3,028 research outputs found

    Integral Field Spectroscopy of HH 262: The Spectral Atlas

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    HH 262 is a group of emitting knots displaying an "hour-glass" morphology in the Halpha and [SII] lines, located 3.5' to the northeast of the young stellar object L1551-IRS5, in Taurus. We present new results of the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 262 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy covering a field of 1.5'x3', which includes all the bright knots in HH 262. These data show complex kinematics and significant variations in physical conditions over the mapped region of HH 262 on a spatial scale of <3". A new result derived from the IFS data is the weakness of the [NII] emission (below detection limit in most of the mapped region of HH 262), including the brightest central knots. Our data reinforce the association of HH 262 with the redshifted lobe of the evolved molecular outflow L1551-IRS5. The interaction of this outflow with a younger one, powered by L1551 NE, around the position of HH 262 could give rise to the complex morphology and kinematics of HH 262.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Gender Differences in the Association between Physical Inactivity and Mental-Health Conditions in People with Vision or Hearing Impairment; 35328994

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    This study aimed to examine associations between physical inactivity and mental health in Spanish adults with vision or hearing difficulties and explored differences between men and women. Data from the Spanish National Health Survey in 2017 were analyzed (n = 23, 089 adults, 15–103 years, mean age 53.4 ± 18.9 years, 45.9% men). Physical inactivity (exposure) was evaluated with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form. Participants self-reported whether they had previously suffered from depression, chronic anxiety and other mental-health complications (outcomes). Associations between physical inactivity and mental-health complications were assessed with multivariable logistic regression in people with difficulty seeing and hearing, after grouping by gender and adjusting for age, body-mass index, education level, living as a couple, smoking and alcohol consumption. The overall multivariable logistic-regression analyses showed that women with vision impairment showed significant associations between physical inactivity and depression (OR 1.403, 95% CI 1.015–1.940) and other mental-health complications (OR 2.959, 95% CI 1.434–6.104). In the overall analyses, there were no significant associations in men and in people with hearing impairment. The age-stratified analyses showed that inactive people with visual impairment who were <65 years old had a higher risk of mental-health conditions. In conclusion, physical activity has been shown to be important in the prevention of mental-health complications. Healthcare practitioners and policy makers should look at appropriate strategies to increase levels of physical activity in people with vision loss, especially in women and in those <65 years old. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    The complex structure of HH 110 as revealed from Integral Field Spectroscopy

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    HH 110 is a rather peculiar Herbig-Haro object in Orion that originates due to the deflection of another jet (HH 270) by a dense molecular clump, instead of being directly ejected from a young stellar object. Here we present new results on the kinematics and physical conditions of HH 110 based on Integral Field Spectroscopy. The 3D spectral data cover the whole outflow extent (~4.5 arcmin, ~0.6 pc at a distance of 460 pc) in the spectral range 6500-7000 \AA. We built emission-line intensity maps of Hα\alpha, [NII] and [SII] and of their radial velocity channels. Furthermore, we analysed the spatial distribution of the excitation and electron density from [NII]/Hα\alpha, [SII]/Hα\alpha, and [SII] 6716/6731 integrated line-ratio maps, as well as their behaviour as a function of velocity, from line-ratio channel maps. Our results fully reproduce the morphology and kinematics obtained from previous imaging and long-slit data. In addition, the IFS data revealed, for the first time, the complex spatial distribution of the physical conditions (excitation and density) in the whole jet, and their behaviour as a function of the kinematics. The results here derived give further support to the more recent model simulations that involve deflection of a pulsed jet propagating in an inhomogeneous ambient medium. The IFS data give richer information than that provided by current model simulations or laboratory jet experiments. Hence, they could provide valuable clues to constrain the space parameters in future theoretical works.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures Accepted in MNRA

    Long-distance radiative corrections to the di-pion tau lepton decay

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    We evaluate the model-dependent piece of O(alpha) long-distance radiative corrections to tau^- \to \pi^- \pi^0\nu_{\tau} decays by using a meson dominance model. We find that these corrections to the di-pion invariant mass spectrum are smaller than in previous calculations based on chiral perturbation theory. The corresponding correction to the photon inclusive rate is tiny (-0.15%) but it can be of relevance when new measurements reach better precision.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. An estimate of the shift produced in the evaluation of the h.v.p. contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment is added. Version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Gauge invariance and finite width effects in radiative two-pion tau lepton decay

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    The contribution of the rho^{\pm} vector meson to the tau -> pi pi nu gamma decay is considered as a potential source for the determination of the magnetic dipole moment of this light vector meson. In order to keep gauge-invariance of the whole decay amplitude, a procedure similar to the fermion loop-scheme for charged gauge bosons is implemented to incorporate the finite width effects of the rho^{\pm} vector meson. The absorptive pieces of the one-loop corrections to the propagators and electromagnetic vertices of the rho^{\pm} meson and W^{\pm} gauge boson have identical forms in the limit of massless particles in the loops, suggesting this to be a universal feature of spin-one unstable particles. Model-dependent contributions to the tau -> pi pi nu gamma decay are suppressed by fixing the two-pion invariant mass distribution at the rho meson mass value. The resulting photon energy and angular distribution is relatively sensitive to the effects of the rho magnetic dipole moment.Comment: 22 pages, 4 postscript figures, references and comments on relevance of perturbative treatment of rho electromagnetic vertex are added, accepted for pub. in Phys. Rev.

