25 research outputs found

    Reduction of Cross-Reactive Carbohydrate Determinants in Plant Foodstuff: Elucidation of Clinical Relevance and Implications for Allergy Diagnosis

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    Background: A longstanding debate in allergy is whether or not specific immunoglobulin-E antibodies (sIgE), recognizing cross-reactive carbohydrate determinants (CCD), are able to elicit clinical symptoms. In pollen and food allergy, $20% of patients display in-vitro CCD reactivity based on presence of a1,3-fucose and/or b1,2-xylose residues on N-glycans of plant (xylose/fucose) and insect (fucose) glycoproteins. Because the allergenicity of tomato glycoallergen Lyc e 2 was ascribed to N-glycan chains alone, this study aimed at evaluating clinical relevance of CCD-reduced foodstuff in patients with carbohydrate-specific IgE (CCD-sIgE). Methodology/Principal Findings: Tomato and/or potato plants with stable reduction of Lyc e 2 (tomato) or CCD formation in general were obtained via RNA interference, and gene-silencing was confirmed by immunoblot analyses. Two different CCD-positive patient groups were compared: one with tomato and/or potato food allergy and another with hymenopteravenom allergy (the latter to distinguish between CCD- and peptide-specific reactions in the food-allergic group). Nonallergic and CCD-negative food-allergic patients served as controls for immunoblot, basophil activation, and ImmunoCAP analyses. Basophil activation tests (BAT) revealed that Lyc e 2 is no key player among other tomato (glyco)allergens. CCDpositive patients showed decreased (re)activity with CCD-reduced foodstuff, most obvious in the hymenoptera venomallergic but less in the food-allergic group, suggesting that in-vivo reactivity is primarily based on peptide- and not CCDsIgE. Peptide epitopes remained unaffected in CCD-reduced plants, because CCD-negative patient sera showed reactivity similar to wild-type. In-house-made ImmunoCAPs, applied to investigate feasibility in routine diagnosis, confirmed BAT results at the sIgE level. Conclusions/Significance: CCD-positive hymenoptera venom-allergic patients (control group) showed basophil activation despite no allergic symptoms towards tomato and potato. Therefore, this proof-of-principle study demonstrates feasibility of CCD-reduced foodstuff to minimize ‘false-positive results’ in routine serum tests. Despite confirming low clinical relevance of CCD antibodies, we identified one patient with ambiguous in-vitro results, indicating need for further component-resolved diagnosis

    Dažādu sporta veidu ietekme uz bērnu un pusaudžu muskuļu un skeleta sistēmu un izplatītākās traumas

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    MedicīnaVeselības aprūpeMedicineHealth CareBērnu nenobriedušā muskuļu un skeleta sistēma ievērojami atšķiras no pieaugušo muskuļu un skeleta sistēmas, piedalīšanās sportā var ietekmēt gan pozitīvi, gan negatīvi uz bērnu muskuļu un skeleta sistēmu. Mūsdienās bērni un pusaudži jau no agra vecuma aktīvi nodarbojas ar dažādiem sporta veidiem, kā rezultātā pieaug to bērnu skaits, kuri guvuši sporta traumas. Sportam ir pozitīva ietekme uz muskuļu un skeleta sistēmu. Dalība sportā veicina bērnu un pusaudžu veselību daudzos līmeņos. Bērnu populācija ir pakļauta lielākam traumu un ievainojumu riskam, jo balsta un kustību aparāta sistēma nav nobriedusi. Bērniem nepieciešama atšķirīga pieeja traumu ārstēšanā. Traumu profilakses programmas jābūt efektīvas lai samazināt risku no bieži sastopamām traumām.The pediatric and immature musculoskeletal system differs greatly from the musculoskeletal system of adults and the participation in sports has both positive and negative impacts on the pediatric musculoskeletal system. Nowadays children and adolescents participate in various sports at a high level starting from an early age leading to rising numbers of pediatric patients with sports-related injuries. Sports have a positive impact on the musculoskeletal system. The participation in sports promotes health in children and adolescents on many levels. The pediatric population is at greater risk for trauma and injury due to the immaturity of the musculoskeletal system. Pediatric patients require a different approach in the management of injuries. Injury prevention programs can be effective and reduce the risk to suffer from common injuries

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