102 research outputs found

    Asociación de los niveles de hierro y hepcidina con estrés oxidativo y alteraciones metabólicas en mujeres embarazadas.

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    Documento de tesis de la Maestría en Ciencias QuímicasEntre el 2% y 5% de los embarazos, han sido asociados con alteraciones metabólicas, entre las que se encuentran hipertensión y diabetes gestacional; el 40.1% corresponde a embarazos con déficits nutrimentales asociados a anemia, de estos, el 50% de casos obedecen a carencia de hierro, por lo que la Organización Mundial de la Salud propuso 30 mg de hierro/día como dosis profiláctica durante el embarazo tomando en cuenta que esta cantidad sería lo recomendable para no desarrollar anemia y 60 mg en lugares donde la anemia en mujeres embarazadas es un problema de salud pública. La implicación de hierro en diversas patologías ha avanzado considerablemente desde el descubrimiento de la hepcidina, principal hormona reguladora de la absorción de hierro. El objetivo de éste trabajo fue determinar la relación entre niveles de hierro, producción de hepcidina y estrés oxidativo durante segundo y tercer trimestre de embarazo en mujeres con prescripción profiláctica de hierro para así determinar su injerencia como posible causa de alteraciones metabólicas, conformando dos grupos: mujeres con embarazo evolutivo normal (MEEN) y mujeres con embarazo de riesgo (MER), atendidas en el Hospital Perinatal Materno "Mónica Pretelini Sáenz", cuantificando la actividad de las enzimas antioxidantes SOD, CAT y GPx, así como los niveles de LPOx, perfil de hierro y cuantificación de hepcidina. Los datos sociodemográficos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva. Las medias de los biomarcadores en estudio se compararon mediante la prueba según su normalidad de Kolmógorov Smirnov y U de Mann Whitney, para analizar la correlación entre biomarcadores, se realizó una correlación de Spearman para determinar la asociación del perfil de hierro, hepcidina, estrés oxidativo y química sanguínea (glucosa, colesterol y triglicéridos). Encontramos diferencias significativas en los niveles de hepcidina entre MEEN y MER en el segundo trimestre (3.6 ± 4.2 vs 4,69 ± 3.23 p = 0.005) y el tercer trimestre (3.65 ± 3.44 frente a 6.84 ± 5.14 p = 0.02). La actividad de SOD y GPx aumentó significativamente entre el segundo y el tercer trimestre en ambos grupos. La concentración sérica de hierro tuvo una relación negativa con CAT (-0.599; p = 0.04) y una relación positiva con GPx (0.729; p = 0.007). Concluimos que el aumento de los niveles séricos de hierro podría inducir daño oxidativo y ser una de las causas probables de cambios metabólicos en el embarazo. El aumento de hepcidina es un biomarcador útil para determinar la disponibilidad de hierro en el embarazo y su asociación con sistemas antioxidantes.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México Hospital Materno Perinatal Mónica Pretelini Sáen

    Health and social correlates of dementia in oldest-old Mexican-origin populations

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    Introduction: Substantial gaps in research remain across oldest-old ethnic populations while the burden of dementia increases exponentially with age among Mexican and Mexican American older adults. Methods: Prevalence and correlates of dementia among individuals ≥82 years of age were examined using two population-based cohort studies: The Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS, n = 1078, 2012) and the Hispanic Established Populations for the Epidemiologic Study of the Elderly (HEPESE, n = 735, 2012-2013). The analytic MHAS and HEPESE samples had an average age of 86.4 and 88.0 years, 1.2 and 1.8 women to men, and 2.7 and 5.1 average years of education, respectively. Results: We identified 316 (29.2%) and 267 (36.3%) cases of likely dementia in the MHAS and HEPESE cohorts, respectively. For Mexicans but not Mexican Americans, age-adjusted prevalence rates of likely dementia were higher in women than men. For both populations prevalence rates increased with age and decreased with education for Mexican Americans but not for Mexicans. In both populations, odds of likely dementia increased with age. Health insurance for the low-income was significantly associated with higher odds of likely dementia for Mexican American men and women and Mexican women but not men. Living in extended households increased the odds of likely dementia in women, but not in men for both studies. Multiple cardiovascular conditions increased the odds of likely dementia for Mexicans but not for Mexican Americans. Discussion: Our study provides evidence of the high burden of dementia among oldest-old Mexicans and Mexican Americans and its association with health and social vulnerabilities

