42 research outputs found

    Écriture directe de circuits optiques plans dans des couches minces de silice sur silicium par ablation au laser CO₂

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    État de l'art dans la fabrication de circuits optiques plans -- Interaction laser CO2-Silice -- Mesure du profil d'indice de réfraction de la zone affectée thermiquement par le laser CO2 -- Théorie des guides d'onde -- Fabrication des guides d'onde par laser CO2 -- Réalisation d'un diviseur de puissance 1x4 basé sur le principe des interférences multimodales

    Metaproteogenomic analysis of saliva samples from Parkinson's disease patients with cognitive impairment

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    Cognitive impairment (CI) is very common in patients with Parkinson's Disease (PD) and progressively develops on a spectrum from mild cognitive impairment (PD-MCI) to full dementia (PDD). Identification of PD patients at risk of developing cognitive decline, therefore, is unmet need in the clinic to manage the disease. Previous studies reported that oral microbiota of PD patients was altered even at early stages and poor oral hygiene is associated with dementia. However, data from single modalities are often unable to explain complex chronic diseases in the brain and cannot reliably predict the risk of disease progression. Here, we performed integrative metaproteogenomic characterization of salivary microbiota and tested the hypothesis that biological molecules of saliva and saliva microbiota dynamically shift in association with the progression of cognitive decline and harbor discriminatory key signatures across the spectrum of CI in PD. We recruited a cohort of 115 participants in a multi-center study and employed multi-omics factor analysis (MOFA) to integrate amplicon sequencing and metaproteomic analysis to identify signature taxa and proteins in saliva. Our baseline analyses revealed contrasting interplay between the genus Neisseria and Lactobacillus and Ligilactobacillus genera across the spectrum of CI. The group specific signature profiles enabled us to identify bacterial genera and protein groups associated with CI stages in PD. Our study describes compositional dynamics of saliva across the spectrum of CI in PD and paves the way for developing non-invasive biomarker strategies to predict the risk of CI progression in PD.FEMS Research and Training Gran

    Étude expérimentale d'étirage vertical de fibres optiques par laser CO₂

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    Contexte théorique sur les fibres effilées -- Fibres effilées -- Les applications des fibres effilées -- Utilisation du laser CO₂ pour effiler les fibres -- Banc de fabrication CO₂ -- Banc vertical d'étirage optique par laser CO₂ -- Paramètres critiques du banc -- Programmes Labview -- Caractérisation et paramétrisation expérimentales -- Caractérisation du profil de la fibre -- Paramétrisation de la fabrication de la fibre effilée -- Fabrication d'un composant

    Reproduction and Lactation Performances of Turkish Awassi Sheep

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    Analyses of the 1991 lambing records of 27 flocks comprising 15020 ewes on the Ceylanpınar State Farm showed clearly that age significantly affects fertility, abortion and still births, twinning, number of lambs born per ewe served and per ewe lambed. Mean twinnig rates for the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and over age groups were 2.1, 8.0, 15.3, 14.8, 12.4 and 13.4 respectively. Fecundity increased until the age of 4 and 5, but started to decline with further increased in age. Previous research on the same farm concluded that high plane of nutrition (flushing) can increase twinning significantly (127.7 versus 106.1). Another research show that twinning can be successfully increased to over 65 by using intra vaginal sponges. In a recent study conducted on Ceylanpınar, mean lactation lenght and lactation yield were found to be 168.3 days, 174.6 kg; 187.2 days, 231.4 kg and 175.6 days , 170.5 kg for the exceptional ewes of the national flocks, exceptional ewes of the State Farm and control ewes respectively. The outstanding ewes of Ceylanpınar State Farm demonstrated a clear superiority over the other two groups with respect to lactation yield. Due to its high milk production potential Awassi breed can be utilized as sire in improving milk production of many non-improved Asiatic and African breeds. In Turkey it has been crossed with some indigenous breeds of Iran, Cyprus, Egypt, Iraq, Spain and Yugoslavia with objective of increasing milk production in the crossbreeds. However for the genetic improvent of the Awassi sheep , the unique population of the Ceylanpınar state Farm represents a good experimental material. A variation of 97.5-469.2 kg in lactation yield among all the Satate Farm Awassi indicates the scope for the succes of the future genetic improvement of this breed