938 research outputs found

    Complete Bredon cohomology and its applications to hierarchically defined groups

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    By considering the Bredon analogue of complete cohomology of a group, we show that every group in the class \LHFF of type Bredon-\FP_\infty admits a finite dimensional model for \EFG. We also show that abelian-by-infinite cyclic groups admit a 33-dimensional model for the classifying space for the family of virtually nilpotent subgroups. This allows us to prove that for \mF, the class of virtually cyclic groups, the class of \LHFF-groups contains all locally virtually soluble groups and all linear groups over C\mathbb C of integral characteristic.Comment: 14 page

    Complement activated granulocytes can cause autologous tissue destruction in man

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    Activation of polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMNs) by C5a is thought to be important in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure during sepsis and after trauma. In our experiment exposure of human PMNs to autologous zymosan activated plasma (ZAP) leads to a rapid increase in chemiluminescence. Heating the ZAP at 56°C for 30 min did not alter the changes, while untreated plasma induced only baseline activity. The respiratory burst could be completely abolished by decomplementation and preincubation with rabbit antihuman C5a antibodies. Observation of human omentum using electron microscopy showed intravascular aggregation of PMNs, with capillary thrombosis and diapedesis of the cells through endothelial junctions 90 s after exposure to ZAP. PMNs caused disruption of connections between the mesothelial cells. After 4 min the mesothelium was completely destroyed, and connective tissue and fat cells exposed. Native plasma and minimum essential medium did not induce any morphological changes. These data support the concept that C5a activated PMNs can cause endothelial and mesothelial damage in man. Even though a causal relationship between anaphylatoxins and organ failure cannot be proved by these experiments C5a seems to be an important mediator in the pathogenesis of changes induced by severe sepsis and trauma in man

    El éxodo de los psicólogos alemanes y sus consecuencias

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    The author analyzes the consequences of the emigration of German psychologists in the years of the rise of Nationalsocialism and its influence both for German psychology and emigrants. Particularly, the destiny of David Katz, Kurt Lewin and Wolfgang Köhler in the emigration is reviewed, pointing out how the process of exile influenced their scientific work. The author analyzes also the reaction of William Stern after his dismissal as Profesor of the University of Hamburg. Finally, the author refers to postwar years and how German psychology was reconstituted.El autor analiza las consecuencias de la emigración de psicólogos en los años del nacionalsocialismo para la psicología alemana, así como para los emigrantes. El destino de David Katz, Kurt Lewin y Wolfgang Köhler en la emigración es asimismo comentado, señalando cómo el exilio influyó en su productividad científica. El autor estudia la reacción de William Stern ante su despido como profesor de la Universidad de Hamburgo. Por último se refiere a los años de la posguerra y el modo en que la psicología alemana se reconstituyó

    Forschungsartefakte und nichtreaktive Messverfahren

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    Der Autor geht in seinem Vortrag auf die Forschungsartefakte ein, das heißt auf jene unerwünschten Kunstprodukte im Forschungsprozess, die in der empirischen Sozialforschung häufig übersehen, vernachlässigt oder hinwegdiskutiert werden. Er stellt exemplarisch einige Artefakte kurz vor, um danach auf mögliche Überwindungen durch nichtreaktive Messverfahren einzugehen. Er weist insbesondere auf sechs Probleme hin, mit denen die nichtreaktive Forschung konfrontiert wird: (1) die Verfahren sind in ihrem Anwendungsbereich begrenzt; sie scheinen sich vorzugsweise für die Erforschung offen sichtbaren Verhaltens zu eignen, weniger dagegen für die Erfassung emotional-affektiver oder kognitiv-rationaler Prozesse; (2) die meisten Verfahren sind wenig erprobt und es gibt kaum Replikationen; (3) die Gütekriterien sind weitgehend unbekannt; (4) das Problem der Indikatorbildung ist ungelöst; (5) bei allen nichtreaktiven Messverfahren sind Stichprobenprobleme vorhanden; (6) das Kennzeichen der nichtreaktiven Verfahren ist ihre Unauffälligkeit. (ICI2