    Iron profile and hepcidin associated with oxidative stress and metabolic disturbances in pregnancy

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    Background: A common problem during pregnancy is anemia and to reduce its prevalence the WHO and national guidelines recommend a prescription of 30 to 60 mg of iron/day. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of iron profile, hepcidin and oxidative stress in pregnant women prescribed with iron as a probable cause of metabolic disorders. Method: In this cohort study two groups were followed: A) women with low-risk pregnancy (WLRP), B) women with high-risk pregnancy (WHRP): women with metabolic disorders (dyslipidemias, GDM and high blood pressure). Oxidative stress enzymes, iron profile and hepcidin were measured in the second and third trimesters. Results: There were significant differences in hepcidin levels between WLRP and WHRP in 2nd (3.6 ± 4.2 vs 4.69 ± 3.23 P=0.005) and 3rd trimester (3.65 ± 3.44 vs 6.84 ± 5.14 P=0.02). The serum iron concentration had a negative relationship with catalase (-0.599; P=0.04) and a positive relationship with glutathione peroxidase (0.729; P=0.007). Conclusion: The iron serum levels increase could induce oxidative damage in pregnancy. Increased hepcidin is a useful biomarker for determining iron availability in pregnancy and its association with antioxidant systems

    Living Arrangements and Dementia Among the Oldest Old: A Comparison of Mexicans and Mexican Americans

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    Background and Objectives The growing population of adults surviving past age 85 in the United States and Mexico raises questions about the living arrangements of the oldest old and those living with dementia. This study compares Mexican and Mexican American individuals aged 85 and older to identify associations with cognitive status and living arrangements in Mexico and the United States. Research Design and Methods This study includes 419 Mexican Americans in 5 southwestern states (Hispanic Established Population for the Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly) and 687 Mexicans from a nationally representative sample (Mexican Health and Aging Study). It examines characteristics associated with living alone using logistic regression and describes the living arrangements of older adults with probable dementia in each country. Results Older adults with dementia were significantly less likely to live alone than with others in the United States while there were no relationships between dementia and living arrangements in Mexico. However, a substantial proportion of older adults with dementia lived alone in both nations: 22% in the United States and 21% in Mexico. Among Mexican Americans with dementia, those living alone were more likely to be women, childless, reside in assisted living facilities, and less likely to own their homes. Similarly, Mexican individuals with dementia who lived alone were also less likely to be homeowners than those living with others. Discussion and Implications Contextual differences in living arrangements and housing between the United States and Mexico pose different challenges for aging populations with a high prevalence of dementia

    PP3 - Perfil dos pacientes com necessidades especiais submetidos a tratamento odontológico sob anestesia geral no HU/USP-SP.

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com necessidades especiais (PNE) englobam pacientes com doenças sistêmicas crônicas, infecto-contagiosas e desordens neurológicas. Uma pequena parcela destes pacientes não permitem o tratamento odontológico ambulatorial convencional, sendo necessária a intervenção odontológica sob anestesia geral

    Environmental differences are correlated with the distribution pattern of cytotypes in Veronica subsection Pentasepalae at a broad scale

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    [EN] Background and Aims: The distribution of cytotypes and its potential correlation with environmental variables represent a cornerstone to understanding the origin and maintenance of polyploid lineages. Although many studies have addressed this question in single species at a regional scale, only a few have attempted to decipher this enigma in groups of closely related species at a broad intercontinental geographical scale. Here, we consider approx. 20 species of a diploid–polyploid complex (Veronica subsect. Pentasepalae) of recent and rapid diversification represented in Europe and North Africa to study the frequency and distribution of cytotypes and their relationship to environmental variables. Methods: A total of 680 individuals (207 populations) were sampled. Ploidy levels were determined using flow cytometry. Ecological differentiation among cytotypes was tested using climatic and environmental variables related to temperature, precipitation, vegetation and biogeographical region, among others, and by performing univariate and multivariate (constrained principal coordinates analysis) analyses. Key Results: Four ploidy levels (2x, 4x, 6x and 8x) were found and genome downsizing was observed to occur within the group. Plants of different ploidy level are ecologically differentiated, with hexaploids and octoploids occurring in wetter and colder habitats with a higher seasonality than diploids. A south to north distribution pattern was found, with diploids occupying southern refugial areas and octoploids being more frequent in northern regions of Europe above the permafrost boundary. Conclusions: The distribution of cytotypes can be explained by ecological differentiation, the geographical position of refuge areas during the Quaternary climatic oscillations as well as by ice and permafrost retreat patterns. The Balkan Peninsula constitutes the most important contact zone between cytotypes. This work provides the first comprehensive ploidy screening within V. subsect. Pentasepalae at a broad scale and indicates that polyploidy and genome downsizing might have contributed to the colonization of new habitats in a recently diverged polyploid complex.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad [projects CGL2009-07555 and CGL2012-32574]; the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [PhD grants AP2008-03434 to B.R.A. and AP2010-2968 to N.L.G.]; and the University of Salamanca [PhD grant to N.P.G. co-financed by Banco Santander]

