39 research outputs found

    Анализ теоретических подходов к развитию кластерных элементов

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    С использованием специальной литературы изучены кластеры: понятия, виды, подходы к формированию. Предположено, что кластеры Томской области сформировались на примере подхода, который в основу ставит создание специальной организации по управлению кластерными инициативами. Показаны показатели, которых удалось достичь организации по управлению кластерами. Выявлены критерии, только при наличии которых, кластер имеет право на существование

    Use of automated control systems at enterprises of Kharkiv tractor‐building complex (1970‐1980)

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    У статті розглянуто основні напрями діяльності підприємств Харківського тракторобудівного комплексу щодо запровадження до виробництва АСУ та ЕОМ. Виявлено причини, що не дозволяли повністю застосувати наявні ЕОМ на підприємствах. Акцентовано увагу на важливості автоматизації виробництва, як основної перспективи подальшого розвитку тракторобудівного комплексу. З'ясовано та докладно розглянуто скільки ЕОМ є на підприємствах та у якому вони перебувають стані. Зосереджено увагу на кадровому забезпеченні виготовлення продукції із застосуванням АСУ. Встановлено, як саме впливала наявність АСУ та ЕОМ на покращення кількісних та якісних показників роботи підприємств тракторобудівного комплексу Харківщини.In the article the main directions of the activity of the enterprises of the Kharkov tractor‐building complex for the introduction into the production of automated control systems (ACS) and computers are considered. The reasons that did not allow full use of existing computers in enterprises were identified. Attention was accentuated on the importance of automation of production, as the main prospect for the further development of the tractor‐building complex. The number of computers in the enterprises and in which they are in the state has been clarified and examined in detail. The main focus was on staffing the manufacturing of products with ACS using. The influence of the automated control systems and computers on improving the quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of the enterprises of the tractor‐building complex of the Kharkiv region was established

    Design of IIR QMF Banks with NearPerfect Reconstruction and Low Complexity

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    ABSTRACT A novel design for a two-channel IIR quadrature-mirror filter (QMF) bank with near-perfect reconstruction (NPR) is presented. The analysis filter-bank is given by an efficient polyphase network (PPN) implementation based on allpass filters. The arising phase distortions are almost compensated by stable allpass filters, designed via analytical closed-form expressions. In a first design, the remaining aliasing, amplitude and phase distortions become arbitrarily small in dependence of the tolerable system delay and algorithmic complexity, respectively. In a second design, aliasing and amplitude distortions are completely canceled and phase distortions are minimized at the expense of an additional signal delay. The proposed QMF banks have a lower algorithmic complexity than comparable designs

    Engineering geological assessment of selected landslide dams formed from the 1929 Murchison and 1968 Inangahua earthquakes

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    This study investigated the characteristics of 26 failed and non-failed landslide dams (Murchison dataset) formed in the northern part of the South Island, New Zealand, from the 1929 Murchison and 1968 Inangahua earthquakes. The dataset was compiled from a combination of engineering geological mapping, field investigations, aerial photography interpretation and a review of existing literature. Current analysis techniques have been applied to the investigated landslide dams to assess their ability to accurately predict the post-formation development (or ‘evolution’) of the dam overtime. This has allowed the recognition of a number of additional landslide dam attributes that influence long-term stability, allowing modification of the stability analysis techniques in current use. Dam, lake, catchment and landslide characteristics were collated and analysed for the Murchison dataset by distinguishing failed from non-failed landslide dams, and then assessing the parameters common to both. Parameters that influence the post-formation development of selected landslide dams in the dataset include the dam volume, catchment area above the point of blockage, average block size of material comprising the dam, slope angle of the downstream dam face, and rock mass anal material characteristics in the source area of the dam-forming landslide. The stability of the dams in the Murchison dataset was not significantly affected by rock type, landslide movement, or the state, distribution and style of the dam-forming landslide. Existing geomorphic indices were applied to selected dams in the dataset. The Impoundment, Blockage and Dimensionless Blockage Indices (Casagli and Ermini (1999); Ermini and Casagli (2003)) predicted the correct post-formation development for 58, 86, and 81% of the selected landslide dams in the Murchison dataset, respectively. Four landslide dams covering both failed and non-failed types were investigated in detail to assist with this analysis, two being stable dams impounding lakes, and two having failed ‘catastrophically’ post-formation. Detailed investigation was carried out on Lake Stanley landslide dam, which agrees with all three indices predicting post-formation development, and of Lake Matiri, Ram Creek and Rain Peak landslide dams for which the indices incorrectly predict their post formation development. This investigation has shown that the average block size (D₅₀) of the dam material strongly influences the post-formation development of the four dams studied in detail. Dams consisting of material. with larger(> 200mm) average block sizes correspond to stable dams; while those with small(< 100mm) average block size correspond to failed dams. Rainfall duration/ intensity and slope angle of the downstream dam face were also found to influence post-formation development of the dams. The recently formed and failed Poerua landslide dam on the West Coast of the South Island was included in the geomorphic index evaluation because of the excellent documentation available, together with the prediction of its long-term stability using the index approach. The D₅₀ of the material forming the landslide dam, and the landslide dam's basal (or footprint) length, were incorporated with the parameters used in the existing geomorphic indices to produce a new geomorphic index, the Modified Dimensionless Blockage Index (MDBI). This is defined as: [complicated equation here] where Ac is the catchment area (m²), At is the lake area (m²), Hd is the height of the dam (m), Lʄ is the length of the dam footprint (m), Vd is the volume of the dam (m³), and Vd is the volume of the mean block size forming the dam (cube of the D₅₀ expressed in m³). Calculated MDBI values for the two stable landslide dams (Lake Stanley and Lake Matiri) are less than 10 (8.90 and 6.94 respective]y), while those for three failed landslide dams (Rain Peak, Ram Creek and Poerua) are greater than 10 (10.75, 10.80 and 14.9, respective]y). This suggests that the MDBI can be tentative]y used as a tool in forecasting the post-formation development of a landslide dam, with MDBI values > 10 corresponding to catastrophic dam failure, and an MDBI value < 10 corresponding to probable longer-term stability. However, it is recommended that a wider landslide dam dataset be applied to the MDBI to further test its accuracy, and to refine the parameters used both for short-term stability assessment following impoundment, and for longer-term prediction of post-formation dam (and lake) development. Rainfall duration and maximum block size of the dam material also require further evaluation, and a refinement incorporating grading parameters (such as D₆₀/D₁₀) may provide a better estimation of the post-formation landslide dam development. It is clear from this study that the block size and grading of the landslide dam material (in particular matrix or block support) exert significant influence on dam longevity and evolution, and this is reflected in the substantial weighting given to D₅₀ in the MDBI