    Alfred Adler y la psicología académica

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    This communication is concerned with the relation of individual psychology and academic psychology at the time of Alfred Adler, first a Freud`s follower and then a dissident. Adler`s ambivalent relation to academic psychology, caused by his failure in his habilitation attempt, and the anti-academic attitudes of some of his followers, are contrasted with the points of view of two academic psychologists: William Stern and Kurt Lewin.El presente trabajo tiene como tema las conflictivas relaciones entre Alfred Adler y la psicología académica de su época. La actitud ambivalente del fundador de la psicología individual fue causada, muy probablemente, por su fracaso para conseguir el permiso oficial para dictar clases en la Universidad de Viena, y se fortaleció por las actitudes decididamente antiacadémicas de algunos de sus seguidores. En el marco del presente estudio se contrasta esto con los planteamientos de dos importantes psicólogos académicos de la época: William Stern y Kurt Lewin. &nbsp

    Comparison of accelerometer data calibration methods used in thermospheric neutral density estimation

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    Ultra-sensitive space-borne accelerometers on board of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites are used to measure non-gravitational forces acting on the surface of these satellites. These forces consist of the Earth radiation pressure, the solar radiation pressure and the atmospheric drag, where the first two are caused by the radiation emitted from the Earth and the Sun, respectively, and the latter is related to the thermospheric density. On-board accelerometer measurements contain systematic errors, which need to be mitigated by applying a calibration before their use in gravity recovery or thermospheric neutral density estimations. Therefore, we improve, apply and compare three calibration procedures: (1) a multi-step numerical estimation approach, which is based on the numerical differentiation of the kinematic orbits of LEO satellites; (2) a calibration of accelerometer observations within the dynamic precise orbit determination procedure and (3) a comparison of observed to modeled forces acting on the surface of LEO satellites. Here, accelerometer measurements obtained by the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) are used. Time series of bias and scale factor derived from the three calibration procedures are found to be different in timescales of a few days to months. Results are more similar (statistically significant) when considering longer timescales, from which the results of approach (1) and (2) show better agreement to those of approach (3) during medium and high solar activity. Calibrated accelerometer observations are then applied to estimate thermospheric neutral densities. Differences between accelerometer-based density estimations and those from empirical neutral density models, e.g., NRLMSISE-00, are observed to be significant during quiet periods, on average 22 % of the simulated densities (during low solar activity), and up to 28 % during high solar activity. Therefore, daily corrections are estimated for neutral densities derived from NRLMSISE-00. Our results indicate that these corrections improve model-based density simulations in order to provide density estimates at locations outside the vicinity of the GRACE satellites, in particular during the period of high solar/magnetic activity, e.g., during the St. Patrick's Day storm on 17 March 2015

    The universal functorial equivariant Lefschetz invariant

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    We introduce the universal functorial equivariant Lefschetz invariant for endomorphisms of finite proper G-CW-complexes, where G is a discrete group. We use K_0 of the category of "phi-endomorphisms of finitely generated free RPi(G,X)-modules". We derive results about fixed points of equivariant endomorphisms of cocompact proper smooth G-manifolds.Comment: 33 pages; shortened version of the author's PhD thesis, supervised by Wolfgang Lueck, Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster, 200

    Surgery groups of the fundamental groups of hyperplane arrangement complements

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    Using a recent result of Bartels and Lueck (arXiv:0901.0442) we deduce that the Farrell-Jones Fibered Isomorphism conjecture in L-theory is true for any group which contains a finite index strongly poly-free normal subgroup, in particular, for the Artin full braid groups. As a consequence we explicitly compute the surgery groups of the Artin pure braid groups. This is obtained as a corollary to a computation of the surgery groups of a more general class of groups, namely for the fundamental group of the complement of any fiber-type hyperplane arrangement in the complex n-space.Comment: 11 pages, AMSLATEX file, revised following referee's comments and suggestions, to appear in Archiv der Mathemati

    Gestão Acadêmica dos Cursos de Graduação: a busca do equilíbrio entre a gestão dos processos e das pessoas

