45 research outputs found

    Serum estradiol levels associated with specific gene expression patterns in normal breast tissue and in breast carcinomas

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    Abstract Background High serum levels of estradiol are associated with increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Little is known about the gene expression in normal breast tissue in relation to levels of circulating serum estradiol. Methods We compared whole genome expression data of breast tissue samples with serum hormone levels using data from 79 healthy women and 64 breast cancer patients. Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) was used to identify differentially expressed genes and multivariate linear regression was used to identify independent associations. Results Six genes (SCGB3A1, RSPO1, TLN2, SLITRK4, DCLK1, PTGS1) were found differentially expressed according to serum estradiol levels (FDR = 0). Three of these independently predicted estradiol levels in a multivariate model, as SCGB3A1 (HIN1) and TLN2 were up-regulated and PTGS1 (COX1) was down-regulated in breast samples from women with high serum estradiol. Serum estradiol, but none of the differentially expressed genes were significantly associated with mammographic density, another strong breast cancer risk factor. In breast carcinomas, expression of GREB1 and AREG was associated with serum estradiol in all cancers and in the subgroup of estrogen receptor positive cases. Conclusions We have identified genes associated with serum estradiol levels in normal breast tissue and in breast carcinomas. SCGB3A1 is a suggested tumor suppressor gene that inhibits cell growth and invasion and is methylated and down-regulated in many epithelial cancers. Our findings indicate this gene as an important inhibitor of breast cell proliferation in healthy women with high estradiol levels. In the breast, this gene is expressed in luminal cells only and is methylated in non-BRCA-related breast cancers. The possibility of a carcinogenic contribution of silencing of this gene for luminal, but not basal-like cancers should be further explored. PTGS1 induces prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production which in turn stimulates aromatase expression and hence increases the local production of estradiol. This is the first report studying such associations in normal breast tissue in humans

    Expression of BMI-1 and Mel-18 in breast tissue - a diagnostic marker in patients with breast cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Polycomb Group (PcG) proteins are epigenetic silencers involved in maintaining cellular identity, and their deregulation can result in cancer. Expression of Mel-18 and Bmi-1 has been studied in tumor tissue, but not in adjacent non-cancerous breast epithelium. Our study compares the expression of the two genes in normal breast epithelium of cancer patients and relates it to the level of expression in the corresponding tumors as well as in breast epithelium of healthy women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 79 tumors, of which 71 malignant tumors of the breast, 6 fibroadenomas, and 2 DCIS were studied and compared to the reduction mammoplastic specimens of 11 healthy women. In addition there was available adjacent cancer free tissue for 23 of the malignant tumors. The tissue samples were stored in RNAlater, RNA was isolated to create expression microarray profile. These two genes were then studied more closely first on mRNA transcription level by microarrays (Agilent 44 K) and quantitative RT-PCR (TaqMan) and then on protein expression level using immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Bmi-1 mRNA is significantly up-regulated in adjacent normal breast tissue in breast cancer patients compared to normal breast tissue from noncancerous patients. Conversely, mRNA transcription level of Mel-18 is lower in normal breast from patients operated for breast cancer compared to breast tissue from mammoplasty. When protein expression of these two genes was evaluated, we observed that most of the epithelial cells were positive for Bmi-1 in both groups of tissue samples, although the expression intensity was stronger in normal tissue from cancer patients compared to mammoplasty tissue samples. Protein expression of Mel-18 showed inversely stronger intensity in tissue samples from mammoplasty compared to normal breast tissue from patients operated for breast cancer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Bmi-1 mRNA level is consistently increased and Mel-18 mRNA level is consistently decreased in adjacent normal breast tissue of cancer patients as compared to normal breast tissue in women having had reduction mammoplasties. Bmi-1/Mel-18 ratio can be potentially used as a tool for stratifying women at risk of developing malignancy.</p

    Penggunaan Media Gambar Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai

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    Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya tingkat kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang didapatkan masih terdapat beberapa siswa yang sama sekali belum bisa membaca. Pembelajaran membaca permulaan di SDN Uwedaka selama ini hanya menggunakan media pembelajaran yang konvensional yaitu dengan menggunakan papan tulis, pembelajaran yang hanya berpusat pada guru, penggunaan media dalam pembelajaran sebagai alat bantu masih sangat terbatas, hal ini menyebabkan kemampuan membaca permulaan yang masih rendah dan terlihat hampir 65% siswa masih mengalami kesulitan membaca dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif didapatkan dari hasil tes dan observasi siswa dan guru. data kuantitatif didapatkan dari hasil tes belajar. Desain penelitian ini mengacu pada desain oleh Kemmis dan Mc Taggart yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui penilaian proses dan penilaian hasil setiap akhir tindakan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam dua siklus. Pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata siswa yaitu sebesar 67 dengan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 40% serta daya serap 66,6%. Pada siklus II, nilai rata-rata meningkat menjadi 83 dengan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 100% serta daya serap klasikal sebesar 83,3%. Bersarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media gambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan terhadap siswa kelas I SDN Uwedaka Kecamatan Pagimana Kabupaten Banggai