    Active inclusion of people living with dementia in planning for dementia care and services in low- and middle-income countries

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    Involving people living with dementia in service design and planning has become more common in high-income countries. It remains rare in low- and middle-income countries where two-thirds of the world’s people with dementia live. In this commentary article, we explore the barriers to inclusion of people living with dementia in planning in low- and middle-income countries and make a case for the inclusion of people living with dementia in care and service planning. We suggest how this can be done at individual, community or national and state level using the following principles: 1) respecting the rights of people living with dementia to self-determination; 2) valuing people living with dementia’s unique understanding of dementia; 3) creating a culture of active inclusion which creates a space for people living with dementia to participate and 4) ensuring appropriate accommodations are in place to maximise participation

    Ambiente educativo y perfil lingüístico como bases importantes para la educación inicial del niño

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    Objective: to determine the educational environment and the linguistic profile of children during the period of initial education in the Centers for Child Development Institutional Modality in Turbaco and Arjona.Method: quantitative, observational and descriptive study; As instruments for data collection, the ECERS-R Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale was used, consisting of 7 areas or dimensions, and the BATELLE development inventory was used to assess the linguistic profile.Results: the sample consisted of 211 children, the most frequent ages in the population were those between 49 and 59 months with 53%, the age of 36 to 48 months with 44% and 3% ages between 60 at 71 months; (M = 50; DT = 7.5). A good educational environment was evidenced that allows children to reach a linguistic profile according to age; It was observed that 38% of these achieved a medium level and 20% of the children were at a low level. Conclusions: initial education is an opportunity that must be provided to all children, allowing them to acquire new knowledge, the Child Development Centers are responsible for this initial education is achieved successfully, these have fun places where the child You can run, play, ask and interact with others, developing skills and abilities for when you begin your school stage.Objetivo: determinar el ambiente educativo y el perfil lingüístico de los niños durante el periodo de educación inicial en los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Modalidad Institucional en Turbaco y Arjona.Método: estudio cuantitativo, observacional y descriptivo; como instrumentos para la recolección de los datos se utilizó la Escala de Calificación del Ambiente de la Infancia Temprana ECERS-R, compuesta por 7 áreas o dimensiones y para la evaluación del perfil lingüístico se utilizó el inventario de desarrollo BATELLE.Resultados: la muestra estuvo conformada por 211 niños, las edades más frecuentes en la población fueron las comprendidas entre los 49 a 59 meses con un 53%, la edad de 36 a 48 meses con un 44% y un 3% las edades entre 60 a 71 meses; (M=50; DT=7,5). Se evidencio un ambiente educativo bueno que permite que los niños alcancen un perfil lingüístico acorde a la edad; se observó que un 38% de estos, logro un nivel medio y un 20% de los niños estuvo en un nivel bajo. Conclusiones: la educación inicial es una oportunidad que se les debe brindar a todos los niños y niñas, permitiendo adquirir nuevos conocimientos, los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil son los encargados de que esta educación inicial se logre con éxito, estos tienen lugares lúdicos donde el niño puede correr, tocar, preguntar e interactuar con otros, desarrollando habilidades y destrezas para cuando inicien su etapa escolar

    ECO D2.5 Learning analytics requirements and metrics report

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    In MOOCs, learning analytics have to be addressed to the various types of learners that participate. This deliverable describes indicators that enable both teachers and learner to monitor the progress and performance as well as identify whether there are learners at risk of dropping out. How these indicators should be computed and displayed to end users by means of dashboards is also explained. Furthermore a proposal based on xAPI statements for storing relevant data and events is provided.Part of the work carried out has been funded with support from the European Commission, under the ICT Policy Support Programme, as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) in the ECO project under grant agreement n° 21127