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    A gestão da graduação no decênio após a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases - LDB assume contornos diferentes dos até então descortinados. As Instituições de Educação Superior (IES), tanto públicas como privadas, são chamadas para atender aos dispositivos legais, o que sobrecarrega sobremaneira seus processos e suas rotinas. Considerando o contexto, as funções, os desafios e as responsabilidades que lhe são impostos, a universidade obriga-se à adoção de um novo modelo de gestão dos processos acadêmicos. Para tal, a capacitação de seus docentes e do corpo técnico-administrativo torna-se fundamental, uma vez que as alterações afetam sobremaneira os currículos e, por conseqüência, os processos acadêmicos como um todo. O conjunto dos atores, portanto, precisa ser estimulado a se mobilizar em direções antes não experimentadas. É com este objetivo que o presente trabalho apresenta a experiência de compartilhamento vivenciada em dois encontros nacionais, reunindo os setores acadêmicos e administrativos das IES, para juntos refletir sobre as questões envolvendo os procedimentos administrativos que se apresentam na implementação dos novos projetos pedagógicos dos cursos, em atendimento à LDB e às Diretrizes Curriculares. Para trabalhar esses temas adotou-se uma metodologia norteada pelo princípio da construção conjunta, em que a pluralidade de idéias é vista como fator de enriquecimento do(s) conteúdo(s) construído(s). Desses encontros ficou patente a necessidade de dar continuidade ao diálogo entre os profissionais responsáveis pelos trâmites das atividades da administração escolar, pois no coletivo desenvolvem-se vínculos de confiança e solidariedade, valorizando a experiência de cada um e permitindo a construção partilhada de saberes

    Children experience the World War

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    Der Beitrag stellt empirische Untersuchungen zu den Wirkungen des Ersten Weltkriegs auf Kinder dar. Die Untersuchungen stammen ausnahmslos aus den ersten Kriegsmonaten und fast alle aus dem Deutschen Reich. Bei den Anlässen für die Untersuchungen spielten der Bund für Schulreform und pädagogische Fragen des kriegsbezogenen Unterrichts in den verschiedenen Schulformen eine wichtige Rolle. Initiator mehrerer Studien war William Stern. Die heute weitgehend unbekannten, aber forschungsmethodisch teils innovativen Untersuchungen machten Gebrauch von Beobachtungen, Befragungen, Analysen von Aufsätzen, Kriegsgedichten, Kinderspielen, Kriegszeichnungen und Interpretationen der Wirkungen von Kriegsbildern auf Emotionen von Kindern. Ergänzt wird der Beitrag durch einen Bericht über die Ausstellung »Schule und Krieg«, die unter großer Beachtung 1915 in Berlin stattfand und u.a. Schülerarbeiten zeigte. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen belegen, dass innerhalb weniger Wochen das Schulleben völlig verändert war und die Schulkinder recht unkritisch in die patriotischen Ziele der Erwachsenen einbezogen wurden. Alters-, Geschlechts- und Schulformunterschiede sind erkennbar. Neben Kriegsbegeisterung, Verherrlichung von Kaiser, Militär und Waffen (z. B. Zeppelin) usw. bis hin zu Feindeshass sind vor allem bei den Schülerinnen auch deutliche Zeichen von prosozialen Haltungen erkennbar.The article presents empirical studies of the effects of World War I on children. Without exception the investigations date back to the first months of the war and almost all of them took place in the German Reich. The ‘Federation for school reform‘ and educational issues of war related education in different types of school played an important role in the investigations. William Stern was the initiator of several studies. The now largely unknown, but methodologically innovative studies made use of observations, interviews, analysis of essays, war poems, children's games, war drawings and interpretations of the effects of war images on the emotions of children. The article is supplemented by a report on the exhibition "Schule und Krieg" (Education and War), which took place in Berlin in 1915 and attracted much attention. The results of the studies are evidence, that within a few weeks, school life had completely changed, and the school children were quite uncritically integrated into the patriotic goals of adults. Age, gender and school type differences are discernible. Apart from the enthusiasm for war, the glorification of the Emperor, the military and weapons (e.g. the Zeppelin) etc. and even the hatred of the enemy there are also clear signs of pro-social attitudes, especially among school girls