a better-resolved framework within which to observe changes in the plankton community. We conclude that controls on these ecosystems change on smaller scales than are routinely assessed, and that more predictable trends will be uncovered if they are evaluated within seasonal (monthly), rather than on annual or interannual scales