571 research outputs found

    Science and society: new connections in the digital world. A new scholar field to be researched

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    La relación entre ciencia y sociedad ha cambiado radicalmente en los últimos 30 años desde el denominado modelo de déficit cognitivo (centrado en la falta de cultura científica de los ciudadanos) hasta la participación del público en la ciencia. Una transformación impulsada por la irrupción de Internet que, no sólo ha favorecido un papel más activo de la sociedad en el desarrollo científico, sino que también ha generado un nuevo escenario de estudio centrado en el análisis de la democratización del proceso científico al amparo del universo digital y su impacto social y cultural. Aunque aún es incipiente, ya existe una corriente académica que ha puesto el foco de atención en este nuevo campo de investigación humanística. Estos autores apuntan, entre sus conclusiones, que el acceso abierto y la participación pública que posibilitan las herramientas de la Web 2.0 apoyan la socialización del proceso científico y contribuyen al desarrollo de una investigación e innovación responsable. En el presente trabajo se reivindica la importancia de desarrollar un marco teórico desde las ciencias sociales y humanidades digitales que permita analizar tanto el papel de Internet en el impulso de la RRI, como la calidad, efectividad y características de las interacciones digitales entre ciencia y sociedad.The relation between science and society has radically changed in the last 30 years from the deficit model — in which the general public is defined negatively due to its lack of knowledge — to the participative model. A transformation encouraged by the Internet irruption, which not only has improved a better role of society in scientific development but also it has created a new research field focused on the analysis of democratization of scientific process and its social and cultural impact. However, this research area is yet emerging, it just exists a strong academic framework aiming attention at this new field of humanistic research. These scholars indicate, among their conclusions, that open access and public engagement in science enhanced by web 2.0 tools promote the socialization of the scientific process and contribute to the consolidation of responsible research and innovation. The present article claims for the importance to develop a new framework from social sciences and digital humanities to study the Internet impact on the implementation of RRI and to analyze the quality, the effectivity and the characteristics of the digital connections between science and society

    The role of public universities and the primary digital national newspapers in the dissemination of Spanish science through the Internet and Web 2.0.

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    Over the past 10 years, enrolments in scientific degrees in Spain have dropped; at the same time, the level of scientific culture among Spanish digital natives is one of the lowest in Europe. This study has analyzed public Spanish universities’ use of the possibilities offered by Web 2.0 for disseminating research and reversing this situation. In addition, it has studied the scientific news in the Spanish context that appears in digital newspapers with the largest readerships in the country. The results obtained reveal the effort universities are making to publicize their scientific projects. Fully 72.90% have specific channels for science dissemination and 35.4% on Facebook. As for the digital periodicals, although all currently have sections dedicated to science and health, they produce few news stories about the results of Spanish research, which is only present in 35.4% of the information published

    Public communication of science in Spain: A history yet to be written

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    The history of public communication of science in Spain is yet to be written. Few academic studies exist that have tackled this subject. The political and economic history of the country have marked out the evolution of this discipline, which burst into the country at the end of the 20th century with the proliferation of initiatives such as the creation of science museums, the building of the Spanish Science Foundation and the development of a public Scientific Information service. Despite these efforts, the level of scientific culture for Spanish people is one of the lowest in Europe [OECD, 2016]

    Public engagement in science via Web 2.0 technologies. Evaluation criteria validated using the Delphi Method

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    The characteristics of interaction and dialogue implicit in the Web 2.0 have given rise to a new scenario in the relationship between science and society. The aim of this paper is the development of an evaluation tool scientifically validated by the Delphi method that permits the study of Internet usage and its effectiveness for encouraging public engagement in the scientific process. Thirty four indicators have been identified, structured into 6 interrelated criteria conceived for compiling data that help to explain the role of the Internet in favouring public engagement in science.HUM466 - Acceso y evaluación de la información científic

    Paleovegetación durante la Edad del Bronce en la Rioja alavesa: Análisis palinológico del yacimiento de Peña Parda ( Laguardia, Álava)

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    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio palinológico del yacimiento de Peña Parda (Laguardia, Álava). Los resultados obtenidos, en las 13 muestras estudiadas, han aportado interesantes datos sobre el paisaje vegetal existente en la vertiente sur de la Sierra de Cantabria durante la Edad del Bronce, así como sobre las evidencias de antropización

    Alteration mechanisms on the stones of the Cathedral of Granada (Spain)

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    Español: Se analizan los diversos mecanismos de alteración que actúan sobre los materiales pétreos usados en la Catedral de Granada. Se estudia con detalle la acción del agua, influencia antropogénica, oscilaciones térmicas, factores de incompatibilidad, movimientos sísmicos y factores de tipo biológico. Inglés: Alteration mechanisms on the stones of the Catedral of Granada, Spai

    Tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitor treatment for sarcoidosis

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    Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disease of unknown etiology, characterized by noncaseating granulomatous infiltration of virtually any organ system. Treatment is often undertaken in an attempt to resolve symptoms or prevent progression to organ failure. Previous studies have suggested a prominent role for tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in the inflammatory process seen in sarcoidosis. TNF-α and interleukin-1 are released by alveolar macrophages in patients with active lung disease. Corticosteroids have proved to be efficacious in the treatment of sarcoidosis, possibly by suppressing the production of TNF-α and other cytokines. Three agents are currently available as specific TNF antagonists: etanercept, infliximab, and adalimumab. Although data from noncomparative trials suggest that all three have comparable therapeutic effects in rheumatoid arthritis, their effects in a granulomatous disease such as sarcoidosis are less consistent. In this review, current data on the effectiveness are summarized

    Economic analysis of the Spanish port sector reform during the 1990s

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    In the matter of port legislation, the nineties was a period of maximum interest in Spain. Two laws enacted in 1992 and 1997, respectively, aimed at increasing the autonomy of individual ports in the management and organization of its activities. Before 1992 two different models of management coexisted in the Spanish port system: autonomous decisionmaking ports and ports controlled in its decision-making by the Central Government. The question we address in this paper is how these legislative changes have affected the evolution of the levels of traffic of the Spanish port system from 1992, date of introduction of the first law, to 2003, date of approval of a third legislative change that remains out of this analysis for lack of sufficient data. We find an important impact of legislative changes on port traffic by way of an estimated econometric model over the 1966–2003 period. We control for the effect of other variables that might have influenced Spanish maritime traffic such as international maritime flows, taken as a proxy of globalization, or gross domestic product, under the hypothesis that maritime transport is a demand derived of economic activity. We provide evidence supporting that greater port autonomy had beneficial effects for the Spanish port system as a whol

    Análisis del impacto de las leyes de 1992 y 1997 sobre el sistema portuario español

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    Over the nineties, several changes on Port legislation where implemented in Spain. The legislation was aimed at providing port authorities with greater autonomy in some areas. In this paper we analyze the impact of the reforms on merchandise trading. We try to ascertain the impact of the reforms on total merchandise trade series for Spain, by making use of unobserved components models and transfer function models.Port legislation; time series analysis; structural change; merchandise trade

    Análisis del impuesto a las transacciones financieras en América Latina

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    The article aims to analyze implementation of the financial transaction tax in Latin America, which has become fashionable in recent years because it generates increased revenue for public finance in times of crisis. One purpose of this tax is to combat the informal economy and increase tax revenues through information obtained from the financial system. The research is supported by authors such as Gonzalez (2009), Leon (2006), Serra and Alfonso (2007) and Shome (2000), among others. Methodology is of the qualitative, documentary type, which permitted studying laws, regulations and referenced documents to analyze implementation of this tax in various Latin American countries. This study considers the informal sector in which part of a country’s economy is made ??up of individuals who work for themselves and establish themselves as micro and small businesses that are not fully integrated into the institutional framework governing economic activities in each country. Although the intention of implementing this tax was transitory in different countries, governments have turned it into something permanent, handling different rates. The results have favored revenue, and consequently, a re-structuring has been reflected in public finances. Therefore, informality is a subject that should be included in government programs aimed at reducing this sector.El artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la aplicación del Impuesto a las Transacciones Financieras en América Latina, ya que en los últimos años se ha puesto de moda, debido a que permite generar un incremento en los ingresos de las finanzas públicas en épocas de crisis; uno de los propósitos de este impuesto es combatir la economía del sector informal e incrementar la recaudación fiscal a través de la información que se obtiene del sistema financiero; sustentándose en autores como González (2009), León (2006), Serra y Alfonso (2007), Shome (2000) entre otros. La metodología utilizada es cualitativa de tipo documental, lo que permitió estudiar leyes, reglamentos y documentos referenciados para analizar la implementación de este impuesto en diversos países de América Latina. En este estudio se considera al sector informal en el que parte de la economía de un país se encuentra constituida por individuos que trabajan por cuenta propia y se establecen como micros y pequeñas empresas que no están integradas plenamente en el marco institucional que regula las actividades económicas de cada país. Aún cuando la intencionalidad de implementar ese impuesto, ha sido de manera transitoria en los diferentes países, los gobiernos lo han convertido en permanente, manejando distintas tasas y el resultado obtenido a favorecido la recaudación y como consecuencia se ha reflejado un saneamiento en las finanzas públicas. Por lo tanto; la informalidad es una tarea que debe incluirse en los programas de gobierno encaminados a reducir este sector