    Allpass based analysis synthesis filter banks : design and application

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    Filter-banks are an essential component of many algorithms for digital signal processing, which are nowadays employed in a variety of ubiquitous devices. Filter-banks enable signal processing in the frequency-domain and their design has often a significant influence on the performance of a system with regard to its computational complexity, signal quality and delay. In this thesis, novel design approaches for different types of allpass-based analysis-synthesis filter-banks are devised. A substantial benefit of these recursive filter-banks is that they can achieve a high frequency selectivity and/or a non-uniform time-frequency resolution with a low signal delay. One focus of this work is the design of allpass-based quadrature-mirror filter-banks (QMF-Banks) with near-perfect reconstruction. New synthesis filter-banks are presented which consist of allpass polyphase filters. They are designed by simple analytical expressions such that the trade-off between reconstruction error and signal delay of the filter-bank can be controlled in a simple manner. The devised QMF-bank has been employed in a candidate proposal for a new ITU-T speech and audio codec and has helped to achieve a high speech and audio quality with a low signal delay. A key issue in the design of allpass-based filter-banks is to compensate non-linear phase distortions caused by the recursive analysis filter-bank. Therefore, known as well as novel phase equalizer designs for this purpose are presented and analyzed. Another focus of this work is the design of allpass transformed analysis-synthesis filter-banks. They can achieve a non-uniform time-frequency resolution similar to that of the human auditory system, which is beneficial for speech and audio processing systems. Novel closed-form and numerical designs for the synthesis filter-bank are introduced, which aim for different design objectives. A benefit of the closed-form designs is their simplicity, while the numerical designs allow the explicit control of specific properties of the filter-bank such as signal delay, reconstruction error, bandpass characteristic of the synthesis filters etc. The new numerical designs are all stated as a convex optimization problem which can be solved rather easily. Finally, an efficient implementation for the special case of an allpass transformed filter-bank without subsampling is derived. This system, termed as filter-bank equalizer, allows to perform adaptive subband filtering with a low signal delay. It is shown how this filter-bank can be used for noise reduction, speech dereverberation, or speech intelligibility improvement in noisy environments. These low delay speech enhancement systems are of particular interest for applications within cell phones, hands-free devices, or digital hearing aids

    Allpass based analysis synthesis filter banks : design and application

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    Filter-banks are an essential component of many algorithms for digital signal processing, which are nowadays employed in a variety of ubiquitous devices. Filter-banks enable signal processing in the frequency-domain and their design has often a significant influence on the performance of a system with regard to its computational complexity, signal quality and delay. In this thesis, novel design approaches for different types of allpass-based analysis-synthesis filter-banks are devised. A substantial benefit of these recursive filter-banks is that they can achieve a high frequency selectivity and/or a non-uniform time-frequency resolution with a low signal delay. One focus of this work is the design of allpass-based quadrature-mirror filter-banks (QMF-Banks) with near-perfect reconstruction. New synthesis filter-banks are presented which consist of allpass polyphase filters. They are designed by simple analytical expressions such that the trade-off between reconstruction error and signal delay of the filter-bank can be controlled in a simple manner. The devised QMF-bank has been employed in a candidate proposal for a new ITU-T speech and audio codec and has helped to achieve a high speech and audio quality with a low signal delay. A key issue in the design of allpass-based filter-banks is to compensate non-linear phase distortions caused by the recursive analysis filter-bank. Therefore, known as well as novel phase equalizer designs for this purpose are presented and analyzed. Another focus of this work is the design of allpass transformed analysis-synthesis filter-banks. They can achieve a non-uniform time-frequency resolution similar to that of the human auditory system, which is beneficial for speech and audio processing systems. Novel closed-form and numerical designs for the synthesis filter-bank are introduced, which aim for different design objectives. A benefit of the closed-form designs is their simplicity, while the numerical designs allow the explicit control of specific properties of the filter-bank such as signal delay, reconstruction error, bandpass characteristic of the synthesis filters etc. The new numerical designs are all stated as a convex optimization problem which can be solved rather easily. Finally, an efficient implementation for the special case of an allpass transformed filter-bank without subsampling is derived. This system, termed as filter-bank equalizer, allows to perform adaptive subband filtering with a low signal delay. It is shown how this filter-bank can be used for noise reduction, speech dereverberation, or speech intelligibility improvement in noisy environments. These low delay speech enhancement systems are of particular interest for applications within cell phones, hands-free devices, or digital hearing aids

    Beamformer for Driving Binaural Speech Enhancement

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