478 research outputs found

    Bearing capacity of bottom ash and its mixture with soils

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    This study characterizes two types of silica-aluminous bottomashes, produced at Spanish powerstations situated in Soto de Ribera(SR) and Aboño (AB),for their use in roads. Using laboratory tests, it was verified that these ashes can be used in embankments when they are appropriately compacted, given that their dry densitie sare very low. CBR index values of over 30% were obtained. Three soils have been mixed with different percentage sof the bottom ashes. Soils can be improved by adding bottom ash contents that vary from 15% to 40% of the soil weight, thus improving their load-bearing capacity and reducing their plasticity

    Plantar Verrucous Carcinoma. Report of a rare case

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    Antecedentes: Los carcinomas verrucosos en pocas ocasiones se mencionan en la literatura su localización en la planta de los pies, siendo una variante bien diferenciada del carcinoma de células escamosas visto en mucosa y piel, incluyendo los pies.Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, histopatológicas y de laboratorio y los resultados de un caso clínico inusual de un carcinoma verrucoso en la planta del pie.Métodos: Presentamos un extraño caso de un carcinoma verrucoso en la planta del pie izquierdo, a nivel del primer metatarsiano, que fue resecado completamente y se quedó sin evidencia de recidiva tumoral o metástasis, durante el seguimiento en un periodo de 4 años. Sobre esta base, se revisaron los casos publicados de carcinoma verrucoso en el pie, para definir las peculiaridades de este tumor poco común y para dar recomendaciones diagnósticas y terapéuticas.Resultados: El carcinoma verrucoso se caracteriza por una presentación clínica lenta pero inexorablemente amplia de aspecto similar a la verruga plantar, la histología típica es una invasión local mínima con baja incidencia de metástasis y buen pronóstico. Para el diagnóstico correcto, tanto el examen físico y el complementario debe ser exhaustivo y realizado mediante biopsia quirúrgica. La resección radical es el tratamiento de elección con confirmación histológica de los márgenes de resección libres del tumor.Conclusiones: El carcinoma verrucoso plantar puede presentar dificultad diagnóstica, la resección quirúrgica completa de la lesión permite el diagnóstico, presenta un buen pronóstico y pronta curación.Background: Verrucous carcinomas rarely mentioned in the literature its location on the soles of feet, being a distinct variant of squamous cell carcinoma seen in mucosa and skin, including the feet. Objective: To describe the clinical, histopathological and laboratory and clinical results of an unusual case of a verrucous carcinoma on the sole.Methods: We present a rare case of a verrucous carcinoma in the left sole, at the first metatarsal, which was completely resected and remained without evidence of tumor recurrence or metastasis during follow-up over a period of four years. On this basis, we reviewed the published cases of verrucous carcinoma in the foot, to define the characteristics of this rare tumor and give diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations.Results: Verrucous carcinoma is characterized by a slow but inexorable clinical presentation similar in appearance to large plantar wart, histology is typical minimal local invasion with low incidence of metastases and good prognosis. For the correct diagnosis, both physical examination and must be comprehensive and complementary performed by surgical biopsy. Radical resection is the treatment of choice with histological confirmation of free resection margins of the tumor.Conclusions: The plantar verrucous carcinoma may present diagnostic difficulty, complete surgical resection of the lesion allows the diagnosis, prognosis and has good early healing

    Oxygen vacancies on TiO2 (110) from first principles calculations

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    We have carried out a systematic study of oxygen vacancy formation on the TiO2 ~110! surface by means of plane-wave pseudopotential density-functional theory calculations. We have used models with the mean number of vacancies per surface unit cell being u50.25 and u50.5. The study comprises several kind of vacancies within the outermost layers of the surface. The use of a suitable set of technical parameter is often essential in order to get accurate results. We find that the presence of bridging vacancies is energetically favored in accordance to experimental data, although the formation of sub-bridging vacancies might be possible at moderate temperatures. Surprisingly, the spin state of the vacancy has little influence on the results. Atomic displacements are also analyzed and found to be strongly dependent on the particular arrangement of vacancies.Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica. España (DGESIC) MAT2002-57

    Influence of temperature on the interaction between Pd clusters and the TiO2 (110) surface

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    The behavior of a Pd nanocluster on the rutile TiO2 (110) surface has been analyzed by extensive first principles molecular dynamics simulations between 100 K and 1073 K. Calculations predict a steep change in the morphological and electronic cluster structure around 800 K in excellent agreement with previous experimental evidence. At low temperature, the cluster geometry is mainly controlled by the substrate structure; however, upon the transition temperature, the cluster-substrate interaction decreases appreciably, and the cluster adopts a geometry more stable in vacuum and becomes metallic. These results illustrate at an atomistic level the influence of temperature on the geometrical and electronic properties of oxide-supported clusters.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia MAT2005-0187

    Muscle injury in podiatry. Update on pathophysiology and therapeutic

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    El tejido muscular es de elevado interés cientifico en podología debido a su influencia en el mantenimiento de la postura y la deambulación, siendo necesario su perfecto funcionamiento para poder desarrollar dichas actividades con la eficacia y eficiencia esperadas. Además se encuentra fuertemente asociada al desarrollo de actividades deportivas. Son muy frecuentes las lesiones en su estructura muscular que pueden alterar dichas actividades funcionales. A continuación realizaremos un trabajo de actualización en las lesiones musculares y profundizaremos más en el DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) de elevado interés biológico por su información en la reparación biológica de los tejidos dañados.Muscle tissue is of high scientific interest in podiatry due to its influence on the maintenance of posture and gait, perfect operation being necessary to develop such activities expected effectiveness and efficiency. Besides is strongly associated with the development of sports. They are very frecuents lesions in muscular structures that can alter these functional activities. Then do a major upgrade in muscle strains and delve more into the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) of high biological interest for its information on the biological repair of damaged tissue