    Determination of the Kobayashi-Maskawa-Cabibbo matrix element V_{us} under various flavor-symmetry-breaking models in hyperon semileptonic decays

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    We study the success to describe hyperon semileptonic decays of four models that incorporate second-order SU(3) symmetry breaking corrections. The criteria to assess their success is by determining V_{us} in each of the three relevant hyperon semileptonic decays and comparing the values obtained with one another and also with the one that comes from K_{l3} decays. A strong dependence on the particular symmetry breaking model is observed. Values of V_{us} which do not agree with the one of K_{l3} are generally obtained. However, in the context of chiral perturbation theory, only the model whose corrections are O(m_s) and O(m_s^{3/2}) is successful. Using its predictions for the f_1 form factors one can quote a value of V_{us} from this model, namely, V_{us}=0.2176\pm 0.0026, which is in excellent agreement with the K_{l3} one.Comment: Final versio

    Herschel Far-IR counterparts of SDSS galaxies: Analysis of commonly used Star Formation Rate estimates

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    We study a hundred of galaxies from the spectroscopic Sloan Digital Sky Survey with individual detections in the Far-Infrared Herschel PACS bands (100 or 160 μ\mum) and in the GALEX Far-UltraViolet band up to z\sim0.4 in the COSMOS and Lockman Hole fields. The galaxies are divided into 4 spectral and 4 morphological types. For the star forming and unclassifiable galaxies we calculate dust extinctions from the UV slope, the Hα\alpha/Hβ\beta ratio and the LIR/LUVL_{\rm IR}/L_{\rm UV} ratio. There is a tight correlation between the dust extinction and both LIRL_{\rm IR} and metallicity. We calculate SFRtotal_{total} and compare it with other SFR estimates (Hα\alpha, UV, SDSS) finding a very good agreement between them with smaller dispersions than typical SFR uncertainties. We study the effect of mass and metallicity, finding that it is only significant at high masses for SFRHα_{H\alpha}. For the AGN and composite galaxies we find a tight correlation between SFR and LIR_{IR} (σ\sigma\sim0.29), while the dispersion in the SFR - LUV_{UV} relation is larger (σ\sigma\sim0.57). The galaxies follow the prescriptions of the Fundamental Plane in the M-Z-SFR space.Comment: 24 pages, 23 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Molecular gas at supernova local environments unveiled by EDGE

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    CO observations allow estimations of the gas content of molecular clouds, which trace the reservoir of cold gas fuelling star formation, as well as to determine extinction via H2_2 column density, N(H2_2). Here, we studied millimetric and optical properties at 26 supernovae (SNe) locations of different types in a sample of 23 nearby galaxies by combining molecular 12^{12}C16^{16}O (J = 1 \rightarrow 0) resolved maps from the EDGE survey and optical Integral Field Spectroscopy from the CALIFA survey. We found an even clearer separation between type II and type Ibc SNe in terms of molecular gas than what we found in the optical using Hα\alpha emission as a proxy for current SF rate, which reinforces the fact that SNe Ibc are more associated with SF-environments. While AV_V at SN locations is similar for SNe II and SNe Ibc, and higher compared to SNe Ia, N(H2_2) is significantly higher for SNe Ibc than for SNe II and SNe Ia. When compared to alternative extinction estimations directly from SN photometry and spectroscopy, we find that our SNe Ibc have also redder color excess but showed standard Na I D absorption pseudo-equivalent widths (\sim1 \AA). In some cases we find no extinction when estimated from the environment, but high amounts of extinction when measured from SN observations, which suggests that circumstellar material or dust sublimation may be playing a role. This work serves as a benchmark for future studies combining last generation millimeter and optical IFS instruments to reveal the local environmental properties of extragalactic SNe.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 17 pages, 8 Figures, 4 Table

    Efectos de un programa de actividad física en la composición corporal de escolares de 3-5 años

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    Objectives: This paper focuses on studying the effects of a physical activity program on body composition of a group of school children. Method: This investigation involved 36 students (20 boys and 16 girls), aged between 3 and 5 years. The variables considered were: fat mass, fat-free mass, BMI (Body Mass Index), WHR (Waist to Hip Ratio). The body composition analysis was performed using bioelectrical impedance through the body fat monitor Tanita BC418-MA Segmental. The procedure was as follows: pre-test, intervention and post-test. The intervention consisted of 3 days perweek of high-intensity physical activity, 15 minutes per day, during 12 weeks. Results and Conclusions: Significant improvements in fat mass (Sig &lt;0.05). No significant improvements in fat-free mass, BMIand WHR.Objetivos: Este artículo se centra en estudiar los efectos de un programa de actividad física sobre la composición corporal de ungrupo de escolares. Método: Han participado 36 escolares (20 niños y 16 niñas), entre los 3 y los 5 años de edad. Las variables estudiadas han sido: masa grasa, masa libre de grasa, IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal), ICC (Índice Cintura/Cadera). El análisis de la composición corporal se ha realizado mediante bioimpedancia eléctrica, por medio del Monitor de grasa corporal Tanita BC 418-MA Segmental. El procedimiento ha sido: pre-test, intervención y pos-test. La intervención ha consistido en 3 días a la semana de actividad física de alta intensidad, 15 minutos al día, durante 12 semanas. Resultados y conclusiones: Mejoras significativas en la masa grasa (Sig. &lt; 0.05). No se han encontrado mejoras significativas en la masa libre de grasa, el IMC y el ICC

    Model-dependent radiative corrections to tau- -> pi- pi0 nu revisited

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    The long-distance electromagnetic radiative corrections to tau- -> pi- pi0 nu are re-evaluated. A meson dominance model is used to describe the emission of real photons in this decay. Results obtained for the hadronic spectrum and the decay rate in photon inclusive reactions are compared with previous calculations based on the chiral resonance theory. Independent tests in tau -> pi pi nu gamma that can help to validate the predictions of one of the two models are briefly discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, talk given by GLC at the 9th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Pisa (Italy), september 200