    Expression levels of uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase genes in breast tissue from healthy women are associated with mammographic density

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    Introduction Mammographic density (MD), as assessed from film screen mammograms, is determined by the relative content of adipose, connective and epithelial tissue in the female breast. In epidemiological studies, a high percentage of MD confers a four to six fold risk elevation of developing breast cancer, even after adjustment for other known breast cancer risk factors. However, the biologic correlates of density are little known. Methods Gene expression analysis using whole genome arrays was performed on breast biopsies from 143 women; 79 women with no malignancy (healthy women) and 64 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, both included from mammographic centres. Percent MD was determined using a previously validated, computerized method on scanned mammograms. Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) was performed to identify genes influencing MD and a linear regression model was used to assess the independent contribution from different variables to MD. Results SAM-analysis identified 24 genes differentially expressed between samples from breasts with high and low MD. These genes included three uridine 5'-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) genes and the oestrogen receptor gene (ESR1). These genes were down-regulated in samples with high MD compared to those with low MD. The UGT gene products, which are known to inactivate oestrogen metabolites, were also down-regulated in tumour samples compared to samples from healthy individuals. Several single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the UGT genes associated with the expression of UGT and other genes in their vicinity were identified. Conclusions Three UGT enzymes were lower expressed both in breast tissue biopsies from healthy women with high MD and in biopsies from newly diagnosed breast cancers. The association was strongest amongst young women and women using hormonal therapy. UGT2B10 predicts MD independently of age, hormone therapy and parity. Our results indicate that down-regulation of UGT genes in women exposed to female sex hormones is associated with high MD and might increase the risk of breast cancer

    Gene expression profiles of breast biopsies from healthy women identify a group with claudin-low features

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    Background Increased understanding of the variability in normal breast biology will enable us to identify mechanisms of breast cancer initiation and the origin of different subtypes, and to better predict breast cancer risk. Methods Gene expression patterns in breast biopsies from 79 healthy women referred to breast diagnostic centers in Norway were explored by unsupervised hierarchical clustering and supervised analyses, such as gene set enrichment analysis and gene ontology analysis and comparison with previously published genelists and independent datasets. Results Unsupervised hierarchical clustering identified two separate clusters of normal breast tissue based on gene-expression profiling, regardless of clustering algorithm and gene filtering used. Comparison of the expression profile of the two clusters with several published gene lists describing breast cells revealed that the samples in cluster 1 share characteristics with stromal cells and stem cells, and to a certain degree with mesenchymal cells and myoepithelial cells. The samples in cluster 1 also share many features with the newly identified claudin-low breast cancer intrinsic subtype, which also shows characteristics of stromal and stem cells. More women belonging to cluster 1 have a family history of breast cancer and there is a slight overrepresentation of nulliparous women in cluster 1. Similar findings were seen in a separate dataset consisting of histologically normal tissue from both breasts harboring breast cancer and from mammoplasty reductions. Conclusion This is the first study to explore the variability of gene expression patterns in whole biopsies from normal breasts and identified distinct subtypes of normal breast tissue. Further studies are needed to determine the specific cell contribution to the variation in the biology of normal breasts, how the clusters identified relate to breast cancer risk and their possible link to the origin of the different molecular subtypes of breast cancer

    Comparable cancer-relevant mutation profiles in synchronous ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer

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    Background: Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) comprises a diverse group of preinvasive lesions in the breast and poses a considerable clinical challenge due to lack of markers of progression. Genomic alterations are to a large extent similar in DCIS and invasive carcinomas, although differences in copy number aberrations, gene expression patterns, and mutations exist. In mixed tumors with synchronous invasive breast cancer (IBC) and DCIS, it is still unclear to what extent invasive tumor cells are directly derived from the DCIS cells. Aim: Our aim was to compare cancer-relevant mutation profiles of different cellular compartments in mixed DCIS/IBC and pure DCIS tumors. Methods and results: We performed targeted sequencing of 50 oncogenes in microdissected tissue from three different epithelial cell compartments (in situ, invasive, and normal adjacent epithelium) from 26 mixed breast carcinomas. In total, 44 tissue samples (19 invasive, 16 in situ, 9 normal) were subjected to sequencing using the Ion Torrent platform and the AmpliSeq Cancer Hotspot Panel v2. For comparison, 10 additional, pure DCIS lesions were sequenced. Across all mixed samples, we detected 23 variants previously described in cancer. The most commonly affected genes were TP53, PIK3CA, and ERBB2. The PIK3CA:p.H1047R variant was found in nine samples from six patients. Most variants detected in invasive compartments were also found in the corresponding in situ cell compartment indicating a clonal relationship between the tumor stages. A lower frequency of variants were observed in pure DCIS lesions. Conclusion: Similar mutation profiles between in situ and invasive cell compartments indicate a similar origin of the two tumor stages in mixed breast tumors. The lower number of potential driver variants found in pure DCIS compared with the in situ cell compartments of mixed tumors may imply that pure DCIS is captured earlier in the path of progression to invasive disease