    Uso de la microtenotomía por radiofrecuencia con el dispositivo Topaz® para el tratamiento de la tendinopatía aquílea no insercional

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    Achilles tendon injuries are a common disease in podiatric and foot and ankle surgery consultation. Midportion pain is a frequent problem in runners but could be seen in sedentary people too. Correct term for this condition is non insertional Achilles tendinopathy. There are many treatment options that try to reduce the pain and improve the function of damaged tissue. Conservative treatments usually have good results but there are some cases that could need surgery. We present a minimally invasive technique using a radiofrequency microdebrider to treat the tendinosis.Las lesiones del tendón de Aquiles son un motivo frecuente de consulta en el ámbito de la podología y de la cirugía del pie y tobillo. El dolor del tercio medio del tendón es un problema habitual en corredores, pero también se ve en pacientes sedentarios. El término correcto para referirnos a esta lesión es el de tendinopatía aquílea no insercional. Existen numerosos tratamientos que intentan disminuir el dolor y mejorar la función del tejido lesionado. Los medios conservadores suelen tener buenos resultados, pero existe un porcentaje de pacientes que precisan cirugía. Presentamos una técnica poco invasiva para esta patología en la que utilizamos un dispositivo de radiofrecuencia para tratar la tendinosis

    Is pharmacologic treatment better than neural mobilization for cervicobrachial pain? A randomized clinical trial

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    [EN] This study aim was to compare the effectiveness of the median nerve neural mobilization (MNNM) and cervical lateral glide (CLG) intervention versus oral ibuprofen (OI) in subjects who suffer cervicobrachial pain (CP). Methods: This investigation was a, multicenter, blinded, randomized controlled clinical trial (NCT02595294; NCT02593721). A number of 105 individuals diagnosed with CP were enrolled in the study and treated in 2 different medical facilities from July to November 2015. Participants were recruited and randomly assigned into 3 groups of 35 subjects. Intervention groups received MNNM or CLG neurodynamic treatments, and the (active treatment) control group received an OI treatment for 6 weeks. Primary outcome was pain intensity reported through the Numeric Rating Scale for Pain (NRSP). Secondary outcomes were physical function involving the affected upper limb using the Quick DASH scale, and ipsilateral cervical rotation (ICR) using a cervical range of motion (CROM) device. Assessments were performed before and 1 hour after treatment for NRSP (baseline, 3 and 6 weeks) and CROM (baseline and 6 weeks), as well as only 1 assessment for Quick DASH (baseline and 6 weeks). Results: Repeated-measures ANOVA intergroup statistically significant differences were shown for CP intensity (F(2,72) = 22.343; P < .001; Eta2 = 0.383) and Quick DASH (F(2,72) = 15.338; P < .001; Eta2 = 0.299), although not for CROM (F(2,72) = 1.434; P = .245; Eta2 = 0.038). Indeed, Bonferroni’s correction showed statistically significant differences for CP intensity (P < .01; 95% CI = 0.22 - 3.26) and Quick DASH reduction (P < .01; 95% CI = 8.48 - 24.67) in favor of the OI treatment at all measurement moments after baseline. Conclusions: OI pharmacologic treatment may reduce pain intensity and disability with respect to neural mobilization (MNNM and CLG) in patients with CP during six weeks. Nevertheless, the non-existence of between-groups ROM differences and possible OI adverse effects should be consideredS

    Synthesis of Phenanthrene-based Polycycles by Gold (I)-Catalyzed Cyclization of Biphenyl Embedded Trienynes

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    Gold(I)-catalyzed cyclization of o-alkenyl-o?-alkynylbiaryls in the presence of external or internal nucleophiles provides a straightforward access to phenanthrene-based polycycles, which are of considerable interest in materials science. Thus, their reactions with alcohols yield functionalized dihydrophenanthrenes, in a process that can also be carried out intramolecularly, to provide phenanthrene-derived heteropolycyclic compounds. Moreover, benzo[b]triphenylenes can be synthesized from o-methoxyvinyl-o?-alkynylbiaryls, in a reaction in which an (hetero)aryl substituent at the triple bond acts as an internal nucleophile.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónInstituto de Salud Carlos II

    Thermal applications of biomass in hospitals

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of using renewable energy from biomass for the production of heat and cold in hospitals, examining the feasibility of establishing such facilities in Extremadura (Spain). In its development, has been taken into account the technical aspects related to the operation of this type of heating, including reliability and maintainability of them, assessing the problems generated by the introduction of renewable energy from biomass in publics buildings. It has been shown that high consumption of hot water and heating systems consume annually make the hospital a great place for the installation of thermal production systems based on biomass, because the necessary demand and its continued operation, promotes amortization. In addition, it was found that promoting the use of renewable energy through biomass, can help create and consolidate a native biomass market, emerging at the beginning of this project and in the consolidation phase at the present time, that eventually will get an economic improvement in rural areas, promoting its development